Thursday, July 25, 2024

Chances Of Getting Hiv After Sleeping With An Infected Person

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What Are Prep And Pep

10 Facts You Have to Know About HIV/AIDS

PrEP and PEP are medicines to prevent HIV. Each type is used in a different situation:

  • PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is for people who dont already have HIV but are at very high risk of getting it. PrEP is daily medicine that can reduce this risk. With PrEP, if you do get exposed to HIV, the medicine can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout your body.
  • PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis. PEP is for people who have possibly been exposed to HIV. It is only for emergency situations. PEP must be started within 72 hours after a possible exposure to HIV.

Sharing Food Drink Or Utensils

Speaking of mouths: Everything I just mentioned when explaining why kissing is not an HIV-transmission risk also applies to eating and drinking. That includes every type of normal food- or drink-sharing scenario you can think of, including splitting a plate of nachos, drinking from the same water bottle, and using the same fork when sharing a piece of cake.

The only documented cases of HIV transmission through food are extremely specific: They involve food that a person with HIV pre-chewed and then fed to an infant.

Needless to say, this is an extraordinarily rare eventonly a few cases have ever been recordedand they most likely involved blood entering the food due to the adult having poor oral hygiene.

So unless youre making like a mama bird and its chick, you can enjoy a meal or a drink with a person whos living with HIV and have zero concern that youre putting yourself at risk.

Can Analingus Result In Hiv Transmission

For this answer, we turn back to Bob Frascino, M.D.:

“Although there have been no documented cases of acquiring HIV from rimming or being rimmed, there are a number of other significant STIs that can easily be transmitted through rimming, including hepatitis A, herpes, and intestinal parasites. You can decrease the risk by using a dental dam barrier .

“As for whether to rim or not, only you can decide what level of risk you are willing to take. At least now you have the facts.”

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I Think I’ve Been Exposed To Hiv Can I Still Prevent Hiv Infection

There may be times when you have a high-risk exposure to HIV and you cannot or did not protect yourself. For example:

  • The condom slipped or broke during use.
  • Your partner has HIV and you usually use condoms, but didn’t the last time you had sex.
  • Rape or a sexual assault.
  • You shared a needle to shoot drugs with someone and you are not sure if he or she has HIV.
  • You know that the person with whom you shared needles or had unprotected sex has HIV.
  • Go to a hospital emergency room or health care setting right away so that you can get all of the care you need. Women can also get emergency birth control to prevent pregnancy. Medicaid and Medicare pay for PEP for rape and sexual assault survivors. The Crime Victims Board may also pay for PEP, call 1-800-247-8035. TTY: 1-888-289-9747, Monday – Friday 9:00AM – 5:00PM.If you have been raped or sexually assaulted, call the NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault at 1-800-942-6906. TTY: 1-800-655-1789.

In these cases, if you seek medical care right away, you may be able to take medicines that may help you from getting infected with HIV. This is called

PEP has been used for people who come in contact with HIV by accident – like a nurse getting stuck by a used needle. Now, PEP can be used for more than just on-the-job accidents. Sometimes this is called nPEP. The “n” in nPEP stands for “non-occupational” which means that you did not get exposed to HIV at work. PEP is only for people who were just exposed to HIV and do not already have it.

Chances Of Gonorrhea From Oral

Pin on AIDS HIV Symptoms

Oral sex can cause the STD gonorrhea to spread from the genital, rectum and urinary tract area to the throat or vice versa. This is true for either males or females. So you have good chances of getting gonorrhea from oral sex.

HIV can also spread through oral sex. The risk is lower of spreading HIV in this way than through other types of sex but it can still happen and repeated encounters without protection increase the risk. The odds to the receptive partner, such as giving oral sex to a man, are 0 to 1 in 2,500, while the odds for the insertive partner, such as a man getting oral sex, are close to zero.

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How Hiv Is Transmitted

HIV is not passed on easily from one person to another. The virus does not spread through the air like cold and flu viruses.

HIV lives in the blood and in some body fluids. To get HIV, 1 of these fluids from someone with HIV has to get into your blood.

The body fluids that contain enough HIV to infect someone are:

  • vaginal fluids, including menstrual blood
  • contact with animals or insects like mosquitoes

How Can You Prevent Getting Or Transmitting Hiv Through Sex

If you are HIV-negative, you can use HIV prevention medicine known as pre-exposure prophylaxis or post-exposure prophylaxis to protect yourself. You can also use other HIV prevention methods, below.

If you have HIV, the most important thing you can do to prevent transmission and stay healthy is to take HIV medicine exactly as prescribed. People with HIV who take HIV medicine as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load can live long and healthy lives and will not transmit HIV to their HIV-negative partners through sex. This is sometimes called HIV treatment as prevention or undetectable = untransmittable . There also are other options to prevent transmitting HIV, below.

