Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bentonite Clay For Tooth Infection

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Are There Any Dangers Associated With Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay & gum disease

There was a slight concern about one brand of bentonite clay called: The Best Bentonite which was tested by the FDA and it was shown to have elevated levels of lead which may pose a risk of poisoning.

Exposure to lead can cause serious damage to the central nervous system, kidneys, and immune system.

In children, chronic exposure to lead, even at low levels, is associated with cognitive impairment, reduced IQ, behavioural difficulties, and other problems.

But luckily, we have chosen a company that has had no negative reviews in terms of any health-related problems after using their products thereâs no need to worry.

What Is Bentonite Clay Top 3 Benefits Of Bentonite Clay For Teeth

If you’re serious about your oral health, then you’ve likely heard about bentonite clay. Made from volcanic ash that has come into contact with seawater, bentonite clay has been shown to have absorbing qualities. That makes it a great choice in taking care of your teeth. Here’s what you need to know about bentonite clay and its benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar Salt Water Rinse

1 User Review

I have had an infection in my mouth for the last 2 weeks. Pain and swelling and I had tried everything to help pain on the first day…nothing I seemed to do was helping aspirin etc. A few days of pain and swelling and no sleep lead me to this site to find help to deal with my pain.

I found that ACV works great along with rinsing with salt water. Getting a good amount of rest and pray worked as well. My tooth infection is not 100% gone but with trying different home remedies I can say that the infection is almost gone and once I can afford it the bad teeth are getting pulled.

Hi thank you so much, everyone,

I’m following the advice posted here for an infected tooth that the dentist said either had to be extracted or root canaled. Added to much of the advice here, I am now taking the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Alb 7ch.

The homeopath who gave it to me said ´”use it til the dentist says “you´re fine! “´ I am continuing with the natural remedies at the same time- hopefully they don’t negate the homeopathy Will definitely tell you what happens.

Yay! I have just been to the dentist and I don´t need it pulled out! Thank you so much to everyone here who wrote in with your brilliant remedies. I spent 7 hours reading everything about teeth here starting with pain after extraction! Then I happened on posts saying they´d saved their tooth and I thought I´d try.

What I did:

I took throughout the 3 weeks:

Best of luck.

You May Like: How To Deal With A Tooth Infection

Tooth Abscess Natural Remedies

Well, I woke up from a nap Friday night with a toothache, which is a rare event, thankfully, for me. Anyhow, as in my neck of the woods there aren’t many dentists – and NONE open til Monday, tomorrow, when I still may not be able to get seen, I decided to try some of these remedies. I’d known about clove oil, sea salt water, and tea bags and tried the last two . I got some very temporary relief from the salt water and almost none from the tea bag. Anyhow, a few hours ago, awake again and in pain down into my jaw, I decided to look around here for what I could find.

After rinsing with ACV and then chewing some raw garlic clove, the swelling is down a bit and it doesn’t hurt nearly as much. I’ll continue it and am still going to a doc, dentist, or the ER if I have to for antibiotics in the morning as I KNOW this can get bad if untreated. Also, I just took some zinc as it has both immune boosting and antibiotic properties, if I remember right.

I’m wanting to know about infection in my dog’s tooth. It will be pulled next month, but the vet said it was painful for him, but nothing for pain or to control the infection until they can fit him into their schedule to extract it. I’m wondering I could do him harm if I put Oral Gel on it….I asked these questions of the vet, but was not given the answers. Joy

Apple Cider Vinegar, GarlicApple Cider Vinegar, Garlic

Types And Uses Or Clay

Remineralizing Bentonite Clay &  Activated Charcoal Tooth

Clay exists in many different colors, green, white, grey, yellow, pink etc

  • For beauty treatments, I specifically use the pink clay for a face mask, because the green is slightly too rough for my skin be careful not to leave the clay face mask on for too long, or to let it become too dry on your skin. Vaporize from time to time with a water spray before rinsing..
  • For therapeutic care and treatments, clay is very effective in the form of a thick poultice, hot or cold and applied more or less regularly, according to the problem. If it is a question of treating inflammation or in the case of a fever or burn, clay should be applied cold and changed regularly. To treat or revitalize an organ you should use a tepid or warm poultice, with possibly a hot-water bottle placed gently on topPersonally, I normally use green clay from Cattier which comes in a large tube or a pot and can be found in most organic shops and pharmacies. Its simply the one that I find the most efficient ..

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Tooth Powder Or Toothpaste

These are the most common ways people like to use the bentonite clay for their teeth. Both are good, but there are slight advantages to each one!

The Tooth Powder is pure 100% bentonite, which makes it highly concentrated and packed full of the vital ions that will help remove the toxins in your mouth. Not only that, but when you have the powdered form, there are so many ways you can use it apart from cleaning your teeth.

If you want to cleanse your skin, or maybe you want to consume it for digestive benefits, you can do that as well!

Bentonite toothpastes are not 100% bentonite. There are various other natural ingredients present in the paste to make it effective for the overall health of the mouth. If your Number 1 concern is to make your teeth and gums healthy again, going the toothpaste route is going to give you much faster results!

