Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can You Get Urinary Tract Infection Medication Over The Counter

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Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating Urinary Tract Infections

Phenazopyridine hydrochloride may relieve your pain, burning, itching, and urgency to urinate within 20 minutes. Avoid taking it if you have kidney disease or are allergic to dyes. Do not worry if your urine turns reddish-orange when you take this medication. This common effect is not harmful, but it can stain clothing.

Methenamine and sodium salicylate work together to slow bacterial growth along the urinary tract and to control the UTI. Do not take this medication if you are allergic to aspirin, are on a low-sodium diet or anticoagulant therapy, or have stomach problems.

You can also take other pain relievers, such as NSAIDs or acetaminophen .

Homeopathic Uti Over The Counter Treatment

Homeopathy treats the whole patient, not a symptom or group of symptoms. If you ask a homeopath, they prefer to prescribe remedies based on individual patient assessment, not just isolated symptoms. Therefore, a homeopathic doctor would prefer to prescribe you a remedy uniquely addressing your individual health needs.

Purchasing an off-the-shelf remedy is considered to be less effective than taking one recommended specifically for you.

However, there are several widely-recognized homeopathic UTI OTC remedies readily available. Many naturopathic doctors find the following remedies helpful for their patients with UTI symptoms.


Advised for those who experience a constant, strong urge to urinate with a sharp pain right before and after peeing. Other symptoms include a sensation of bladder fullness but only being able to release a few drops of urine when peeing.

Nux vomica

This remedy is advised for those who feel a strong urge to urinate, burning or cramping pain in the bladder area, and an itching sensation while the urine passes.

Other notable symptoms that can be helped include irritability, impatience, and feeling cold. This remedy is great if your symptoms are relieved by hot baths or with a hot bottle applied to your lower abdomen.


This remedy is often useful in cystitis and may help when symptoms are unclear, or if other remedies have not been effective.

Azo Urinary Pain Relief Maximum Strength Tablets

Phenazopyridine hydrochloride is the active ingredient of this OTC medication for urinary pain, a chemical which, when excreted into the urine, has a local analgesic effect.

AZO Urinary Pain Relief® Maximum Strength Tablets, unfortunately, does nothing to fight the infection, but only masks the symptoms. Do not take it for longer than three days and dont take it if you have liver problems. If you cover up your symptoms, you might not notice that your UTI is getting worse.

Phenazopyridine is also responsible for the bright orange color of your urine, that indicates the medicine has reached your bladder.

Make sure to not wear white underwear or contact lenses , since this active ingredient can permanently discolor them.

Keep in mind that some animal studies demonstrate a possible link between phenazopyridine and cancer in female rats. Phenazopyridine hydrochloride is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals according to National Toxicologyprogram report.

AZO Urinary Pain Relief® Maximum Strength Tablets contains 97.5 mg of Phenazopyridine per dose.

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Is It Possible To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections With Diet And Supplements

It is possible to reduce the chance that a UTI will develop with dietary methods and some supplements but prevention of all UTIs is unlikely with these methods.

  • Supplements such as eating cranberries, taking vitamin C tablets, and eating yogurt and other substances also may reduce the chance that a UTI will develop .
  • However, as stated in the prevention section, changes in a person’s lifestyle may reduce the chance of getting a UTI as good as, if not better than, any diet or supplement.

What Is A Urinary Tract Infection In Toddlers

URISTAT Ultra Strength UTI Tab 30ct

A UTI is an infection in your childs urinary tract which includes their kidneys, the ureters that connect them to the bladder and the urethra where urine exits their body. Bacteria get into their urinary tract through the skin around their rectum and genitals or through the bloodstream from any part of their body .

Because it may not be obvious when a child has an infection, especially if theyre too young to voice their symptoms, UTIs in children sometimes go unnoticed. Urinary tract infections need to be treated immediately to prevent the infection from spreading and damaging the kidneys.

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Treating Urinary Tract Infections With Natural Health Remedies

Urinary tract infections can be painful and uncomfortable. While some people choose to go with conventional antibiotic treatments, there are plenty of natural remedies out there to help you feel better in no time. The first thing most people will try is cranberry juice. This works by coating the mucus lining in the bladder to prevent bacteria from sticking. If that doesnt work, you might try increasing your water intake or using certain probiotics.

Urinary tract infections are an incredibly common experience for women, yet many people are not aware that there are natural health remedies that can help curb them. There are many types of UTIs, which range from mild to severe, but when theyre serious it can be difficult to cope with the pain. Luckily, there are natural remedies that have been proven to work to treat these infections, so you dont have to take antibiotics every time they occur.

Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria that enter the urethra and travel up to the bladder. UTIs can be cured with antibiotics and also with natural remedies such as cranberry juice and olive leaf extract, which offer anti-microbial properties.

Maintaining a healthy diet is another way to prevent UTIs. Switching from white bread to whole grains, cutting out fatty foods, and drinking plenty of water helps the kidneys eliminate toxins.

