Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Frequent Bladder Infections After Intercourse

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What Can I Do To Help Prevent Cystitis

Urinary Tract Infection – Overview (signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, causes and treatment)

Unfortunately there is no evidence that any lifestyle changes really help to prevent cystitis. Traditionally, doctors have advised drinking plenty of fluids to flush out the germs , and drinking cranberry juice. However, there is no evidence this makes any difference. Researchers are also studying the effects of probiotics on preventing cystitis but currently there isnt enough evidence to know if they are of any use either. Other changes, such as the way you clean yourself and which underwear you wear, have also not been found to make any difference. If recurring cystitis is a problem, you may need to discuss one of the options below with your doctor.

Diaphragms And Other Barrier Methods Are Hormone

These are barrier methods of birth control. The diaphragm is a flexible cup that you place in your to block sperm from entering your uterus. Its most effective when used with spermicide.

You will have to be fitted for a diaphragm by your doctor, and its a good idea to replace it after a year. Youll have to examine it occasionally, as well, to make sure there are no holes, tears, or thinning of the latex. If youve recently gained or lost weight, youll also want to have it checked for fit.

Pros: All of these items are hormone-free. You can insert your diaphragm or cervical cap anywhere from just before sex up to six hours before intercourse. Theyre both great options if you have medical conditions, such as breast cancer, that make it unsafe to use hormones for birth control. Unlike those methods, the sponge is an over-the-counter item.

While it is extremely rare, all three methods may cause toxic shock syndrome. So dont leave a diaphragm in for more than 24 hours, and dont leave a cervical cap in for more than 48 hours.

Keep Getting Cystitis After Having Sex Heres What To Do

Sex can increase your likelihood of getting cystitis, especially if you do not pee afterwards.

Does it burn when you pee? If your urethra stings coupled with symptoms including an increased need to urinate and generally feeling unwell, its possible you might have cystitis.

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder, usually caused by a bladder infection and sex can increase your likelihood of getting cystitis, especially if you dont pee afterwards.

We speak to gynaecologist and co-founder of HANX Dr Sarah Welsh for everything you need to know about cystitis and sex:

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Can Antibiotics For Utis Interfere With Birth Control

Nope, the antibiotics youâre taking for a UTI wonât interfere with your birth controlphew! The only antibiotics that might impact hormonal contraception are rifampicin and rifabutin, according the UKâs National Health Service. Those medications are used to treat certain bacterial infections, like tuberculosis, but not UTIs.

With that said, other medications can make hormonal birth control less effective, per Penn Medicine, so itâs always a good idea to check in with your doctor or pharmacist about potential interference with birth control whenever youâre taking something new.

Another thing to note is that spermicide can make you more susceptible to UTIs, per Mayo Clinic. Also, the new birth control gel Phexxi is not recommended for people with a history of recurrent UTIs, according to the National Womenâs Health Network. If youâre frequently coming down with UTIs, it might be a good idea to talk with your doctor about whether switching birth control could help.

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Utis After Sex Are Worse Than Using The Toilet Around A New Partner

Interstitial Cystitis and the Histamine Connection

They sometimes refer to UTIs as honeymooners syndrome. Historically women became sexually active on their honeymoons.

There was probably already a mixture of fear and trepidation. Then add the potential embarrassment of showing your new husband that you needed to use the toilet. That may have been enough to leave many new brides with a desperately full bladder and bacterial growth flourishing.

New relationships encounter these same problems too. In this last instance the toilet was next to the bedroom and the door did not close. So I was less than enthusiastic about issuing the powerful jet of urine that might have saved me.

And its not just not peeing after sex that can cause problems. It turns out its about poo too! Constipation is linked to recurrent UTIs, especially in kids.

So if youre also not making regular bowel movements due to the awkwardness of a new relationship, its best to just get over it.

UTIs after sex prevention tip 5: Its important to avoid constipation. Keeping bowel movements regular can help with urinary tract health.

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Some Myth Some Truth: Sexual Activity

Sexual intercourse indeed can be a strong trigger for a UTI, as can any activity that has the potential for putting infection-causing bacteria near the urethra.

Your partners anatomy can act as a ladder for infection of the urethra with bacteria that usually live in the bowel, said Dr. Dielubanza.

Use of spermicides with or without barrier contraceptives has been shown to increase the risk of urinary tract infections in sexually active women. Women may consider an alternative contraceptive regimen if they experience UTIs after intercourse.

How Forward Can Help You Manage Recurring Utis

By providing one-on-one, personalized care, Forward can prescribe medications to treat an existing UTI and put you on the path to fewer infections in the future. As your primary care provider, we focus on prevention and will explore all of your risk factors for urinary tract infections. We will work with you to help you implement lifestyle changes and adopt new habits that may make UTIs less likely to occur in the future.

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Ordinary Symptoms Of Cystitis:

  • Fever and generally feeling unwell
  • Blood in the urine

You may not necessarily have all the symptoms if you have cystitis. Some people experience all the symptoms, while others only find that it stings when they urinate.