Can I Use A Normal Toothbrush

Theres nothing necessarily wrong with your current toothbrush, but it isnt exactly your best option, either.

First of all, if youve been using standard fluoride toothpaste up until this point, your toothbrush is likely tainted with an accumulation of chemicals and toxins that you dont want back in your mouth.

Additionally, a normal toothbrush cant amp up your oral hygiene quite like a unique charcoal-powered toothbrush.

Consider switching to the Charcoal Ion Toothbrush made from sustainable bamboo and charcoal-infused bristles. Charcoals negative ions help release tartar and plaque in your teeth, which lends extra whitening power to your normal brushing routine and more efficiently eliminates bad breath.

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Elements In The Homemade Bentonite Clay Tooth Powder

Bentonite powder is non-toxic, does not contain fluoride, and is more effective in removing plaque compared to bentonite toothpaste. Bentonite powder is also the best option for children. You can make bentonite powder at home with some common ingredients:

1. Bentonite Clay

This element binds the toxins and removes them from your mouth. They are rich in minerals and nourish your gums and teeth.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda helps in cleaning your teeth naturally. It also works to whiten your teeth, just like bentonite.

3. Sea Salt

Unrefined salt is rich in minerals, which is beneficial for your teeth and can help heal gum damage.

4. Cloves

Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties that help treat sore gums.

5. Sage

Sage has the ability to clean and whiten teeth.

6. Xylitol

Xylitol helps increase the production of saliva, which protects and remineralizes the teeth while adding a sweet taste to your tooth powder.

7. Essential Oils

Essential oils have antibacterial, antiseptic, and damage healing properties and can add a pleasant taste to the bentonite powder.

Top 12 Benefits And Uses

DIY Bentonite Clay Toothpaste – All Natural, Fast, Easy, Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe

1. Supports Skin Health

Benefits of bentonite clay for skin include:

  • Helping sunscreens to work effectively
  • Some studies have found it can even help treat poison ivy

When combined with water and left to dry on the skin as a clay mask, BC is able to bind to bacteria and toxins. It can help to remove these substances from the surface of the skin and within pores, helping to reduce breakouts.

Thanks to the clays special ability to act as an antibiotic treatment when applied topically, BC can also help to calm skin infections, like diaper rash and contact dermatitis.

Topical application of bentonite clay has even been shown to help heal Buruli ulcers, which is a flesh-eating infection resulting from Mycobacterium ulcerans bacteria generally seen in third-world countries.

2. Aids in Digestion

By removing toxins, digestive-distress causing chemicals and heavy metals from the gut, bentonite clay helps to promote digestion. Research has also shown that, in animals, bentonite clay can bind to particular toxins like aflatoxins that are common in the standard diet, found usually on improperly stored food products.

When left unattended, an influx of aflatoxins can contribute to liver damage and potentially even the onset of certain cancers.

Thanks to its ability to neutralize bacteria in the gut and kill viruses, BC helps to alleviate many digestive problems. Some people use bentonite clay as relief for nausea and vomiting , constipation, and to help with IBS.

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Herbal Mouth Wash For Healthy Gums Mouth & Teeth

I make an herbal mouth wash for Mr. V. and I to use. It’s great for daily use too. The mouth wash kills bacteria and keeps the mouth clean.

Tincture these herbs: 2 parts Peppermint, 2 parts Plantain, 1 part Rosemary, 1/2 part Myrrh Gum Powder, and 1/4 part of Clove Buds.

To use this mouth wash, just swish a mouthful around in your mouth for a couple of minutes. It tastes great too!

Support The Immune System

To maximize the results of any of the above remedies, use additional remedies to support the immune system.

  • Vitamin C

Activated Charcoal

This past Saturday, I developed an abscessed tooth. By Sunday, I was hurting bad enough that I went to the store and bought charcoal. Before leaving the parking lot, I mixed a small amount of with a couple drops of clove oil and used a paper towel to pack the gums with the mixture. within 45 minutes the pain was drastically reduced. Once I got home, I mixed up some more charcoal with cloves and olive oil. I soaked a cotton ball with the mixture and put it on my gums, left it there a couple hours. That night I took a heating pad and ice pack to bed, switched them out a couple times before going to sleep. Monday morning, the left side of my face was swollen, but there was no pain. Of course it was a holiday weekend so the dentist was not in that day, but I called and left a message on their answering machine. I did get a call back and scheduled an appointment for Tuesday morning.

Activated Charcoal

First off I’d like to thank everyone for contributing to this site.

I had a severely abscessed tooth after eating too much sugar thereby depressing my immune system & had read about people putting bentonite clay on for treatment well I didnt have any so poured out an activated charcoal capsule between my gum & cheek & had instant relief from the pain.

good luck everyone.

Regarding Tooth Abcess:

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Is Bentonite Clay Good For Teeth And Gums

YES, there have been numerous studies carried out showing that clays have a good range of minerals and ions that can reduce the number of bacteria present in the mouth.