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Ways Hiv Cannot Be Spread

HIV is not spread by:

  • Mosquitoes, ticks or other insects
  • Saliva, tears, or sweat that is not mixed with the blood of a person with HIV
  • Shaking hands hugging sharing toilets sharing dishes, silverware, or drinking glasses or engaging in closed-mouth or social kissing with a person with HIV
  • Drinking fountains

Hiv During Pregnancy And Childbirth

Symptoms of Acute HIV Infection

Women living with HIV who are on treatment and have a stable undetectable viral load are extremely unlikely to transmit HIV to their baby during pregnancy and childbirth. There is a 1 in 1000 chance of transmitting HIV to the baby during pregnancy and delivery, when a woman is on antiretroviral treatment and has a viral load below 50 copies/ml .

HIV-positive women who are on treatment and have stable undetectable viral load, have a 1-2% chance of transmitting HIV to their baby if they breastfeed for 12 months.

So, although it is unlikely that a woman will transmit HIV to her baby when breastfeeding it is currently advised not to breastfeed.

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Putting A Number On It: The Risk From An Exposure To Hiv

This information was provided by CATIE . For more information, contact CATIE at 1-800-263-1638.

Author: James Wilton

Service providers working in HIV prevention are often asked by their patients and clients about the risk of HIV transmission from an exposure to HIV through sex. What do the latest studies tell us about this risk? And how should we interpret and communicate the results?

Hiv And Planning A Family

, but for a woman who is HIV-positive, or who has a male partner with HIV, planning a family requires extra consideration.

If you are in this situation, seek professional advice and find out as much as you can before you become pregnant. It may help to talk the issues through with:

  • The doctor who is treating you.
  • Your HIV specialist, obstetrician or family planning specialist.
  • The Chronic Viral Illness Clinic at Melbournes Royal Womens Hospital . CVI clinic staff are experienced and knowledgeable about HIV in pregnancy and can provide expert advice and assisted reproductive technology options for serodiscordant couples .
  • A counsellor who specialises in this area.

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At What Stage Of The Infection Can Hiv Be Transmitted

If someone with HIV is taking HIV medication and has an undetectable viral load, they cannot pass on the virus. It can take up to six months on treatment to become undetectable.

Someone with HIV can pass on the virus if they have a detectable viral load.

This often happens during the first few months after infection when the levels of the virus in their body fluids are at their highest and they may not yet have been diagnosed.

This is why testing and early diagnosis are so important you can start treatment right away to protect your health and reduce your viral load to undetectable levels.

It can also happen when an object that has body fluids on it is put inside an HIV negative person during sex.

Managing Illness As A Parent

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of HIV that You Must Know

Although medical advances now allow people with HIV to live full, healthy lives, you may have times where you or your partner is unwell or needs medical care.

As with any longer-term illness, this can impact on your ability to earn an income, manage a household or raise children.

Living with chronic illness can be a challenge and sometimes families need extra support. Trying to sort things out on your own can make life seem overwhelming. Dont be afraid to ask for help from expert organisations that support people with HIV.

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Factors Involved In The Chance Of Contracting Hiv From A Single Encounter

There are certain factors that greatly increase or decrease your one time unprotected encounter HIV risk. Its significantly less likely for a man to get it when circumcised, and the risk is much lower with condoms, pre-exposure prophylaxis or treatment as prevention. On the other hand, you have a much higher risk during an HIV single encounter when there is an acute infection, about 12 weeks after first getting HIV, which makes the risk 26 times more likely.

Why Sleeping Problems Occur

There are numerous reasons people with HIV may have sleep problems. Among them:

Sleep is an important part of a healthy life especially for people living with HIV. Simply put, a healthy body is a well-rested body. If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, speak with your health provider to help identify or resolve these issues.

Whether it be changing medication, starting antiretroviral therapy, or seeking counseling for emotional or psychological support, the importance of a regular night’s sleep can never be understated. In the end, it’s not only about staying healthy it’s about maintaining a positive outlook in order to ensure a long and happy life if you are a person living with HIV.

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What If My Baby Is Hiv

With excellent health care, the mother-to-child HIV transmission rate is almost zero.

In the very rare case, your baby is HIV-positive, there are many supportive professionals and organisations that can help you during this difficult time.

You can expect welcoming, non-judgemental and compassionate care for yourself and your baby.

Medical care for babies with HIV is highly specialised. Early diagnosis means that a baby can begin effective treatment and have every chance for a long, healthy life.

People Unaware Of Having Hiv

HIV/AIDS 101 (6:57)

Its estimated that about 1 in 7 people living with HIV in the United States dont know they have the virus.

People who are unaware that they have HIV are less likely to take precautions to avoid transmission to other people. They also likely dont take medications to suppress the virus.

