Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Yeast Infection Affect Pregnancy

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How Are Yeast Infections Treated

What causes yeast infections, and how do you get rid of them? – Liesbeth Demuyser

Luckily, when it comes to yeast infections, there are a wide range of treatment options available based on the severity of the infection. A variety of over the counter options such as creams, suppositories, ointments, and tablets are available without a prescription. These antifungal medications often come in 1, 3, or 7 day strengths and are usually less concentrated doses of what a doctor might prescribe.

If your symptoms are severe, or the course of treatment hasnt worked, your doctor might recommend a prescription strength option, or oral medication to combat the infection. Using the wrong medication may make things worse, so treatment should be selected carefully by your healthcare provider.

What Are Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection

Signs and symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection can vary. Here are some things you may experience and get checked out by your provider:

  • Redness and/or swelling in the vulva
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Soreness or pain in the vulva
  • Thick, white vaginal discharge resembling cottage cheese in appearance

In addition to vaginal signs and symptoms, an overgrowth of yeast or candida can also occur in the mouth, known as oral thrush. In infants, the infection may present as a red, persistent, irritating diaper rash. Like any infection, it is recommended to have your doctor examine your symptoms to determine the cause.

Why Do I Need To See My Provider To Treat A Yeast Infection

It may seem like overkill to see your provider because antifungal medication is available over the counter, but it’s not a good idea to try to diagnose and treat yourself. Studies show that most women who treat themselves for a presumed yeast infection miss the real cause. As a result, they often delay getting proper treatment.

Your symptoms may be caused by something else, such as a sexually transmitted infection, instead of or along with yeast.

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Does A Yeast Infection Cause Infertility

Women trying to conceive with a yeast infection are likely to wonder whether or not they can get pregnant with a yeast infection. There is no need to panic as you can conceive even if you have a yeast infection because there is no conclusive evidence that indicates yeast infections cause infertility in women. However, the symptoms associated with yeast infections, which include soreness, swelling, irritation, and burning sensations can make sex uncomfortable and painful. So, a woman suffering from a yeast infection may not be inclined to engage in intercourse. Therefore, a yeast infection does not directly impact fertility, but it can certainly contribute to the problems of becoming pregnant by interfering with the persons sex life. Also, recurrent yeast infections can create a hostile environment for the sperm, making conception difficult.

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Slapped Cheek Syndrome In Pregnancy

Infections in pregnancy and how they affect the baby

Slapped cheek syndrome is common in children. It typically causes a rash on the face.

Slapped cheek syndrome is highly infectious and can be harmful to the baby.

If you come into contact with anyone who is infected, you should talk to your doctor, who can carry out a blood test to check whether you’re immune. In most cases, the baby is not affected if you have slapped cheek syndrome.

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Crucial Symptoms Of Yeast Infection

The symptoms of a yeast infection are often described as sensational, itching, and burning. Yet, they vary from individual to individual. Some are mild, while others are severe. Below are a few yeast infection symptoms.

  • It might take several days for symptoms to appear after you get an infection. The first sign may be itching or burning at the site of your discharge, but it can take several days for these symptoms to develop into a full-blown yeast infection.
  • A white coating on your underwear after you wash them
  • A thick, creamy-white vaginal discharge that smells like vinegar or even alcohol

Can Yeast Infection Affect A Pregnancy Test

No, it cannot affect a pregnancy test. This is so because yeast infection is a superficial infection.

Pregnancy test work by detecting the hormone hCG in your urine. The placenta is inside the uterus away from the yeast-infected area. The placenta produces the pregnancy test hormone hCG.

Even in the worst cases, the yeast infection doesnt spread up to that region. In fact, pregnancy is a cause of yeast infection.

So pregnancy test detects the hormone coming in your urine. It is specific for hCG hormone.

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How To Treat A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

For a yeast infection in pregnancy, treatment is generally an over-the-counter vaginal cream or suppositories. These might include Clotrimazole Miconazole or Terconazole. Oral medications such as fluconazole are not recommended during pregnancy.

If you have to wait a few days to see your doctor, Tahery says you can apply 1 percent hydrocortisone externally to help control itching. If you are desperate, you can use a small amount just on the lips of the vulva, which will offer some relief, he says.

But Tahery cautions against using boric acid suppositories to treat yeast infections during pregnancy. Boric acid and other homeopathic treatments havent been tested in pregnancy, so I wouldnt recommend them, he says.

If you have a yeast infection that somehow goes undetected, it will likely clear up after you deliver. These will usually self-resolve after pregnancy, unless you were having chronic yeast infections before you got pregnant, perhaps due to a condition such as diabetes, says Tahery.

Sometimes having one yeast infection during pregnancy can cause repeated ones until you deliver. If you are having recurring yeast infections during pregnancy, its best to work with your doctor to figure out a plan. Along with medication, you may need to make lifestyle changes like wearing more breathable clothing or changing your underwear more frequently, since yeast thrives in wet, humid conditions.

