Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I Keep Getting Utis And Yeast Infections

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Diet And Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

Yeast Infections: Debunked

I researched Candida , and quickly cut all processed sugar, fruits and grains from my diet. I was running and swimming every day, and avoided alcohol.

My digestive symptoms subsided somewhat, but the constant yeast infections and UTIs still plagued me.

After three months in Greece it was time to move to Berlin. While packing my bags, I made sure to take those UTIs with me

I became acquainted with the German healthcare system pretty quickly. This meant finding a doctor who was willing to give me antibiotics whenever I got a UTI, and an extra prescription so I could self-administer them next time.

He also sent my urine to a lab a number of times . Every time wed get the results it would show raised leukocyte levels, and insignificant levels of bacteria or contamination, but generally nothing to report.

According to the lab, I didnt have a UTI. According to what I knew about my own body, I did, and it would not go away.

The one thing the lab could easily identify was an overgrowth of vaginal yeast. By this stage, my digestive symptoms had returned to 24 hour a day abdominal pain. I had this low down, solid abdominal bloating that would not subside.

So I further restricted my diet. I transitioned from vegetarian to vegan, and implemented an intermittent fasting approach.

Utis And Yeast Infections Are Both Relatively Common Fyi

Both of these issues suck all-around, but we hope shame isnt part of your discomfort. Every year there are an estimated 1.4 million outpatient visits for yeast infections in the United States, the CDC says, . The Mayo Clinic estimates that 75% of women have had a yeast infection at some point in their lives.

UTIs are also pretty run-of-the-mill, with about 40 to 60% of women experiencing one in their lifetime, according to the National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases .

All this means that if you have either of these infections, youre not alone. Whats more, you have treatment options.

If Youre Experiencing Recurring Yeast Infections Youve Got Options

You can take an over-the-counter antifungal like Monistat. Earthman recommends using the three- or seven-day regimens instead of the one day. Its more of a hassle, but it tends to work better.

For more complex and long-term yeast infections, your provider might prescribe fluconazole .

If youd like to keep things natural, there are vaginal suppositories like boric acid that can sometimes provide relief.

Lily swears by Yeast Arrest. Ill put in a suppository like Yeast Arrest at the first sign of itching, and Ill use a three-day over-the-counter antifungal if it gets worse. I take that with me on vacation, just in case. And if I really cant kick it, thats when Ill call my doctor for Diflucan. Diflucan always seems to work, but I like to try other things first.

As Earthman puts it, Recurring BV is the bane of my existence! It probably keeps our office in business its all too common.

Symptoms of BV are fairly obvious. Discharge is thin white, grey, or greenish, and often comes with a fishy smell.

Could your partner have anything to do with it? Earthman says that, yes, occasionally there are bacterial strains that you and your partner can pass back and forth.

The only way to really know if you have these specific strains is to have a culture taken of vaginal flora, so that both partners can be treated. She doesnt advise taking cultures immediately for BV since they can be pretty costly and most strains will respond to one or two antibiotic types.

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Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Are More Common Than You Think

Even after I broke the cycle of recurrent urinary tract infections, I never stopped researching.

Id been full circle through wondering what was wrong with me, to wondering what was wrong with doctors, to being furious at yet another female health issue overlooked by the healthcare industry, to wanting to do something about it.

And here we are. We created this website so you wouldnt have to look so far and wide for helpful information.

Weve done our best to break recurrent UTI into the pieces of the puzzle you need to understand in order to get well:

Uti Symptoms: Urinary Tract Infections Symptoms You Dont Know

UTIs in the Elderly: Signs, Symptoms and Treatments

Urinary tract infection is a very common problem for most people.

If you suffer from frequent or recurring UTIs it can be a serious problem.

Even if you have only had one, it can still be an issue if it lasts for several weeks or months.

If you are suffering from any of the following, it is important to get help and get rid of your UTI as soon as possible.

One of the most common complaints is painful urination.

You may experience pain when you urinate or the sensation of being full.

Although there is no actual test to diagnose UTI, doctors will typically ask about the symptoms you are experiencing.

And try to determine if they are caused by a real UTI or an infection from a urinary tract infection.

The more serious the symptoms, the more likely a visit to the doctor will be necessary.

One of the most common signs of a UTI is a yellow color to the urine.

In most cases, this can be cured with antibiotics.

However, if you continue to have more than one symptom after taking the antibiotics, it is more likely that you have a UTI.

Some other symptoms include redness, itching, burning, and pain during urination.

To be sure that you are not having a UTI and not from a urinary tract infection, you should be tested for it.

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms can be caused by a lot of different things.

Common signs of a UTI include painful urination, excessive gas, and cloudy or dark urine.

A urine sample should be taken from your bladder and sent to a lab to be tested.

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Risk Factor #: Contraceptive Pills

By design, contraceptive pills alter the balance of hormones in your body, especially estrogen and progesterone. It is known that . Any change in estrogen levels can alter your vaginal flora in a way that may encourage the growth of infection-causing organisms.

