Thursday, July 25, 2024

Activated Charcoal For Tooth Infection

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Who Treats Bad Breath

Better view of activated charcoal poultice for tooth abscess

In most cases, your dentist can treat the cause of bad breath. If your dentist determines that your mouth is healthy and the odor is not of oral origin, you may be referred to your family doctor or to a specialist to determine the odor source and treatment plan. If the odor is due to gum disease, for example, your dentist can either treat the disease or refer you to a periodontist, a dentist who specializes in treating gum conditions.

What Causes Tooth Decay And Gum Disease

Plaque is a sticky substance that forms on your teeth. When plaque stays on your teeth too long, it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Brushing and flossing help get plaque off your teeth so your mouth can stay healthy.

Taking care of your teeth and gums is especially important if you:

  • Have diabetes

What Is A Tooth Abscess

An abscess is an infection of a tooth that forms a bacteria-filled sac around the roots of the tooth. Bacteria then invade the nerve of the tooth, causing infection and inflammation inside your tooth. Eventually, this infection can kill the tooth from the inside. If an abscess goes untreated, it will eventually lead to an infection in the jawbone and the surrounding tissue.

Here are some common symptoms of an abscessed tooth.

  • Pain: throbbing pain on chewing food sensitivity to hot and cold

  • Fever: indicates that your body is fighting an infection

  • Bad taste: sour pungent smelly

  • Redness: in the gums: Bleeding tenderness when brushing

  • Swelling: in the cheeks and face sometimes in the neck, which is the most dangerous type and sometimes requires a visit to the ER

Causes of tooth abscesses include decay , gum disease, a cracked tooth, or trauma. When one or more of these conditions is present, bacteria have an opportunity to enter the tooth, infect the nerve tissue, and will eventually kill the nerves and blood supply to the toothessentially killing the tooth.

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What Is An Activated Charcoal Toothbrush

A charcoal toothbrush looks and uses just like a normal toothbrush except the bristles are infused with activated charcoal.

The whole idea behind a charcoal toothbrush is that when you brush your teeth, the bacteria is absorbed into the bristles instead of just pushing it around your mouth.

However, the big question remains, do charcoal toothbrushes work?

Similarly to activated charcoal toothpaste, there is little to no scientific evidence showing that activated toothbrushes provide any health benefits.

There Is Little Research On Activated Charcoals Effect On Teeth

How to Use Activated Charcoal for a Tooth Infection

While the trend has gained steam online, it has also come under fire from dental professionals and organizations for a lack of research on its safety and effectiveness.

In an article in the Journal of the American Dental Association, dental experts concluded that there is insufficient clinical and laboratory data to substantiate the safety and efficacy claims of charcoal and charcoal-based dentifrices.

The lack of evidence on the effects of activated charcoal scrubs raises concerns among dental professionals who believe that the scrub could be too powerful and abrasive on teeth, leading to worn down enamel and damaged teeth.

Dr. Susan Maples, a Michigan-based dentist and author, told that she is worried about the trends effect on enamel, which cannot be healed.

I worry about the long-term effects of a video like this, she said. Teeth are the only part of the ectoderm that does not replenish or heal itself once its gone, its gone. You can color your hair, you can pierce your skin, damage your nail, shave an eyebrow all of that comes back.

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Is This Ok For Your Teeth

Disregarding activated charcoals abrasive nature, its not bad for your teeth, per se, but if youre brushing with it, its likely that it wont do much good for you in the long term, as it doesnt have enough time to sit on the surface of your teeth and produce any meaningful whitening effect.

Another thing thats important to note is that theres a difference between removing stains from your teeth and whitening them. The first involves, as the name suggests, getting rid of unsightly stains on the enamel, and is generally done under the supervision of dental professionals and with their specialized tools. Whitening, on the other hand, is a process that actually changes the underlying color of your teeth, which, among people, can vary based on factors like the thickness of your enamel. So, even if you remove surface stains, your teeth can still appear somewhat yellow based on what lies beneath your enamel.

