Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Antibiotics Are Good For Kidney Infection

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Foods For Kidney Infection

What are the Best Antibiotics for a Kidney Infection

Many kidney infections begin as urinary tract infections , points out the Cleveland Clinic. About 60 percent of women will get this often painful, uncomfortable condition. There’s a myth that cranberry juice or cranberry supplements will help treat UTIs, as the Cleveland Clinic notes.

“There is an active ingredient in cranberries that can prevent adherence of bacteria to the bladder wall, particularly E. coli,” said urologist Courtenay Moore, MD in an article on the Cleveland Clinic’s website.” But most of the studies have shown that juice and supplements don’t have enough of this active ingredient, A-type proanthocyanidins , to prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract.”

One of the best things you can do if you have a kidney infection, besides taking antibiotics, is drink several glasses of water and other fluids. According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking several glasses of fluids a day may discourage bacteria growth by flushing out your urinary tract.

Fruits and vegetables often have a high water content, the Mayo Clinic states. This helps boost your water intake, which keeps your kidneys healthy even when you’re not drinking plain water. Plus you have the added benefit of more nutrition from fruits and veggies.

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Can You Prevent Kidney Infections

Prevention of urinary tract and kidney infection primarily focuses on reducing the associated risk factors. As mentioned earlier, the majority of urinary tract infections are caused by the bacteria gaining entry into the urinary system through the urethra. Therefore, personal hygiene plays an important role in preventing kidney infection.

Examples of preventative measures include:

  • Emptying the bladder after sexual intercourse or wiping from front to back after going to the bathroom may significantly reduce the chance of developing kidney infection in women.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids has been shown to be the single most effective measure for preventing urinary tract infections.
  • In individuals with long-standing urinary catheters, routinely scheduled changing of the catheter as well as regular cleaning around the catheter’s entry into the urethra are important steps in prevention of urinary tract infections.
  • If kidney stones are the predisposing factor to repeated kidney infections, the removal of the stone and preventing future stones from forming may be necessary. These individuals may be referred to a specialist for further evaluation and removal of kidney stones.
  • Cranberries and cranberry juice can be beneficial in preventing kidney infections. It is important to note that cranberries may not treat an existing kidney infection, but have been found to be a simple preventive measure in addition to the other measures listed above.

Causes Of Kidney Infections

A kidney infection happens when bacteria infects your kidneys. The bacteria are usually a type called E. coli, which live in your bowel.

The bacteria get in through the opening of the urethra and move upwards through your urinary tract, first infecting your bladder and then your kidneys.

In rare cases, a kidney infection can develop if bacteria or fungi infect the skin and the infection spreads through your bloodstream into your kidney. However, this type of infection usually only occurs in people with weakened immune systems.

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Antibiotics And Your Health

Now that you know there is no single food good for kidney repair, if you have a kidney infection or UTI, visit your doctor as soon as you can. If the cause is a bacterial infection, youll probably be prescribed an antibiotic. The Mayo Clinic states that antibiotics are the first line of defense for kidney infections.

Even after you feel better, continue to take your antibiotics until you have finished all the medication. If you dont, the bacteria may linger and the infection may not go away or it may cause more serious complications, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Your doctor may want to repeat a urine culture after youve completed the antibiotics to see if the infection has cleared up. If you still show signs of infection, youll probably be given another course of antibiotics to take. When youve finished taking your second course of antibiotics, youll repeat the urine culture.

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How Soon Will It Start Working

Kidney Infection Antibiotics Z Pack

Once you start taking clindamycin, youll likely notice an improvement in your symptoms after a day or two. If your symptoms arent improving at all or seem to be getting worse after taking clindamycin for a few days, follow up with your healthcare provider.


Make sure you take the full course of antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor, even if you start to feel better before finishing them. Otherwise, you may not kill all of the bacteria, which can lead to recurring infections and antibiotic resistance.

Allergic reactions to clindamycin are rare. If you develop any kind of rash while taking clindamycin, contact your healthcare provider this may be a sign of a drug allergy.

In rare cases, its possible to have a potentially life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis.

Symptoms typically appear within 30 minutes of taking a drug and can include:

  • itchy hives and welts
  • swollen throat, which can cause wheezing and trouble with breathing or swallowing
  • chest tightness

Symptoms of C. diff to watch for include:

  • watery diarrhea up to 15 times per day that may contain blood or pus
  • severe abdominal pain

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What Is The Dosage Of Nitrofurantoin Vs Bactrim


  • The recommended adult dose for treating urinary tract infections is 50-100 mg 4 times daily or 100 mg every 12 hours for 7 days or for 3 days after obtaining sterile urine.
  • Nitrofurantoin can be taken with or without meals. Taking it with meals increases its absorption into the body.
  • The suspension can be mixed with water, milk, juice, or infant formula.
  • It also is used once a day to prevent urinary tract infections.
  • It should not be used in persons with poor kidney function.