The typical signs of cystitis are feeling that you need to urinate all the time, and that it stings and is painful when you do.

How To Prevent Utis When Youre Sexually Active

Acute pyelonephritis (urinary tract infection) – causes, symptoms & pathology

You don’t have to stop having sex to prevent UTIs. Here are some steps you can take to minimize bacteria buildup and reduce your risk of getting UTIs from sex.

  • Urinate before sex and promptly after. This will flush your system and keep bacteria that has entered your urinary tract from gaining a foothold.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, then have an extra glass after intercourse. This will help rid your urinary tract of unwanted bacteria.
  • Use a vaginal lubricant. Friction during sex can irritate the urethra.
  • Consider a new form of birth control. If youre prone to UTIs, you may want to avoid using a diaphragm or spermicide as your form of pregnancy prevention. These can introduce bacteria into the area and can kill off healthy bacteria that keep the problem germs in check.

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Uti

Not surprisingly, some of the symptoms of a UTI involve the frequency and quality of pee. Women suffering from a UTI, whether they get the infection from sex or other ways, can have a strong urge to urinate, have cloudy or red or pink urine, and may experience pain or burning during urination.

You might also get fever, shaking, or chills, and even pain in your upper back, your side, or the pelvic region.

When Urinary Tract Infections Keep Coming Back

If you are prone to recurrent UTIs, you can head them off before they take hold.

Unless you’re in the fortunate minority of women who have never had a urinary tract infection , you know the symptoms well. You might feel a frequent urgency to urinate yet pass little urine when you go. Your urine might be cloudy, blood-tinged, and strong-smelling. For 25% to 30% of women who’ve had a urinary tract infection, the infection returns within six months.

If you have repeated UTIs, you’ve experienced the toll they take on your life. However, you may take some comfort in knowing that they aren’t likely to be the result of anything you’ve done. “Recurrent UTIs aren’t due to poor hygiene or something else that women have brought on themselves. Some women are just prone to UTIs,” says infectious diseases specialist Dr. Kalpana Gupta, a lecturer in medicine at Harvard Medical School.

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Dear How to Do It,

OK, so I wrote you a six-page essay, but decided maybe to just keep it simple. A and B are in a relationship. They are poly but havent actually been poly yet . I dont believe in monogamy, and I am pretty busy with work and friends and life, so it seems like being someones secondary partner is my dream situation. I have previously dated people who wanted too much of my time and who felt like once or twice a week wasnt enough.

A and I are friends who have flirted and decided to take the plunge and try it. On our first date, they complained for an hour about B and said some things that are very red flagy about B, which makes it seem like A is possibly in a bad, maybe even abusive, situation . Having never been in this type of situation, I dont know what to do!

Skeptical Secondary

Dear How to Do It,

Not Loving Larry

Dear How to Do It,

Finding My Voice

Why What You Thought About Utis And Sex Is Probably Wrong

What Causes Bladder Infections? Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms ...

Weve all heard the jokes about contracting a urinary tract infection after having sex. Sure, they can be funny, but theyre actually perpetuating a myth that many of us have believed our entire lives: As soon as you are sexually active, here come the UTIs.

Its not a complete myth: increased sexual activity is in fact one of the top reasons women contract UTIs. In fact, UTIs were regularly referred to as honeymoon cystitis another name for a bladder infection because of how often they occur after honeymoons where women are having sex more frequently.

But what isnt true is that sexual activity itself directly causes a UTI, or that theres a 100 percent chance youll contract one. Theres no research that support either claim.

Whats actually happening is that when you have sex, bacteria on the skin is pushed into the urethra and travels into the bladder, causing a UTI. Because the female urethra is short , women are more prone to these infections than men. There are two other factors that may increase your chances of a post-coital infection: you simply happen to be more prone to UTIs, or you dont have a strong enough urine stream to flush the bacteria out of the bladder.

While contracting a UTI is generally out of your control, there are certain measures you can take before and after sex to reduce your risk:

*Data from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

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Treatment From A Gp For Utis That Keep Coming Back

If your UTI comes back after treatment, or you have 2 UTIs in 6 months, a GP may:

  • prescribe a different antibiotic or prescribe a low-dose antibiotic to take for up to 6 months
  • prescribe a vaginal cream containing oestrogen, if you have gone through the menopause
  • refer you to a specialist for further tests and treatments

In some people, antibiotics do not work or urine tests do not pick up an infection, even though you have UTI symptoms.

This may mean you have a long-term UTI that is not picked up by current urine tests. Ask the GP for a referral to a specialist for further tests and treatments.

Long-term UTIs are linked to an increased risk of bladder cancer in people aged 60 and over.

What Is The Long

Urinary tract infections are uncomfortable and painful. Most chronic UTIs will resolve with a prolonged course of antibiotics, but monitoring for further symptoms is important since the chronic UTIs usually recur. People with UTIs should monitor their bodies and seek immediate treatment with the onset of a new infection. Early treatment of infection decreases your risk for more serious, long-term complications.