Finally, if you are still set on incorporating activated charcoal into your dental routine, know that there are a number of DIY alternatives you can try instead. Mixing a bit of baking soda with water, for instance, can help whiten teeth while simultaneously freshening your breath. Similarly, diluted hydrogen peroxide can work to whiten your teeth over time. You might want to try some of these alternatives out before you place that order for some activated charcoal toothpaste.

  • Millard: 14406 Harrison St., Omaha, NE 68138

Products And Where To Buy

You can find activated charcoal products at most health food stores and online. When selecting activated charcoal products for any of the uses above, its vital that you know the charcoals source. Not all activated charcoal pills or supplements are equal.

Look for activated charcoal made from coconut shells or identified wood species that have ultra-fine grains, like activated bamboo charcoal and activated coconut charcoal powder.

In the activated charcoal powdered form, many products have added artificial sweeteners to make them more palatable, but you should avoid these. Artificial sweeteners are loaded with chemicals, and frankly it doesnt make sense to take activated charcoal to rid your body of chemicals and toxins if its loaded with chemicals. Sweeten it naturally if desired with fresh juice or a natural sweetener.

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Risks Of Activated Charcoal

Dr. Reino stated that activated charcoal is a substance that you get from a chemical process with a coconut shell. This material is extremely aggressive. Then, when applied to teeth, it can significantly wear down tooth enamel.

Worn tooth enamel has lots of risks. First, the nerves are more unprotected, and this causes dental sensitivity, Also, activated charcoal is so aggressive that it can also reach your gums.

The most paradoxical thing is that, by rubbing activated charcoal on your teeth and wearing down the enamel, what remains is a layer called dentin. In fact, dentin is more yellowish than natural enamel. In other words, not only are there risks of activated charcoal, but it doesnt even whiten your teeth.

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Brush Up On Your Technique

Warning about activated charcoal products

Use your holiday vacations to spend more time brushing your teeth. If youre relaxed or have more free time during the day or with your morning or nightly routine, you can use the time to brush more thoroughly and develop better oral care habits.

It isnt necessary to brush vigorously to get your teeth clean. Whats important when brushing your teeth is not how hard you scrub, but that you use the proper technique and that you do a thorough job. And that takes time. Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth for two to three minutes to get the most thorough cleaning.

If you get into the habit of brushing for two to three minutes every morning, every night and after every meal during the holidays, you may keep those good habits when your regular routine resumes.

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What Do The Viral Videos Show

There are lots of videos of influencers showing before and after using activated charcoal. You can see them apply activated charcoal to yellowish teeth. Then, after rinsing it, it looks as if the teeth have an incredible white color.

However, what really happens with those images is a very basic visual effect. With charcoal, teeth look black. When rinsing them, the contrast with the previous image will suddenly make them appear whiter. However, they arent actually whiter.

For Dr. Óscar Castro, its clear that this information is completely false. Unfortunately, it makes a strong impression on viewers, so they think its an effective treatment. We can see that theyre showing misleading evidence that makes the audience believe them.

The Use Of Activated Charcoal Tablets For Dental Infections

Although this may be your first experience with activated charcoal tablets, know that many have benefited from their pain relieving properties. If you are suffering from a dental infection, just place a tablet against the tooth and suck on it while the activated charcoal adsorbs the pain-causing toxins. Did you know the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology recommends rinsing the mouth with activated charcoal before the removal of dental amalgam? You’ll find more information on all of the uses for activated charcoal tablets at, including testimonials from our loyal customers.

You may be so intrigued by the information presented to you here that you’ll want to learn even more. In addition to charcoal tablets and powders, we offer a variety of resources that will give you an even more in-depth look into the healing properties and uses of activated charcoal. A popular and highly recommended book is, which can be purchased in print or as an eBook through our website.

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Cracked Tooth Or Trauma

An injury or trauma to a tooth that causes the tooth to crack may lead to an abscess. Sometimes, the abscess does not appear for many months or even years after the injury occurs.

