What Are My Root Canal Options
The most well-known root canal option is standard root canal treatment. During standard root canal treatment, files and treatment fluids are used to remove the infected pulp tissue, and the interior of the tooth is cleaned, filled and sealed.
Patients suffering from a root canal system infection may also choose to remove the infected tooth and replace it with a dental implant. This process includes the insertion of a metal post in the jaw with an affixed porcelain crownsand typically these procedures cost more than an endodontic treatment.
During the GentleWave® Procedure, though, fluid dynamics and broad-spectrum acoustic energy are used to clean and disinfect the root canal system. 2 This alternative root canal option is so effective at cleaning the root canal system,1,2 theres less chance of failure over time,4 helping patients save their natural tooth.4
Root Canal Removal Protocol Video By Dr Adams:
A root canal is a filling in the root of your tooth where the nerve used to be. Prior to filling the root, the dentist cleans it as best as they can with bleach. But it is impossible to clean all the pores in the root. Over time, bacteria and fungus can grow in the tooth and leak out into the bone and surround blood supply. The immune system of healthy people will usually kill the bacteria and fungus as it leaks out. But no one really knows what happens or where this bacteria can go in your body. Root canal teeth once extracted can be tested by DNA Connexions to determine the pathogens in the tooth. Holistic dentistry considers how a procedure may impact overall health and attempts to do no harm to overall health.
What Is A Failed Root Canal
Root canals fail when the original treatment does not remove all the infection, or the tooth becomes infected again. It can take weeks, months or even years for a failed root canal to surface. You may recognize the symptoms of infection, such as tooth discoloration, pimples on the gum or swelling because you already went through root canal treatment once.
If you do not seek treatment again, the infection may spread to other teeth. Saving your tooth becomes more challenging, but it can be done if you immediately go to your endodontist.
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Should I Treat My Root Canal Infection Or Extract My Tooth
Im often asked by patients who are choosing between doing a root canal or extracting their tooth, Alright doc, I get that my tooth is infected, what are my choices? What would you do if it was your tooth? The rest of this post discusses my best recommendations and how to choose between:
- Doing a root canal to save the tooth or
- Extracting the tooth and replacing it with a bridge or implant
This is not an easy choice as it involves treatment issues that may also have health consequences. Every day in my practice I see patients having to make this decision, so I have a lot of understanding about whats involved and what all the considerations may be.
In the vast majority of cases, root canals are caused by infections, and the bacteria that cause root canal infections are difficult to remove completely, once they get into the tooth and the bone around the tooth.
However, extracting teeth can be very traumatic and expensive. It is a $4,000 to $5,000 proposition to extract an infected root canal and replace it with an implant and porcelain crown.
In this article, I will break down the advantages and disadvantages of each choice and give you my best advice on how to approach treatment. And there is good news as well, as you will discover.
To Extract Or Not To Extract An Argument For Saving The Tooth
No one wants to lose a tooth. This is very natural and normal. Thanks to the advent of Photon Induced Photoacoustic streaming , a technology licensed to Fotona utilizing the Er :Yag laser, we can now eliminate bacteria in root canal teeth. This is the good news, and a game changer in root canal therapy.
To understand the importance of this technology watch this video animation to see an example of how it works. Click on this link to see the Fotona laser in action. The reason this video is so important is that it shows what PIPS and SWEEPS can do to eliminate bacteria during root canal therapy.
I think you can clearly see what makes the PIPS technology so revolutionary. It actually reaches and kills the bacteria hiding in the dentinal tubules. Why is this important? Because the bacteria hiding in the tubules are releasing toxic material into your tooth, your jaw, and your body.
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How Long Does A Root Canal Take
An opening is made through the top of the tooth and the pulp is removed from the chamber and canals. The canals are then cleaned with sodium hypochlorite or another disinfecting solution. The canals are then shaped with a series of files of increasing diameter to make sure all of the infected tooth structure is removed and there is room for an adequate root canal filling. A series of X-rays will be taken throughout the procedure to make sure the files are reaching the end of the root and all the canals are being adequately cleaned and shaped.
If the root canal is to be completed in two appointments, the dentist will place medicine like calcium hydroxide down the canal to help kill the bacteria at the end of the root and may prescribe an antibiotic to help combat the infection. A temporary filling will be placed to seal the opening in the tooth and a second appointment will be made for a week later or more. If the tooth is being treated in one appointment, the dentist will skip this part and go right to filling the root canal.
