Symptoms Of An Infected Tooth
If you have a toothache, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms
- A severe, persistent, or throbbing toothache
- Tooth pain when biting, chewing, or eating
- Tooth sensitivity to temperature change
- Tooth sensitivity to pressure
- Breathing or swallowing difficulties
- Fever
- A tooth infection can spread to other parts of your body including your jaw, neck, sinuses, and brain.
When To See Your Healthcare Provider
If you experience a new toothache and/or headache, be sure to see your healthcare provider. Figuring out the underlying diagnosis can be tricky, even for your healthcare provider, so it’s important to be persistent about finding the cause.
For instance, if you still have no relief after undergoing dental procedures for toothaches, talk to your healthcare provider about seeing a headache specialist, neurologist, or ear, nose, and throat doctor.
Referred Tooth Pain To Your Head
In addition to a toothache triggering a migraine, tooth decay or advanced gum disease can “refer” pain to the head.
Referred pain means that you feel a painful sensation in a different area of your body than the body part actually causing the pain. Again, this is due to the many nerve connections that connect the teeth and other facial structures to the brain.
It’s common for a person to go see their healthcare provider for tension-type headaches or migraines when they really are experiencing a dental problem.
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What Is Involved In Treating An Abscessed Tooth
An Abscessed tooth can be very painful, and so you will want to see a licensed dental professional to treat the problem as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Treatment for an abscessed tooth focuses on draining the infected area, treating the infection, and relieving pain. Some treatment options typically include:
- Puncturing and draining the abscess. A small puncture is made to drain the pus, followed by a rinse with saline solution. If an abscess ruptures on its own, the pus can infect other areas having a professional puncture and clean the area immediately helps prevent future infection.
- Root canal. A root canals involves removed part or all of the pulp of the tooth, which is filled with nerves and blood vessels. If part of the pulp becomes infected, it can be both painful and dangerous, and so must be treated.
- Tooth extraction. If the tooth itself has decayed significantly, it might have to be removed to treat the rest of the abscess and to prevent further infection.
- Medications. If the infection has spread beyond the abscessed area, your dentist might recommend a course of antibiotics to fight it.
What Is A Dental Abscess
A dental abscess is an infection of the head or neck that begins as a tooth infection. Dental abscesses are often painful and filled with pus. The infection can originate as a result of poor dental hygiene, injury to the mouth, or medical conditions that affect the immune system.
A dental abscess begins when bacteria invade a tooth through an area of decay in the tooth or through the gums. The bacteria can cause an infection in and around the tooth, and this infection may then spread to other parts of the mouth and, more rarely, into the face or neck.
A dental abscess can be a serious condition because the infection, particularly when left untreated, may spread and cause serious complications. Spread of the infection by local extension or through the bloodstream can lead to serious infections of the jawbone, brain, heart valves, or lungs. Therefore, a dental abscess should be immediately treated by a physician or dentist. Dental abscesses are typically treated by opening the infection, cleaning the area thoroughly to remove any bacteria, and administering antibiotics.
Seek immediate medical care for serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing due to swelling in the mouth, vomiting, fever, nausea, or headache associated with a dental abscess.
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Misunderstood Sick Symptoms That Are Actually Stemming From Dental Problems
June 22, 2020 By Riverside Dental
Sometimes, people call to reschedule their appointment with us here at Riverside Dental Care because they are feeling sick. In cases of viral and bacterial infectionsespecially with COVID-19 concernspushing your appointment back is best. However, there are times when your symptoms of sickness are actually caused by dental issues
To help you identify the difference between being infectiously ill and having dental-related sick symptoms, here are four of the most misunderstood signs that you have a dental problem.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Tooth Infection
If your tooth is infected, your pain may be:
- Gnawing or throbbing.
- Continuous or only when chewing.
- Radiating to the jawbone, neck or ear.
Other oral symptoms of infection include:
- Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.
- Bitter taste in the mouth.
- Foul-smelling breath.
- Swollen area in the upper or lower jaw.
- Open, draining sore on the side of the gum.
In addition, you may experience more generalized symptoms like:
- Fever.
- General discomfort, uneasiness or ill feeling.
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You Have A Sinus Infection
A very common indication of a sinus infection is tooth pain in your back upper teeth. This makes sense because of the close proximity to your nasal passages. If you have tooth pain and are feeling stuffy, theres a good chance you may have a sinus infection. You should go to your doctor to receive the proper treatment.
Severe Or Recurrent Infections
A severe wisdom tooth infection can spread throughout the mouth, jaw, and upper respiratory tract. In rare cases, the infection travels to the bloodstream. This is a serious health issue known as .
Many dentists remove wisdom teeth at the first sign of trouble to avoid the risk of severe or recurrent infections.
The best treatment for a wisdom tooth infection partly depends on the cause and severity of the infection. However, treatment usually involves:
- a thorough cleansing of the affected wisdom tooth and the surrounding gums and teeth
- the use of antiseptic mouthwash
- a course of antibiotics to treat the cause of the infection
The methods above will help get the infection under control, but the wisdom tooth will still most likely need to be extracted. This will help prevent further infections and damage to surrounding tissues.