If you dont currently have HIV, you can prevent your chances of infection by:

  • discussing HIV and STIs with your partner before engaging in sexual activity
  • using a barrier method every time you engage in sexual activity
  • avoiding sharing needles
  • talking with your doctor about postexposure prophylaxis if you may have been exposed to HIV in the past 72 hours
  • getting tested for other STIs regularly or before engaging in sexual activity with a new partner

If you do have HIV, you can prevent transmitting it to others by:

  • discussing HIV and STIs with your partner before engaging in sexual activity
  • using a barrier method every time you engage in sexual activity
  • taking your medications as prescribed
  • avoiding sharing needles or drug injection equipment
  • having your viral load tested regularly as recommended by your doctor

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Unprotected Sex Std Risk

There is a significant likelihood of STD transmission from a single time of unprotected sex. As you can see, protection also does not completely take away the chances of contracting STD from one encounter. Abstinence is the only way to prevent the transmission completely. Nonetheless, you have a higher risk when you dont use protection, even just from one encounter.

Its best to assume that you have chances of STD transmission every time you have sex. Take precautions to prevent the spread by using protection every time. Also, you can greatly reduce the risk if you only have sexual contact with one other person, with both of you having been tested with negative results.

The only way to know for sure if youve picked up an STD from an unprotected sexual encounter is to get tested. If the person you were with told you they have a specific STD such as herpes or gonorrhea, it makes sense to get tested for that. But since youre not truly sure what STDs the person could have, you may want to do a complete STD test to be sure about your state of health. If you discover that you do have an STD, its nothing to be ashamed of. Its simply something that could impact your health in a negative way, especially if it goes untreated. Its important to find out if you have an STD so you can be treated.

Which Bodily Fluids Can Pass Hiv

HIV does not spread throughout the body evenly. Some bodily fluids have it, but most dont. In fact, HIV can only be transmitted to another person through these three types of bodily fluids:

Thats it.

HIV cannot be passed from person to person via other fluids like tears, saliva, vomit, or feces. This is an incredibly important point about HIV transmission that is often misunderstood.

For decadesand still todaypeople have worried they might catch HIV from a toilet seat, perhaps by touching the urine or fecal matter of an HIV-positive person. This absolutely does not happen.

People have also worried they might catch the virus from the saliva of an HIV-positive person who kisses them or spits on them. In fact, this fear is so pervasive that some states have made it a felony for people with HIV to spit at or bite someone else. Those laws are based on outdated science.

The only way it would be possible to transmit HIV through saliva is if the HIV-positive person had bleeding gums or sores, and somehow that bloody saliva got into the bloodstream of the HIV-negative person. However, experts agree that the risk of this happening is so statistically tiny that its not worth worrying about.

So, to recap:

  • Among adults, the viruss most likely entry route inside the body is through blood-to-blood contact, or by an exchange of sexual fluids.
  • Among newborns, HIV can be transmitted by HIV-positive people during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

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Against All Odds: What Are Your Chances Of Getting Hiv In These Scenarios

Playing the HIV numbers game is lessand morerisky than you think.

EDITORS NOTE: Although the underlying ideas and messages in this article remain relevant, much HIV prevention research has been published since 2014, notably about there being no risk of transmitting the virus if you are HIV positive and undetectable , as well as the effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis . Go to #Prevention, #PrEP and #Undetectable for the latest related updates.

Liz Defrain

Theres not a lot of certainty in these numbers. But they can be a good tool for understanding risk.

During sex, our risk perception is replaced by love, lust, trust and intimacy.

Liz Defrain

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Mental Disability in HIV

Abstinence, or not having sex, is the only type of protection that works every time. But if you are having sex, you can lower your risk if you:

  • Use a condom every time you have sex
  • Get tested for HIV and STDs
  • Limit the number of people you have sex with
  • Donât inject yourself with drugs

Talk to your doctor right away if you think youâve been exposed to the virus. They can help you figure out next steps.

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Chances Of Getting An Std From One Unprotected Encounter

Its understandable to wonder about the odds of getting an STD, including from a one night stand or other unprotected encounter. You might wonder whether its really such a big deal to have unprotected sexual contact. Of course, this is probably more of a concern for you if you recently had an unprotected encounter and are now unsure of whether you could have been exposed to an STD. Even if the person you were with didnt say anything about having an STD, its reasonable to wonder about the odds of catching an STD from that one encounter you had.

While it wont necessarily happen, it only takes one time coming in contact with an infected person to acquire a sexually transmitted disease. STDs can be spread from person to person through body fluids and/or skin contact, depending on the type. Because of this, the odds of catching an STD are high from just one time. You only need to come in contact with that infection to get it. The risk goes up from unprotected sex with multiple partners, but its still there from one partner and one encounter.

Even from having unprotected sexual intercourse one time, you have about a 30 percent chance of getting gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis from someone whos infected. So you can see that the chances of STD from one encounter are not 100 percent but that there are pretty good odds of getting one from just one time without protection.

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