Thursday, July 25, 2024

Swollen Cheek Due To Tooth Infection

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How Long Does A Swollen Cheek Last

Gold Coast Dentist: Tips To Reduce Cheek & Face Swelling Due To Tooth Abscess

How long a swollen cheek lasts depends on the cause of the swelling. Swelling resulting from wisdom teeth removal will start to subside in about 3 -4 days after the extraction. The body begins to heal itself, fight off infection and control pain within this period. Complete healing will usually vary from person to person depending on medical history and age. Total healing will occur in about one week if there are no complications or infections.

After a jaw surgery, swelling gradually starts in about two days and climax in about a week. So, the swelling should last from four days to one week.

If there is a swollen cheek after eating, it is usually due to allergic reaction to the food you have just eaten. The use of anti allergic tablets or injection will control swelling within a matter of minutes. While injections, nasal spray and inhalers start reducing swelling in less than 10 minutes, the effects of tablets can be noticed in about 30 minutes or more.

A swollen cheek is caused by several factors and can either be mild or severe. It takes a few days to resolve and you can resume your normal daily activities. However, swelling caused by cancer will not resolve by itself unless the root cause is treated.

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medical conditions or an infected tooth.

What Is A Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is a bacterial infection located at the base of the tooth. It often develops from a cracked tooth or a cavity. Left untreated, a small pocket of fluid develops, causing toothache and swelling. It can lead to pain when chewing or an increased amount of sensitivity to hot or cold foods.

Bacterial infections can spread from their original location at the base of a tooth to the face, advancing the dental abscess to facial cellulitis. Facial cellulitis causes your face to swell significantly and causes pain in your jaw. More advanced cases of a dental abscess can spread through your blood and potentially lead to sepsis.

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How To Reduce Cheek Swelling Effective And Fast Remedies

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Besides treatments, there are other cheek swelling home treatment or remedies that can help treat mild infections, reduce pain and prevent any further infections especially while the infections are still in their early stages. Some of these treatments will be good for people with swollen teeth from toothache, oral surgery, after wisdom tooth removal, after piercing, from blunt trauma, among other causes.

Common Causes Of Cheek Swelling

Swollen Cheek Due To Tooth Infection

There are many possible causes of swollen cheeks. In some cases, the swelling may result from an injury or trauma, such as a fall or burn. It may also occur after surgery to the jaw or other nearby areas. Sometimes, the swelling is unilateral, which means it occurs on just one side of the face, while other times, it’s bilateral, meaning both sides of the face are affected. Your doctor or dentist will assess your symptoms against the following possible causes to determine the source of the swelling.

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What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of A Dental Abscess

  • tenderness with touch,
  • pus drainage, and
  • sometimes limited ability to open the mouth .
  • If the abscess has spread to a superficial area, there is typically tenderness to palpation of the infected area. Dental abscesses may range from mild to severe. They may be associated with no symptoms or with severe symptoms. Depending on a number of factors, the abscess may range from chronic to acute, and stable to rapidly spreading. The infection can in some cases spread beyond the teeth and bone through the bloodstream to other areas of the body where it can damage organs and even be life-threatening.

    • For an acute dental abscess that causes substantial pain or swelling, the doctor may incise and drain the abscess and/or try therapy with antibiotics.
    • Abscesses that are eminently life-threatening may require hospital admission.
    • Pain medication is commonly prescribed until the symptoms can be controlled.
    • These initial measures are often necessary to temporarily relieve the signs and symptoms of an acute abscess however, further treatment directed at eliminating the primary source of the infection is necessary to prevent recurrence. The location of this primary source determines the definitive treatment options, which may include root canal treatment, periodontal treatment, or extraction of the tooth.

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    Home Remedies For Swollen Cheeks

    If you have swollen cheeks, you may wonder if there’s anything you can do at home to make yourself more comfortable. The NIH explains that raising the head of your bed or elevating your head with extra pillows can help reduce facial swelling. If the swelling began after an injury, the NIH suggests applying a cold compress.

