Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is A Uti And A Bladder Infection The Same

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How Are Urinary Tract Infections Treated

Acute pyelonephritis (urinary tract infection) – causes, symptoms & pathology

You will need to treat a urinary tract infection. Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria and fight an infection. Antibiotics are typically used to treat urinary tract infections. Your healthcare provider will pick a drug that best treats the particular bacteria thats causing your infection. Some commonly used antibiotics can include:

  • Nitrofurantoin.

Its very important that you follow your healthcare providers directions for taking the medicine. Dont stop taking the antibiotic because your symptoms go away and you start feeling better. If the infection is not treated completely with the full course of antibiotics, it can return.

If you have a history of frequent urinary tract infections, you may be given a prescription for antibiotics that you would take at the first onset of symptoms. Other patients may be given antibiotics to take every day, every other day, or after sexual intercourse to prevent the infection. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best treatment option for you if you have a history of frequent UTIs.

How Common Are Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are very common, occurring in 1 out of 5 women sometime in their lifetime. Though UTIs are common in women, they can also happen to men, older adults and children. One to 2% of children develop urinary tract infections. Each year, 8 million to 10 million visits to doctors are for urinary tract infections.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Bladder Infection Vs A Uti

Symptoms can offer clues about whether you’ve got a bladder infection specifically or a UTI somewhere else in your system. Regardless of which type you have, you’re likely to have some or all of the most common UTI symptoms, which MedlinePlus says includes:

  • Pain or burning when you urinate
  • Fever, tiredness, or shakiness
  • An urge to urinate often
  • Pressure in your lower abdomen
  • Urine that smells bad or looks cloudy or reddish
  • Pain in your back or side, below the ribs

If you’re dealing with a bladder infection specifically, the CDC says you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain or burning when you urinate
  • Frequent urination
  • Feeling the need to urinate despite having an empty bladder
  • Pressure or cramping in the groin or lower abdomen

Left untreated, a lower UTI or bladder infection can turn into a kidney infection, which the NIDDK says can lead to serious health issues like sepsis, kidney failure, or renal scarring in rare cases. According to the CDC, some common symptoms associated with kidney infections include:

  • Lower back pain or pain in the side of your back
  • Nausea or vomiting

The symptoms you experience with a UTI of any kind are importantthey can help clue your doctor into where the UTI is located, and which type of treatment will work best for your specific case. If you have any of the above symptoms, it’s important to seek medical care right away, to help treat what’s going on and prevent any complications.

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Why Utis Should Be Treated Promptly

If a UTI is left untreated, it can continue spreading up the body into one or both of the kidneys. A kidney infection requires prompt medical attention, as it can permanently damage the kidneys or spread bacteria into the bloodstream, causing a life-threatening infection. The faster that you seek treatment for a UTI, the better.

Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer

UTI in Queens Creek

Common symptoms of bladder cancer, on the other hand, are slightly more complex.

The most common symptom of bladder cancer is a change in the color of your urine. Your urine may become orange, pink, rusty brown, dark red, or bright red in color, which would indicate theres blood in your urine.

Blood in the urine is also a common symptom of a bladder infection, so it is one that is often misdiagnosed in women presenting with bladder cancer.

Other symptoms common in cases of bladder cancer include:

  • The need to urinate more frequently, even when your bladder isnt full
  • Painincluding burning, or general discomfortwhen you urinate
  • Pain in the lower back, mid-back, or side
  • Urinating when youre not meaning to
  • Trouble getting the urine stream started
  • Feeling like something is blocking the flow of urine

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How To Reduce The Risk Of A Bladder Infection

Expert opinions vary on whether certain lifestyle changes reduce the risk of bladder infection, but it may be helpful to: Drink plenty of liquids, especially water, to help flush out bacteria. Urinate often, especially when you feel the need. Wipe from front to back after urination or a bowel movement. Take showers rather than baths.

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What Causes Urinary Tract Infections

The body has several systems in place to prevent bacterial infection. For example, it usually flushes out bacteria with urine during urination. However, bladder infections can occur when bacteria enter through the urethra and move toward the bladder. Here, the bacteria attach to the walls of the bladder and multiply quickly. If the body is unable to kill the bacteria, it results in a bladder infection.

Some bladder infections are acute, while others can be chronic . Early treatment is important to prevent the spread of the infection further into the urinary system, including to the kidneys. Kidney infection can be very painful and can cause further health complications.

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Symptoms Of Urinary Tract Infections

The symptoms of a basic urinary tract infection often include:

  • Dark, cloudy urine that may appear red or pink from blood
  • Painful or burning urination, a condition known as dysuria
  • An urgent and frequent need to urinate
  • A small amount of urine when you do go to the bathroom
  • Urine that smells bad
  • Confusion, particularly in more elderly patients
  • More intense feelings of general illness

If you are experiencing symptoms of a kidney infection seek medical attention immediately. The sooner you receive treatment the more likely you are to prevent long term damage and recover faster.