A dentist will take an X-ray of the area to see if the crack is just in the outer layer of enamel or if it extends into the nerves of the tooth. If an abscess is the result of a crack or injury, the tooth will need root canal therapy, exactly like required for abscesses caused by decay. The tooth will need a crown for protection after the dentist completes the root canal therapy.

Avoiding dental injuries is similar to avoiding other types of trauma. Wearing seatbelts when driving or riding in a car wearing helmets when operating bicycles, ATVs, motorcycles, and other open-air vehicles using sturdy step ladders and grab bars to avoid falls and wearing mouthguards when participating in sports are all good ways to ensure you do not get tooth abscesses due to cracked teeth or trauma.

Baking Soda Mouth Wash Remedy

Activated Charcoal for Tooth Infections

Yes this may again sound complete madness but this actually works!

Baking soda contains a certain amount of anti bacterial properties and this makes it the ideal ingredient for an at home mouth wash in order to treat the tooth infection effectively!

So try this combination of salt and baking soda now if you are looking for a solution about how to treat an abscess!


  • Salt 1 Pinch


  • Take half a cup of cold water and into this add in the baking soda and the salt.
  • Mix this well until all the ingredients are well combined.
  • Now take a sip of this baking soda and salt water solution and swish it around in your mouth especially focusing over the infected gums for about 5-10 mins.
  • Later spit out the water and continue the same way until you finish the complete salt and baking soda water solution.
  • Repeat this process twice in a day for complete relief from the infected tooth.
  • This remedy needs to be avoided if at all you are on sodium restricted diet.
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    Activated Charcoal For Root Canal Jaw Infection

    Jaw Infection

    Jaw infection question:

    I had a root canal fail and an extraction didnt help. Have you ever healed anyone of jaw bone infection? Christine


    Hello Christine

    Thank you for contacting us.

    The way charcoal principally works is to remove toxins produced by microbes that trigger infections, pain, swelling, inflammation,

    We have had some people with severe tooth infections that were helped with charcoal dressings in the mouth or applied on the outside as poultices.

    Here are some links you can read:

    I would suggest making a thick charcoal jelly with flax seed meal and placing it against the gum and the infection site. Or you could make a poultice and apply it to the cheek area. You have to be persistent. You cannot give up after one or two or three treatments.

    If you live in some parts of the States and you can find some smartweed, you can crush the leaves and mix it with charcoal and water and use that effectively for the pain.

    I hope this is helpful. If I can be of more help please email me.

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    Risk Side Effects And Interactions

    Is it safe to eat activated charcoal or to use it topically? For the activated charcoal uses mentioned here, its generally deemed safe for most individuals. According to research published in the International Journal of Science and Research, activated charcoal is safe for most adults when used short-term.

    Activated Charcoal Dosage

    The proper activated charcoal dosage depends on the condition thats being treated or improved. According to information offered by the University of Michigan, for poisoning or drug overdose, activated charcoal is given at doses of 50100 grams initially. This is typically followed by charcoal doses every 24 hours at a dose equal to 12.5 grams per hour. Doses for children are generally around 1025 grams. Because each case is different, its important to consult a local poison control center or emergency services in the event of an overdose or poisoning.

    For preventing or reducing intestinal gas, doses range from 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day. And for reducing cholesterol levels, 432 grams of activated charcoal per day is the most common dosage.

    Potential Side Effects

    Before taking advantage of the many activated charcoal uses, you must consider how it may react in your body, especially if have certain medical conditions, such as intestinal bleeding or blockages, holes in the intestines, chronic dehydration, slow digestion or a recent abdominal surgery.

    Drug Interactions

    • Naltrexone
    • Acrivastine
    • Theophylline

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    Treating Gas And Indigestion

    Some studies show that activated charcoal can help with gas and indigestion. But other studies disagree. A mix of charcoal and the gas-relieving drug simethicone seems to help ease pain, gas, and bloating. But activated charcoal can also cause vomiting, so for some people, it could make an upset stomach worse.

