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What Can I Take For A Sinus Infection While Breastfeeding

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As if sinusitis wasnt frustrating enough, during pregnancy it can be even more irritating as you cant necessarily treat it with the medicines and tablets you might be used to.

Its ethically wrong to test most medicines on pregnant women and babies, so because we really dont know the problems they could cause, its best to avoid them, explains Lorraine.

She recommends avoiding any medicines during the first 3 months of pregnancy, although after 12 weeks, some medication such as paracetamol can be taken.

Wed also advise that you always pop down to see your GP for a chat before you take anything, though.

I started to have sinus congestion at 15th week, says forum member dg0209. I tried to cope with it without any medication but the headaches were unbearable. My GP told me to take paracetamol 4Ã2 p/d and prescribed a nasal spray.

Many health professionals also feel that antibiotics such as Amoxicillin are perfectly safe to take during pregnancy, but again, speak to your doctor as it totally depends on your own personal situation.

Cold And Allergy Meds: What To Consider

When deciding which cold and allergy meds to take while breastfeeding consider:

  • The risk the medication might have on your baby
  • The benefits of the medication for your health
  • The overall benefits of breastfeeding your baby

If you get sick and need to take medication that could affect your breastmilk, your doctor might recommend that you stop breastfeeding temporarily, depending on how long you need to take the medication. If this happens, you can pump in addition to breastfeeding to create an extra supply of breastmilk you can store in your fridge or freezer.

If youâre not sure if the medication you need to take is safe while breastfeeding, store your expressed breast milk in a separate area until you have a chance to talk with your doctor.

In rare cases, a doctor may ask you to stop breastfeeding permanently. Your doctor can help guide you through the process of weaning your baby off breast milk and transitioning them to baby formula.

What Sinus Medicine Is Safe When Pregnant

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends chlorpheniramine, which is Chlor-Trimeton, and tripelennamine as antihistamines safe to use during pregnancy. If you experience a fever or pain with your sinus infection, the American Family Physicians recommend acetaminophen, or Tylenol, as a safe analgesic to use during pregnancy.

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Medications To Avoid When Breastfeeding

Generally, doctors avoid the following medicines for sinus infections when you are breastfeeding, as they could be harmful to the baby.

  • Avoid OTC drugs without consulting the doctor because you should know if these medicines contain compounds that could pass into breast milk and affect the baby.
  • Avoid medicines that contain naproxen
  • Do not consume any antibiotics for sinus infections, as most sinus infections do not need antibiotics. Viral infections do not need antibiotics. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics if the symptoms are very severe, like, fever over 38.6°C , pain and tenderness in sinuses, and signs of a skin infection, such as a hot, red rash that spreads quickly . The commonly prescribed antibiotics are levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, and amoxicillin/clavulanate . If antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor, then the breastfeeding mother can safely consume it as it does not affect her breast milk.

Although some OTC medicines may not cause any potential hazard to the baby, it is suggested to use only prescription drugs.

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What Can I Take For Pain & Fever While Breastfeeding

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Ibuprofen : The transfer of ibuprofen in breast milk is well studied as it is a common choice for postpartum pain. Very little of this medication makes it into the milk . In addition, this drug is given directly to babies at much higher doses than this.2 Ibuprofen is the preferred analgesic in breastfeeding mothers. Do not exceed 3.2 grams/day. Common Trade Names: Advil, Nuprin, Motrin.

Acetaminophen : Acetaminophen is compatible with breastfeeding as only small amounts are secreted into breast milk. This is given directly to infants in doses much greater than they would receive incidentally through the breastmilk. Acetaminophen is commonly included in combination products. Do not exceed 4 grams/day. Common Trade Name: Tylenol.