    However, home remedies aren’t always enough. If the swelling doesn’t go away, or if it gets worse, the NIH recommends seeing a medical professional. Swelling that’s sudden, painful or accompanied by a fever should always be evaluated by a doctor or dentist. If your facial swelling is making it hard for you to breathe, seek emergency treatment.

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    Symptoms Of Tooth Infection Spreading To The Brain

    A dental abscess can also travel to the brain, leading to the development of another abscess. If the infection reaches your brain, it can be life-threatening.

    Since a brain abscess is so dangerous, the condition requires a visit to the hospital or emergency room for urgent treatment. A brain abscess is relatively rare but can occur if the dental infection is left untreated.

    Symptoms of a brain abscess :

    • Fever
    • Going in and out of consciousness


    Dental abscesses can lead to brain abscesses . This is why you should never leave them untreated. Vision changes and body weakness on one side are common with brain abscesses.

    Can an Infected Tooth Make You Sick?

    Poor oral hygiene and neglected dental care allow the harmful bacteria in your mouth to cause infections. Eventually, an untreated tooth infection can make you sick.

    If left untreated, a dental abscess can have serious consequences on your oral health and entire body.

    How To Reduce Swelling Quickly

    Swelling in face due to tooth infection. Rootcanal solves the issue?

    As we have earlier noted, cheek swelling comes from different causes. Therefore, to properly reduce swelling, the cause must be duly considered. The following can be helpful:

    • Ice pack: This is really efficacious in managing fresh traumas. With the application of ice, the surrounding blood vessels are constricted to minimize hematoma.
    • Over-the-counter drugs: A few OTC medications like ibuprofen, diclofenac, and naproxen help in reducing inflammation and consequently lessen swelling.

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    A Dangerous Trend On The Rise

    It seems that the number of Americans hospitalized due to tooth abscesses is rising. Unfortunately, the

    Affordable Care Act and Medicare dont have dental coverage so many people are going without dental

    insurance. This means people arent getting regular cleanings and maintenance checks for their teeth. By

    the time an abscess or infection gets to that point and they finally get to the dentist or Emergency Room,

    the infection can be extremely serious. It can spread to your bloodstream, brain or heart or cause swelling

    and cut off your airway.

    What Is The Management For A Dental Abscess

    • With a dental abscess, as with each and every illness, it is important to comply with a doctors instructions for follow-up care.
    • Proper treatment often means reassessment, multiple visits, or referral to a specialist.
    • Cooperate with doctors by following instructions carefully to ensure the best possible outcome.

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    How Do You Prevent A Dental Abscess

    Prevention plays a major role in maintaining good dental health. Daily brushing and flossing along with regular dental checkups can prevent tooth decay and dental abscess. Anyone who suffers from frequent dental abscesses needs to be evaluated by a healthcare professional to determine if an underlying medical condition is responsible. Remember there are no home remedies once one develops an abscess, so prevention is the best practice.

    • Remember to brush and floss after every meal and at bedtime.
    • If tooth decay is discovered early and treated promptly, cavities that could develop into abscesses can usually be corrected.
    • Avoidance of tobacco use can help as well.

    Dental Emergencies: What To Do If You Have A Swelling

    Tips To Reduce Cheek &  Face Swelling Due To Tooth Abscess

    Swellings around the mouth can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, swelling can occur because of blocked salivary glands, medication side-effects, poor nutrition , gingivitis and gum disease, and some oral cancers. However, a swelling can also be an indication that a tooth has an abscess, especially if it is accompanied by pain and has occurred reasonably quickly.

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    Swollen Face From Tooth Infection

    When your tooth becomes infected, you may experience a severe toothache with swelling. These abscesses can be extremely painful and may even lead to enlargement of lymph glands near your infected tooth. You may even develop a swollen face. You usually need professional evaluation to resolve the issue to prevent further complications.

    Dental Abscess With Facial Cellulitis

    A dental abscess is an infection at the base of a tooth. It means a pocket of fluid has formed at the tip of a tooth root in your jawbone. If the infection isnt treated, more serious infections may spread to the face . This makes your face swell. Facial cellulitis is an infection of the skin and underlying soft tissues. This is a very serious condition. Once the infection and swelling starts, it can spread quickly.

