Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Bring Down Swelling From Tooth Infection

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The Effects Of Antibiotics On Toothache Caused By Inflammation Or Infection At The Root Of The Tooth In Adults

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This Cochrane Review has been produced to assess the effects of antibiotics on the pain and swelling experienced by adults in two conditions commonly responsible for causing dental pain. The review set out to assess the effects of taking antibiotics when provided with, or without, dental treatment.


Dental pain is a common problem and can arise when the nerve within a tooth dies due to progressing decay or injury. Without treatment, bacteria can infect the dead tooth and cause a dental abscess, which can lead to swelling and spreading infection, which can occasionally be life threatening.

The recommended treatment for these forms of toothache is removal of the dead nerve and associated bacteria. This is usually done by extraction of the tooth or root canal treatment . Antibiotics are only recommended when there is severe infection that has spread from the tooth into the surrounding tissues. However, some dentists still routinely prescribe oral antibiotics to patients with acute dental conditions who have no signs of spreading infection, or without dental treatment to remove the infected material.

Study characteristics

Key results

One trial reported side effects among participants: one person who received the placebo medication had diarrhoea and one person who received antibiotics experienced tiredness and reduced energy after their treatment.

Quality of evidence

How To Ease Swelling Of A Cheek Due To A Toothache

If you have swelling of the gums, face or cheek related to tooth pain, you may have an infection. Tooth decay, gum disease or cracked teeth are common causes of toothaches and the source of most dental infections.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

While a persistent toothache indicates the need to see a dentist, infections require an urgent evaluation, as tooth or gum infections can quickly become serious and spread throughout the body 2.

To complement your dentist’s treatment plan, there are also some home strategies, such as cold compresses, salt water rinses and over-the-counter medications that can ease your pain and swelling.

Coconut Oil For Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is one of the ancient home remedies for abscess tooth swelling and infection or painful gums. This method helps to reduce the significant amount of bacteria in your mouth, causing an abscessed tooth. In addition, it is also a good way to draw toxins from your mouth and the entire body. Therefore, the oral and overall health will be promoted clearly.

You should make oil pulling with coconut oil containing anti-bacterial properties to remove the harmful toxins and bacteria from your abscessed tooth.


  • Firstly, mix coconut oil and clove oil in a small bowl.
  • Then, rinse your mouth with this oil mixture by gently swishing it inside your mouth.
  • Now, pull this mixture in the mouth sideways and back and forth.
  • Do this process for about 20 minutes before spitting it out.
  • Finally, rinse your mouth by gargling with warm water.
  • You should do this way daily.

Note: Avoid doing this method when you are having an empty stomach.

Read more: 15 Useful Ways On How To Use Coconut Oil For Wrinkles Treatment

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Here Are 7 Important Care Tips For A Dental Abscess

1. Seek treatment immediately.

2. You can start fighting the infection right away.

There are things you can do immediately while on your own, especially if your dentist is not open on that day or at that hour. There are natural antibiotics as well as natural remedies you can use in the meantime. These consist of garlic, baking soda, and salt rinses. You can also boost your body’s immune system by taking vitamin c.

3. Draw the infection out.

You should never attempt to pop an abscess on your own. However, there are methods you can use to help the abscess drain naturally on its own by pulling the infection out. Natural ways of doing this include using a tea bag or making a paste out of baking soda.

4. Reduce your inflammation and relieve your pain.

While awaiting your dentist appointment, you may want to take over the counter medication such as naproxen , ibuprofen as well as acetaminophen to reduce inflammation and help with pain. Using the above-mentioned salt water rinse multiple times a day will not only help relieve pain but will also help reduce bacteria and will aid in fighting the infection.

5. Find the source causing the infection.

Get your abscess medically examined to eliminate the cause of the infection, even if you are feeling better. The abscess will not go away on its own. You need it examined, drained, and treated.

6. Take antibiotics from your dentist.

7. Maintain good oral hygiene to keep future abscesses from forming.

The Difference Between An Abscess And An Infection


A tooth infection can take the form of a cavity, pulpitis, or an abscess. Yes, a dental cavity is an infection. It causes the enamel, or hard surface, of the tooth to begin to break down. This can be painful, if it happens quickly, but many cavities dont cause symptoms.

If the infection extends into the middle of the tooth the pulp it causes pulpitis. This usually causes a toothache, which can be aggravated by hot and cold foods and liquids.

Finally, if the infection is not treated and continues to spread, it can form an abscess. After the infection has spread through the middle of the tooth and has nowhere else to go, it forms a pocket of pus, which is an abscess.

Also Check: How Do I Know If My Tooth Is Infected

Home Remedies For Swollen Gums

Swollen gums

Swollen gums are relatively common. The good news is, theres a lot you can do at home to help alleviate swelling and minimize discomfort.

If your gums remain swollen for more than a week, make an appointment with your dentist. They can diagnose the exact cause of the swelling, and recommend a treatment plan.