Naproxen : Naproxen is less well studied than the other drugs in the same class. It is secreted into the breastmilk, but apparently not in quantities that would harm an infant. However, naproxen takes longer to be eliminated from the body than the other NSAIDs and has a greater potential to damage an infants cardiovascular system, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract in the event of an overdose. Short-term use of naproxen postpartum, or infrequent or occasional use should be compatible with breastfeeding. Do not exceed 1 gram/day. Common trade names: Naprox, Naprosyn, Aleve.

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Can I Take Mucinex Dm While Pregnant

Mucinex is likely safe to take while breastfeeding and during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Before taking any medication while pregnant or breastfeeding, its a good idea to talk to your doctor first. You may want to review this article with your doctor and ask any questions you have.

How To Minimise The Risk

  • Sometimes it is best to express and discard your milk while you are taking medicine. This will keep up the milk supply.
  • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about switching to a different medicine.
  • Take the medicine a different way, for example as a nasal spray.
  • Take the lowest possible dose to relieve your symptoms.
  • Take the medicine straight after a feed, or before your baby is due to have a long sleep.

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Can A Sinus Infection Affect A Nursing Mother

Sinus infection or sinusitis can make it miserable for a nursing mother to carry out routine activities, so you need to treat it as soon as possible . Causes Of Sinus Infection In Nursing Mothers: Sinusitis, of a sinus infection, results due one of the three microbes, namely fungi, bacteria, or virus.

What Causes Pregnancy Rhinitis

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The root cause of rhinitis can be allergic or non-allergic . However, we are still learning how rhinitis is related to pregnancy.

We know that smoking, as well as having chronic rhinitis before pregnancy, predisposes patients to developing pregnancy rhinitis. Research suggests a few more potential causes:

  • Having extra fluid in the body: During pregnancy, the body makes more blood and fluids, which can cause swelling, even in unexpected places such as the nasal passages. Blood vessels in the nose can swell with this additional volume, causing stuffiness.
  • Higher levels of estrogen: Estrogen in older formulations of birth control pills has been associated with a side effect of nasal obstruction. However, in studies of the menstrual cycle, we dont see congestion with fluctuating estrogen levels. So, the connection remains unclear for now.
  • Creation of human growth hormone: The placenta creates a variant of the human growth hormone , which has been associated with nasal symptoms in other conditions. For example, tumors that grow on the pituitary glands secrete growth hormones, which can cause severe nasal congestion.

Gestational rhinitis is under-researched. Data to date suggest no known association of rhinitis with pre-existing asthma, maternal age, duration of pregnancy, or the number of times a patient has been pregnant. However, a recent study found that patients carrying female babies were diagnosed significantly more often than patients carrying male babies.

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Taking Tylenol Cold While Pregnant

18 April, 2017

The common cold causes more than just a little misery. Every winter, it attacks and makes many of us sick with headaches, fever, congestion, runny noses, sinus pressure and more.

Plenty of medications exist to ease the discomfort, but for pregnant women there are doubts about taking anything that might hurt the baby. Tylenol Cold comes in several forms that alleviate symptoms from mild to severe, but it is important to examine the individual ingredients to make an educated decision before taking the medication during pregnancy.

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Lactation Risk Categories Explained

Drs. Thomas Hale and Kaytlin Krutsch have performed extensive research on the effects of medications in mothers milk. They have given each medication a rating from Safest to Hazardous .

L1 Safest: Extensive evidence demonstrating no adverse effects on the infant

L2 Safer: Limited evidence without an increase in adverse effects on the infant

L3 Probably Safe: No studies, but expert opinion suggesting safety. Risk to the infant is possible, and further evaluation must be taken to consider individual situations.

L4 Possibly Hazardous: Positive evidence or expert opinion of risk to the infant or milk production.

L5 Hazardous: Significant and documented risk to the infant.

Emily Conard, PharmD Candidate, MBA

Kaytlin Krutsch, PharmD, MBA, BCPS

Adapted from previous InfantRisk articles authored by James Abbey, MD, Erika Anderson, MS4, Thomas W. Hale, Ph.D., and Teresa Baker, MD.


