Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bladder Infection Bleeding Like Period

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Possible Causes Of Blood In Urine

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Signs & Symptoms (& Why They Occur)

Finding blood in your urine can be frightening, but you should know that there are many different causes of hematuria , some of which are relatively benign and easily treated. Others may be indicative of a serious medical condition warranting further investigation.

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As such, you should never discount blood in urine as being “minor,” particularly if it is persistent and accompanied by other symptoms.

Having hematuria does not always mean you have an underlying abnormality. It may simply be the result of a minor injury to the urethra or a side effect of a drug that needs to be changed.

Here are 10 of the most common causes worth considering:

Outlook For Hemorrhagic Cystitis

Your outlook depends on the stage and the cause. HC from infection has a good outlook. Many people with infectious HC respond to treatment and dont have long-term problems.

HC from cancer treatment can have a different outlook. Symptoms may start weeks, months, or years after treatment and may be long-lasting.

There are many treatment options for HC caused by radiation or chemotherapy. In most cases, HC will respond to treatment, and your symptoms will improve after cancer therapy.

If other treatments dont work, cystectomy can cure HC. After cystectomy, there are options for reconstructive surgery to restore urine flow. Keep in mind that needing cystectomy for HC is very rare.

Blood In Dog Urine: Causes And What To Do

If notice blood in your dogs urine, it can be both alarming and very worrisome for any pet owner. For many dogs, blood in the urine could be caused by a urinary tract infection, or in male dogs, a benign prostate problem.

Typically when there is blood in your dogs urine, this is due to inflammation or infection in the urinary tract which could include the upper or lower urinary tract. However, its important to contact a veterinarian or emergency vet as soon as possible to rule out any serious medical issues.

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Frequent Urination With Urging

Frequent urination is one of the most common symptoms of a UTI. It does not mean that you have a full bladder in every instance but may pass even small amounts of urine repeatedly within a short period of time. Another characteristic symptom is that you do not feel that you emptied your bladder properly despite urinating so often. You may even urge to pass urine constantly. While it is normal for some people to urinate more than others, passing small amounts of urine repeatedly and usually more than 8 times in a day can be a sign of a UTI.

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Possible Causes Of Blood In Urine Hematuria

9 Various Urinary Infection Symptoms

The vast majority of UTIs are not a sign of a serious disease. Yet when they keep coming back, you should see a doctor. They will rule out other causes such as kidney stones, poor drainage of the kidney or bladder, or tumors, all of which are rare causes of UTI.. In rare instances, recurrent UTIs can lead to a life threatening condition called urosepsis or bladder cancer If you are prone to recurrent UTIs, you can head them off before they take hold. Unless youre in the fortunate minority of women who have never had a urinary tract infection , you know the symptoms well. You might feel a frequent urgency to urinate yet pass little urine when you go. Your urine might be cloudy, blood-tinged, and strong. Also, that any type of infection could cause an increase in temperature and brain inflammation, and therefore lead to mental changes. Bottom line: if an older, loved one abruptly starts acting abnormally, the best step is to get them to urgent care so the doctors can administer proper testing to identify whether or not a UTI is the culprit

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Male Bladder Infection: Symptom Cause And Treatment

A bladder infection is a urinary tract infection caused by bacteria. This type of infection, like many UTIs, is more common in women than men due to the anatomical differences of their urinary tracts. The shorter urethra in women increases the risk of bacteria traveling up to the bladder. But, although women are more likely to get UTIs, bladder infection in males is not uncommon. And while the symptoms of urinary tract infections are similar in both men and women, some symptoms are unique to men.

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Why Are Your Kidneys Important

The kidneys are our bodys main filter, cleaning close to 180 to 200 quarts of blood every day. For the average person, the kidneys clean and produce one to two quarts of urine. Urine is created by pulling water and waste from your bloodstream. In normal circumstances, urine travels from the kidneys down to the bladder and out through the urethra.

Additionally, the kidneys control waste removal, as well as manage electrolyte, fluid, red blood cell, and blood pressure levels. Unfortunately, kidney infections and disease can cause period changes, other painful symptoms, as well as lead to life-threatening health issues.

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Can Antibiotics Screw Up Your Flow

Chances are your doc will prescribe antibiotics to kill the UTI-causing bacteria and stop them from multiplying. These medications also shouldnt impact the hormones that regulate menstruation and ovulation.

Lower tract UTIs, the most common type, tend to respond very well to antibiotics. Commonly prescribed antibiotics for UTIs include:

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How to manage painful urination with bleeding? – Dr. Shailaja N

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Cystitis In Men And Older People

Men tend to get cystitis later in life. Where trouble with urine flow is a symptom, this may indicate that the underlying cause is a problem with their prostate gland.