If youre susceptible to recurring UTIs, make sure to:

  • urinate as often as needed
  • wipe front to back after urinating

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Classification Of Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs are classified into 6 categories. The first category is an uncomplicated infection this is when the urinary tract is normal, both structurally and physiologically, and there is no associated disorder that impairs the host defense mechanisms. The second category is an complicated infection this is when infection occurs within an abnormal urinary tract, such as when there is ureteric obstruction, renal calculi, or vesicoureteric reflux. The third category, an isolated infection, is when it is the first episode of UTI, or the episodes are 6 months apart. Isolated infections affect 2540% of young females. The fourth category, an unresolved infection, is when therapy fails because of bacterial resistance or due to infection by two different bacteria with equally limited susceptibilities. The fifth category, reinfection, occurs where there has been no growth after a treated infection, but then the same organism regrows two weeks after therapy, or when a different microorganism grows during any period of time.9,10 This accounts for 95% of RUTIs in women. Bacterial persistence happens when therapy is impaired by the accumulation of bacteria in a location that cannot be reached by antibiotics, such as infected stones, urethral diverticula and infected paraurethral glands. The sixth category, relapse, is when the same microorganism causes a UTI within two weeks of therapy however, it is usually difficult to distinguish a reinfection from a relapse.11

How I Avoid Utis After Sex

Urinary Tract Infection In Women | Causes & Treatment

Ive found that using certain products consistently has helped me avoid further UTIs after sex. For me, the most important have been:

  • pH balanced wash that I use instead of ordinary soap
  • A probiotic designed for urinary tract health that I take regularly
  • A vaginal suppository probiotic
  • And a few other items. I worked with the team at Femologist to make a bundle of my favourite products. So you can check those out there.
  • Specific products arent usually covered on this site because its about UTI science. But because UTIs after sex is such a widespread issue, and because these products are about prevention, I was allowed to share the links.

    You can also provide your name and email address in the green box at the end of my story, for more information about my top picks.

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    Heres Why Utis Are Common After Sex

    Posted on

    Many of us are familiar with the feeling of a urinary tract infection . It can be uncomfortable, annoying, and painful, and often recurs time and time again. Many are also familiar with the unfortunate experience of getting a UTI after having sex. This can easily interfere with your sex life, especially if it becomes a chronic problem.

    Heres what you need to know about UTIs and why theyre fairly common after intercourse.

    Urgent Advice: Ask For An Urgent Gp Appointment Or Get Help From Nhs 111 If:

    You think you, your child or someone you care for may have a urinary tract infection and:

    • a very high temperature, or feeling hot and shivery
    • a very low temperature below 36C
    • are confused, drowsy or have difficulty speaking
    • have not been for a pee all day
    • have pain in the lower tummy or in the back, just under the ribs
    • can see blood in their pee

    These symptoms could mean you have a kidney infection, which can be serious if it’s not treated as it could cause .

    You can call 111 or get help from 111 online.

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    Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections In Women: Diagnosis And Management

    CHARLES M. KODNER, MD, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky

    EMILY K. THOMAS GUPTON, DO, MPH, Primary Care Medical Center, Murray, Kentucky

    Am Fam Physician. 2010 Sep 15 82:638-643.

    Recurrent urinary tract infections are common in women and associated with considerable morbidity and health care use. The clinical features, diagnostic testing, and causative organisms are often similar to those of single cases of UTI, although there are additional treatment strategies and prevention measures to consider with recurrent UTIs.


    A urine culture with greater than 102 colony-forming units per mL is considered positive in patients who have symptoms of UTI.

    Clinical recommendation

    Continuous and postcoital antimicrobial prophylaxis have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing the risk of recurrent UTIs.

    Cranberry products may reduce the incidence of recurrent symptomatic UTIs.

    Use of topical estrogen may reduce the incidence of recurrent UTIs in postmenopausal women.

    Treatment of complicated UTIs should begin with broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage, with adjustment of antimicrobial coverage guided by culture results.

    Prophylactic antimicrobial therapy to prevent recurrent UTIs is not recommended for patients with complicated UTIs.

    UTI = urinary tract infection.


    UTI = urinary tract infection.

    Other Uti Risk Factors

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    Sex increases the chances of contracting a UTI, but there are many other risk factors as well. If you are not sure how you got your UTI, check out 26 main UTI causes that you should know about.

    Because bacteria can easily find their way into a womans very short urethra, its very common for women to have UTIs without knowing the real cause.

    Sometimes, the urethra gets irritated by sexual activity and you might then get urinary symptoms like frequency, urgency, and burning while urinating. This is called honeymoon cystitis, which may be one of two things. Sometimes after not having any sex for a long time, the vaginal flora may be thrown out of balance chemically , increasing your risk of UTIs some studies show increased bacteria in the urine after intercourse. Alternately, you could have honeymoon urethritis. In this case, the symptoms may not be caused by bacteria or STDs, but by overstimulation and inflammation in the urethra and will likely go away in a few days.

    If you repeatedly experience these symptoms and your urine sample is clean, use a lubricant, stay away from spermicides, harsh soaps or other chemicals and make sure your partner is gentle during sex and takes good care of their nails.

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