1. Hale, Thomas Wright. Hale’s Medications & Mothers’ Milk, 2021: A Manual of Lactational Pharmacology. Springer Publishing Company, 2021.

2. Walsh P, Rothenberg SJ, Bang H. Safety of ibuprofen in infants younger than six months: A retrospective cohort study. Leong C, ed. PLOS ONE. 2018 13:e0199493. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0199493

3.Findlay, Jw, et al. Pseudoephedrine and Triprolidine in Plasma and Breast Milk of Nursing Mothers. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 18, no. 6, 1984, pp. 901906., doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.1984.tb02562.x.

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Cold Medications For Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Selecting a cold medication while pregnant or breastfeeding that is going to be safe for both you and your baby can be stressful and overwhelming.

Here, youll find answers to your questions and information about common ingredients found in cold medicines that are considered safe for you and your baby.

Is It Safe To Take Decongestant Drugs While Breastfeeding

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Hence, a lactating mother who is currently on cold medicine should keep a close eye on the baby for allergy and unusual symptoms. On top of the adverse reactions, some of the decongestant drugs reduce milk production. As compared to the oral formulations, using topical or nasal decongestants is a safer approach for breastfeeding mothers.

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Common Cold Symptoms During Pregnancy

Generally, a cold will start with a sore or scratchy throat lasting about a day or two, followed by the gradual onset of other symptoms which may include:

  • A runny, then later stuffy nose
  • A dry cough, particularly as the cold is ending which may continue for a week or more after the other symptoms have mostly subsided
  • A low-grade fever typically under 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Cold symptoms usually last between 10 to 14 days. However, if your symptoms persist longer than that time frame or seem to progressively worsen, you should talk to your primary care physician so they can ensure it hasnt turned into something more serious like an infection or the flu.

How To Treat A Sinus Infection During Pregnancy

Most sinus infections are viral, so taking antibiotics generally wont help . As with the cold or flu, your best bet for sinus relief during pregnancy comes from managing the symptoms with home remedies, such as:

Nasal irrigation. Using salt water irrigation, like a Neti pot, can help keep the lining of your nasal passages moist, remove backed-up gunk and promote drainage. Studies have shown that rinsing ones nose with saline by itself will improve sinusitis symptoms as well as swelling in the nose, Sedaghat says. Saline is available as normal saline and hypertonic saline both work equally well, but the hypertonic saline is sometimes associated with nasal dryness or nose bleeds.

Salt water spray. While not as effective as irrigating with a Neti pot, a spray will moisten your nasal-passage lining too and some provide relief. Anything thats pushing salt through would be helpful, Mehdizadeh says.

Cool compresses. Applying a cool, damp washcloth over your sinuses can help ease discomfort, says Mehdizadeh, and can also soothe a sinus headache in pregnancy.

Sinus infections typically clear up within two weeks, but call your doctor if your symptoms remain the same or get worse, and especially if you develop a fever, changes in vision or ear or throat pain.

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No Such Thing As A Safe Medication List

The Centers for Disease Control cautions that pregnant women seeking sinus relief should first consult their doctors, because many medicines in online âsafe medication listsâ could have unknown side effects on fetuses.The CDC states, âA conversation with a healthcare provider can help ensure that you are taking only what is necessary.â The trained professionals at the American Sinus Institute can work with a pregnant patient to find the minimal medication needed to provide sinus relief.

Can I Breastfeed My Baby While Im Sick

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It has been recommended to breastfeed your baby at least until their first birthday. And we all know that moms get sick just like everyone else.

So if you are a breastfeeding mom and you come down with a minor illness, you can and absolutely should keep breastfeeding your baby.

