Take An Otc Pain Reliever
Over-the-counter pain medications can temporarily relieve pain caused by a UTI. Use caution here, and always speak with a doctor first, as some UTIs can turn into kidney infections. In these cases, patients should avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , which could make the infection worse.
Take Enough Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps improve the function of the immune system.
Vitamin C also reacts with nitrates in the urine to form nitrogen oxides that can kill bacteria. It can lower the pH of the urine, making the bacteria less likely to survive.
As with cranberry juice, people have been using vitamin C in various ways to treat UTIs for thousands of years. But there is a lack of quality research to confirm whether increased vitamin C intake can prevent or treat urinary tract infections.
Features Of An Effective Treatment Solution For Urinary Tract Infection
An effective treatment solution for UTI would have the following features below.
Anti-microbial properties. To wipe or flush out UTI-causing agents in your urinary tract, diuretics are recommended. They work by eliminating salt and water from the body and taking out bacteria with them through the urine.
Anti-inflammatory properties. When youre suffering from UTI, the lining of your urinary tract becomes inflamed. This may cause pain when urinating and abdominal discomfort.
Anti-spasmodic properties. Anti-spasmodic agents can prevent spasms or cramps caused by UTI.
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How Do I Get Rid Of A Uti Quickly
There is no quick fix for a UTI. Taking cranberry supplements and drinking water could help flush bacteria out of your system more quickly. However, it can be dangerous to drink too much water in a short period of time. In many cases, taking an antibiotic for a UTI could be the quickest way to get rid of one.
Soothe Uti Pain With Heat
Inflammation and irritation from UTIs cause burning, pressure, and pain around your pubic area, says Kandis Rivers, MD, a urologist in the Henry Ford Health System in Wast Bloomfield, Michigan. Applying a heating pad can help soothe the area. Keep the heat setting low, dont apply it directly to the skin, and limit your use to 15 minutes at a time to avoid burns.
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Fruit Smoothie For Uti
Everyone with UTI should prepare their daily diet with a combination of solid and liquid food items. While oats, vegetables like carrots, lettuce, and other cereals can be included as the solid material, liquids such as cream, juice, fruit puree, cucumbers, and curd can be included in the diet. They aid in UTI recovery by not allowing the bacterias to rest around the walls of the Urinary Tract.
Avoid Feminine Hygiene Products With Scents And Chemicals
Using feminine products that have perfumes and other irritating chemicals can introduce disruptive bacteria into your body, Dr. Sherry says. Even more so, Dr. Sherry stresses that if youre prone to UTIs, any products that will allow unwanted bacteria to enter your body should be avoided. Avoid diaphragms, vaginal sponges, diva cups, and sex toys if youre prone to UTIs, she advises.
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Urinate When The Need Arises
Frequent urination puts pressure on bacteria in the urinary tract, which can help to clear them out.
It also reduces the amount of time that bacteria in the urine are exposed to cells in the urinary tract, reducing the risk of them attaching and forming an infection.
Always urinate as soon as possible when the urge strikes to and treat UTIs.
How To Prevent Bladder Infections Naturally
The best way to prevent any type of infection is to practice good hygiene and support your bodys immune system, microbiome, and overall health. Here are some tips to help prevent UTIs:
- Support your microbiome by eating a whole foods diet thats low in sugar and processed foods and high in fiber, vegetables, and healthy fats.
- Dont drink too much alcohol, which is loaded with sugar!
- Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses per day, to help flush out your urinary tract and urinate as soon as you feel the urge.
- Avoid antibiotic use whenever possible .
- Eat cultured foods and/or take a multi-strain Lactobacillus-containing probiotic supplement to support healthy gut, vaginal, and urinary tract flora.
- Urinate after having sex.
- Take steps to avoid chronic stress, which dampens immunity.
- Avoid douching or vaginal sprays, which can disrupt healthy vaginal flora that keeps unhealthy bacteria out.
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How Do You Know If You Have A Urinary Tract Infection
Often, UTIs start almost asymptomatic . You may have an urge to urinate, but then when you go to the bathroom, you can’t seem to go. Or you can only relieve yourself a tiny bit, and then you’re making a beeline for the restroom again just minutes after you’ve walked out. Maybe you feel a bit of burning or tingling when you pee. A lot of women don’t seem to think much of their symptoms at this point.
When these mild symptoms start to happen a few times in a row, women often begin to notice. But sometimes, things progress a little further, and a mild fever or pelvic pain starts to develop before we acknowledge something is wrong.
This could be because you’ve had symptoms before and had them dismissed by a doctor. A recent study showed that the test commonly used to diagnose UTI isn’t always accurate. Researchers discovered that the standard culture missed the presence of pathogenic bacteria almost 20% of the time.
So if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t get a positive result on your bacteria culture test, and your doctor isnt giving you answers be sure to seek a second opinion, and you may want to try out the more natural remedies in this article.
Sometimes what feels like a UTI or a painful bladder is because of a condition known as Interstitial Cystitis. Either way, your provider should be working with you to find out the cause of your symptoms.