What You Can Do About It

1. If stopping the pill is an option, you can try this. If its not, you may want to speak with your doctor about finding another pill that is more appropriate for you. Make sure to mention that preventing UTIs is of a high priority for you.

2. Vaginal probiotic suppositories and oral probiotics containing certain good bacteria have shown promise in restoring the balance of vaginal flora, in turn reducing the risk of yeast infections and UTIs.

Learn more about UTI and hormones in our expert video series.

Uti Treatment And Prevention

Treatment to clear a UTI requires antibiotics prescribed by your health care provider.

To help reduce your risk for a UTI, take these steps:

  • Drink cranberry juice. Although studies have not been conclusive that cranberry juice can prevent UTIs, it can’t hurt to add this to your diet if you are prone to UTIs, says Barajas
  • Drink lots of water. Drinking lots of water will help flush out bacteria from your urinary tract to prevent infections from setting in
  • Urinate after intercourse to help flush out bacteria that may have entered the urinary tract during intercourse
  • Avoid douching, scented soaps and deodorant sprays. These can interfere with the good bacteria that help keep bad bacteria from growing
  • Evaluate your birth control method. Birth control such as diaphragms and unlubricated or spermicide-treated condoms can facilitate bacterial growth

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Your Birth Control Isn’t A Good Fit

Hormonal fluctuations caused by birth control options like the pill can create a vaginal environment that’s more prone to yeast infections, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

This isn’t always the case, as different studies have shown different results when it comes to hormonal birth control and the immune response, according to a February 2022 paper in âCancersâ. It seems to depend on the individual, the hormonal dose and the method of delivery , and how they all react together.

âFix it: âRecurring yeast infections may be a sign that your birth control isn’t a good fit.

Talk with your gynecologist about trying a contraceptive with a different hormonal dose or method of delivery. Research in the November 2012 issue of âContraception âsuggests that the vaginal ring may be a better fit.

Does A Uti Make Your Vag Hurt What You Need To Know

How to Treat a Yeast Infection

If you are experiencing frequent urges to pee, you may be suffering from a urinary tract infection.

This is caused by the growth of bacteria that are similar to the yeast Candida.

These bacteria are generally harmless but can become harmful when they infect your urinary tract.

They are often found in your urine, and symptoms include cloudy, bloody, or ammonia-smelling urine.

A UTI may also be accompanied by pelvic pain.

To treat your UTI, you must visit a healthcare provider.

Trying to treat this infection at home may not work, or you may end up using the wrong medicine.

A healthcare provider can easily diagnose your infection and prescribe the proper antibiotics.

Once the infection is diagnosed, you should take antibiotics for three to five days to get rid of the bacteria.

These symptoms can overlap with the typical symptoms of a UTI, which are intense pain and vaginal pressure.

If you have a persistent UTI, you may be experiencing these symptoms.

You should also make sure youre not allergic to anything that may be irritating the area.

Some things like shaving or waxing can lead to irritation of the vulva.

If youre allergic to the ingredients in these products, you should avoid them for a week.

Another good option is to use an aloe vera gel to soothe the area.

You should also seek medical attention if your UTI becomes persistent and continues to worsen.

The infection could lead to a more serious condition, like a kidney infection.

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When It Comes To Treating Bv There Are A Few Natural Options

She recommends taking probiotics, noting that although they can be expensive, theyll eventually pay for themselves if they keep you out of the doctors office. Earthman also highly recommends cleaning sex toys before next use.

You could also experiment with home remedies for BV, ranging from yogurt to boric acid.

What Is A Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria invade the urinary tract, usually working their way from the outside in towards the bladder, or worse, into the kidneys. Often, the bacterium responsible for this type of infection is a common resident of the large intestines, such as E. coli. While typically harmless in the intestinal tract, these bacteria can cause significant trouble if theyre unintentionally introduced into the urinary tract. If you have a history of previous UTIs, you should know that you are more likely to experience a recurrence.

Also Check: Pain Meds For Urinary Tract Infection

Yeast Infection Vs Uti: Which One Do I Have

We can all agree that both UTIs and yeast infections are unpleasant and uncomfortable. But oftentimes, the symptoms of each infection can overlap and you may struggle to tell which infection you have. Lets go over the similarities, the causes of each, and how to distinguish between a yeast infection and a UTI.

How Is Uti Treated

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For UTI treatment, your doctor will typically do a urine culture, to determine the type of infection. If the infection is caused by bacteria, the doctor may recommend antibioticsoral antibiotics for lower tract infection, and intravenous antibiotics for upper tract infection. If the infection is caused by a virus, then the doctor will recommend antiviral medication.

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Treating A Uti Vs A Yeast Infection

Your best bet for getting rid of a UTI is taking an antibiotic prescribed by your doc. While some mild UTIs may be treated at home by drinking a lot of water, many people who experience pain should seek help from a doctor ASAP, Dr. Shepherd says.

Monistat 7-Day Yeast Infection Treatment
Monistat 7-Day Yeast Infection Treatment

Dr. Wong doesn’t suggest trying any OTC meds on your own. “The best way to treat a UTI and prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body is with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider,” she says.

