Saturday, May 4, 2024

What To Do When You Get A Tooth Infection

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An Impacted Wisdom Tooth

How I Healed My Tooth Infection Without Antibiotics! Dentists HATE this video.

Impaction happens when a persons jaw has insufficient room for a wisdom tooth to erupt, in a situation referred to as tooth crowding.

Wisdom teeth may only emerge partially from the gum line or they can become trapped beneath it.

Either way, this can lead to inflammation of the gums and infection around the wisdom teeth. Sometimes soft tissue forms over the partially erupted wisdom tooth and is known as an operculum.

An operculum isnt always good for your mouth because it tends to trap food particles causing bacteria to thrive. This, in turn, causes an infection which is often followed by an abscess that forms beneath the operculum. If the abscess isnt treated, the infection spreads and progresses into pericoronitis. In severe cases, this can be extremely painful leaving the patient to call for an emergency dentist.

When To Contact A Doctor Or Dentist

A person should contact a dentist at the first sign of a tooth infection. Early treatment stops the infection from spreading further.

If a tooth infection has spread, it is considered a medical emergency. These infections can quickly become widespread and severe. In some cases, systemic infections can even be life threatening.

A person should contact a dentist for an emergency appointment as soon as possible. If there are no dentists available, a person should visit the emergency department of their nearest hospital.

The type of treatment a person receives for a tooth infection depends on several factors, including:

  • the initial location of the abscess
  • whether, and to what extent, the infection has spread
  • the extent of the immune systems reaction to the infection

Some possible treatments for a tooth infection include the following.

When Should I See A Dentist

You should see a dentist regularly for check-ups. If you suspect you have a tooth abscess, or you have a toothache, see your dentist as soon as possible. A tooth abscess will not get better on its own in fact, an untreated abscess might get worse and lead to life-threatening complications if the infection spreads to other parts of the body.

You should also see a dentist for a check-up as soon as you can if you have chipped or broken teeth.

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Can An Infected Tooth Affect Your Heart Health

What puts you at risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular problems? For most people, the risk factors that typically come to mind are a poor diet, a lack of exercise, excess body weight, and excessive alcohol consumption. While these are all definite risk factors, most people dont realize that having an infected tooth or poor oral hygiene can also increase your chances of problems like heart attacks or heart disease. While its still not exactly known how your heart and oral health are related, theres a definite correlation.

Research points to poor dental health as a potential risk factor for heart disease. Its been shown that people with gum disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, and tooth infection have a higher incidence of cardiovascular problems like a heart attack or stroke. There are a few theories about why this happens. When you have an infection in your tooth or gums, the bacteria from the infection can enter your bloodstream and travel elsewhere in your body. This bacteria can cause inflammation in your blood vessels and blood clots. Other research suggests that its the bodys immune response to the bacteria that can potentially damage your blood vessels or heart. Evidence of oral bacteria has been found throughout the body, which means that the health of your mouth has a clear effect on your overall health.

How Do You Get Rid Of A Toothache In 5 Minutes

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Diagnosis ...

You can try to get rid of a toothache in 5 minutes by rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, salt water, or wheatgrass.

Next, you can apply clove oil, vanilla extract, or garlic paste to the affected area.

Finally, apply a cold compress or ice pack. If the pain doesnt resolve or if its severe, talk with your dentist.

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Treatments For Tooth Pain

Once you have a clearer idea of whats causing your tooth pain, you can take steps to get relief. Here are some approaches to consider:

1. If you think your tooth pain is caused by sensitivity, you should avoid acidic, hot, and cold foods and beverages. In addition, try an over-the-counter pain reliever, a gentler toothbrush, a toothpaste specifically formulated for sensitive teeth, and consider wearing a mouth guard, especially when you sleep at night. Other at-home remedies for sensitive teeth also may help.

2. If your tooth pain is caused by cavities, tartar, periodontal disease, or any other damage to your teeth, gums, jaw, or sinus area, youll need to consult a dentist. They may refer you to a dental specialist, such as an orthodontist , a periodontist , or an endodontist . Dental care can be expensive, and not all insurance plans cover it.

3. If your toothache is caused by an underlying condition such as a cold, infections, or even anxiety or stress, managing those symptoms should clear up your dental pain. For example, if youre congested, try an over-the-counter decongestant or a hot washcloth on your face to relieve the pain.

4. Alternative remedies such as CBD can help some dental pain and problems, but not others.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Sometimes, impacted wisdom teeth dont cause any noticeable problems. Other times, symptoms may develop suddenly or gradually over time. Signs of impacted wisdom teeth include:

  • Pain or swelling of your jaw or face.
  • Red, swollen or bleeding gums.
  • A bad taste in your mouth.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth all the way.

