Friday, July 26, 2024

What Can Treat Urinary Tract Infection

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Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Urinary Tract Infection – Overview (signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, causes and treatment)

If you are a healthy adult man or a woman who is not pregnant, a few days of antibiotic pills will usually cure your urinary tract infection. If you are pregnant, your doctor will prescribe a medicine that is safe for you and the baby. Usually, symptoms of the infection go away 1 to 2 days after you start taking the medicine. Its important that you follow your doctors instructions for taking the medicine, even if you start to feel better. Skipping pills could make the treatment less effective.

Your doctor may also suggest a medicine to numb your urinary tract and make you feel better while the antibiotic starts to work. The medicine makes your urine turn bright orange, so dont be alarmed by the color when you urinate.

Cranberry And Blueberry Juice

Berries like cranberries and blueberries contain bioactive ingredients that may help to get rid of a UTI fast.

Cranberries are often mentioned as a remedy for treating recurring urinary tract infections. Does scientific research support the use of cranberry juice for UTIs?

The journal Advances in Nutrition reports that cranberries have unique properties with many health benefits. Various studies point to the fact that cranberry juice can help lower instances of UTIs by preventing bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract. It was found that women who consumed 300 mL cranberry juice daily had lower UTI infection rates.14

Other studies have shown that cranberry extract capsules could help to reduce occurrences of UTIs in some women by up to 70%. Some independent studies have shown that cranberry juice can help to treat recurring UTIs in children.14

However, some other studies have demonstrated mixed results. Therefore urologist Dr. Courtenay Moore says that taking cranberry juice for UTIs may help and cant hurt. So, it may be worth trying to increase the amount of cranberry juice you consume if you battle against a UTI.15

If you consume cranberries in a juice form, make sure it has a high content of fruit and the minimum amount of sugar possible.

Remedies And Treatments For Cat Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract diseases are common in cats and can cause discomfort and distress. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to partial or complete blockage of the urethra. This can lead to kidney failure or rupture of the bladder, which could be deadly.

Depending on the severity of the infection, a cat UTI can be treated using at-home remedies and treatments.


While cranberries are known as a UTI treatment in humans, they can also be used to treat a cat UTI. The acidity of cranberries can lower the pH of your cats urine, which can help treat a UTI and stop it from coming back.

Many cranberry juices are high in sugar. Instead, you can find cranberry capsules , supplements, or powder to add to your cats diet.

Before giving your cat cranberry, you should first test the pH levels in your cats urine. While the acidity of cranberries may help with some UTIs, in other cases, it could make the condition worse. Only provide cranberry supplements if your cats urine is too alkaline.


Apple cider vinegar can also lower the pH in your cats urine, eliminating and preventing any harmful bacteria. Add half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your cats food each day. To reduce the bitter taste, you can mix it in with chicken or beef broth. Just make sure the broth doesnt contain onions, as this is toxic to cats.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Bone Broth


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When Should I See My Doctor

If you have any symptoms associated with a UTI or a pre-existing health condition, dont delay visiting your doctor for treatment.

UTIs can be more dangerous if youre pregnant, due to an increased risk of kidney involvement. See your doctor if you are pregnant and you think you have a UTI, even if your symptoms are mild.

Children with UTI symptoms should see a doctor, to check for a more serious underlying condition.

Bladder infections may spread to your kidneys . This is a serious infection and needs immediate treatment with antibiotics. Signs and symptoms of kidney infection include fever, back pain, diarrhoea and vomiting. If you have these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor.

What Happens When A Uti Goes Untreated

Natural remedy: urinary tract infection

Thanks to early diagnosis and proper treatment, the vast majority of lower urinary tract infections result in no complications. However, if left untreated, a UTI can have serious ramifications notes the Mayo Clinic, including:

  • Premature birth and low birth weight
  • Kidney damage, which can occur is an untreated UTI spreads from the bladder to the kidneys.

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Does My Dog Have An Inherited Urinary Disease

Some inherited diseases can cause chronic urinary problems in dogs and you can test your dog to see if hes at risk. EasyDNA has an at-home DNA test kit that you can give your dog, mail it in, and get results in just a few weeks. Diseases tested for include:

  • Hyperuricosuria: a genetic disorder that involves elevated levels of uric acid in the urine, which can cause the formation of stones in their bladders and sometimes kidneys. This EasyDNA test is available for all dog breeds.
  • Cystinuria: another autosomal recessive disorder that causes the kidneys to fail to reabsorb amino acids . This can lead to the formation of cystine crystals and stones in the urinary tract, leading to possible blockage of the urethra. This EasyDNA test is available for Labrador Retrievers and Newfoundlands.

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Best Cbd Oil For Dogs With Utis

The best CBD oils for dogs with UTIs come from organic hemp, are extracted with CO2, and are third-party tested for potency and purity.

However, since the CBD space isnt regulated by the FDA, its the consumers responsibility to research their potential vendors according to the said quality factors.