Factors To Consider When Removing A Root Canal
Biological dentists who remove root canals can be difficult to find. Especially dentists who remove root canals carefully and properly. Not all root canal removals are the same. The holistic dentist needs to evaluate the tooth, remove it carefully and finally clean and repair any and all damage to the underlying bone and gum.
Root canal teeth are dead. Dead teeth are brittle and can break into little pieces and be difficult to remove. Removal of a root canal tooth is a lot more difficult than removal of a regular tooth. The best strategy is to remove the tooth by taking out the roots one at a time. Once the roots are removed, the dentist can evaluate the root canal extraction site for bone damage, cysts and bacterial and fungal infection. The dentist will need to remove the PDL, any cysts, remove any dead bone, clean all the bacterial and fungal infections. Once the extraction site has been treated, a natural bone graft can be placed to facilitate new and healthy bone growth back into the extraction site.
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When Are Root Canals Needed
Root canals are needed when a tooth becomes so full of decay that it reaches the pulpor tissueof the tooth. The pulp is made up of nerves and blood vessels, which accounts for the pain one can experience. Sometimes, there can be a trauma to the tooth, which may cause discoloration , or an abscess can occur. This can even happen without the overwhelming amount of decay that you may think.
In these instances, you may still need a root canal. If you are experiencing significant tooth pain while eating, or pain and sensitivity due to eating or drinking hot things, it may be time to talk with your dentist about a root canal.
What Should I Expect From My Root Canal Recovery
Proper care of your treated tooth is a must for a successful root canal recovery. You should avoid eating for a few hours until the numbness in your mouth wears off to help avoid biting your cheek or tongue. After that, its important to stick to soft foods that require little chewing to help minimize the risk of hurting your teeth.
You also should work with your dentist or endodontist to determine what additional follow-up visits youll need to ensure the infection is fully gone and your tooth is healing well. Plus, always ensure that you get routine dental cleanings and exams twice a year to keep your overall oral health strong.
In all, with proper care and attention, your treated tooth can stay healthy forever.
Looking for more insight on how to care for your treated tooth? Take a look at our helpful guide!
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Health Concerns About Root Canals Is Controversial
On the other side, a group of dentists and doctors have noticed that a disproportionate number of their sick patients have root canals. No one can prove that root canals do not cause cancer and autoimmune disease either. It is very difficult to prove what causes a disease. Does anyone really know what causes cancer? What we do know is root canals can not be completely clean and do contain bacteria, viruses and fungus. We also know over time, these same pathogens and their toxins leak out into the jawbone and surrounding blood supply. We also know these same bugs can be implicated in certain infection and disease. Not everyone gets sick in any situation. It all comes down to what bug or toxin is present and the susceptibility of the patient.
A bacterial, viral or fungal infection is a primary disease condition. It is easy to relate cause and effect in a primary disease condition. Caner or autoimmune disease is at least a secondary disease condition. It is much more difficult if not impossible to prove cause and effect of a secondary disease condition. Typically, there will be an insult such as bacteria or cigarette smoke and possibly an immediate disease condition such as bronchitis. Later, whos to say what caused lung cancer, but suffice to say, do you really need to see the fire, if there is smoke?
Old Root Canal Infection Symptoms
Whether you just recently had a root canal treatment or a few years back, symptoms of infection could occur at any time. Listed below are the signs of root canal infection as described by a comprehensive dental team in Kellyville Ridge:
Constant Pain
Constant toothache is one of the primary symptoms of an infected root canal. The pain might come and go but when they appear, they cause extreme discomfort. You would feel excruciating pain that seems to come from the inside of your tooth. Apart from this, other parts might feel uncomfortable as well such as the face, jaw, and nearby teeth.
Its important to note that tooth pain could indicate many other oral health problems such as follows:
- cavities
- impacted tooth
- gum disease
Whatever the reason may be, if tooth pain occurs, call your dentist for an appointment immediately. Diagnosing and treating toothache early on leads to more favorable results.
Tooth Sensitivity
Hot or cold food and beverages will start to bother you once your tooth becomes sensitive. The sensitivity to hot and cold comes with sharp and sudden pain and typically lasts for a few seconds and extends as it gets worse. This might indicate that you have a root canal infection and immediate medical care is needed.