The Lowdown On Natural Treatments
D-mannose is a supplement made from a glucose-like sugar that you can find online or in health food stores. D-mannose is most helpful at preventing E. coli from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract, says Rice. D-mannose in recurrent urinary tract infections. . If taken with a lot of water, this can effectively flush out the bacteria that is causing the infection.
Rice often tells patients to take 500 milligrams every two to three hours when experiencing symptoms however, the best dose is individual. You can find more guidelines here, and when in doubt, a good rule of thumb is to follow the manufacturers guidelines. Be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day to help the D-mannose remove the bacteria. Again, if the symptoms persist more than 24 hours or get worse, get yourself to the doctor.
D-mannose isnt recommended for those with diabetes, and if youre taking other medications, you need to talk to a doctor before starting this treatment. Diarrhea is a common side effect.
Althaea officinalis, otherwise known as Marshmallow, is an anti-inflammatory herb widely available in powdered, supplement, and tea form. Althaea officinalis is a demulcent herb that can soothe and coat the lining of the urinary tract to help decrease inflammation, says Rice. Make a strong tea and sip throughout the day.
Just add water
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Drinking Cranberry Juice For Uti
Cranberries contain A-type proanthocyanidins which do not let the bacterias stick to the walls of the urinary tract. If you ask any expert how to naturally treat UTI? Cranberry juice will surely be one of the suggestions to cure urinary tract infections. The juice is full of nutrients that boost the overall health system. Studies say that cranberry reduce the chances of UTI reduce by 35%.
Urinary Tract Infection Antibiotics
Some of the common antibiotics your doctor may prescribe to treat a UTI include:
In certain instances, your doctor may prescribe a less common antibiotic. If you have allergies to certain antibiotics, for example, or your UTI is more severe, you may receive a prescription for a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. These include Cipro and Levaquin .
A typical course of antibiotics for a mild UTI lasts several days. If you’re otherwise feeling fine besides your UTI, your physician may suggest a shortened course of drugs, maybe 1-3 days. Follow your doctors direction, though. Stopping an antibiotic too soon could enable your infection to return.
If you are getting frequent, recurring infections, your doctor might suggest a low dose antibiotic regimen over the course of several months.
It’s important to note that an estimated 22% of women receiving antibiotic treatment for a UTI develop candida overgrowth soon after. If you have to take antibiotics, be sure to accompany them with a course of probiotics to help to keep candida at bay.
Symptoms like fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, pain in your low back or side is a sign that its time to talk to your provider and start that antibiotic. Your microbiome can heal, but your kidneys cant if an infection is left untreated.
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Soothe Your Infection With Ginger Tea
- Add 2 tablespoons of fresh crushed ginger to boiling water.
- Let it simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Strain it and drink 2 to 3 cups a day. Add honey for a better taste.
Ginger has antimicrobial properties that work against a variety of bacterial strains.20
While chewing on a piece of ginger will also have positive effects, its best to consume it as a tea to treat your UTI. The more liquid you drink, the faster you flush out UTI bacteria.
Natural Cures For Bladder Infection
Cranberry juice that is unsweetened is very effective in treating bladder infection naturally and for people who do not like the taste of cranberry there is an option of taking cranberry tablets that are also found to be very effective.
The main job that is done by the cranberry is stopping the bacteria from sticking to the bladder lining and causing any kind of infection.
Drinking Fluids
It is very important for people to drink a lot of fluids in order to remain healthy and also to fight off the bacteria that causes bladder infection. One glass pure water should be drunk every hour by the infected person because this will lead to increased urination that would help in flushing out the bacteria that is harmful and causing the infection in the bladder.
Garlic is known to work as a natural remedy not only for bladder infection but also in the field of other health issues of people such as yeast infection. Garlic supplements can be taken and even raw garlic can be taken with food on a regular basis.
The production of the immune cells that are good at eating germs is boosted by the intake of garlic that is found to be very effective as one of the best natural cures for bladder infection.
Sitz Bath
Avoid Irritants
Potassium And Enzymes
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The Best Natural Remedies For Bladder Infections
Bladder infections are more common than you think. In fact, roughly 1 out of every 2 women will get a bladder infection in their lifetime.
Also known as urinary tract infections , bladder infections are commonly caused by E. coli bacterium. Symptoms include frequent and painful urination. In the worst cases, patients see blood in their urine and have pain in the abdominal area.
Read on to learn how to treat bladder infections without traditional medicine. Explore 7 of the best natural remedies for bladder infections.
Drink Buchu Tea To Heal Your Urinary System
- Boil a glass of water. Remove it from the flame .
- Add 2 tablespoons of dried buchu to it and let soak for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Strain it and drink 1 to 2 cups a day.
Buchu, also known as bookoo or bucco, is a herb that is very effective in treating urinary tract disorders.25 It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties that cleanse and heal your urinary tract.26
Tip: Add equal amount of uva ursi to make the drink more effective.
