Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Eye Infection Not Pink Eye

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How Is Pinkeye Diagnosed

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Explained

If you think your child has pinkeye, it’s important to see your health care provider to learn what’s causing it and how to treat it. Other serious eye conditions can have similar symptoms, so a child who complains of severe pain, changes in eyesight, swelling around the eyes, or sensitivity to light should be examined.

If you can’t get an in-person visit, you might be able to do a “video visit” instead. Telehealth when patients and health care providers use technology for the remote diagnosis and treatment of some health conditions is becoming more and more popular. Ask your health care provider if his or her practice participates in telemedicine, and check with your insurance provider to see if this option is covered.

An Inside Look At The Eye

Newborns are particularly susceptible to eye infections caused by Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which they acquire from organisms in the mother’s birth canal .

Inclusion conjunctivitis is a particularly long-lasting form of conjunctivitis caused by certain strains of the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Inclusion conjunctivitis usually spreads by contact with genital secretions from a person who has a genital chlamydial infection. Trachoma Trachoma Trachoma is a prolonged infection of the conjunctiva caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia trachomatis can infect the eye, usually in children who live in lesser-developed… read more , another type of conjunctivitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, is not due to a genital chlamydial infection.

Gonococcal conjunctivitis is conjunctivitis caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae , a sexually transmitted infection that also may spread to the eye by contact with genital secretions from a person who has a genital gonorrheal infection.

Severe infections may scar the conjunctiva, causing abnormalities in the tear film. Sometimes, severe conjunctival infections spread to the cornea .

What Is An Eye Infection

An eye infection is a disease that develops when pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites invade an area of the eyeball or nearby areas. It includes, therefore, infections in the cornea , the conjunctiva , eyelids, retina, etc.

There are many different types of eye infectionsTherefore, a correct diagnosis is vital to subsequently apply the most appropriate treatment. In most cases they are easy to cure the problem comes in underdeveloped countries, where they do not have access to the necessary therapies.

Despite being able to affect anyone, they tend to be more common in children or in people with hygiene or health problems, especially if they have a weakened immune system.

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What Allergens Cause Pink Eye

You can get pink eye if something youre allergic to gets in your eye. Common allergens are:

This kind of pink eye is not contagious, meaning you cant pass it to someone else. Youre more likely to get this kind of pink eye if you have allergies to many different things. To help prevent allergic pink eye, ask your doctor about ways to treat your allergies.

What Can I Do To Help Relieve Symptoms Of Pink Eye

10 Tips to get rid of having Pink Eyes

Since many cases of pink eye are mild, you can often get by with relieving symptoms at home until the condition passes. Applying nonprescription artificial tears eye drops may help relieve itching and burning from irritating substances.

Note: Other types of eye drops may irritate the eyes, so dont use them. Avoid eye drops that have medication to get the red out. Also, do not use the same bottle of drops in the other eye if it is not infected.

Other measures to take to relieve the symptoms of pink eye include:

  • Stop wearing your contact lenses until your symptoms go away.
  • Place cool compresses on your eyes and do not share washcloths or towels with others.
  • Wash your face and eyelids with mild soap or baby shampoo and rinse with water to remove irritating substances.

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Do I Have Pink Eye 5 Issues Mistaken For Conjunctivitis

  • Travis Thompson, O.D.

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is an infection of the thin layer of tissue covering the white part of the eye and lining the inner eyelid. Its most common in children and highly contagious. Fortunately, its unlikely to affect your vision. The most common symptom is reddened eyes, but not all reddened eyes are due to pink eye.

There are other eye conditions that can be mistaken for pink eye, including:

Contact our office if youre experiencing symptoms similar to pink eye. We can perform an exam to tell if its pink eye or not and prescribe treatment to help your eyes feel healthy again.

How Does Pink Eye Spread

Two contagious types of conjunctivitis bacterial and viral are spread in multiple and very similar ways. The simplest way to explain the cause of conjunctivitis is through contact with already infected things.

For bacterial conjunctivitis, these things can be characterized as another person with conjunctivitis or a contaminated object that you touch with your hands and then touch your eyes and/or face. Its also possible to expose yourself to conjunctivitis by having the contaminated object in or near your eyes .

Respiratory droplets are another culprit for spreading conjunctivitis because of the bacteria or viruses they may contain. Your eyes have a microbiome, or stable environment, where they utilize their own bacteria to keep things balanced. When a different type of bacteria enters the eye, it can throw off the balance and cause the eye to react with symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Similar to bacterial conjunctivitis, viral conjunctivitis is passed through respiratory droplets and infected objects mainly your fingers or hands being in or near your eyes. Typically, viral conjunctivitis is caused by contaminants commonly found on hands, including eye and respiratory discharge, infectious tears and fecal matter.