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Inflammation Due To Urinary Tract Infection

UTI l Urinary Tract Infection & Pyelonephritis Treatment for NCLEX RN & LPN

A UTI is often the result of bacteria entering the urethra and then the bladder. These infections are more common among females than males.

One of the major responses to a UTI is inflammation of the bladder wall, a condition known as cystitis. Prolonged inflammation can lead to thickening of the wall. Some other causes of cystitis include inflammation triggered by cancer treatments, like radiation and chemotherapy, or prolonged use of a catheter.

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A Pharmacist Can Help With Cystitis

You can ask a pharmacist about treatments for cystitis. A pharmacist can:

  • offer advice on things that can help you get better
  • suggest the best painkiller to take
  • tell you if you need to see a GP about your symptoms

Some pharmacies offer a cystitis management service. They may be able to give antibiotics if theyâre needed.

Embarrassed Dont Be: It Can Be Dangerous

A lot of people dont visit their doctor due to symptoms because they consider it potentially embarrassing. Dont put it off! Both UTIs and STDs are easy to diagnose and just as easy to cure. Any waiting before you see your doctor has the potential to be more dangerous to you and your sexual partners, and not seeing a doctor at all could mean that your symptoms get worse.

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What Are The Treatments For A Bladder Infection Vs A Uti

How a doctor deals with a patient’s UTI depends on where it’s located, what caused it, how severe the infection is, and whether there are other complicating factors to consider.

An uncomplicated bladder infection can sometimes clear up on its own. But given that it can turn into a more severe infection, you might be better off with a prescription for some oral antibiotics to kill off the bacteria. Per the American Urological Association , treatment for uncomplicated bladder infections typically involves taking one of the following:

  • A single dose of Fosfomycin.
  • Nitrofurantoin for five days.
  • Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole DS for three days.

If you have a more complicated bladder infection, you may need to rely on other types of antibiotics and take them for up to 14 days to clear out the infection. Either way, you should start to feel better within a couple of days of taking the meds but be sure to finish the full course of antibiotics. Otherwise, resistant bacteria could grow and create a new infection that’s harder to cure.

Doctors may also give you additional fluids through the IV. And that’s assuming you don’t get a complication, such as sepsis. Once the IV antibiotics help you feel better, you can generally go home and finish treating the UTI with more antibiotics for a total of 14 days, per the AUA.

Treatment And Home Remedies

Kidney Stones And Uti Infections

UTIs and yeast infections require different treatments.

UTI treatment usually involves antibiotics, which clear up bacterial infections. The class and dosage of antibiotic treatment depend on the type of infection and the persons medical history.

Although symptoms usually go away shortly after a person starts taking antibiotics, they should complete the entire course of medication that the doctor prescribed.

People can treat yeast infections in several different ways. Mild yeast infections may respond to over-the-counter antifungal medications, which are available in the following forms:

OTC antifungal medications are available to purchase in stores or online.

Severe yeast infections might require a prescription-strength antifungal oral tablet called fluconazole.

Although OTC and prescription medications can successfully treat UTIs and yeast infections, some people may choose alternative or natural therapies instead.

Eating natural, unsweetened yogurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus may help prevent yeast infections.

Unsweetened cranberry juice is a common home remedy for UTIs. However, in a 2013 article, researchers reviewed 24 studies and concluded that cranberry juice is less effective than earlier research indicated and that it demonstrates a limited ability to prevent UTIs.

Mild UTIs and yeast infections are easily treatable and may even resolve on their own. However, people should still consult a doctor before attempting to treat either infection at home.

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What Does Bladder Pressure Feel Like

The most noticeable symptom of IC is pain and pressure in the bladder. The pain you experience may range from mild to severe. For some, the pressure can come and go. For others, the feeling doesnt let up.

These symptoms may lead you to think that you have a bladder infection, but IC isnt an infection at all. Its a chronic condition, which means that there isnt cure.

Other symptoms of IC include:

  • pain while bladder is full and relief when its emptied
  • pain during sex

Signs and symptoms vary. Some people may need to urinate up to 60 times each day. You may also experience periods of time when you have no symptoms.

Although IC isnt a UTI, getting an infection can make your symptoms worse.

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What Is The Difference Between Cystitis And Uti

A UTI can occur in any part of the urinary tract: the urethra, ureters, kidneys, or bladder. If the infection stays in the urethra, its considered urethritis. The urethra is a tube that allows the body to expel urine and is connected to the bladder. If the infection occurs in the lower urinary tract and bladder, its considered cystitis. The ureters, two narrow tubes, drain urine from the kidneys into the bladder. Kidneys are responsible for removing waste and excess water from the body. If the infection moves to the upper urinary tract and kidneys, its considered pyelonephritis.