How Should This Medicine Be Used

Phenazopyridine comes as a tablet or capsule to take by mouth. It usually is taken three times a day after meals. Do not chew or crush the tablets as it may cause your teeth to become stained swallow them whole with a full glass of water. You may stop taking this drug when pain and discomfort completely disappear. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take phenazopyridine exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

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Treatment Strategies For Recurrent Utis

Recurrent urinary tract infections, defined as three or more UTIs within 12 months, or two or more occurrences within six months, is very common among women these but arent treated exactly the same as standalone UTIs. One of the reasons: Continued intermittent courses of antibiotics are associated with allergic reactions, organ toxicities, future infection with resistant organisms, and more.

Because of this, its strongly recommended that you receive both a urinalysis and urine culture from your healthcare provider prior to initiating treatment. Once the results are in, the American Urological Association suggests that healthcare professionals do the following:

  • Use first-line treatments. Nitrofurantoin, TMP-SMX, and fosfomycin are the initial go-tos. However, specific drug recommendations should be dependent on the local antibiogram. An antibiogram is a periodic summary of antimicrobial susceptibilities that helps track drug resistance trends.
  • Repeat testing. If UTI symptoms persist after antimicrobial therapy, clinicians should repeat the urinalysis, urine culture, and antibiotic susceptibility testing to help guide further management.
  • Try vaginal estrogen. For peri- and post-menopausal women with recurrent UTIs, vaginal estrogen therapy is recommended to reduce risk of future UTIs.

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Latest Antibiotics For Utis

Top Natural Remedies for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)


  • Vabomere is a combination carbapenem antibiotic and beta-lactamase inhibitor. Vabomere was first approved in August of 2017.
  • Vabomere is used for the treatment of adult patients with complicated urinary tract infections due to susceptible Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae species complex.
  • Vabomere is given as an intravenous infusion every 8 hours. Dosage adjustments are required in patients with varying degrees of kidney impairment.


  • Zemdri is an aminoglycoside antibacterial for the treatment of complicated urinary tract infections, including pyelonephritis. Zemdri was first approved in February of 2015.
  • Zemdri is used against certain Enterobacteriaceae in patients who have limited or no alternative treatment options. Zemdri is an intravenous infusion, administered once daily.

See also: Treatment Options for UTIs

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What If The Infection Does Not Clear Up With Treatment

Most infections clear up with treatment. However, if an infection does not clear up, or if you have repeated infections, you may be given some special tests such as:

  • a type of x-ray called an intravenous pyleogram , which involves injecting a dye into a vein and taking pictures of your kidney and bladder

  • an ultrasound exam, which gives a picture of your kidneys and bladder using sound waves

  • a cytoscopic exam, which uses a hollow tube with special lenses to look inside the bladder.

The Status Of Methenamine Combination Products

The FDAs 2003 request for data and information alsotargeted a combination product containing methenamine, sodiumsalicylate, salicylamide, and benzoic acid.8 The FDAmentioned that the manufacturer would be required to make a newsubmission, as the old one from the 1970s was badly outdated. Theproduct most closely resembling this combination at present is Cystex.9Each tablet contains 162 mg of methenamine and 162.5 mg of sodiumsalicylate, with benzoic acid listed as an inactive ingredient. Thedosage is 2 tablets with a full glass of water 4 times daily.14None of these ingredients as dosed in the nonprescription product isproven to be safe and effective at preventing or treating UTIs at thepresent time.

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Why Do Utis Cause Confusion In The Elderly

The immune system of an older adult reacts differently to infection compared to younger people.

A bladder infection places stress on the body, says Dr. Mary Ann Forciea, an associate clinical professor at the University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia.

That stress can result in confusion and abrupt changes in behavior in older adults with a UTI. And for seniors with Alzheimers disease or other types of dementia, any kind of stress, physical or emotional, will often make dementia temporarily worse, Forciea says.

How Are Chronic Urinary Tract Infections Diagnosed

Urinary Tract Infections And Self

Prompt diagnosis is key to treating chronic urinary tract infections. Testing may be performed to help rule out other conditions. Diagnostic testing may include:

  • Urinalysis. To look for the presence of bacteria and red or white blood cells
  • Urine culture. To determine which bacteria are present and possibly test different antibiotics
  • Imaging. To view the health of the urinary tract , including CT scan, ultrasound, and x-ray: a special dye is used in some cases to aid in imaging
  • Cystoscopy. Use of a scope to view inside the bladder and urethra and check for abnormalities

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Why Trust Verywell Health

As a seasoned health writer, Jennifer Nied understands how vital quality product recommendations are for treating symptoms safely and effectively at home. For over 10 years, she has reviewed products, interviewed experts, scrutinized ingredients, and pored over research studies and claims, to help readers like you understand what works for your specific conditions. Every product in this piece was selected taking into account recommendations from doctors, published research, and real customer reviews.

Additional reporting to this story by Brittany Leitner

As a health writer with over eight years of experience, Brittany Leitner understands how important access to information is when it comes to making educated health decisions. She has interviewed dozens of medical experts, tested out hundreds of products, and aims to provide quality recommendations that wont break the bank.

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Can Utis Be Prevented

A few things can help prevent UTIs. After peeing, girls should wipe from front to back with toilet paper. After BMs, wipe from front to back to avoid spreading bacteria from the rectal area to the urethra.

