Thursday, July 25, 2024

If I Touch Hiv Infected Blood

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How Safe Is Oral Sex

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Giving oral sex to a woman is also considered relatively low risk. Transmission could take place if infected sexual fluids from a woman got into the mouth of her partner. The likelihood of infection might be increased if there is menstrual blood involved or if the woman is infected with another sexually transmitted disease.

The likelihood of either a man or a woman becoming infected with HIV as a result of receiving oral sex is extremely low, as saliva does not contain infectious quantities of HIV.

Lower Risk Of Infection

The risk of an infection being passed on from someone else’s blood is lower if the blood only comes into contact with your eyes, mouth, nose, or skin that’s already broken.

For example, if someone spits in your face, they may have blood in their saliva and it may get in your eyes, mouth or nose. The infected saliva may also get into an existing cut, graze or scratch.

There is also a lower risk of infection if infected blood comes into contact with skin that is already broken due to a health condition like

Can I Transmit Hiv To My Baby During Pregnancy Or Breastfeeding

An HIV-infected pregnant woman can pass the virus on to her unborn baby either before or during birth. HIV can also be passed on during breastfeeding. If a woman knows that she is infected with HIV, there are drugs she can take to greatly reduce the chances of her child becoming infected. Other ways to lower the risk include choosing to have a caesarean section delivery and not breastfeeding.

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Can A Man Give Himself Hiv/aids Or Another Sexually Transmitted Infection By Masturbating

The best answer to this question came years ago from one of our longtime experts, the highly respected HIV physician Robert Frascino, M.D.:

“No, there is absolutely no chance you can contract a sexually transmitted illness from yourself!

“STIs involve germs that spread from an infected person to another person via sexual activity. Masturbation, choking the chicken, spanking the monkey, or whatever you want to call it, involves only you and your hand. Some folks may refer to their hand as Mrs. Palm and her five daughters, but really we are only talking about one person here. And that’s you, right?!

“A person cannot give himself a disease he doesn’t already have. Just as you can’t give yourself a million dollars , you can’t give yourself HIV, because you don’t have that either.

“The bottom line is that your jizz is perfectly safe, so no worries unless you spunk up your parents’ furniture. And even those kinds of stains, although they can lead to problems, they can not lead to STIs, OK?”

Sharing Food Drink Or Utensils

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Rapid Test/one Touch Hiv Test Kit/clinical ...

Speaking of mouths: Everything I just mentioned when explaining why kissing is not an HIV-transmission risk also applies to eating and drinking. That includes every type of normal food- or drink-sharing scenario you can think of, including splitting a plate of nachos, drinking from the same water bottle, and using the same fork when sharing a piece of cake.

The only documented cases of HIV transmission through food are extremely specific: They involve food that a person with HIV pre-chewed and then fed to an infant.

Needless to say, this is an extraordinarily rare eventonly a few cases have ever been recordedand they most likely involved blood entering the food due to the adult having poor oral hygiene.

So unless youre making like a mama bird and its chick, you can enjoy a meal or a drink with a person whos living with HIV and have zero concern that youre putting yourself at risk.

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Is There Risk Of Hiv Transmission When Having A Tattoo Body Piercing Or Getting A Hair Cut Or Shave

There is a risk of HIV transmission if instruments contaminated with blood are not sterilized between clients. However, people who carry out body piercing or tattooing should follow procedures called ‘universal precautions’, which are designed to prevent the transmission of blood borne infections such as HIV and Hepatitis B.

When having a hair cut there is no risk of infection unless the skin is cut and infected blood gets into the wound. Traditional ‘cut-throat’ razors used by barbers now have disposable blades, which should only be used once, thus eliminating the risk from blood-borne infections such as Hepatitis and HIV.

Effective Barriers Against Hiv

There are many effective barriers that prevent infection.

Skin: Skin is an excellent barrier against HIV, unless there is an open cut or open wound. Infectious fluid on skin is NOT a route for infection.

Mucous membranes in the mouth, throat and stomach: These membranes are good barriers against HIV infection, so long as there are not cuts, ulcers or sores.

Saliva: Saliva contains proteins and a low salt content that actively reduce its infectiousness. Even when HIV is detected there is too little to cause infection. HIV is not transmitted by kissing including deep kissing. Spit cannot transmit HIV.

Air: HIV is not transmitted by air.

Latex and rubber: Condoms prevent infection from HIV and many other sexually transmitted infections.

Many sexual situations have no risk of transmitting HIV.

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Which Bodily Fluids Can Pass Hiv

HIV does not spread throughout the body evenly. Some bodily fluids have it, but most dont. In fact, HIV can only be transmitted to another person through these three types of bodily fluids:

Thats it.

HIV cannot be passed from person to person via other fluids like tears, saliva, vomit, or feces. This is an incredibly important point about HIV transmission that is often misunderstood.