If youre in a rush, weve picked out the top 2 brands that make premium CBD oils for dogs.

  • Up to 500 mg of CBD per bottle
  • Available as CBD treats
  • Slightly more expensive than competitor brands
  • Limited flavor options

Royal CBD was launched in 2018 by a group of biohackers and hemp advocates. Since then, the brand has become a true CBD behemoth, offering a wide range of CBD products from organic hemp.

Royal CBD uses the same premium-grade CBD extracts for dogs as it does for its human collection. These products are available in different potencies and formulas to match the specific health needs and sizes of dogs.

The Royal CBD pet oil comes in two concentrations: 250 mg and 500 mg . These are full-spectrum extracts, so your furball receives all cannabinoids and terpenes from hemp. These compounds enter a unique synergy known as the entourage effect, amplifying the efficacy of CBD.

And if your dog fusses over the natural flavor of full-spectrum CBD oil, these tinctures come in the beloved flavor of all carnivores bacon.

  • Third-party tested for quality and safety
  • No low-potency oils for smaller dogs
  • Only one flavor is available

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Treatment For More Severe Utis

Kids with a more severe infection may need treatment in a hospital so they can get antibiotics by injection or IV .

This might happen if:

  • the child has high fever or looks very ill, or a kidney infection is likely
  • the child is younger than 6 months old
  • bacteria from the infected urinary tract may have spread to the blood
  • the child is dehydrated or is vomiting and cannot take any fluids or medicine by mouth

Kids with VUR will be watched closely by the doctor. VUR might be treated with medicines or, less commonly, surgery. Most kids outgrow mild forms of VUR, but some can develop kidney damage or kidney failure later in life.

What Is The Prognosis For A Person With A Urinary Tract Infection

Simple way of how men can treat Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections typically respond very well to treatment. A UTI can be uncomfortable before you start treatment, but once your healthcare provider identifies the type of bacteria and prescribes the right antibiotic medication, your symptoms should improve quickly. Its important to keep taking your medication for the entire amount of time your healthcare provider prescribed. If you have frequent UTIs or if your symptoms arent improving, your provider may test to see if its an antibiotic-resistant infection. These are more complicated infections to treat and may require intravenous antibiotics or alternative treatments.

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Drink Plenty Of Water

Although urinating can be painful when you have a UTI, its important to drink as many fluids as possible particularly water. Most adults should aim to drink between six and eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

The more you drink, the more youll urinate, which can help flush harmful bacteria from the urinary tract.

Living With Urinary Tract Infections

If you have 3 or more urinary tract infections each year, your doctor may want you to begin a preventive antibiotic program. A small dose of an antibiotic taken every day helps to reduce the number of infections. If sexual intercourse seems to cause infections for you, your doctor many suggest taking the antibiotic after intercourse.

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Urinate When The Need Arises

Frequent urination puts pressure on bacteria in the urinary tract, which can help to clear them out.

It also reduces the amount of time that bacteria in the urine are exposed to cells in the urinary tract, reducing the risk of them attaching and forming an infection.

Always urinate as soon as possible when the urge strikes to and treat UTIs.

Water Is Your Best Friend

Best Natural and Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI ...

When you first notice burning when you use the restroom, its tempting to reduce your water intake. After all, that will prevent the pain, right?


It seems counter-intuitive, but you need to flush out your system. You should drink plenty of water to help your body remove the E. Coli. Dont overdo it, but drink as much water as possible in those crucial first 24 hours.

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When To See A Doctor

In many cases, if you use home remedies at the very first sign of a urinary tract infection, you may not have to visit your doctor. However, if your symptoms continue for a day or more, you need to get qualified medical attention.

Dr. John P. Cunha on eMedicineHealth recommends seeing a doctor for symptoms of a urinary infection in the following circumstances:

  • Your UTI symptoms last for more than 24 hours and dont get better with home remedies
  • You have a fever and chills
  • Along with the burning sensation when you urinate, you have nausea and vomiting
  • You are pregnant, have diabetes, or are undergoing chemotherapy

Any toddler with a UTI, child or elderly person should always see a doctor if a bladder infection or other urinary infection is suspected.

A urine test that shows evidence of bacteria or germs usually is enough to confirm if treatment is needed for a UTI.

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Whats The Difference Between A Urinary Tract Infection And Bladder Infection

A urinary tract infection is a more general type of infection. There are many parts of your urinary tract. A UTI is a term for an infection that takes place throughout the urinary tract. A bladder infection, also called cystitis, is a specific infection. In this infection, bacteria makes its way into the bladder and causes inflammation.

Not all urinary tract infections become bladder infections. Preventing the spread of the infection is one of the most important reasons to treat a UTI quickly when you have symptoms. The infection can spread not only to the bladder, but also into your kidneys, which is a more complicated type of infection than a UTI.