The best way to avoid the spread of pink eye is to wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap and water. Practicing proper hygiene is critical for the health of your eyes and your overall well-being.

Page updated in January 2022

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Can Herpes Simplex Eye Infection Come Back

Some people develop repeated episodes of active infection. As mentioned above, these occur if the virus reactivates from time to time – similar to cold sores. A recurrent infection may occur any time between a few weeks and many years after the first active infection.

At least half of people who have one episode of active infection will have a recurrence within 10 years of the first. Recurrences occur more often in some people than others.

If recurrences are frequent or severe, your eye specialist may advise that you take antiviral tablets each day to prevent episodes of active infection. Studies have shown that, on average, the number of recurrences is roughly halved in people who take regular antiviral tablets.

Some people say that episodes of active herpes infection may be triggered by strong sunlight. So, wearing sunglasses may also help to prevent recurrences. It is also possible that active infection may be triggered if you are run down or unwell for another reason. However, the evidence for this is limited. Some women find that they get recurrences around the time of their period but again there is limited evidence to support this.

If a recurrence does occur, each episode is treated as described above.

If The Deeper Layer Of The Cornea Is Affected

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) – Viral, Bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis. Symptoms and treatment

Treatment is similar to epithelial keratitis . In addition to the antiviral eye ointment or drops, your specialist may add in some steroid eye drops. This helps to reduce inflammation.

Note: steroid eye drops must only be used under close supervision of an eye specialist. He or she will prescribe the correct strength and dose in conjunction with antiviral treatment. If you use steroid eye drops wrongly they can make herpes simplex infections worse!

Antiviral tablets may be used in some cases.

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Types Of Eye Infections

After you see your doctor, they may name the infection you have. You may hear them use medical terms like:

Pinkeye . Its an infection of your conjunctiva and usually gives your eyes a pink tint. It can be caused by a bacteria or virus, although sometimes you might get it from an allergic reaction or irritants. Its common to get pinkeye when you have a cold. In adults, it is most commonly caused by a virus, and in children it is most likely bacterial.

Keratitis. This is an inflammation of your cornea that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites in water. Its a common problem for people who wear contact lenses.

Stye. It can crop up as painful red bumps under your eyelid or at the base of your eyelashes. You get them when the oil glands in your eyelid or eyelashes get infected with bacteria. These are similar to a pimple, and are not contagious.

Fungal eye infections. Its rare to get infections from a fungus, but they can be serious if you do. Many fungal eye infections happen after an eye injury, especially if your eye was scraped by something from a plant, like a stick or a thorn. You can also get one if you wear contacts and dont clean them properly.

Uveitis. This is an inflammation of the middle layer of your eye, called the uvea. It can be caused by certain viruses like herpes, but is more commonly linked to autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

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When To See A Doctor

Some eye infections, such as a stye or blepharitis, respond well to home care. However, other eye infections, such as endophthalmitis, are serious and can potentially lead to a permanent loss of vision.

If a person has signs of an eye infection, they should contact a doctor. Severe symptoms, such as extreme pain or a sudden loss of vision, require emergency medical care.

Likewise, if symptoms of a stye, blepharitis, or conjunctivitis fail to improve with home care, people should see a doctor.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Pink Eye

The first sign of pink eye is a change in color of the white part of your eye, called the sclera. Its the tough outer layer that protects the iris and the rest of the eye.

Covering the sclera is the conjunctiva, a thin, transparent membrane that becomes inflamed when you get pink eye. The reason your eye looks red or pink is because the blood vessels in the conjunctiva become inflamed, making them more visible.

Inflammation or irritation of the conjunctiva doesnt always mean pink eye. In infants, a closed tear duct can irritate the eye. Swimming in a pool with a lot of chlorine can redden your eyes, too.

Actual conjunctivitis tends to have other symptoms, including:

  • gooey discharge that may form crust around your eyelids while you sleep
  • a feeling like there is dirt or something irritating your eye
  • sensitivity to bright lights

Pink eye can form in one or both eyes. If you wear contact lenses, they may feel very uncomfortable, like they dont fit the way they normally do. If possible, you should avoid wearing your contacts while you have symptoms.

In serious cases, conjunctivitis can cause some swelling in the lymph node near your ear. It may feel like a small lump. The lymph nodes help the body fight infections. Once the viral or bacterial infection is cleared up, the lymph node should shrink.

How Is Pink Eye Treated

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Treatment of pink eye depends on whether its caused by bacteria, a virus, an allergen or something else.

Treatment for pink eye caused by bacteria

If bacteria are causing your pink eye, your provider will give you a prescription for antibiotics . If its tricky to put ointment in your eye or your childs eye, dont worry. If the ointment gets as far as the eyelashes, it will most likely melt into the eye.