Can Yeast Infection Prevent Pregnancy

Treating a yeast infection while pregnant | TAKE my PHARMACIST advice

This is also a major concern soon-to-be-moms have about yeast infection during pregnancy.

Having a fungal vaginal infection wont affect your fertility, but conceiving a baby could be a problem.

If you already have vaginal thrush, your immune system will keep fighting against the fungal overgrowth. In the process, it may accidentally kill your partners sperm.

Thus, it could make getting pregnant a lot more challenging. So if you notice any serious yeast infection signs, treat them before you attempt conceiving.

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What Causes A Yeast Infection

Yeast infections might also appear due to vaginal injuries, like after chemotherapy. Women with suppressed immunity may also develop such infections more commonly than women with normal immune systems.

Other medical conditions which might make women more likely to yeast infections include:

  • Birth control pills.

Yeast Infection Pregnancy Symptoms

Besides extreme discomfort, soreness, and the urge to scratch, the most common symptom of a yeast infection is a thick, white vaginal discharge that has a cottage cheese-like consistency. It is important to remember that pregnancy will bring excess discharge, and while it can be white in color, it should be very thin. You may also notice redness and inflammation of the vulva as well as a burning sensation when you pee.

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Safe Ways To Treat Yeast Infections When Pregnant

Once your diagnosis is confirmed, you can use an antifungal over-the-counter medication to treat the infection. Antifungal creams are the best option for treating a yeast infection while pregnant. Vaginal creams like Miconazole, more commonly known as Monistat, as well as Clotrimazole and Terconazole, are all considered safe during pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is always best to confirm medications with your physician prior to starting treatment. This is especially the case if you want to use a suppository.

When choosing a dosage, always go with the seven-day option. While slightly inconvenient, it will ensure that you completely clear out the infection. Most importantly, complete the entire course treatment, even if symptoms subside prior to the seven-day mark.

Data Collection Management And Analysis

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Both clinical and laboratory data were extracted and recorded manually into an MS-office Excel software Version 1908 . Data was later analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 22 . Categorical data variables were statistically described in the form of frequencies and percentages while continuous data variables were summarized as mean . The association between categorical variables were done using chi-square test. P-value was considered significant if less than 0.05. Univariate logistic regression model was used to identify potential risk factors of VVC. The association between VVC and clinical presentations of study participants was determined using chi-square test.

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How Can I Reduce My Chances Of Getting A Yeast Infection While Pregnant

It’s less likely you’ll get a yeast infection if you keep your genital area dry and your vaginal flora in balance. Not all of the following suggestions are supported by hard evidence, but they’re easy enough to do and worth a try:

A yeast infection is no fun, but it’s nice to know that it’s not a danger to you or your baby. It’s a good idea to keep in mind that some infections can be more than bothersome when you’re pregnant, though. Here’s an article outlining some of the infections that can affect a pregnancy.

Learn more:

BabyCenter’s editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you’re seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

ACOG. 2020. Vaginitis. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

CDC. 2020. Vulvovaginal candidiasis. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

OWH. 2019. Vaginal yeast infection. Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Yeast infections are common during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters. This is because your body is simultaneously changing to accommodate the development of the fetus, weakening your immune system and leaving loopholes for these bacteria to act.

You can treat these yeast infections with over-the-counter medications such as Monistat or Diflucan, but if they dont go away after several days of treatment, you may wish to consult your doctor.

However, the good news is that while you may be dealing with an uncomfortable condition, it wont affect your ability to conceive or carry a baby to term. In fact, having a yeast infection during pregnancy may be termed normal and will not affect fertility or pregnancy outcomes. So, yeast infection definitely wont influence your pregnancy test results.

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What Is A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Yeast infections are common in women, especially when you’re pregnant. Increased estrogen in your pregnant body can throw off the normal balance of yeast and bacteria in your . This may let the yeast overgrow. Most yeast infections during pregnancy result from the fungus candida albicans. Two other kinds of yeast that can also cause them are candida glabrata and candida tropicalis.

Yeast infections aren’t pleasant, but they won’t hurt you or your baby. And they can be safely treated, usually with a topical cream.

Infections Transmitted By Animals

Treating Pregnancy Symptoms : How to Treat Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

Cat faeces may contain toxoplasma an organism that causes toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis can harm your baby.

To reduce the risk of infection:

  • avoid emptying cat litter trays while you’re pregnant
  • if nobody else can empty the litter tray, use disposable rubber gloves trays should be cleaned daily
  • avoid close contact with sick cats
  • even if you do not have a cat, wear gloves if gardening in case the soil is contaminated with faeces
  • wash your hands and gloves after gardening
  • if you do come into contact with cat faeces, wash your hands thoroughly
  • follow general food hygiene rules see how to prepare food safely and how to store food safely

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Can A Yeast Infection Affect A Pregnancy Test

Most women would like to get pregnant during their lifetime, though it takes more time than expected for many. It means that while waiting to get pregnant, they may often use at-home pregnancy tests to detect pregnancy as early as possible.

