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Yeast Infection Yellow Discharge No Odor

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Is Vaginitis An Std


Vaginitis isnt an STD or STI, but some sexually transmitted diseases can cause vaginitis. Trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes and HPV are all transmitted through sexual contact. And all of them can lead to vaginal inflammation and pain associated with vaginitis. But sex isnt the only way you can get vaginitis. Bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, non-infectious vaginitis and atrophic vaginitis are all types of vaginitis that arent considered STIs.

How Do I Get Rid Of Yellow Discharge

If your yellow discharge is light or pale yellow in color, it is most likely normal and you do not need to do anything to fix or get rid of it.

However, if your yellow discharge is also accompanied by pain or a foul-smelling odor, seek advice from your doctor immediately so that they can determine its cause and suggest methods for treatment.

What Doctors Look For When They Suspect A Yeast Infection

At your doctor’s office, your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and your overall medical history, including past vaginal infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

You doctor will then conduct a gynecological exam to check for redness, swelling, discharge, and odor.

Your doctor will also examine your cervix for swelling and redness, and your vaginal walls for dry, white spots.

To get a concrete diagnosis, your doctor will likely take a sample of your vaginal secretions and examine it under a microscope.

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What Is Normal Discharge Like

Vaginal discharge can change consistency throughout the menstrual cycle. Typically, healthy vaginal discharge is clear or white.

Close to your period, discharge may have a pink or reddish hue. Normal discharge that appears in your underwear and is exposed to air can also turn yellow, which isnt necessarily cause for concern.

Darker yellow or greenish vaginal discharge, on the other hand, is more likely a sign of an infection that should be addressed by a medical provider.

When Will You Get Yellow Vaginal Discharge

Picture Of Yeast Infection Discharge

Yellow vaginal discharge can be considered normal when the menstrual blood gets mixed with the normal vaginal discharge before or after the period or when the normal vaginal discharge turns yellow as it gets exposed to air. But it is considered to be abnormal when it is accompanied by a foul smell, itchiness, irritation, pelvic pain, or pain while urinating, which can be a sign of infection or hormonal imbalance.

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Common Causes Of Yellow Discharge

  • Bacterial vaginosis:One of the most common causes of yellow vaginal discharge is an infection called bacterial vaginosis , which is thought to be caused by a disruption of vaginal flora. BV usually causes excessive, fishy-smelling discharge and rarely itching. If left untreated when pregnant, it can result in pregnancy complications.
  • Trichomoniasis:Long for trich, trichomoniasis is an STI that spreads by unprotected sex with an infected person. It commonly causes greenish-yellow discharge that smells musty and appears frothy. Trichomoniasis can also cause pregnancy complications if untreated in pregnancy.
  • Gonorrhea:Another sexually transmitted infection, gonorrhea can cause yellow or greenish discharge. People with gonorrhea typically experience increased discharge, painful urination, vaginal bleeding between periods, and pelvic or abdominal pain. Gonorrhea discharge may smell foul.
  • Chlamydia:This STI can also result in smelly, yellow discharge accompanied by painful urination, painful sex, and bleeding between periods.

Causes Of Vaginal Discharge

A single-celled organism known as a protozoan is responsible for this infection Trichomoniasis. It spread through sexual contact and even by common towels and bathing suits. It causes a green or yellow discharge with a foul odor. Itching, inflammation, and pain are also common symptoms.

  • Bacterial vaginosis

This infection increases vaginal discharge and has a strong fishy and foul odor. Women with multiple sexual partners and those who receive oral sex are at risk for it.

  • Yeast infection, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea

A yeast infection causes a cheese-like discharge along with itching and burning. Diabetes, stress, pregnancy, birth control pills, and antibiotics can cause this. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are STIs and can cause a green, yellow, or cloudy discharge.

The HPV infection happens because of sexual contact and can cause cervical cancer. Cancer produces a brown, bloody, or watery discharge with a bad odor. Pap smears and testing can screen this.

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

PID infection is also spread through sexual contact and produces a foul-smelling and heavy discharge.