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Signs And Symptoms That A Tooth Infection Is Spreading

While it is rare for a tooth infection or tooth abscess to spread to other parts of your body, it can happen. And, if it does happen, the consequences can be quite severe. If you suspect that a tooth infection spread, you do not want to put off seeing your dentist , call for dental treatment as soon as possible. Here are some signs and symptoms to watch out for, that may indicate the dental infection has spread

-swelling to the face, neck or cheeks

-pain in your mouth and tongue

-nausea and vomiting

-itching sensation on your skin

-high fever

-double vision, or loss of vision

-drooping eyelids

-rapid pulse rates and lightheadedness

-your breathing rate increases to over 25 breaths per minute

How Do I Prepare For An Appointment With My Dentist For An Abscessed Tooth

How To Get Rid Of Abscessed Tooth Infection Right Away

To help you get ready for your appointment:

  • Make a list of your symptoms include any that may seem unrelated to your tooth or mouth pain. Remember, your dentist can only help you when they know everything going on.
  • Make a list of medications, vitamins, herbs or supplements you may be taking with the dosages of each.

You should prepare a list of questions to ask your dentist, including:

  • Whats likely causing my symptoms and condition?
  • Which tests do you recommend?
  • What is the best course of action?
  • Are there alternative to the primary

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Remember, your dentist wants to help keep you and your teeth healthy. Just like other medical professionals you may see, theyre an important part of the healthcare team. Be sure to see your dentist routinely and dont put off regular checkups prevention is key! These visits give your dentist a chance to spot problems early, when they may be easier to treat. If you are experiencing pain, its important to see your dentist to get the care you need.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 08/24/2020.


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Risks From Having A Broken Wisdom Tooth

Bacteria can thrive in gaps where bits of the tooth broke. A gap in a wisdom tooth is a hospitable environment for an infection and a weak point in the tooth.

Additionally, a broken or cracked wisdom tooth puts the entire tooths health at risk. Bacteria can invade the tooth and infect the dental pulp. In those cases, the tooth must either be extracted or given a root canal treatment. In most cases, its better just to remove the tooth.

It is essential to see your dentist quickly if you have a broken wisdom tooth. Your dentist will carry out an assessment and tell you if you should have a wisdom tooth extraction.

Although it is possible to fill a broken tooth, or repair it using a crown, you will want to consider removing your wisdom tooth. Wisdom teeth usually do not bring any real benefits to your mouth, but they can increase the chances of breakages and infections.

Preventing Dental Infections With Good Dental Health

Preventing infections in your mouth will help you reduce your risk of developing sepsis. Usual recommendations are to visit your dentist twice a year for up-to-date x-rays, exams, and dental cleanings.

Good oral hygiene is the first basic step in promoting good dental health and preventing infections. Children should learn these habits early on to help them keep healthy mouths and teeth.

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Dont over brush brushing too hard or with too hard a brush can damage your teeth. Ask your dental hygienist for the best way for you to brush your teeth.
  • Dont use your teeth to open packaging, break string, etc. Your teeth are strong, but they are for chewing food, not hard objects. These can crack, chip, or break teeth.
  • Visit your dental office at least twice a year for a thorough cleaning and check-up.
  • If you have had dental work, watch for any signs of infection and contact your dentist if you experience any of the signs listed above.

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What Causes A Tooth Infection

The primary cause of a tooth infection is dental caries, or tooth decay. Your mouth is full of bacteria all the time, but usually that bacteria doesnt get inside your teeth where it can cause an infection. When decay causes cavities and cracks or holes in your teeth, bacteria can seep into your teeth and cause a tooth infection. An infection can also happen if you have an injury to your tooth that causes a crack or a chip in the tooth. Keeping your teeth strong and healthy through regular brushing and flossing can help prevent decay and infections.

Infection can happen in different parts of the tooth. Sometimes the infection occurs on the side of the tooth if there is an opening there and that can cause the infection to spread to the gums. Pockets of pus called abscesses can form around the infection that will need to be drained by the dentist for the infection to go away.

Signs Of Tooth Infection You Need To Know

All about how to fight a tooth infection

Teeth infection is a typical medical problem among people. A neglected abscess resulting from bacterial infection can lead to tooth infection if left untreated. A dentist can drain the abscess in most conditions to eliminate the infection. Root canal therapy or removal of the infected tooth may be required.

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Six Ways To Get Rid Of A Tooth Abscess Without Going To The Dentist

If bacteria reaches the centre of your tooth, it can cause many problems. If pus accumulates in the tooth, you can experience a very unpleasant toothache! If you think you might have a tooth infection or abscess, its important to take action quickly. Early action is the best way to prevent any further issues that might occur as a result of your initial infection.