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Pain The Senses And The Stomach
“Down the hatch” is a great lead-in or toast before putting something delicious in your mouth, but it has also crept in as an expression before taking an unpleasant dose of medicine. “Open wide” is similar because it’s used for feeding someone a sweet chunk of cake or giving a baby a spoonful of bananas, as well as for getting a dental patient to open up for mostly unpleasant tastes and objects.
Craving a bite of food comes with the anticipation built up through sight, smell and hunger — all adding to the enjoyment of the taste buds. Anticipating a dental visit, on the other hand, can assault the senses with a very different set of experiences for the eyes, nose, ears and mouth. It is doubtful that many individuals enjoy the smell of teeth being drilled and pulsed as hardened plaque, calculus and bits of old dental work and decaying teeth are broken down. It’s no wonder the stomach can react to the bad sensory stuff as well as the good.
And what about all of that activity taking place in your mouth while you’re in the chair? We’ll look at some other sickening dental procedures and preventions, next.
Can Toothache Cause Headache: Abscessed Tooth Pain
If you are suffering from a toothache and headache, it is natural to marvel if both symptoms are related. Throbbing pain or swelling in or around your tooth or gum. Usually, abscessed tooth pain is an indication that something is wrong with your gums or tooth. Perhaps your toothache is causing your headache, or both may be an indication of a serious underlying health problem such as a sinus infection. Read on to find out the answer to this question: Can toothache cause headache?
A dental abscess is a pocket of pus forming in various parts of your tooth due to a bacterial infection. This infection can occur due to injury to the mouth, medical complications that impact your immune system, or poor dental hygiene. If a tooth infection is not promptly treated, a patient may also develop a migraine, a throbbing one-sided headache associated with nausea or vomiting. An abscessed tooth can cause moderate to severe pain, which can even radiate to your ear or neck. If left untreated, abscessed tooth pain can graduate into a severe, life-threatening condition. Therefore, an abscessed tooth should instantly be treated by an experienced dentist.
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Make An Appointment With A Knoxville Dentist
If you are experiencing tooth pain or any other dental health issues, a general dentist can help you identify and fix the problem. University General Dentists in Knoxville, TN, uses state-of-the-art technology to help you maintain your dental health. If your teeth are hurting, schedule an appointment with us today at one of our two convenient locations so that we can help you feel better. Call our University of Tennessee Medical Center Office at 865-305-9440 or our West Knoxville Office at 865-500-5700.
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It Hurts When You Chew
If your tooth sends a sharp, shooting pain when you take a bite of something, it may be cracked or damaged. If you don’t remember some kind of traumagetting hit in the mouth, biting down on a Gobstopperthis crack may have occurred from grinding your teeth at night or clenching your jaw too intensely. Exposed nerves from a cracked tooth produce this pain and if left untreated, can cause the spread of bacteria and lead to an infection.
It might also hurt to chew because your tooth enamel has worn down. Tooth enamel protects your teeth’s nerves from outside factors that can cause pain. If the enamel wears down, you’ll notice increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods, which can cause that instant zing of pain when you chew. Depending on the pattern of your enamel disappearance, it may also be related to chronic acid reflux or a poor diet. According to a study published in the International Journal of Dentistry, dentists may be the first to diagnose gastroesophageal reflux disease because they can spot these tooth erosion patterns.
The Rx: A cracked tooth must be addressed immediately to prevent infection or decay. Visit your dentist so he or she can fix it. If you’re experiencing a loss of tooth enamel, you’ll need to examine your dietary habits and gastrointestinal health. There’s no way to get tooth enamel back once it’s gone, so the sooner you make healthy lifestyle changes, the less likely you are to experience pain when chewing in the future.
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Can Bad Teeth Cause Head Problems
Irritated teeth can be caused by a variety of factors, including obstructed wisdom teeth, broken teeth, and caries, to name a few. If these diseases are not treated, a patient may get a migraine . Your face, especially your lower and upper hip, gums, and teeth, are all served by this nerve. Given that the trigeminal nerve is thought to play a key part in migraine pathogenesis, its reasonable to assume that an underlying tooth infection could affect the nerve branch, resulting in a headache.
You Feel An Intense Throbbing Pain
An intense, throbbing pain in your tooth that isn’t associated with eating may indicate you’re dealing with a tooth infection. A tooth infection occurs when bacteria invades the tooth’s pulp, which is the inner part of the tooth, where the connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels are located. Infections are serious because they can spread to other parts of your body if left untreated. According to the Mayo Clinic, poor dental hygiene, dry mouth, or a diet that’s high in sugar can cause a tooth infection.
The Rx: If you’re feeling an intense, throbbing pain in your tooth, make an emergency dentist appointment as soon as you can. Your dentist needs to treat the infection so it doesn’t spread, which may mean draining the abscess and prescribing antibiotics.