Why Does A Tooth Get Infected

If you wonder what to do if my face is swollen from an infected tooth, first of all it is to know the cause. An infection in a tooth can have different origins:

  • Bad hygiene habits : the lack of brushing and correct cleaning of the teeth can cause cavities and bacterial proliferation in the mouth.
  • Bad eating habits : such as excess sugar and unhealthy foods.
  • Lack of regular dental control : if you go to a dentist frequently, it is possible to diagnose lesions in early stages, such as cavities. If they destroy the tooth, it is more likely to become infected.
  • Periodontitis : it is the infection of the gum and the tissues that surround a tooth. In these cases there is usually exposure of the tooth roots with retraction of the gingiva.
  • Trauma : a blow or injury to the mucosa can give access to bacteria and cause an infectious disease.

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Stage : Bringing Down The Swelling That Forms As Rapidly As Possible

Swelling that forms in response to the tissue trauma created during the extraction process can be expected to reach its maximum around 2 to 3 days after your surgery . Once this point has been reached, you can help to bring it down more quickly via the application of warm compresses.

DIY hot pack ideas for bringing down post-extraction swelling.
  • 1) choose a heat source a) Microwave a damp towel. b) Microwave a sock filled with uncooked rice.
  • 2) Wrap the heat source in a moist dishtowel.
  • 3) Test the heat level before applying.
  • 4) Reheat as is necessary.

Heat application.

a) Select a heat source.

A hot water bottle, moistened towel, or a heat pack purchased from your pharmacy can be used.

b) Treatment precautions.

The goal is to gently warm up the swollen area, not to burn or scald it. So, manipulate the temperature of your heat source accordingly.

  • Moist heat will be less irritating to your skin. So wrap your heat source in a lightly moistened dishtowel.
  • Lubricating your skin with petroleum jelly can help to minimize irritation too.
Bringing down post-extraction swelling.
  • 48 to 72 hours following your extraction , moist heat applications can be begun.
  • Apply in cycles of 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off.
  • Perform several cycles per treatment.
  • Repeat treatments several times throughout your days waking hours.
  • Expect some reduction in swelling each day. If not observed, advise your dentist.
c) Application.
d) Treatment time frame.

How Can I Tell If My Tooth Infection Has Spread

Management of swelling with toothache – Dr. Aniruddha KB

Untreated infections in your mouth can travel to other areas, including your face, jaw, and neck, which can be life-threatening. Very rarely, infection can travel to your brain. If you have any of the following signs or symptoms along with your tooth pain, get medical help right away:

  • Fever

  • Skin redness or swelling in your neck or face

  • Pain with opening your mouth or touching your jaw or face

  • Sore throat

  • Changes in mood or vision

  • Confusion and extreme drowsiness

  • Severe pain and overall feeling of being unwell

Untreated tooth infections can also spread to your bloodstream. This can cause a life-threatening infection called sepsis or even travel to your heart.

If you have any symptoms that might indicate your tooth infection has spread, visit an emergency department immediately.

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Tooth Infection Treatment Options

Depending on the cause of the tooth infection, treatment may include:

Dental Abscess Treatment

During this procedure, your dentist will make a small incision into your gums and drain the abscess. They will drain all of the pus out before stitching it back up to ensure the bacteria is removed.

If your tooth is severely damaged or decayed, extraction will likely be necessary. Youll need a dental implant after the tooth is surgically removed, which can cost up to $4,000.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is necessary if you have a large cavity that has spread to the tooths pulp. This treatment can also involve abscess draining.

During the procedure, your dentist will remove the infected dental pulp and drain the abscess.

The root canal is cleaned, shaped, and sealed. Then a dental crown is placed on top of the root canal treated tooth.


Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat dental abscesses. After the abscess is drained, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to clear up the remaining infection. Antibiotics alone do not cure abscesses.

Depending on the severity of your abscess or infection, you may need oral antibiotics or IV antibiotics.


If you have a root canal-treated tooth but are still experiencing a toothache an apicoectomy may be necessary. This is a minor dental surgery that removes the apex .

If you develop sepsis, you’ll need to visit an ICU . Fluids and IV antibiotics will be used to treat this condition.


Are There Any Complications

Its important to have any abscessed tooth treated by a dentist. Even if its already ruptured, youll want to have the area examined and cleaned by your doctor to make sure the infection doesnt spread.

Left untreated, an infection can spread to your jaw and other parts of your head and neck, including your brain. In rare cases, it can even lead to . This is a life-threatening complication of an infection.

Go to the emergency room if you have an abscessed tooth accompanied by:

  • high fever

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Relieving Pain From A Dental Abscess

While you’re waiting to see a dentist, painkillers can help control your pain.

Ibuprofen is the preferred painkiller for dental abscesses, but if you’re unable to take it for medical reasons, you can take paracetamol instead.

Aspirin should not be given to children under 16.