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What Are The Home Remedies To Treat Yellow Vaginal Discharge

  • It is essential to have proper feminine health to get rid of yellow vaginal discharge.

  • Taking buttermilk and yogurt in your daily diet will also help fight against yeast infection when it is the reason for vaginal discharge.

  • Wear loose clothes so that it is not so tight in the crotch area.

  • Try to wear cotton underwear.

Normal Case Of Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal Discharge Colors | Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast Infections, Thrush, STI | Is Discharge Normal?

It is perfectly normal for every woman to have a clear or thin white vaginal discharge which is more or less constant.

The body protects the vaginal tissues by producing this light mucus from glands in the cervix and in the vaginal walls. This keeps the tissues lubricated so that they do not dry out and become irritated, and keeps the tissues slightly acidic because that helps to kill off any harmful germs.

Vaginal discharge may change at different stages of life. During pregnancy, it becomes white and milky in appearance.

During and after menopause, the discharge lessens due to the drop in estrogen levels. If the dryness causes irritation or difficulty with sexual activity, a gynecologist can recommend an appropriate remedy.

Normal vaginal discharge never causes itching or has a foul smell, and is never any color other than clear or white.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: vaginal discharge, mild vaginal discharge, white/gray vaginal discharge, clear vaginal discharge, severe vaginal discharge

Symptoms that always occur with normal case of vaginal discharge: vaginal discharge

Symptoms that never occur with normal case of vaginal discharge: vaginal itch or burning, painful urination, severe vaginal discharge, vaginal pain, abdominal pain , bleeding after sex, missed period, vulvovaginal odor

Urgency: Wait and watch

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How Does The Doctor Diagnose Abnormal Discharge

The doctor will start by taking a health history and asking about your symptoms. Questions may include:

  • When did the abnormal discharge begin?
  • What color is the discharge?
  • Is there any smell?
  • Do you have any itching, pain, or burning in or around the vagina?
  • Do you have more than one sexual partner?

The doctor may take a sample of the discharge or do a Pap test to collect cells from your cervix for further examination.

Do Yeast Infections Smell

One of the main characteristic of a vaginal yeast infection is the lack of odor or yeast infection smell. This may be a key difference between a vaginal yeast infection to other vaginal infections such as a bacterial infection.

On the other hand, lack of odor or presence of odor is not enough to confirm or rule out a vaginal yeast infection. Here is a quick summary of the main characteristics of a vaginal yeast infection:

  • Milky white discharge or very light yellow discharge.
  • Discharge is usually thick, chunky, looks like cottage cheese.
  • Usually no smell or odor. In some cases there may be very yeast infection odor. Fishy or offensive odor is not a typical sign of a vaginal yeast infection.

Other common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection may include:

  • Swelling and burning around the vulva.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

If you have a fishy smell or fishy odor, you may have a bacterial infection. See yeast infection vs bv to learn more.

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Yellow Vaginal Discharge: Causes Treatments And Concerns

Its normal for women to experience vaginal discharge, or fluid secretions from the glands of the cervix. And though vaginal discharge often changes throughout a persons menstrual cycle, some changes may indicate a health problem.

For example, yellow malodorous vaginal discharge can be a sign of a bacterial infection or a sexually transmitted infection . If youre concerned about your vaginal discharge, contact your healthcare provider.

In the meantime, read on to learn about yellow vaginal discharge. Ill start with the causes and explain what normal vaginal discharge is like. Then Ill share how to prevent yellow discharge and when to see a doctor.

Treatment Of Vaginal Discharge

Why is my discharge like this?? Is this possibly a yeast infection? It ...

Vaginal discharges, if unhealthy, can be treated in the following ways:

Medication that can be taken over the counter or prescription medicines help in managing abnormal vaginal discharge. For bacterial vaginosis, women can try tinidazole, metronidazole, or clindamycin cream. They are also good for trichomonas infections. Chlamydia can be treated with oral azithromycins, such as Zmax or Zithromax and doxycycline such as Oracea, Atridox, Vibramycin, etc.