If you have the itchy, burning sensations of a yeast infection, you may want to try an over-the-counter antifungal creams, ointments, or suppositories. You should look for these active ingredients: miconazole, tioconazole, or clotrimazole.

However, if your symptoms don’t improve within three days or you’re consistently getting yeast infections, you should see a healthcare provider, per Dr. Malik.

Yeast Infection Treatment: How To Treat Yeast Infection

If you want to know how to treat a yeast infection naturally, you cant go wrong with probiotics.

These are important ingredients in many treatments because they can help to restore the natural balance of bacteria in your body.

Probiotics are the good bacteria we all need to maintain good health and many of us suffer from a lack of these in our bodies.

Once you take probiotics, you will be able to treat the problem in a more complete way than you could without them.

Knowing how to treat a yeast infection naturally begins with knowing what to avoid.

You should avoid eating a lot of sugar and processed foods because these foods feed the bad bacteria, which in turn encourages the growth of yeast.

Also, if you notice that any of the signs of infection appear during times of high stress.

Then you may need to take some sort of antibiotic or prescription drugs to get rid of it.

To learn how to treat yeast infection naturally, you have to find something that has been proven to be a successful cure for yeast infections.

Fortunately, this is a relatively simple process.

You will want to look for treatments that work by killing the yeast before it even gets a chance to grow and cause an infection.

Natural supplementsare the best way to learn how to treat yeast infection.

There are many products available that can help you get rid of your problems once and for all.

However, dont worry that most of them are so ineffective because you have many options.

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Preventing Yeast Infections And Utis

While thereâs no guaranteed way to prevent a yeast infection or UTI from ever happening, there are some things you can do to ward off both types of infections.

Avoiding irritating feminine products, like douches, sprays, and scented tampons, can help prevent both UTIs and yeast infections, says the Office of Womenâs Health. You should also skip long baths and hot tubs. And if you think the type of birth control youâre using is increasing your risk of yeast infections or UTIs, consider switching to another method.

There are also more specific things you can do to fend off yeast infections vs. UTIs, depending on which one youâre most prone to. You can further reduce your risk of a yeast infection by:

  • wearing cotton underwear
  • avoiding tight undergarments, like underwear or pantyhose
  • not staying in a wet bathing suit or sweaty leggings for long
  • avoiding unnecessary antibiotics

As for preventing yeast infections, you can try:

  • taking cranberry supplements

Treatment And Home Remedies

What causes yeast infections, and how do you get rid of them? – Liesbeth Demuyser

UTIs and yeast infections require different treatments.

UTI treatment usually involves antibiotics, which clear up bacterial infections. The class and dosage of antibiotic treatment depend on the type of infection and the persons medical history.

Although symptoms usually go away shortly after a person starts taking antibiotics, they should complete the entire course of medication that the doctor prescribed.

People can treat yeast infections in several different ways. Mild yeast infections may respond to over-the-counter antifungal medications, which are available in the following forms:

OTC antifungal medications are available to purchase in stores or online.

Severe yeast infections might require a prescription-strength antifungal oral tablet called fluconazole.

Although OTC and prescription medications can successfully treat UTIs and yeast infections, some people may choose alternative or natural therapies instead.

Eating natural, unsweetened yogurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus may help prevent yeast infections.

Unsweetened cranberry juice is a common home remedy for UTIs. However, in a 2013 article, researchers reviewed 24 studies and concluded that cranberry juice is less effective than earlier research indicated and that it demonstrates a limited ability to prevent UTIs.

Mild UTIs and yeast infections are easily treatable and may even resolve on their own. However, people should still consult a doctor before attempting to treat either infection at home.

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Next Time Youre About To Clear The Pharmacy Shelves Of Vaginal Suppositories And Uti Relief Sachets Not So Fast

Weâll go out on a limb and say, most of the time, if you have a full blown UTI, youâll know about it. That burning, bladder-doesnât-feel-quite-empty, even though youâve hit the restroom six times in the last hour, feeling, is almost unmistakable. If youâre not so sure though, donât automatically charge towards the pharmacy shelves, hunting for yeast infection treatment , either .

An itchy, irritated vulva could be caused by a number of things, like dermatitis. While unusual, excessive discharge could be any type of vaginal infection, from a yeast infection, to BV or an STI. Or possibly, a normal shift in discharge consistency as your menstrual cycle goes through the motions.

Referenced in this article:

Keep Getting Yeast Infections Here’s What Your Body’s Trying To Tell You

The majority of people with vaginas will get a yeast infection at least once, or maybe even twice, in their lifetime. But is it normal for them to practically be a regular thing?

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Vaginal yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the fungus candida albicans. They’re typically marked by intense vaginal itching or irritation, redness or swelling, burning while urinating and vaginal discharge that can be watery or white and cottage cheese-like, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Yeast infections are considered recurring if a person has four or more of them per year. When that happens, they’re typically triggered by an underlying cause that needs to be addressed.

Here are the most common culprits behind recurrent yeast infections and what you can do to find relief.

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