If 1 painkiller does not relieve the pain, taking both paracetamol and ibuprofen at the doses shown in the medicine leaflet may help.

This is safe for adults, but not for children under 16.

It may also help to:

  • avoid hot or cold food and drink if it makes the pain worse
  • try eating cool, soft foods if possible, using the opposite side of your mouth
  • use a soft toothbrush and temporarily avoid flossing around the affected tooth

These measures can help relieve your symptoms temporarily, but you should not use them to delay getting help from a dentist.

How Is A Dental Abscess Diagnosed

Early Childhood Caries Symptoms: White Spot Lesions, Tooth Decay, Pain ...

Most dental abscesses are due to tooth decay. Many of the risk factors for tooth decay, or dental caries, are also the risk factors for dental abscesses:

  • Poor oral health or hygiene
  • Lack of dental care follow-up
  • An unrepaired cracked tooth
  • Methamphetamine abuse

Other risk factors include gum disease, periodontal disease, or a partially erupted tooth.

The painsometimes severe paincaused by abscessed teeth motivates people to seek help. The dentist will do a physical examination of the affected tooth. The tooth or tissues will be painful and sensitive to touch. The dentist will also look for swelling, redness, fever, and other symptoms such as facial redness, lockjaw, swollen lymph nodes, and difficulty swallowing. If there is trouble breathing or any mental changes, the infection may be a medical emergency.

The initial visit will usually include a panoramic X-ray or an X-ray of the tooth to confirm the diagnosis. In particular, an X-ray can help differentiate a tooth abscess from other conditions such as periodontitis. Depending on the symptoms, the dentist might also X-ray the head and neck to ensure the infection has not spread. No other tests are necessary.

If the infection is more complicated or the patient has a fever and other symptoms, the abscess will require antibiotics. The dentist or healthcare professional will perform a blood test to determine the nature of the infection and the body’s response to it. They might also order a CT or MRI scan.

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Symptoms Of Tooth Infection Spreading To The Brain

A dental abscess can also travel to the brain, leading to the development of another abscess. If the infection reaches your brain, it can be life-threatening.

Since a brain abscess is so dangerous, the condition requires a visit to the hospital or emergency room for urgent treatment. A brain abscess is relatively rare but can occur if the dental infection is left untreated.

Symptoms of a brain abscess :

  • Fever
  • Going in and out of consciousness


Dental abscesses can lead to brain abscesses . This is why you should never leave them untreated. Vision changes and body weakness on one side are common with brain abscesses.

Can an Infected Tooth Make You Sick?

Poor oral hygiene and neglected dental care allow the harmful bacteria in your mouth to cause infections. Eventually, an untreated tooth infection can make you sick.

If left untreated, a dental abscess can have serious consequences on your oral health and entire body.

Tooth Abscess Amoxicillin How Long For Swelling To Go Down

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What Is The Best Medication For A Dental Abscess

Drug treatment for dental abscess focuses on eliminating the infection or relieving pain. Antibiotics for tooth infections are tailored to the type of bacteria causing the infection. Over-the-counter or prescription NSAIDs can adequately manage pain both before and after treatment.

Best medications for dental abscesses
Drug Name
2 tablets every 4 hours PRN Stomach pain, stomach upset, dizziness, heart disease, kidney failure

Many of the standard dosages above are from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration . Dosage is determined by your healthcare provider based on your medical condition, response to treatment, age, and weight. Other possible side effects exist. This is not a complete list.

When Is A Tooth Infection An Emergency

How to manage swelling & pain post tooth extraction? – Dr. Chandan Mahesh

A dental abscess infection is always considered a dental emergency. Any visible gum swelling can be life-threatening if not treated quickly.

During emergency treatment for a dental abscess, the surgeon will open up the abscess and drain it. This will relieve pressure and reduce any pain associated with the infection.

You will also receive prescription antibiotics to help clear the infection.

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How To Reduce Swelling

Swelling in the body occurs primarily as a result of inflammation, and can result from injuries and various maladies of the body, including pregnancy. When these conditions are left on their own without intervention, pain becomes worse, and injuries can become more severe.While there are many causes for swelling, your first line of defense should always be rest so the body can heal while swelling reduces. The less work you do for a few days, the better.

Gum Abscess Vs Dental Abscess

Strictly speaking, a gum abscess occurs in the gums, while a tooth abscess occurs in the tooth itself. However, there is some overlap. For instance, a periodontal abscess often affects both the tooth and the gum.

Also, sometimes, an infection in the tooth and pulp may lead to an infection in the gums. This may be a tooth that has a large cavity or decay in the root, which creates space within the tooth and surrounding tissue for bacteria to multiply.

At other times, a deep gum abscess may get worse and begin to affect the tooth and pulp.

Severe infections, such as those that involve both the tooth and the gum, often require extensive treatment.

A dentist may refer to several abscesses in the mouth as oral abscesses. They will identify and treat each type.

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