It has demonstrated antibacterial effectiveness against aerobic and anaerobic Gram-negative, and Gram-positive bacterial pathogens, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Streptococcus sanguis and have been used in various dental applications.

This study showed that Zinc oxide had been used in a variety of dental composites to treat or prevent dental caries and as an endodontic sealer.

So, you can see that there is good potential for bentonite to be effective in helping to combat various oral health problems.

Bentonite Clay Toothpaste Recipe

Bentonite Clay (Why I Drink Clay

Now that you are aware of the different benefits of Bentonite Clay for teeth, it is time to learn how to make a Bentonite Clay toothpaste recipe. You will need a few ingredients for this recipe which are stated below:



Follow the below steps to make Bentonite Clay Toothpaste:

  • If the coconut oil is hardened, melt it and mix with Bentonite Clay and baking soda mixture.
  • Now, add some water into the blend to turn it into a smooth and consistent paste.
  • Finally, add Peppermint or any other essential oil to add flavour to the toothpaste.

How to Use:

  • Take some mixture on your toothbrush and start brushing on your teeth gently. Brush your teeth for 5 to 10 minutes and after that wash your mouth with cold water. Use lukewarm water if you have sensitive teeth.

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Can You Use Bentonite Clay For Toothpaste

Bentonite clay is used as a toothpaste and, when used properly, doesnt induce side effects like traditional toothpaste. It is a powerful remedy and like many other natural substances, people have used it for ages to prevent diseases and maintain oral care. Bentonite clay can be made at home and can replace traditional artificial toothpaste in your oral care routine.

Ready To Try Bentonite Clay

My favorite tooth powder is Sparkle Dust. It contains bentonite and other clays, as well as xylitol, diatomaceous earth, activated charcoal, sodium bicarbonate, and calcium carbonate. Best of all, it leaves my teeth smooth and my mouth feeling fresh and clean. Order Sparkle Dust here

For more oral care education, check out this post on the benefits of xylitol.

For even more health and wellness education from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet, come on and Join The YL Education Club!

Recommended Reading: How To Kill Mouth Infection

Final Thoughts On Natural Tooth Care

The more I read about doctors, dentists, and modern health practices, the more I want to return to the old ways and traditional health. I have found that most of the time, if I am consistent with the remedy, I don’t have to go visit a doctor or dentist.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t go to your doctor or dentist—you need to use your own discretion. I am simply sharing my own opinion that often natural remedies are better, less invasive, and less damaging to our bodies.

**You may also enjoy these articles: 18 Necessities I Never Buy at the Store Anymore, and What We Do Instead and How to Make Perfect Bone Broth.

If you are interested in learning more about natural tooth and mouth care that gives you alternatives to the dentist’s office, you need to check out this resource from The Grow Network.

What do you think of natural tooth and mouth care? If you have a home remedy you use that isn’t listed here, would you please share it in the comments? I’d love to hear from you!

Hugs & Self-Reliance,


P.S. I hope you’ll I send out a note once or twice a week with updates so you’ll never miss a thing! When you sign up, you’ll get some free eBooks too! One is on Essential Oil Blends to diffuse and use and the other is How to Use Herbs to Help You Relax and Deal with Stress.

Marseille Soap For Tooth Loosening

Bentonite Clay Uses and Benefits

The use of Marseille soap against tooth loosening is an old grandmotherâs trick.

To do so, you just need to rub your toothbrush on some Marseille soap.

Then brush your teeth with it, and rinse your mouth.

When your brush is wet, dip it in bentonite clay and repeat the process.

Rinse this time with saltwater. If you want, you can then brush your teeth with organic toothpaste.

This is a very effective way to keep your teeth healthy, as long as you do it regularly.

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Bentonite Clay: The Secret To Healthy Gums And Teeth

For centuries, humans have looked to the earth for healing remedies. One of the oldest available resources is bentonite clay. This mineral-rich clay has many therapeutic benefits and is a common ingredient in skin and haircare implements, as well as oral supplements, and oral care products. There are numerous benefits of bentonite clay to teeth and gums.

What Are The Best Antibiotics For An Abscessed Tooth

Among the best antibiotics for an abscessed tooth are colloidal silver, bentonite clay, and raw garlic. Colloidal silver, also referred to as silver hydrosol, and bentonite clay are extremely effective because not only can they be used internally, they also can be applied externally, directly to the affected tooth or teeth. This advantage is very important because, in traditional modern medicine, prescribed antibiotics almost always fail to clear up the infection completely, resulting in treatment by extracting the tooth or performing what is known as a root canal.

When the infection lies at the root of the tooth, it generally is considered unreachable by any antibiotic, chemical or natural, circulating in the bloodstream. This is why antibiotics that can be directly applied to the infected tooth and gum, such as colloidal silver and bentonite, have the advantage. Bentonite clay has been used for thousands of years in folk medicine, and it has both absorbent and adsorbent properties. Exposure to water causes the clay to swell and turn into somewhat of a natural sponge, with spaces and cracks into which toxins and pathogenic viruses literally can be absorbed as they are pulled away from the inside of the tooth and gum.

Also Check: When A Wisdom Tooth Is Infected

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