For decadesand still todaypeople have worried they might catch HIV from a toilet seat, perhaps by touching the urine or fecal matter of an HIV-positive person. This absolutely does not happen.

People have also worried they might catch the virus from the saliva of an HIV-positive person who kisses them or spits on them. In fact, this fear is so pervasive that some states have made it a felony for people with HIV to spit at or bite someone else. Those laws are based on outdated science.

The only way it would be possible to transmit HIV through saliva is if the HIV-positive person had bleeding gums or sores, and somehow that bloody saliva got into the bloodstream of the HIV-negative person. However, experts agree that the risk of this happening is so statistically tiny that its not worth worrying about.

So, to recap:

  • Among adults, the viruss most likely entry route inside the body is through blood-to-blood contact, or by an exchange of sexual fluids.
  • Among newborns, HIV can be transmitted by HIV-positive people during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

Sharing Injection Drug Equipment

Diagnosing HIV – Concepts and tests | Infectious diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

most efficiently . This is because used needles and syringes can still contain blood, which can carry the virus.

HIV is not the only virus that can be transmitted by sharing drug injection equipment. The viruses that cause hepatitis B and hepatitis C can be

  • having other types of sexually transmitted infections

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Its Easy To Tell The Symptoms Of Hiv

The symptoms of HIV can differ from person-to-person and some people may not get any symptoms at all. Without treatment, the virus will get worse over time and damage your immune system over time. There are three stages of HIV infection with different possible effects.

Also, you also cant tell by looking at someone whether they have HIV or not. Many people dont show signs of any symptoms. And, for people living with HIV who are on effective treatment, they are just as likely to be as healthy as everyone else.

Will I Get Hiv Infection After I Touch The Blood

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I am a super doctor.

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KentW said:With intact skin, the risk of infection is virtually nil. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t worry about it.

1) will finger with skin peeling/scaling be considered as intact skin?2) any reference to data show that the risk is virtually nil?

1) will finger with skin peeling/scaling be considered as intact skin?2) any reference to data show that the risk is virtually nil?

I am a super doctor.

7+ Year Member

southerndoc said:3) any evidence the patient actually had HIV?I would be more worried about hep C and B than HIV. HIV dies as quickly when exposed to air. Hep B can live for 10 days in dried blood and becomes infectious again as soon as the dried blood is rehydrated.

lealf-ye said:This happened when I was assisting my doctor for a procedure in his office yesterday. I accidentally touched blood from this patient with my finger without glove. I rinse the blood out right away but did not use any soap to wash until 30 minutes later. I also noticed there was some peeling of my skin on the finger that touched blood without visible open wound. What is my risk of get HIV infection if the patient is HIV positive? I am worried.

lealf-ye said:not sure what you really mean, but it is too late….. as you may notice, this is not premed forum….

endodoc said:Are you kidding me? Are you a doctor, med student, or what? If your a either you have a lot to learn.

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How Does Hiv Work

The full scientific name for HIV is human immunodeficiency virus. Its an infection that attacks the immune system, and it operates like this:

  • The virus itself is shaped like a bowling ball covered in tiny spikes
  • After HIV enters the bloodstream, it uses those tiny spikes to latch on to white blood cells , the bodys first line of defense against infections
  • As soon as HIV gets inside white blood cells, it uses the cells own machinery to create copies of itself, creating effective camouflage that tricks the immune system into leaving it alone
  • As HIV creates even more copies of itself, it hijacks a persons immune system
  • A weakened immune system means that people living with untreated HIV may start to get all sorts of infections that would never normally make them sickEventually, without proper treatment, HIV leads to AIDS and becomes life-threatening

Todays anti-HIV medicines have been designed to address each stage of the infection process.

Some of these medications, which are also called antiretrovirals, stop HIVs spikes from latching on to CD4 cells. Others use different methods to stop HIV from replicating.

These drugs cant completely eradicate the virus from a persons body, but they do successfully stifle its ability to make copies of itself.

Can Analingus Result In Hiv Transmission


For this answer, we turn back to Bob Frascino, M.D.:

Although there have been no documented cases of acquiring HIV from rimming or being rimmed, there are a number of other significant STIs that can easily be transmitted through rimming, including hepatitis A, herpes, and intestinal parasites. You can decrease the risk by using a dental dam barrier .

As for whether to rim or not, only you can decide what level of risk you are willing to take. At least now you have the facts.

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Does Dried Blood Mean That Its A Safe Touch

If dried blood is found inside a counter top, then there is something to be considered since bloodborne diseases can be a concern you may already know. It is. Bloodborne viruses can survive for quite some time outside of the body before they are able to infect us. A week in dry blood might not be enough time for hepatitis B virus to grow.