Also, go to the bathroom when needed and dont hold the pee in. Pee that stays in the bladder gives bacteria a good place to grow.

Keep the genital area clean and dry. Girls should change their tampons and pads regularly during their periods. Bubble baths can irritate the vaginal area, so girls should take showers or plain baths. Avoid long exposure to moisture in the genital area by not wearing nylon underwear or wet swimsuits. Wearing underwear with cotton crotches is also helpful. Skip using feminine hygiene sprays or douches, as these can irritate the urethra.

If you are sexually active, go to the bathroom both before and within 15 minutes after sex. After sex, gently wash the genital area to remove any bacteria. Avoid sexual positions that irritate or hurt the urethra or bladder. Couples who use lubrication during sex should use a water-soluble lubricant such as K-Y Jelly.

Finally, drinking lots of water each day keeps the bladder active and bacteria-free.

UTIs are uncomfortable and often painful, but theyre common and easily treated. The sooner you contact your doctor, the sooner youll be able to get rid of the problem.

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Does Cranberry Juice Prevent A Uti

Some patients may want to use cranberry or cranberry juice as a home remedy to treat a UTI. Cranberry juice has not been shown to cure an ongoing bacterial infection in the bladder or kidney.

Cranberry has been studied as a preventive maintenance agent for UTIs. Studies are mixed on whether cranberry can really prevent a UTI. Cranberry may work by preventing bacteria from sticking to the inside of the bladder however, it would take a large amount of cranberry juice to prevent bacterial adhesion. More recent research suggests cranberries may have no effect on preventing a UTI

  • According to one expert, the active ingredient in cranberries — A-type proanthocyanidins — are effective against UTI-causing bacteria, but is only in highly concentrated cranberry capsules, not in cranberry juice.
  • However, cranberry was not proven to prevent recurrent UTIs in several well-controlled studies, as seen in a 2012 meta-analysis of 24 trials published by the Cochrane group.
  • While studies are not conclusive, there is no harm in drinking cranberry juice. However, if you develop symptoms, see your doctor. Some people find large quantities of cranberry juice upsetting to the stomach.

Increasing fluid intake like water, avoiding use of spermicides, and urinating after intercourse may be helpful in preventing UTIs, although limited data is available.

Why Antibiotics Are The Golden Standard


Urinary tract infections occur due to an external bacterial infection in the urinary tract of a body. The most common treatment option is a course of antibiotic therapy that targets the pathogens and the bacteria causing the infection.

The appropriate antibiotic course leads to higher symptomatic and bacteriological cure rates and significantly reduces the chances of reinfection. The types of antibiotics prescribed as the first line of treatment are based upon the type of bacteria found in your urine after the urine analysis, your health status, and the severity of the infection.

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Antibiotics That Shouldn’t Be A First Choice For Uncomplicated Utis

Other antibiotics appear to be overused, and some physicians may misuse non-recommended antibiotics as first-line treatments. Ciprofloxacin is used in 35% of uncomplicated UTIs, while levofloxacin is used in 2%. These antibiotics can be important treatments in some cases of more complicated UTIs, but can have dangerous side effects.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns that the use of these drugs should be restricted because of their potentially disabling side effects involving tendons, muscles, joints, nerves and the central nervous system. Additionally, in many parts of the country, bacteria commonly causing UTIs are becoming resistant to these antibiotics.

Natural Remedies For Bladder Infections In Dogs

Give your dog cranberry juice and lots of water. The cranberry juice has antioxidants that can prohibit bacteria from adhering to the walls of her bladder and flush out. Because cranberry juice and the increase in water will cause her to urinate more frequently make sure you take her out as often as possible. Holding her urine with healing from a bladder infection can cause the infection to get worse and is extremely painful.

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Will I Need An Intravenous Antibiotic For A Uti

If you are pregnant, have a high fever, or cannot keep food and fluids down, your doctor may admit you to the hospital so you can have treatment with intravenous antibiotics for a complicated UTI. You may return home and continue with oral antibiotics when your infection starts to improve.

In areas with fluoroquinolone resistance exceeding 10%, in patients with more severe pyelonephritis, those with a complicated UTI who have allergies to fluoroquinolones, or are unable to tolerate the drug class, intravenous therapy with an agent such as ceftriaxone, or an aminoglycoside, such as gentamicin or tobramycin, may be appropriate. Your ongoing treatment should be based on susceptibility data received from the laboratory.

Can You Get Uti Antibiotics Over The Counter

Over The Counter Antibiotics For UTI (Urinary Tract Infection ...
  • Can You Get UTI Antibiotics Over the Counter? Center
  • Currently, no urinary tract infection antibiotics are available over the counter in the United States. A person must consult a doctor to get the UTI treated with an antibiotic. However, an OTC product called Uristat can be taken initially to

    • Numb the bladder and urethra
    • Ease the burning pain during the urination

    This medication can be bought without a prescription from the pharmacy store. This product is not an antibiotic. Take phenazopyridine only for 48 hours, and be aware, it may cause the urine to turn brown, orange or red, which can stain a fabric or contact lens.

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