Cystitis is common in older people, particularly if they are unwell. Bladder catheters and some urinary-tract operations may also increase the risk of cystitis.

How Do You Get Urinary Tract Infections

The design of the human body makes it so it isnt hard to get a bacterial UTI, because the infection comes from outside, through the urethra. Bacteria in the genital area can enter the urethra and the urinary tract, either because wiping after going to the bathroom, sexual activity, or unsanitary conditions. Once the bacteria have entered the urethra, the body tries fight them off, but sometimes the bacteria multiply and cause an infection.

In the case of a fungal infection, usually the fungus gets to the urinary tract through the blood stream. Those who develop this type of infection are usually ill with a disease that has compromised their immune system, such as AIDS.

In general, women get more UTIs than do men and this increases with age. Statistics show that many women get more than one. Almost 20% of women who have had one UTI will go on to have a second. Of this 20%, 30% of those will have a third, and in turn, 80% of these women will have more.

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What Investigations May Be Advised

The investigations you may need usually depend on many different factors, such as if you have other symptoms, if you have any other illnesses or conditions and your age.

It is likely that you will need to provide a sample of urine which will be sent to the local laboratory to be tested for infection. You may have blood tests and X-rays or scans.

A cystoscopy may be performed to assess your bladder. Having a cystoscopy entails a doctor or nurse looking into your bladder with a special thin telescope called a cystoscope. The cystoscope is passed into your bladder via your outlet for your urine . A cystoscopy which is done just to look into your bladder is usually carried out under local anaesthetic.

More details about the different tests can be found in the separate individual condition leaflets, mentioned above.

What Is Blood In The Urine

5 Common Symptoms Of Urine Infection

Although this can be alarming, passing blood in urine is often not due to a serious condition. However, it is important to see your doctor if you notice blood in your urine to determine the underlying cause for this. Blood in your urine can be due to a number of reasons, which will be discussed below.

Alternatively, some people have very small traces of blood in their urine which cannot be seen but are found when a dipstick is put in a sample of their urine.

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Drinking Plenty Of Fluids

While youre being treated for a UTI, drink lots of fluids. This will make you pee more often, which flushes bacteria out of your body. The best choice is water.

To avoid worsening your symptoms, limit beverages that irritate the urinary tract. These drinks include:

  • carbonated drinks, like soda
  • artificially-sweetened beverages

Many people think cranberry juice can help, but the research is lacking. A 2012 review of studies determined that cranberry juice cant prevent or resolve UTIs.

Can A Blood Clot In The Urine Be Cancer

Read about platelet countand normal platelet count range. Blood clots in the urine substantiallyassociated with cancer of the bladder, in most cases, the individual is an elderly or a cigarette smoker. The patient may sometimes notice blood clots in urine with no other noticeable symptoms. Even so, the individual needs medical attention. 4.

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Can Kidney Infection Be Prevented

Most kidney infections are caused by germs travelling up from a bladder infection. So the same things that can help to reduce your chances of bladder infection should reduce your chances of kidney infection. Traditionally, people who got recurring urine infections were advised about measures such as drinking plenty of fluid and taking cranberry juice, and on the way that they wiped themselves after going to the toilet. However, there is little evidence for any of these measures and they are now not usually advised. Anything which increases your risk of urine infections which can be treated, should be treated. For example, any constipation should be treated promptly, as constipation can increase your chances of a bladder or kidney infection. See the separate leaflet called Constipation for more details. Doctors will try to treat anything else which might be contributing, such as kidney stones or an abnormality in the structure of the urinary system.

Pregnant women are regularly tested for urine infections and for germs in their urine. Even if they dont have symptoms, if urine tests positive for germs, pregnant women are usually treated with antibiotics to prevent any complications.

In some cases people who have recurring urine infections are treated with a low dose of antibiotic continually. This may help to prevent recurrences and to prevent spread to the kidney.

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What Causes Hematuria

Urinary Tract Infection In Women | Causes & Treatment

Reasons people may have blood in the urine include

  • infection in the bladder, kidney, or prostate
  • vigorous exercise
  • viral illness, such as hepatitisa virus that causes liver disease and inflammation of the liver
  • sexual activity
  • endometriosisa problem in women that occurs when the kind of tissue that normally lines the uterus grows somewhere else, such as the bladder

More serious reasons people may have hematuria include

  • bladder or kidney cancer
  • blood-clotting disorders, such as hemophilia
  • sickle cell diseasea genetic disorder in which a persons body makes abnormally shaped red blood cells
  • polycystic kidney diseasea genetic disorder in which many cysts grow on a persons kidneys

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When To See A Doctor

Get medical help as soon as you notice any UTI symptoms.