Discoloration Of Teeth
Gums Swelling
Pain When The Tooth Is Touched
Broken Or Chipped Tooth
Loose Tooth
Bad Breath
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Get The Truth About Root Canal Infections And Why They Happen
At Penn Dental Family Practice, our endodontic specialists are here to guide you every step of the way during your root canal procedure. This includes helping you reduce the risk of an infected root canal, before and after the procedure.
Root canals tend to have a bad rap when it comes to dental procedures. Many fear that a root canal can be extremely painful, and perhaps a traumatizing experience. They may even be worried about a root canal infection developing. The truth is that root canals dont have to be that way at all. In fact, with the latest techniques, the experience of receiving a root canal is equivalent to receiving a filling.
Endodontists are careful of infections when it comes to root canals. Some infections, which could be caused by an abscess, form before the root canal is performed, while other infections occur after the root canal procedure has been completed.
Why does this happen? Did the dentist not perform the root canal correctly? Lets take a look at the procedure and what it entails.
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Can You Develop An Infection After A Root Canal
Yes. It is not typical to develop an infection after the root canal procedure has been finished, but there is always a small risk of this happening. Root canal infections can appear anywhere from a week to a decade after the procedure has been performed. Some of the reasons for these infections include:
- A canal left unclean because the tooth had an abnormal amount of canals that were not seen
- An undetected crack in the tooths root
- A defective restoration used over the root canal, allowing bacteria to get in and recreate an infection
- A seal breaking down over time, allowing the bacteria to contaminate the inside of the tooth
What Are Root Canal Infections
Teeth arent solid all the way through theyre made up of layers. The hard, outer surface of a tooth is called enamel. The inner layer is called dentin and is a porous, almost sponge-like tissue. At the center of each tooth is a collection of soft tissue called pulp.
The pulp contains the nerves and blood vessels that allow the tooth to grow. Its full of cells called odontoblasts that keep the tooth healthy.
A root canal removes the pulp of a tooth thats been infected or damaged by tooth decay or other injuries. Root canals can save teeth and are considered very safe.
Root canal infections arent common, but theres a small chance of a tooth becoming infected even after a root canal is performed.
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Why Choose An Implant Over A Root Canal
Ideally, each time a root canal is performed, all the bacteria would be removed from your tooth during the root canal process, and the tooth would be filled and capped. In cases in which decay is so severe that there is not enough remaining structure to hold the crown, a post is inserted to provide a secure point at which to adhere the cap to the tooth. Unfortunately, this further weakens the tooth and increases the risk of the tooth completely fracturing, making the entire procedure a loss. An implant is comparable in cost to a root canal and has a much higher likelihood of success.
There are three additional reasons why a permanent dental implant might be a better option than a root canal.
When To Extract Old Root Canal Teeth
For those of you who were told that your root canal should last a lifetime, this has not been my experience. The fact is root canals fail and they usually fail more often than is realized by both doctor and patient. How do I know this? Because 3-D imaging called cone beams show more infection with old root canals than has been previously known.
This is because normal Xrays taken in dental offices dont reveal the infection thats sometimes there. After all, they are two dimensional and shot through the bone, so many times infection can go undetected, as it is hidden in the center of your jaw bone. Remember that during root canal treatment the nerve is removed from the tooth, so you will no longer feel that something is wrong, even if there is infection.
To the right is a normal Xray of a root canal tooth. The bone around the tooth looks fairly normal, certainly within normal limits for a root canal tooth, as shown with the arrow. Most dentists would say that this tooth looks to be healthy, as there is no evidence of infection and the canals look well filled. If there is no pain and no clear indication of an infection on the xray, as is the case with here, most dentists would say the tooth is fine and does not need any further treatment.
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Zirconia Implants For Teeth Replacement
Both are a good options, but metal free zirconia implants may be better near the front of the mouth because they are natural or tooth colored and more cosmetic. Gum tissue will also never look dark or metallic around zirconia implants. If you are a clencher or grinder, titanium implants may be better. If you need a large implant bridge such as all on 4 dental implants, titanium implants may be better.
Root Canals Are Put Forth As A Way To Save Failing Teeth However:
- Root canals often fail, which requires the same painful and expensive procedure to be done on the same tooth over and over.
- Each root canal and post placement further weakens the tooth, meaning eventual extraction is likely.
- Caps or crowns placed after a root canal only have a life of about 710 years, meaning multiple replacements over a lifetime.
- Dental implants replace the painful tooth completely with a realistic-looking tooth that can last a lifetime.
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