  • The recommended adult dose for urinary tract infections is one double strength tablet or two single strength tablets every 12 hours for 10 to 14 days.
  • Flares of chronic bronchitis are treated with a similar regimen for 14 days.
  • Bactrim should be taken with 6 to 8 ounces of liquid to prevent crystals from forming in the urine. Persons with advanced kidney disease may require lower doses.

Are There Any Home Remedies For A Urinary Tract Infection

The best home remedy for a UTI is prevention . However, although there are many home remedies available from web sites, holistic medicine publications, and from friends and familymembers there is controversy about them in the medical literature as few have been adequately studied. However, a few remedies will be mentioned because there may be some positive effect from these home remedies. The reader should be aware that while reading about these remedies , they should not to overlook the frequent admonition that UTIs can be dangerous. If the person does not experience relief or if his or her symptoms worsen over 1 to 2 days, the person should seek medical care. In fact, many of the articles about UTI remedies actually describe ways to reduce or prevent UTIs. Examples of home treatments that may help to prevent UTIs, that may have some impact on an ongoing infection, and that are unlikely to harm people are as follows:

There are over-the-counter tests available for detecting presumptive evidence for a UTI . These tests are easy to use and can provide a presumptive diagnosis if the test instructions are carefully followed a positive test should encourage the person to seek medical care.

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What Are Potential Kidney Infection Complications

Most people recover 100% from a kidney infectionbut there is the possibility of serious complications if one is left untreated. As we mentioned, a kidney infection that doesnt get treated can cause a condition known as sepsis. This happens when your body responds overzealously to an infection, which can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure and cause the body to go into shock, according to the NIDDK. This can make your organs fail, which, in the most extreme cases, can lead to death.

Even in non-life-threatening cases, if you have a kidney infection that becomes chronic, you can wind up with permanent kidney damage that can cause problems like kidney disease or high blood pressure. In pregnant people, untreated kidney infections can also increase the risk of having a baby with low birth weight, notes the Mayo Clinic.

All of that sounds scary, but heres whats most important to know: A kidney infection is treatable. Its all about how soon you seek treatment once you start experiencing kidney infection symptoms.

Why Should I Take The Full Dose

What are the Best Antibiotics for a Kidney Infection

Antibiotics work well against UTIs. You might start to feel better after being on the medicine for just a few days.

But even so, keep taking your medicine. If you stop your antibiotics too soon, you wonât kill all the bacteria in your urinary tract.

These germs can become resistant to antibiotics. That means the meds will no longer kill these bugs in the future. So if you get another UTI, the medication you take might not treat it. Take the full course of your medicine to make sure all the bacteria are dead.

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What About Antibiotic Resistance

Resistance rates for antibiotics are always variable based on local patterns in the community and specific risk factors for patients, such as recent antibiotic use, hospital stay or travel. If you have taken an antibiotic in the last 3 months or traveled internationally, be sure to tell your doctor.

High rates of antibiotic resistance are being seen with both ampicillin and amoxicillin for cystitis , although amoxicillin/clavulanate may still be an option. Other oral treatments with reported increasing rates of resistance include sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim and the fluoroquinolones. Resistance rates for the oral cephalosporins and amoxicillin/clavulanate are still usually less than 10 percent.

Always finish taking your entire course of antibiotic unless your doctor tells you to stop. Keep taking your antibiotic even if you feel better and you think you don’t need your antibiotic anymore.

If you stop your treatment early, your infection may return quickly and you can develop resistance to the antibiotic you were using previously. Your antibiotic may not work as well the next time you use it.

Causes Of Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs

Approximately 27% of dogs will develop a urinary tract infection at some point in their life, with a large percentage of those being caused by a bacterial infection. However there are a number of other reasons why your dog may be suffering from the uncomfortable symptoms of a UTI including:

  • Viral infection

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Im Pregnant How Will A Uti Affect My Baby

If you have a UTI and it isnt treated, it may lead to a kidney infection. Kidney infections may cause early labor. Fortunately, asymptomatic bacteriuria and bladder infections are usually found and treated before the kidneys become infected. If your doctor treats a urinary tract infection early and properly, it wont hurt your baby.

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Seek Treatment Right Away

Kidney Infection Antibiotics Z Pack

It is very important to get medical treatment for a kidney infection as soon as possibledo not wait for it to go away on its own. Kidney infections that are not treated soon enough can cause permanent kidney damage or can spread to other parts of your body and cause an even more serious infection, such as an infection in your blood , which can be fatal.

If you have pain, talk to your doctor about taking over-the-counter pain medicines. You can also use a heating pad to help with pain. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water.