    What Is Activated Charcoal For Teeth Whitening

    How to Make Activated Charcoal Drawing Poultice

    First things first, lets explore what activated charcoal is. Once hailed as the universal antidote, this fine, black powder can be made from coal, bone char, peat, sawdust, and other sources, that is then heated to reduce its surface area .

    In this form, it has long been used as a remedy for poisons , and, anecdotally, as a natural agent for preventing gas, reducing cholesterol, and even nullifying hangovers.

    When it comes to whitening teeth, the most common claim is that it can help absorb plaque and clean stains from coffee, wine, and other drinks that often mar your teeths white appearance. This claim, however, is not one that has been backed by any rigorous scientific study.

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    Medical Use Of Activated Charcoal

    Due to its unique properties, activated charcoal has many medicinal uses and healing properties.

    One of the most valuable ways this material has benefited modern medicine is by preventing overdoses. Because activated charcoal has toxin-binding properties, its often used as an emergency poison treatment.

    It can bind to a variety of over the counter and prescription drugs in order to reduce their effect. Studies show that activated charcoal can reduce drug absorption by up to 74 percent in adults.

    Activated charcoal does have its limits thoughin medical situations it is only used on a case-by-case basis.

    Some medical professionals claim that activated charcoal may improve kidney function.

    This is due to its toxin-binding qualities, and through reducing the number of waste products that the kidneys have to filter. This is especially beneficial for those suffering from kidney disease, a disease in which the kidneys can no longer properly filter waste products.

    Also, if you are one of many people struggling with high cholesterol, activated charcoal has been shown to lower cholesterol. Its able to bind cholesterol acids in the gut, limiting the amount that the body absorbs. One study conducted showed that cholesterol was lowered by 25 percent by taking activated charcoal each day for four weeks. Other studies also proved that activated charcoal prevents the absorption of bad cholesterol.

    Is Activated Charcoal Safe

    Activated charcoal is generally safe for adults, children, and the environment. Youll find it in food coloring, water filtering, and kidney dialysis machines.

    However, there are a few things to consider:

    • Oral AC should always be followed by plenty of water
    • Dont take AC 90 minutes before medication or other supplements
    • AC stains almost everything. Protect surfaces and your clothes before using.
    • It is not recommended to take AC on a regular basis.

    Heres a full list of precautions.

    Recommended Reading: Signs You Have An Infected Tooth

    Will Activated Charcoal Damage My Teeth

    No, activated charcoal wont damage your teeth when applied for a tooth infection. However, it is abrasive. You should be careful that you arent rubbing the activated charcoal over your teeth as it might scratch the enamel. Its also wise to choose very fine-grain activated charcoal whenever using it in your mouth.

    + Resources

    What Goes On During A Dentist Visit

    How to Use Activated Charcoal for a Tooth Infection

    Checking your teeth for tooth decay is just one part of a thorough dental examination. During your checkup appointment, your dentist will likely evaluate the health of your gums, perform a head and neck examination and examine your mouth for any indications of oral cancer, diabetes or vitamin deficiencies. Dont be surprised if your dentist also examines your face, bite, saliva and movement of your lower jaw joints . Your dentist or dental hygienist will then clean your teeth and stress the importance of you maintaining good oral hygiene at home between visits.

    Many dentists will pay special attention to plaque and tartar. This is because plaque and tartar can build up in a very short time if good oral hygiene is not practiced between visits. Food, beverages and tobacco can stain teeth as well. If not removed, soft plaque can harden on the teeth and irritate the gum tissue. If not treated, plaque can lead to gum disease.

    During your regularly scheduled dental appointments, your dentist will likely look at your gums, mouth, tongue, and throat. There are several routine parts to a dental examination.

    The Head And Neck ExaminationYour dentist will start off by:

    • Examining your face
    • Looking for changes in the gums covering teeth
    • Evaluating any dental appliance you have
    • Checking the contact between your teeth
    • Taking X-rays

    The Dental CleaningDuring the final part of the dental visit, your dental professional cleans your mouth using these methods:

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