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How Can You Tell If A Tooth Is Causing A Headache
Head and neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors. Your teeth generally work in pairs upper and lower. Bad teeth, as well as teeth that are misaligned or malformed, throw off the equilibrium of your bite, putting a lot of strain on your jaw joints. Excessive strain irritates the joints over time, creating inflammation. Also uncomfortable and sore are the muscles that regulate your jaw movements. As your jaw tries to bring your teeth back into proper alignment, you may develop a clenching or grinding habit. When youre stressed, you could clench your jaw all through the day. One scenario is that you tighten your jaw or grit your teeth.
Increased Heart And Breathing Rate
Do you notice that your heart starts beating faster than normal? What about your breathing? Do you feel like you’re panting to get enough air?
Both of these are indications that sepsis is beginning to set in. If this happens to you, don’t wait to get in to see your dentist. You need to see a doctor right away.
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Toothache Triggering A Migraine
There are many possible reasons why a tooth might ache, including cavities, cracked teeth, or impacted wisdom teeth. If these conditions are left untreated, a person may also develop a migraine.
Migraines are throbbing, usually one-sided headaches that can be associated with nausea, vomiting, and/or sensitivity to light or sound.
Verywell / Ellen Lindner
Experts believe that the connection between toothaches and migraines is the trigeminal nerve, a cranial nerve that controls facial and eye movements and sensations. The trigeminal nerve provides feeling to most of your face, including your upper and lower lip, teeth, and gums.
The trigeminal nerve is believed to play a significant role in the development of migraines. In this case, pain from the toothache is thought to irritate the nerve and trigger a migraine.
Dental Problems That Can Cause Headaches And Dizziness
Did you know that persistent or constant pain in your head can be treated more effectively by your dentist than your general physician? The cause of headaches is often elusive they can range from mildly irritating to unrelentingly painful. Since frequent pain can adversely affect the quality of your life, if you experience persistent pain that does not clear even after being treated by a physician, you may wish to see your dentist.
Dizziness is the feeling of being woozy, unbalanced, or lightheaded. However, it is not a disease but rather a symptom of various dental problems or health disorders. Here are dental problems that can lead to headaches and dizziness:
Root Canal Complications
Complications from root canal treatment may result in headaches and feelings of dizziness or vertigo. Problems usually occur when dealing with an inexperienced dentist or when the root canal equipment breaks. Severely-curved canals may lead to incomplete feeling. Canal perforation is another challenge, as is overfilling. Infections coming from canal procedure can cause dizziness however, reaction to specific pain medications following such procedure may also cause lightheadedness or dizziness.
Bruxism and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
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Gingivitis Or Periodontal Disease:
If you have red, swollen, or bleeding gums you may have gum disease. This causes the teeth to move away from your gums causing a pocket between your teeth and your gums. In this pocket, bacteria can collect and enter into your bloodstream. This can make you feel sick and have a fever, congestion, runny nose, and chills. Although bleeding or sore gums may not feel serious at first, if it develops into periodontal disease, it can be irreversible. If this happens, you will need to visit Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas for frequent cleanings to prevent it from worsening. If you have the symptoms while sick, you should visit the dentist.
Symptoms Of Tooth Infection Spreading To The Body
When left untreated, an infection in your tooth can make its way to other areas of the bodyand to be clear, just because an abscess has ruptured doesnt mean its gone. A rupture is actually the first sign that the infection is spreading, and the abscess still needs to be adequately drained.
If left untreated, the infection can enter your jaw and hitch a ride to other areas of your body. The infection can even spread to your bloodstream and cause sepsis. Sepsis is a life-threatening response to an infection in your body that causes the chemicals that fight infection to be thrown out of whack. It also produces changes that can damage several organs.
- A stiff neck
- Blurry or gray vision
Brain abscesses are life-threatening, so if you suspect you have one, seek medical attention immediately. This infection can disturb the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, and it may also rupture, which creates a dire situation. Brain abscesses require treatment in a hospital thats usually a combination of antibiotics and, depending on the size, surgery.
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How Is An Abscessed Tooth Treated
Goals of treatment are to eliminate the infection and prevent complications. Treatment options include:
- Incision and drainage: Your dentist makes a small incision in the abscess to drain the pus. Sometimes a small rubber drain is placed to keep the area open for drainage.
- Root canal: This option helps to eliminate the infection and save your tooth. This common procedure removes the tooths infected inner pulp, and fills the space with material to prevent another infection. The inner pulp is important when the tooth is growing but once its mature, the tooth can survive without the pulp. After the procedure, your tooth should be back to normal, though you may need a crown to protect the root canal. If you care for the restored tooth properly, it can last a lifetime.
- Tooth extraction: Sometimes the tooth cannot be saved, and your dentist may need to pull or extract the tooth allowing pus to drain from the socket.
- Antibiotics: If the infection is limited to the abscessed area, you many not require antibiotics, but sometimes your dentist may recommend them to assist with your dental treatment. It is important to know, that while this medication may help fight off remaining bacteria, it will not get rid of the cause of the infection, which is the affected tooth.