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Avoid Vitamin C If You’re Already Experiencing Uti Symptoms
Vitamin C is known to help prevent UTIs by acidifying the urine, which can kill certain bacteria present in the urinary tract. But Dr. Sherry warns if you already have a UTI or are experiencing real symptoms of one, vitamin C will not be effective in killing off bacteria. This is because unless you know the exact bacteria causing the UTI, vitamin Calthough helpfulmay not be doing enough to kill the infection youre experiencing.
When To See A Doctor For A Uti
Always go to your primary care physician immediately if there is blood in the urine, if you have a fever, and/or low back pain with your UTI symptoms, Sajdak advises. UTIs can move fast, so its better to go sooner than later.
Although natural remedies can be beneficial for alleviating UTI symptoms and preventing recurrent UTIs, they may not be effective in treating the infection.
If symptoms still persist after three days then it is time to move on to antibiotics, says Ivy Branin, ND, a naturopathic doctor in New York City who specializes in womens health. I often recommend a patient to see their doctor for a UA and a prescription for antibiotics just in case and to fill it if they have no improvement after three days.
Leaving a UTI untreated can cause additional health problems. Bacteria can reach the ureters or kidneys and cause kidney infections. Untreated UTIs during pregnancy can also potentially cause early labor and low birth weight. Seeking treatment for UTI that isnt going awayor one that keeps coming backis always a good thing.
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Drink Plenty Of Fluids
Dehydration is linked to an increased risk of UTIs.
This is because regular urination can help flush bacteria from the urinary tract to prevent infection. When youre dehydrated, you arent urinating as often, which can create a breeding ground for bacteria.
A examined nursing home residents and administered a drinking schedule to participants to increase their fluid intake. Following the schedule decreased UTIs requiring antibiotics by 56%.
In a 2020 randomized control trial , 140 premenopausal participants prone to UTIs took part in a 12-month study to test if a higher fluid intake would decrease their risk of recurrent cystitis and, in turn, their risk of developing a UTI. Researchers found that an increase in fluid intake led to a decrease in UTI frequency.
To stay hydrated and meet your fluid needs, its best to drink water throughout the day and always when youre thirsty.
Benefits of drinking more fluids for UTI
Drinking plenty of liquids can decrease your risk of UTIs by making you pee more, which helps remove bacteria from your urinary tract.
evidence suggests that increasing your intake of vitamin C could protect against UTIs.
Vitamin C is thought to work by increasing the acidity of urine, killing off the bacteria that cause infection.
An older 2007 study of UTIs in pregnant women looked at the effects of taking 100 milligrams of vitamin C every day.
Fruits and vegetables are especially high in vitamin C and are a good way to increase your intake.
Natural Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection
Many people who are prone to UTIs experience them frequently. They take antibiotics or other antibacterial treatments, but the infection comes right back. Sometimes its a new type of bacteria, but other times its the same one. They just didnt get killed off by the drug like they were supposed to.
Luckily, there are a variety of natural home remedies for urinary tract infections that are effective. By using these natural remedies for UTIs, you can stop your infections from ever coming back:
1. Cranberry juice: One of the most effective natural treatments for UTIs is cranberry juice. Cranberry juice contains acidic substances that make it harder for bacteria to get a hold in your urethra and cause an infection. Cranberries are a scientifically proven treatment. Studies have shown that it is of particular benefit for women who get recurrent UTI infections. For other groups of people, the benefits are less clear.
3. Vitamin C: When your urine is more acidic, bacteria has a more difficult time growing. Any home remedy that can make your urine more acidic will also make it harder for infections to occur. Vitamin C stops the growth of bacterial infections by acidifying your urine. You can take Vitamin C as a supplement, or you can eat foods loaded with the vitamin, such as oranges, bell peppers, and certain types of juice. Drinking orange juice will not only help stop the growth of bacteria, but it will also help flush out your urinary tract in the same way that water does.
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Add Vitamin C To Your Diet
Not only does vitamin C help strengthen your immune system, but it may also acidify your urine, which limits the growth of some bacteria and may prevent urinary tract infections from occurring. Just be careful of eating too many acidic foods when you have a UTI, as they can potentially irritate your bladder, which may only make your UTI symptoms worse.
A Note About Cranberry Juice And Utis
Cranberry juice or cranberry extract in supplemental form has long been used as a home remedy for UTIs.
The thought is that the proanthocyanidins in cranberries may help prevent bladder infections by keeping the bacteria from clinging to the bladder wall, says Sonya Angelone, MS, RDN, a nutrition consultant based in San Francisco, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Yet theres scientific controversy over how effective cranberry juice is at preventing UTIs due to conflicting conclusions in studies on the topic, according to an article published in May 2016 in Advances in Nutrition. Some studies have found it might work, while others have found no effect.
Bottom line, there is some evidence it may help, and it doesnt hurt to try it, says Angelone. Just be sure to chose unsweetened cranberry juice . Mix this with sparkling water or plain yogurt, she recommends.
Another low-calorie option choose a cranberry pill that contains d-mannose, she says.
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