Gonorrhea used to be treated with penicillin, but with newer resistant strains, they are difficult to treat. Try oral cefixime or inject ceftriaxone. Topical creams can treat yeast infections like miconazole, butoconazole, or clotrimazole. Some medication is also available in the form of vaginal tablets and oral options.

  • Healthy Hygiene

Vaginal discharges are quite common in women who use panty liners, douches Hygiene rinses, sprays or powders, scented bath products, or tight clothing. To avoid vaginal discharge, women must try to use unscented bath products of the genital area. Avoid hot water baths, douching, or scented wipes or toilet par. Wear cotton underwear to ensure there is proper air circulation.

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What Is Yellow Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is a mix of vaginal secretions and cervical fluid that varies in colour and texture as your estrogen levels rise and fall throughout your menstrual cycle. Yellow discharge can be caused by a number of conditions, some completely normal, others that require medical attention.

Yellowish discharge is often caused by menstrual blood mixing with normal discharge before or after your period, but it can also be a sign of a hormonal imbalance or an infection.

The presence of yellow discharge on its own isnt an immediate cause for alarm. Its the symptoms that accompany it that are the best indication of whether it is a cause for concern or not.

The questions that women should ask themselves when yellow discharge appears include:

  • Is there itching or burning associated with it?
  • Does it carry an unpleasant odor?
  • Do you experience pain in your abdomen?
  • Have you made drastic changes in your diet?
  • Are you taking new prescription medications?
  • Have you taken a smear test recently?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Have you had unprotected sex recently?
  • Has the discharge lasted for a prolonged period?

Your doctor can let you know if your yellow discharge is completely normal, or if theres a bigger issue that needs treatment.

But if you are worried that the discharge may be a result of current or recent sexual activity, a sexual health test can help identify potential sexually transmitted infections.

Top Things To Know About Vaginal Discharge:

  • Vaginal discharge is common, and will vary throughout your menstrual cycle

  • Vaginal discharge is one way of telling what phase of your menstrual cycle youâre in

  • Unusual or atypical vaginal discharge differs in color, consistency, smell or quantity compared to your usual discharge

  • Unusual vaginal discharge may be a symptom of a bacterial imbalance, an infection or an STI, or in rare cases, cervical cancer

Your has a dynamic and finely tuned ecosystem. It includes a specific balance of bacteria, pH, and moisture. This balance is sensitive to changes, from within and outside your body, and it doesnât always take much to throw it âoff.â

Itâs common to notice different types of vaginal fluid throughout your menstrual cycleâit changes cyclically along with your hormones in appearance, consistency, and volume.

Vaginal fluid also changes when youâre aroused, and during and after pregnancy. But significant or sudden changes in the smell, color or consistency of your fluid might mean something else is going on, like an infection that needs treatment.

Tracking âatypicalâ vaginal fluid in Clue provides a record of symptoms to give to your healthcare provider, including when the changes began, and which other factors may be related .

Itâs important to familiarize yourself with your own, unique âtypicalâ vaginal dischargeâin terms of smell, color, and changes throughout the cycle.

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Do You Have Have Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge Know These 4 Signs

The appearance of a vaginal yeast infection discharge is usually a thick chunky milky white discharge. This is usually the classic sign that most women with a vaginal yeast infection discharge notice. There are 4 main characteristics that typically indicate you may have a vaginal yeast infection discharge:

  • COLOR:milky white discharge or very light yellow discharge.
  • LOOK:thick, chunky, looks like cottage cheese.
  • SMELL: usually no smell or odor. In some cases mild yeast bread like odor.
  • FEEL: intense itching, irritation, swelling and burning around the vulva. Pain during sexual intercourse or during urination.

One of the most common causes of a vaginal yeast infection discharge is a systemic candida overgrowth problem in your body, where the vaginal infection is one of the symptoms. Identifying this common condition is essential for a complete yeast infection cure as well as preventing the infection from growing and spreading further. This is exactly what well cover next how to determine if your vaginal yeast infection discharge is caused by candida overgrowth.