A few examples of minor illnesses that are safe to continue breastfeeding through are:

  • a urinary tract infection or


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What Can You Take For A Sinus Infection While Pregnant

Instead of turning to quick fixes, it is important to learn what medications are safe. If your infection is bacterial, talk to a doctor to find out which antibiotics are safe to take during pregnancy to prevent your infection from getting worse and causing complications. Otherwise, try some of these safe and natural methods:

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Breastfeeding When You’re Sick

Youre likely to feel tired, so listen to your body and get some rest when you can. Sleep when your baby sleeps and ask for help at home if you need it.

Breastfeeding your baby when you’re sick is generally safe. In rare cases, you may need to stop breastfeeding if you have a serious illness. Talk to your GP if you are worried.

For most illnesses, continuing to breastfeed will pass on immunity cells to your baby. This may help them to fight this specific infection. If your baby becomes ill, your breast milk will help them to recover more quickly.

Practising good hygiene is very important to stop any infection spreading to others. With coughs and colds, cough into a tissue, bin it, and then wash your hands.

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When Can I Resume Using Sudafed

If you want to avoid decreases in your milk supply, its best to refrain from taking Sudafed, or any product containing pseudoephedrine, until you are done breastfeeding. Once you are ready to start taking Sudafed again, make sure to check in with your doctor for clearance, especially if you have any medical conditions, or if you may be pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant.

Is It Possible For A Baby To Catch A Cold While Breastfeeding

Sinus Medication While Nursing

Breastfeeding is acceptable if youre sick. Common illnesses such as colds and diarrhea cannot be passed on to the baby by breast milk. Antibodies can be passed to the baby if the mother is sick to prevent the baby from contracting the same illness as the mother.

Because airborne germs can still cause the baby to contract the flu.

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Boost Your Immune System

Gray recommends making sure your immune system is in good shape so that you can avoid colds in the first place or fight them faster when you do get them. One way to do this is to make sure you are getting adequate Vitamin D, and take a supplement if necessary, Gray advises.

Other breastfeeding-safe ways to boost your immune system include having a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Taking vitamins and supplements known to strengthen your immune system are also options. Speak to a healthcare provider about the best immune-boosting supplements for you.

Treating A Cold Or Flu In Early Pregnancy

While it is usually recommended that women avoid medications during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, there are exceptions. Tylenol to prevent fever is recommended, as fever can be detrimental to a developing embryo.

This is not to suggest that all drugs have a potential for harm. In many cases, they donât. But, in others, we simply donât know. For this reason alone, you should adhere to your doctorâs advice to avoid all medications for at least the first 12 weeks.

Instead, make every effort to help your body recover by slowing down, resting, and avoiding stresses that can affect your immune system. You can do this by:

  • Staying in bed, napping, and getting as much rest as possible
  • Drinking plenty of water, soup broth, or juice
  • Gargling with salt water to treat a sore throat or cough
  • Sucking on ice chips to alleviate a sore throat and to help with hydration
  • Using a humidifier to help relieve congestion
  • Eating small, healthy meals regularly
  • Taking your prenatal vitamins

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Risks Of Sudafed While Breastfeeding

Again, the main risk to taking Sudafed while breastfeeding is that it can drastically decrease your milk supply. In fact, some lactation consultants and breastfeeding doctors recommend Sudafed, or other pseudoephedrine products, in cases of hyperlactation, or excessive oversupply. Using pseudoephedrine to manage hyperlactation is something that the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine recommends.

The evidence that Sudafed can decrease milk supply is strong. A study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that taking the recommended dose of Sudafed decreased milk supply by 24% in a 24 hour period.

A single dose of pseudoephedrine significantly reduced milk production, the study researchers concluded. The exact mechanism for how this happens is not clear, they explain. The drop in milk supply is not because of changes in blood flow to the breast, for example. Either way, the researchers conclude that this drop in supply is noteworthy.

As Shealy points out, such significant drops in milk supply are a risk to your baby. Your baby may not get enough nutrition during this time, and while discontinuing the medication should help your milk supply rebound, dealing with a noticeable milk supply drop like that can be very stressful for a breastfeeding parent.

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