If I Touch Blood Is There A Chance Of Getting Hiv Infected

Answered by: Dr LM Nath | Consultant, Community Medicine,New Delhi

Q: I work in a pediatric medical office and input charges and payments, so I get all the charge slips. A few times the charge slips have come back to me with blood on them from the kids grabbing the slips after they have had a finger poke. Some have had quite a bit of blood. Not realising this, once I touched the blood as I was going through the paperwork. I do not have access to soap and water so I cleaned my hands and desk with alcohol and Lysol. Is there any chance of exposure to any infection? Also, there is one sink in the lab that is used to dump the urine from the many urine samples that take place all day and the employees use the tap water from that sink to make coffee and to wash their hands and coffee cups. How safe is this? I don’t use that sink but deal with the people that do as they hand me papers, touch everything in the office I am also touching etc. Also, is alcohol effective in killing anything communicable including the HIV virus? I am in a bit of a panic as after I touch this I touch my own items, purse, car keys etc.

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Ways Hiv Cannot Be Spread

HIV is not spread by:

  • Mosquitoes, ticks or other insects
  • Saliva, tears, or sweat that is not mixed with the blood of a person with HIV
  • Shaking hands hugging sharing toilets sharing dishes, silverware, or drinking glasses or engaging in closed-mouth or social kissing with a person with HIV
  • Drinking fountains

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Is Deep Kissing A Route Of Hiv Transmission

What it means to have HIV

Deep or open-mouthed kissing is a very low risk activity in terms of HIV transmission. HIV is only present in saliva in very minute amounts, insufficient to cause infection with HIV. There has been only one documented case of someone becoming infected with HIV through kissing a result of exposure to infected blood during open-mouthed kissing. If you or your partner have blood in your mouth, you should avoid kissing until the bleeding stops.

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Hiv Infection In Health Professionals

Health professionals are not considered at high risk for HIV infection, because they use protection when dealing with blood or body fluids.

  • The chances of becoming infected after being stuck or cut with an instrument that is contaminated with HIV-infected blood are about 1 out of 300.footnote 1
  • The chances of becoming infected if HIV-infected blood is splashed in the eye, nose, or mouth are about 1 out of 1,000.footnote 1

There probably isn’t much risk of getting HIV if contaminated blood comes into contact with intact skin. But the risk may be higher if contaminated blood touches cut, scraped, or broken skin.

The degree of risk depends on:

  • How much blood the person is exposed to.
  • The amount of HIV present in the blood. People who have symptoms of early HIV infection and those who are very sick with AIDS tend to have greater amounts of HIV in their blood.

Health care workers who are at risk for HIV because of an accidental needle stick or other exposure to body fluids should get medicine to prevent infection.footnote 2 Treatment works best when it is started as soon as possible after exposure and no later than 72 hours after exposure.

Protect yourself from accidental exposure by disposing of sharp objects properly and wearing protective gloves, gowns, and eye and face protection. It is likely that work guidelines are available that will tell you what to do if you are exposed to HIV. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following precautions:

Can Herbal Medicine Cure Hiv

No. Some people choose to take alternative forms of medicine, such as herbal medicines, as a natural way of treating HIV. However, herbal remedies do not work.

Taking herbal medicines can be dangerous as they will not protect your immune system from infection. They may also interact poorly with antiretrovirals if you are taking them alongside treatment. The only way you can stay healthy when living with HIV is to take antiretroviral treatment as prescribed by your doctor or healthcare professional, and to attend viral load monitoring appointments to make sure your treatment is working.

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How Could You Get Hiv From Contact With Blood

The risk of HIV transmission through blood comes when the person has a detectable viral load and their blood enters another persons body or comes into contact with a mucous membrane. These are parts of the body with wet, absorbent skin such as the:

Theres also a risk if blood from a person who has a detectable viral load comes into contact with a cut or broken skin, giving HIV a way through the skin and into someones bloodstream. If blood gets onto skin that isnt broken, there is no risk.

In a medical setting, its possible for HIV to be transmitted by someone accidentally cutting themselves with a blade or needle they have used to treat a person living with HIV.

This is called a needlestick injury. The risk of being infected in this way is very low. However, if someone thinks they have been exposed to HIV through a needlestick injury, post-exposure prophylaxis may be an option.

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What Are The Odds Of Getting Hiv From A One

Immune System

Let’s start by scrubbing the “one night stand” bit from the question. In terms of HIV, it’s completely irrelevant whether sex took place as a one-off or in a 10-year relationship, with a sex worker or in a marital bed, with someone you love or with someone you regret ever meeting.

But there is a reasonable question to be asked about the odds of getting HIV during a single sexual act.

To answer it, the most important things to know are:

  • Is the person you’re having sex with living with HIV?
  • If they’re living with HIV, are they on HIV treatment, and is their viral load undetectable?
  • Are you taking pre-exposure prophylaxis ?
  • Did you use a male or female condom?

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