Is Your Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge Caused by Candida Overgrowth?

VAGINAL YEAST INFECTION SELF TEST The Vaginal Yeast Infection Self Test is specifically designed to help you test your symptoms and evaluate whether they might be connected to a systemic candida overgrowth. This test also includes the proper needed treatment.Start the Test

Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge Treatment Options


What Is Normal Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal Discharge Colours | Is My Discharge Normal:Thrush, Bacterial Vaginosis, STI, Yeast Infection

Vaginal fluids can be different when you are aroused and also during and after pregnancy. Tracking your vaginal fluids can help the doctor record your bodily changes and diagnose if there is any problem.

  • Color & consistency

The discharge varies according to the cervical fluid of the body. At the start of the menstrual cycle, the discharge is very sticky or very dry, or there may not be any discharge at all. In the mid or late follicular phase, it becomes whitish and creamy. But just before ovulation, it can become wet, stretchy, and transparent, having an egg-like consistency. After ovulation, it goes back to very sticky or very dry. It can look yellowish or white as it dries on the underwear.

A normal discharge is usually odorless. Sometimes it can have a smell, but it isnt unpleasant. It is very mild. If it mixes with urine or blood on the underwear during the period, then the smell changes. Owen must know what their normal discharge smells like, so they know when it changes.

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Tests That Help Determine Yeast Infection Presence

The two most common tests for a yeast infection are the vaginal wet mount and the KOH test.

For the vaginal wet mount, your doctor or a lab technician will mix a sample of your vaginal discharge with a salt solution, put it onto a glass slide, and look at it under a microscope.

If there are an abnormally large number of Candida microbes and white blood cells , you have a yeast infection.

The wet mount can also help rule out other infections, including bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis.

Instead of using a salt solution, the KOH test uses potassium hydroxide.

If, after diagnosis, your infection doesn’t get better with treatment or comes back several more times within a year , your doctor may order a culture test of your yeast.

A culture test will help determine if a Candida species other than C. albicans is causing your chronic infection some yeast species are resistant to the drugs used to treat a C. albicans infection.

Yellow Discharge No Std Or Yeast Or Bv

Question posted by kiyanna123 on 21 Jan 2016


KIYANNA123 Great you have been seeing the doctor it could be from the UTI keep drinking plenty of water and finish the medication then see the doctor again to make sure it is all gone you have tested negative for all else but after the antibiotics sometimes woman get yeast infections also and it could be it has not gotten that bad yet Also, I don’t know which one antibiotic you’re on but remember some decrease birth control so use a backup if you do have sex.Then make sure with all yu have been through you get rechecked it your still having problems other than that you should not have a lot to worry about.But it’s been this long so it would be worth it to be rechecked when you get done with the antibiotic and more so if you are still having symptoms.


Okay thank you. I been checked like 4 times. Two by plan parenthood, er and a doctor in a walk in clinic. I just want my body to be back normal this is so scary.


I am having the same symptoms. Did it ever go away and did a doctor tell you why your discharge was yellow?


It is important to note that vaginal discharge is not completely white. And the color of the toilet roll you use can also make your discharge appear yellow.

Miss Lia

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What Causes Atypical Vaginal Discharge

Atypical discharge can happen when the vaginaâs microbial community gets out of balance. This means there is a decrease in the amount of âgoodâ microbes and an increase in âbadâ microbes . Such imbalances can lead to conditions like bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections .

  • Generally having less vaginal Lactobacillus bacteria

  • Possibly smoking and diet

Atypical discharge can also be caused by sexually transmitted infections . The most common curable STI is trichomonas vaginalis, a parasite. Other common ones include chlamydia and gonorrhea. Keep in mind these STIs are often asymptomatic , which is why regular STI testing is so important.

Rarely, atypical discharge can be a sign of something more serious, like cervical cancer. Be sure to get your Pap tests at the recommended intervals. The CDC recommends testing every 3 years from ages 21â65 if your results are regular, or up to every 5 years if you are tested for HPV along with the Pap.

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