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Stages Of Cystitis And Urinary Tract Infections

Stages of cystitis

While cystitis is more serious than bacteria in the urethra, it is still easy to treat when its caught early. If cystitis isnt treated, the bacteria can spread to your kidneys. Kidney infections are rare but serious.

Stages of urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections begin on the outside of the body at the urethra. Some bacteria stop there and do not travel further into the urinary tract. If bacteria do make it into the bladder, they can cause cystitis.

Expanded Quantitative Urine Culture

Urinary Tract Infection – Overview (signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, causes and treatment)

Expanded Quantitative Urine Culture is a UTI testing method that is relatively new, and has been used in many recent studies around the female urinary microbiome and recurrent UTI.

EQUC uses a modified urine culture protocol, that builds on the standard concept of urine culture with some very important changes. These include using larger volumes of urine, varied atmospheric conditions for incubation and longer incubation times.

The result is that the conditions of EQUC are far superior to those of the standard urine culture.

In fact, one study that compared the two techniques found that EQUC grew bacterial species in 80% of the samples tested. In comparison, 92% of these same samples were reported as no growth using standard urine culture.

EQUC has been adopted as a UTI test method by a selection of practitioners in the USA. Were looking into where patients can access EQUC and will publish further information as we find it.

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Utis And Hospital Stays

A hospital stay can put you at risk for a UTI, particularly if you need to use a catheter. This is a thin tube thatâs inserted through the urethra to carry urine out of the body. Bacteria can enter through the catheter and reach the bladder. This is more often a problem for older adults who require prolonged hospital stays or who live in long-term care facilities.

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Types Of Urinary Tract Conditions

A urinary tract infection refers to an infection in any area of the urinary tract. Conditions that can occur in the urinary tract or with the potential to lead to complicated infections include:

  • Urethritis: An inflammation of the urethra, usually caused by an infection for example, a sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia
  • Cystitis: An infection in the bladder that has often moved up from the urethra, also one of the most common UTIs
  • Nephritis: Any type of kidney inflammation
  • Pyelonephritis: An infection in one or both kidneys

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How Do You Get A Bladder Infection Or Uti

UTIs happen when bacteria enters the urethra and spreads. Urinary tract infections are fairly common and can happen to anyone, but the following risk factors can increase your chances of getting one:

  • The sex youre assigned at birthpeople assigned female at birth have shorter urethras than those assigned male at birth, making it easier for bacteria to travel to the bladder and kidneys.
  • Hormone changesmenopause, pregnancy, or just that time of the month can increase your risk of infection.
  • Diaphragms and spermicidesthese forms of contraception can kill off good bacteria, increasing the bad bacteria which can find its way to the urethra.
  • Genetic predispositionThats right! It could just be a genetic thing. Genetics play a role in the shape and size of your urinary tract making some individuals more prone to infections.
  • Sexual activityPee as soon as possible after sex to prevent UTIs.
  • Hygiene habitsBubble baths and scented feminine products might feel like self-care, but they can cause irritation that leads to UTIs. Also, always make sure youre wiping front to back!
  • Chronic illnessIllness that causes changes to your immune system, like diabetes, can make you more prone to UTIs.
  • Holding itNo need to be a hero. When you have to go to the bathroom, you should go.
  • Not drinking enough waterAdd it to the list of reasons you should drink more water! Staying hydrated can help stave off infections.

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What Causes Utis


Other risk factors for a UTI include:

  • a problem in the urinary tract
  • an abnormal backward flow of urine from the bladder up the ureters and toward the kidneys. This is known as vesicoureteral reflux , and many kids with a UTI are found to have it.
  • poor toilet and hygiene habits
  • family history of UTIs

UTIs are easy to treat, but its important to catch them early. Undiagnosed or untreated UTIs can lead to kidney damage.

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What Is An Std

So, How Do You Get an STD?

STDs can occur in a myriad of ways:

  • Having unprotected sex with someone who has also been affected.
  • Eating contaminated food that has been contaminated with fecal matter can potentially transfer hepatitis A .
  • Skin-to-skin contact with someone who has been affected by HPV or herpes can increase the risk of contracting either infection.
  • Sharing sheets, towels, or clothes can increase the chance of spreading Trichomoniasis.
  • Sharing needles or even razors, which cause the risk of breaking the skin and mixing blood, can lead to catching, developing, and the passing on of STDs.

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Why Are Women More Likely Than Men To Develop A Uti

About 40% to 60% of women in the US will develop a UTI in their lifetime. About 10% will contract a UTI annually.

Even more specifically, women between the ages of sixteen and thirty-five are the most vulnerable. And recurrences are common, so about half of female patients experience another UTI within the same year.

Whats more, this type of infection is more common in women than men by at least four times.

But why is this?

Mostly it has to do with physical anatomy. While there can be a number of other contributing factors, one key reason is that a womans ureter is shorter than a mans. So bacteria can more easily travel to other urological structures, including the bladder.

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