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Latest Antibiotics For Utis


  • Vabomere is a combination carbapenem antibiotic and beta-lactamase inhibitor. Vabomere was first approved in August of 2017.
  • Vabomere is used for the treatment of adult patients with complicated urinary tract infections due to susceptible Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae species complex.
  • Vabomere is given as an intravenous infusion every 8 hours. Dosage adjustments are required in patients with varying degrees of kidney impairment.


  • Zemdri is an aminoglycoside antibacterial for the treatment of complicated urinary tract infections, including pyelonephritis. Zemdri was first approved in February of 2015.
  • Zemdri is used against certain Enterobacteriaceae in patients who have limited or no alternative treatment options. Zemdri is an intravenous infusion, administered once daily.

See also: Treatment Options for UTIs

What Is The Most Common Treatment For Kidney Infection

Antibiotics are the primary line of remedy for kidney infections. Which medication you utilize and for the way lengthy rely in your well being and the micro organism present in your urine assessments. Usually, the indicators and signs of a kidney an infection start to clear up inside a number of days of remedy.

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Preventing A Kidney Infection

There are numerous preventative care alternatives and natural home remedy that can be performed to lower kidney infection symptoms and avoid repeating infections. Typically, these methods involve minimizing the possibility of bacteria to go into the urinary tract and turn into an infection. Significant techniques beyond dietary factors to consider and proper hygienic regimens when cleaning consist of:

  • Dont hold urine and try to completely empty your bladder without hurrying anything
  • Urinate ASAP after sex
  • Diaphragms prevent correct and total emptying of the bladder consider changing to various contraception methods

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What Are The Uses For Oral Clindamycin

Kidney Disease: 8 Home Remedies for Kidney Infection without Antibiotics
  • Clindamycin is used for treatment of serious infections caused by susceptible bacteria. It is most often used for treating penicillinallergic patients or in other situations where penicillin or other alternative antibiotics cannot be used.
  • Examples of infections that are treated with clindamycin include:
  • Serious respiratory tract infections
  • Serious skin and soft tissue infections
  • Female pelvic and genital tract infections and ovarian abscess)

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What Procedures And Tests Diagnose Kidney Infections In Men And Women

The most important test in diagnosing kidney infection is a urinalysis . Urinalysis is a test to analyze urine sample and evaluate for an infection in the urine. Urinalysis is done by collecting a clean catch, midstream urine in a sterile collection cup. The urine may be analyzed by the doctor in the office using or by analysis in a laboratory.

Because urine is normally sterile, any finding suggesting an infection may be considered abnormal and supportive of a kidney infection.

Causes Of Kidney Infection

Kidney infections can happen to just about anyone, young or old, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases . Symptoms include chills, fever, pain in your back or groin, nausea, vomiting, cloudy, bloody or foul-smelling urine and frequent or painful urination.

Children under the age of two may develop a high fever, while people over 65 may seem confused or get hallucinations or jumbled speech. If you think you have a kidney infection, call your doctor immediately. This condition may lead to sepsis, which can be life-threatening. As far as foods for a kidney infection, the NIDDK states that experts don’t think that what you eat can prevent or relieve its symptoms. Being hydrated, however, helps.

Kidney infections are caused by bacteria or viruses. The NIDDK states that scientists believe most kidney infections start as bladder infections that move upstream to one or both of your kidneys. Your bowel normally has bacteria in it. Usually, urination flushes out any bacteria before it can reach your bladder, but sometimes, your body can’t fight the infection.

To prevent kidney infection, NIDDK suggests the following:

  • Drink lots of liquid, especially water
  • Wipe from front to back after using the toilet
  • Urinate often and when you get the urge
  • Urinate after sex

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Do I Really Need To Take Antibiotics For A Uti

In most cases, it makes sense to start antibiotics if you know you have a bacterial UTI since this is the only way to treat it.

While it is possible for a UTI to go away on its own, this doesnt always happen. Plus, youll still have to deal with uncomfortable UTI symptoms like pain during urination while waiting to see if the UTI will go away. And if it doesnt, the infection can travel up your urinary tract and cause a more serious infection in your kidneys called pyelonephritis. If youre pregnant, have underlying health conditions, or are older than 65 years old, you should not try to treat a UTI without antibiotics.

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Complications Of Kidney Infections

Natural Antibiotic Destroys all Bladder &  Kidney Infections after few ...

Most kidney infections are treated successfully without complications, although some people may develop further problems.

Complications of a kidney infection are rare, but you’re more likely to develop them if you:

  • rapid heartbeat

Blood poisoning is a medical emergency that usually requires admission to a hospital intensive care unit while antibiotics are used to fight the infection.

If you’re taking certain medications for diabetes, such as metformin or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, they may be temporarily withdrawn until you recover. This is because they can cause kidney damage during an episode of blood poisoning.

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