If you have a tooth infection or abscess, the best thing you can ever do is visit a dentist. You may not like the idea of sitting in the dentist chair or the costs associated with it. But, they are trained professionals. They have dedicated years of their lives training to help you with issues just like this. Its always better to see a professional dentist than to try and solve an oral problem by yourself. It is your health, after all!

We would always recommend booking an appointment and consulting a dentist if you are experiencing pain or can identify a tooth abscess. In the meantime, here are 6 ways to help reduce the problem of a tooth abscess!

Sinus Irritation And Infection Of The Blood Vessels

Because your teeth and sinuses are located close to one another, an untreated, infected tooth can grow into a bacterial sinus infection.

Though rare, an untreated tooth infection can also spread to the blood vessels in your sinuses and cause cavernous sinus thrombosis, a rare and life-threatening blood clot at the base of the brain.

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What Causes A Tooth Root Abscess

A tooth root abscess forms when bacteria enter the exposed root canal of the tooth. The crown of a healthy tooth is covered by enamel. Enamel is essentially impervious, preventing bacteria from entering into the tooth. Beneath the enamel is a different dental hard tissue known as dentin. Dentin contains approximately 300-400,000 small openings that communicate with the center of the tooth. In the center of the tooth is the pulp cavity which contains the soft tissue . The tissue in the pulp cavity is collectively referred to as the pulp. The pulp nurtures the normal tooth.

A tooth root abscess forms when bacteria enter the exposed root canal of the tooth.

If the protective tooth enamel is chipped, thereby exposing underlying dentin or the tooth is fractured more deeply exposing the pulp, bacteria can gain access to the center of the tooth. In dogs, tooth fractures most often occur as a result of chewing on hard things such as bone, crate bars, antlers, ice cubes, cow or pig hooves, or hard nylon toys.

A tooth root abscess may also occur secondary to periodontal disease. In this scenario, the infection does not travel down to the bone through the center of the tooth, but rather tracks along the outside of the tooth through the supportive tissues that surround the root.

What Causes Dental Abscesses

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Your mouth is full of bacteria, which form a sticky film on your teeth called plaque.

If you don’t keep your teeth clean, acids produced by the bacteria in plaque can damage your teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay or gum disease.

The following can increase your chances of developing a dental abscess:

  • poor oral hygiene plaque can build-up on your teeth if you don’t floss and brush your teeth regularly
  • consuming lots of sugary or starchy food and drink these can encourage the growth of bacteria in plaque and may lead to decay that can result in an abscess
  • an injury or previous surgery to your teeth or gums bacteria can get into any damaged parts of the teeth or gums
  • having a weakened immune system this includes people with certain underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, and those having treatment, including steroid medication or chemotherapy

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What Are Wisdom Teeth

Your wisdom teeth are molars. Theyre the large teeth at the back of your mouth, sometimes called the third molars. Theyre the last teeth to grow in. Most people get wisdom teeth between the ages of 17 and 25.

Like other teeth, a wisdom tooth can:

  • become impacted
  • get stuck below or in the gumline

If you have a wisdom tooth infection, youll need treatment from a dentist. But not all pain is the result of a tooth infection. Below we discuss treatments for wisdom teeth infection and pain.

Who Gets Tooth Infections

Youre more likely to develop tooth infections if you:

  • Smoke: Smokers are about twice as likely to get tooth infections as nonsmokers.
  • Have dry mouth: Bacteria thrive in a mouth with a low amount of saliva.
  • Have poor dental hygiene: Regularly brushing, flossing and getting dental cleanings reduces bacteria.
  • Have a weakened immune system: Diseases or medications can lower your immune response, making it harder to fight off germs.

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What Is A Tooth Root Infection

Tooth root infection or periapical abscess is an accumulation of pus at the roots of the tooth caused by a bacterial infection. It happens when the bacteria reach the tooth pulp where the connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves are located.

Causes of tooth root infection that allows the bacteria to reach the tooth root:

  • Untreated tooth decay
  • Injury resulting in a cracked tooth

While a toothache can mean a lot of things, its one of the symptoms of tooth infection along with other signs that include:

  • Throbbing pain reaching the jaw, neck, or ear
  • Pain or sensitivity when chewing or biting food
  • Pain or sensitivity when eating hot and cold food or beverages
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Foul smell and taste in your mouth

When patients disregard the symptoms mentioned above, the bacteria will reach the blood vessels and run through the bloodstream. The infection will spread throughout the body and cause life-threatening risk factors, especially for patients with underlying conditions.

Use Oregano Essential Oil

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Oregano oil has great antibacterial and antioxidant properties. This makes it very useful for reducing swelling and pain caused by a tooth abscess.

For this method, you need to mix oregano with a carrier oil so it doesnt irritate your gums. Then, apply the mixture to the infected area with a cotton ball or similar. Leave the mixture on the area for ten minutes and then spit it out.

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