This is especially important if you have blood in your urine. Even if it only happened once or its a small amount, you should still visit a doctor.

When treated promptly, a UTI is easier to clear. Early treatment will help you avoid other complications.

Causes Of Cystitis Bleeding And Bladder Infection Bleeding

  • Bleeding from the bladder is not a normal occurrence. It should alert you that there is a malfunction of the urinary tract. Calcified stones, infection, or cancer may be the causes of cystitis bleeding. Any blood in the urine should be investigated for its underlying cause as soon as possible.
  • If there is excruciating pain while voiding too, and you have some nausea, there may be a buildup of calcified stones blocking or moving through the urinary tract.
  • If fever and chills are present and extreme itching is associated with the symptoms, perhaps a bladder infection is in process.
  • Either way, start drinking water to hydrate your body and start flushing the system to remove toxins and facilitate the passage of any blockages.
  • You can literally poison your body by being dehydrated and not urinating adequate amounts.

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Bladder Spasm Or Over Active Bladder Syndrome

You go to the doctor with what youre sure is a bladder infection, only to find out its not. A urinalysis shows that there is no bacteria present. So what now?

The urologist I went to diagnosed me with having bladder spasm. This condition is also known as overactive bladder syndrome or OAB. He took great pains to explain to me how difficult it is to find the cause and right treatment for symptoms like urinary frequency and urgency. He also said that many women have episodes like this at some time in their lives, but recover from it completely.

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Symptoms Of Hemorrhagic Cystitis

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are very painful, but you can easily ...

The primary sign of HC is blood in your urine. In stage I of HC, the bleeding is microscopic, so you wont see it. In later stages, you may see blood-tinged urine, bloody urine, or blood clots. In stage IV, blood clots may fill your bladder and stop urine flow.

Symptoms of HC are similar to those of a urinary tract infection , but they may be more severe and long-lasting. They include:

  • losing bladder control

Speak to your doctor if you experience any HC symptoms. UTIs rarely cause bloody urine.

You should contact your doctor right away if you have blood or clots in your urine. Seek emergency medical care if youre unable to pass urine.

Your doctor may suspect HC from your signs and symptoms and if you have a history of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. To diagnose HC and rule out other causes, such as a bladder tumor or bladder stones, your doctor may:

  • order blood tests to check for infection, anemia, or a bleeding disorder
  • order urine tests to check for microscopic blood, cancer cells, or infection
  • do imaging studies of your bladder using CT, MRI, or ultrasound imaging
  • look into your bladder through a thin telescope

Treatment of HC depends on the cause and the grade. There are many treatment options, and some are still experimental.

Antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral medications may be used to treat HC caused by an infection.

Treatment options for chemotherapy or radiation therapy-related HC include the following:

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Why Do I Have Uti Symptoms But No Infection

Its also possible that the symptoms may not be caused by a bladder infection, but instead may be caused by an infection in the urethra, the tube that allows urine to pass out of the body. Or, inflammation in the urethra might be causing the symptoms, rather than bacteria.Read more

  • Urinary Tract Infection Signs & Symptoms

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Youre Using Certain Methods Of Birth Control

When it comes to UTI prevention, not all birth control methods are created equal. Luckily, only one method is associated with UTIs: a diaphragm.

Because of where the diaphragm sits, it puts pressure on the urethra, which might lead to an increased risk, says Minkin. The good news? There are plenty of other great birth control options.

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Information About Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs And Cats

What is haematuria?

Haematuria is the medical term used to describe blood in the urine that occurs due to bleeding in the urinary system. When this happens the urine typically looks red and, occasionally, blood clots are seen. Sometimes bleeding can be on a microscopic level and the urine may appear normal. In these cases, blood may only be detected by laboratory analysis.

Are there other clinical signs that can be associated with haematuria?

Other clinical signs that may be present would include straining to urinate and squatting frequently to pass small amounts of urine. Straining to defecate can sometimes occur in male dogs with an enlarged prostate.

What can cause blood in the urine?

Causes Lower urinary tract bleeding

In cases where the lower urinary tract is involved other clinical signs typical of cystitis are normally seen.

Bladder inflammation of the bladder wall and subsequent bleeding can occur due to uroliths , polyps , infections and occasionally tumours. In the cat, there is a relatively common form of cystitis that without infection called feline lower urinary tract disease . FLUTD has been linked to stress and anxiety.

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