Yeast infections are relatively common in women of childbearing age. It causes considerable itching, discharge, and other issues. Candida albicans is the primary cause of most yeast infections.

What is interesting is that candida is present in all women, but its growth is kept under control by other beneficial bacteria. These bacteria suppress candida growth by helping maintain an acidic vaginal environment.

Studies show that any hormonal changes in the female body increase yeast infection risk. Thus, for example, studies show that candida is present in abnormal numbers in about one-third of all pregnant women .

Since the yeast infection tends to be chronic and recurrent, and it is among the most common vaginal infections, it is logical to ask if it can interfere with the results of the pregnancy test?

In short, the answer is No. None of the yeast infections can interfere with the pregnancy tests. To understand why it is not possible, we need to know more about how most commonly used pregnancy tests work.

How Do You Prevent Yeast Infections While Pregnant

Whether or not you’re pregnant, the ways to prevent yeast infections include:

  • Keeping your genital area clean and dry
  • Avoiding douching, as well as hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital area
  • Wearing cotton underwear, and avoiding underwear made of silk or nylon
  • Avoiding wearing tight-fitting pants or shorts

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Yeast Infection Vs Pregnancy Discharge: Whats The Difference

You might notice a vaginal discharge in the early stages and its completely normal. So how would you recognize the yeast infection vs. pregnancy discharge?

Here are a few differences and similarities you should know:

Pregnancy Discharge
Resembles mucus Resembles cottage cheese

The easiest way to tell apart pregnancy discharge vs. yeast infection discharge is by looking at its appearance. Fungal fluid is thick, lumpy, and odorless while the other is thin and watery.

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How Is Candidiasis Treated

Candida In Pregnancy Causes Cause Retention Candida Water

Most of the time, vulvovaginal candidiasis is easy to treat with an antifungal cream or suppository. The medicine should relieve your symptoms within seven days. However, during pregnancy, you should see your doctor before starting treatment. They can confirm that you actually have a yeast infection and ensure you get a treatment thats safe to use during pregnancy.

Both oral and topical antifungal drugs are used to treat yeast infections in nonpregnant women. However, oral drugs may not be safe to use during pregnancy. A 2016 study in found an association between higher risk of miscarriage and oral fluconazole use during pregnancy. Oral antifungal drugs have also been linked to birth defects.

Topical antifungal drugs that are safe to use during pregnancy include:


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It Can Delay Pregnancy

Although getting a yeast infection and leaving it untreated does not usually have any long-term effects on the body of a woman, it would provide a great deal of discomfort. Itching, redness, and discharge are among the most famous and common effects of getting a yeast infection. If the woman is trying to conceive around the time she gets an infection, it would be better to get it checked and treated as soon as possible by a professional doctor or caregiver.

Causes Of A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

  • Diabetes that isnât well controlled
  • Conditions like HIV or medications, like corticosteroids that make it harder for your immune system to work well.
  • If your sexual partner has a yeast infection, it can be passed to you during vaginal sex.

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Causes Symptoms And Treatment

Yeast infections during pregnancy are more common than any other time in a womans life, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. You may be noticing an increase in the amount of thin, white, odd smelling discharge. This is common and a normal symptom in the second trimester.If you think you may be experiencing a yeast infection, the following information will prepare you to discuss the possibility with your doctor. Though yeast infections have no major negative effect on pregnancy, they are often more difficult to control during pregnancy, causing significant discomfort for you. Dont wait to seek treatment!

How To Treat Yeast Infections During Pregnancy


Rachel Gurevich is a fertility advocate, author, and recipient of The Hope Award for Achievement, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association. She is a professional member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and has been writing about womens health since 2001. Rachel uses her own experiences with infertility to write compassionate, practical, and supportive articles.

If you’re an adult woman, chances are you’ve had a yeast infection at some point in your life and know that it’s anything but fun. But did you know yeast infections occur more frequently in women who are pregnant?

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of a normal fungus. About one-third of all women normally carry this fungus in their vaginas, and both men and women carry it in their digestive tracts.

During pregnancyparticularly in the second trimesterwomen become more susceptible to yeast problems. The increased risk during pregnancy is at least partially due to the increased estrogen circulating in a pregnant womans body.

While they’re annoying and uncomfortable, yeast infections are not harmful to your health. Unlike with other types of infections, you generally wouldn’t be prescribed antibiotics for a yeast infection .

A yeast infection will also not harm your baby, although they may still get yeast infections, no matter how or when they are born.

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