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Urinary Infections In Children

A urinary infection in a child needs to be investigated as it may indicate a more serious condition.

The most common urinary system condition is urinary reflux. With this condition, the bladder valve isnt working properly and allows urine to flow back to the kidneys, increasing the risk of a kidney infection.

Urinary reflux and the associated infections can scar or permanently damage the kidney, and can also lead to:

  • high blood pressure
  • toxaemia in pregnancy
  • kidney failure.

Urinary reflux tends to run in families, so its important to screen children as early as possible if a close relative is known to have the problem.

Clindamycin & Urinary Tract Infections

Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are so common that nearly everyone will have one at some point in their life.Fortunately, there are several ways to treat a urinary tract infection. One of those is the prescription antibiotic clindamycin, which prevents bacteria from synthesizing essential proteins needed to multiply 1.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Detection And Identification Of Gbs

The majority of GBS infections can be diagnosed through routine laboratory testing of clinical samples such as blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or aspirates from sites of local suppuration. In the majority of cases isolates are rapidly identified by typical colony morphology on agar medium such as tryptic soy agar-5% sheep blood, and are tested for catalase, which streptococci do not express. Isolates are grouped into the Lancefield B group using commercial typing antisera for latex agglutination assays. GBS antigens can occasionally be detected in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine but are not routinely tested for in any diagnostic assays. A Gram stain of a clinical specimen can be useful in the detection of infection but is not specific and therefore not definitive for identification. Polymerase chain reaction and optical immunoassay may, on the other hand, provide rapid and specific results for the detection of GBS infection however, optimization and validation of these assays to ensure sensitivity and specificity has limited their widespread application in the clinical laboratory .

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How Are Utis Diagnosed

To diagnose a UTI, health care providers ask questions about what’s going on, do an exam, and take a sample of pee for testing.

How a sample is taken depends on a child’s age. Older kids might simply need to pee into a sterile cup. For younger children in diapers, a catheter is usually preferred. This is when a thin tube is inserted into the urethra up to the bladder to get a “clean” urine sample.

The sample may be used for a urinalysis or a urine culture . Knowing what bacteria are causing the infection can help your doctor choose the best treatment.

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How Do You Treat Utis

Urinary tract infections are usually treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider. The length of antibiotic treatment depends on the severity of the infection, whether you have had a UTI before, and if your symptoms go away quickly. If you are prescribed antibiotics for a UTI, it is important to take them as instructed by your healthcare provider.

There are additional medications and treatments available over-the-counter that may help ease symptoms and pain or prevent additional UTIs such as urinary pain relief tablets, cranberry pills, and heating pads.

How To Use Amoxicillin Oral

Urinary Tract Infections / Emed Primary Care Clinic Jacksonville

Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually every 8 or 12 hours. The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.

Drink plenty of fluids while using this medication unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

For the best effect, take this antibiotic at evenly spaced times. To help you remember, take this medication at the same time every day.

Continue to take this medication until the full prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication too early may allow bacteria to continue to grow, which may result in a return of the infection.

Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens.

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What Types Of Health Care Professionals Treat Group B Strep Infections

Group B strep infections may be diagnosed and treated by different specialists, depending on the patients age and the potential complications encountered by the patient. In pregnant women, a GBS infection may be diagnosed and treated during labor by the patients obstetrician/gynecologist or by a family practitioner if they are delivering the baby. Babies who develop a GBS infection will be treated by a pediatrician or a neonatologist, and sometimes an infectious disease specialist may be involved. Nonpregnant adults who develop GBS infection will frequently be treated by their family physician, an internist, or an infectious disease specialist, and rarely by a general or orthopedic surgeon if a skin or bone infection requiring surgery is present.

More On Strep At Thebodycom

To find out more about strep B infections, we recommend the following article:

  • Vaginal strep B infectionA few months ago I thought I was suffering from a vaginal yeast infection, although it hurt and it wasnt itchy. Well I treated it over and over again with anti fungals the doc gave me but he didnt culture it. Finally he did a culture and said I had a vaginal strep b infection.
  • Was the urinary tract infection caused by me having unprotected sex? Should I have it checked out to see if I have an STD as well?

Group B streptococcal vaginal colonization is known to be a cause of neonatal sepsis and is associated with preterm rupture of membranes, and preterm labor and delivery. GBS is found to be the causative organism in UTIs in approximately 5 percent of patients.31,32 Evidence that GBS bacteriuria increases patient risk of preterm rupture of membranes and premature delivery is mixed.33,34 A randomized, controlled trial35 compared the treatment of GBS bacteriuria with penicillin to treatment with placebo. Results indicated a significant reduction in rates of premature rupture of membranes and preterm delivery in the women who received antibiotics. It is unclear if GBS bacteriuria is equivalent to GBS vaginal colonization, but pregnant women with GBS bacteriuria should be treated as GBS carriers and should receive a prophylactic antibiotic during labor.36

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