Treatment for pink eye caused by viruses

Pink eye caused by a virus doesnt need treatment unless its caused by herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster virus or a sexually transmitted infection. These are serious infections that require antiviral medications. If not treated, they could scar your eye or cause vision loss.

Antibiotics cant treat pink eye caused by a virus.

Treatment for pink eye caused by irritating substances

If something gets into your eyes and irritates them, rinse your eyes with a gentle stream of warm water for five minutes. Avoid further exposure to the irritating substances.

Your eyes should begin to improve within four hours after rinsing them. If they dont, call your healthcare provider. If the substance in your eyes is a strong acid or alkaline chemical , rinse your eyes with water and call your healthcare provider immediately.

Treatment for pink eye caused by allergies

Treatment for pink eye caused by sexually transmitted infections

Treatment for pink eye caused by autoimmune disease

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When To Seek Medical Care

You should see a healthcare provider if you have conjunctivitis along with any of the following:

  • pain in the eye
  • sensitivity to light or blurred vision that does not improve when discharge is wiped from the eye
  • intense redness in the eye
  • symptoms that get worse or dont improve, including pink eye thought to be caused by bacteria which does not improve after 24 hours of antibiotic use
  • a weakened immune system, for example from HIV infection, cancer treatment, or other medical conditions or treatments

Newborns with symptoms of conjunctivitis should be seen by a doctor right away.

Treatment For Allergic Forms Of Conjuntivitis

When treating allergic and chemical forms of conjunctivitis, the cause of the allergy or irritation must first be removed. For instance, avoid contact with any animal if it causes an allergic reaction. Wear swimming goggles if chlorinated water irritates your eyes. In cases where these measures won’t work, prescription and over-the-counter eye drops are available to help relieve the discomfort.

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What Germs Cause Pink Eye Infections

Viral pink eye is most often caused by a common virus called adenovirus, but other viruses can also cause pink eye. If you have viral pink eye, you may also have a cold or sore throat.

Bacterial pink eye can be caused by many different types of bacteria. Some common types are Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, or Haemophilus influenzae.

Its also possible to get pink eye from a fungus or parasite, but its not common.

Bacterial Infections Acquired At Birth


Symptoms of bacterial infections from bacteria such as chlamydia, gonorrhea include swelling of the eyelid, drainage of pus, and red eyes. Chlamydia infection symptoms usually present 5 to 12 days after birth and gonorrhea infection symptoms present about 2 to 4 days after birth.

Without treatment, these infections can include serious symptoms affecting other parts of a newborns body. Chlamydia can affect the lungs and nasopharynx. Gonorrhea can cause infection of the bloodstream, spinal cord, and lining of the brain. If left untreated, herpes infection can cause vision loss or blindness.

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How Can An Eye Doctor Help

If there is a foreign body in your eye, such as a piece of grit, your eye doctor may try and remove it. They will put anesthetic eye drops in your eye first, in order to numb it and prevent any pain.

If the foreign body is easy to get to, it may be possible to remove it by simply rinsing your eye with water, or by wiping it away with a cotton wool bud or triangle of card. However, if this is unsuccessful, your eye doctor may try and remove the foreign body by lifting it out with the tip of a small metal instrument.

The foreign body could be stuck underneath your upper eyelid, especially if you can feel something there, or you have scratches or grazes on the top half of the transparent outer layer of your eye . If this is the case, it may be necessary to gently turn your eyelid inside out in order to remove the foreign body.

Once the anesthetic eye drops have worn off, your eye may feel a bit uncomfortable until your abrasion heals.

Whatever is happening with your eyes or if you suffer or even suspect that a foreign body has penetrated the outer eye layer better go without delay to the nearest treatment center. Doing nothing can lead to loss of vision, premature cataracts and damage to the retina so do not take any chances, delay is dangerous.

How Long Does Pink Eye Last

Pink eye is no longer contagious when your eyes look and feel normal again. How long it takes for this to happen depends on what caused the pink eye to begin with. Typically, conjunctivitis symptoms last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Like many viral infections, pink eye cannot be treated directly and must run its course. Symptoms are usually at their worst between three and five days after the infection begins.

In cases of viral conjunctivitis, you can use artificial tears and cold compresses to help relieve itching and inflammation until the pink eye clears up. If no complications occur, your eyes should improve within a few days, but symptoms could last up to two weeks. Some natural remedies for pink eye might help relieve your symptoms however, you should always consult your eye doctor before trying them.

Typically, bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with prescription antibiotic eye drops, but even with treatment, it can last up to a month or longer. Luckily, with this type of conjunctivitis, people are no longer contagious after 24 hours of beginning antibiotic treatment.

When dealing with allergic conjunctivitis, reactions to allergens such as dust, pollen and pet dander can last indefinitely, depending on the time of year and your exposure to the source of the reaction. As long as youre exposed to triggering allergens, your allergic conjunctivitis will likely stick around.

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