    A dental abscess often starts with a crack or cavity in a tooth. The pain is often made worse by having hot or cold drinks, or biting on hard foods. The pain may spread from the tooth to your ear, or to the area of your jaw on the same side.

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    Causes Of Dental Abscesses

    Dental abscesses are the result of bacterial infection. When the gum tissue surrounding a tooth becomes damaged or the tooth itself is damaged, bacteria that are already in the mouth and, under usual circumstances not harmful, may enter the area and cause infection.

    One of the most common causes of damage to the teeth and gums is poor dental hygiene, such as inadequate brushing and flossing, high sugar or carbohydrate consumption, and lack of regular checkups at the dentist. These factors may lead to dental caries or cavities, gingivitis and periodontitis, which can admit bacteria to the inside of the tooth or the gum. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is therefore one of the best ways of reducing the risk of developing dental abscesses, as it removes one of the main causes of abscesses.

    Signs Your Tooth Is Infected

    Wisdom tooth infection (swollen face)

    If youve ever experienced a tooth infection, you know it can be very uncomfortable. A tooth infection is typically accompanied with a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection. The abscess can be found anywhere in the mouth.

    There are two types of abscesses. A periapical abscess occurs at the tip of the root, whereas a periodontal abscess occurs in the gums, usually near the side of the tooth.

    A periapical tooth abscess usually occurs as a result of an untreated dental cavity. If the interior of your tooth , encounters any unknown substance, it can inflame the blood vessels and nerves, impacting the tooth enamel. Endodontic treatment helps treat tooth decay and other infected materials to help seal and fight future infections.

    Rick Davis, DDS, and Rick Schwartz, DDS, are experts in endodontics at Endodontic Consultants of San Antonio. If you are experiencing severe tooth pain, visit a specialist who can diagnose and help treat it.

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    Treatment And Pain Relief For Tooth Swelling

    If youre experiencing swelling, the first step is to reach out to your dental professional. Theyll be able to determine the cause of your swollen gums and teeth and recommend the best treatment. At home, however, you can gargle warm salt water, which will help rinse away bacteria. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can also help reduce swelling and soreness.

    Your mouth is full of bacteria, and even the most dedicated teeth brushers may develop a swollen tooth. That being said, excellent oral care is still crucial to preventing swelling in your mouth. That means brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and cleaning between your teeth daily with floss, water flossers, or another interdental cleaning device.

    Unlike a bruise or mild cut on your skin, swelling inside your mouth near your teeth can be a severe issue, and you should address it as such. Dentists can prescribe antibiotics and medications that will not only treat the pain but target the infection. Plus, the sooner you get treatment, the sooner you can eliminate your tooth swelling pain and get back to having a healthy, confident, pain-free smile.

    Swollen Cheek Treatment Or How To Treat

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    Swollen cheek treatment option will depend on the underlying cause. In case you do not know it, you should seek medical attention for diagnosis and prescription of the right medications. Common treatments for swelling of cheeks include:

    • Drugs and medicines These might include antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatory or other prescribed medications depending on what is behind your swelling whose intention is to reduce pain and offer swollen tooth infection treatment
    • Antihistamines if your swelling is caused by an allergic reaction, you need to use antihistamines and avoid the allergens.
    • Home remedies you can also try a number of home remedies to reduce swelling and sooth the swelling. We will cover home remedies while looking at how to reduce cheek swelling.

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    How To Treat Swollen Cheek Naturally

    Swollen cheek can be treated naturally to reduce the pain and swelling. Some of the steps you could take at home include:

    • Cold compresses: Applying cold compresses is fast in relieving swelling.
    • Hot compresses: This improves blood circulation and reduces swelling. Apply the warm compress over the cheek 2 to 3 times daily.
    • Water intake: The body compensates for fluid shortage by retaining fluids. But when you increase fluid intake throughout the day, you can prevent this.
    • Mustard oil: Applying mustard oil over the affected site can help in lessening the swelling.
    • Cucumber and lemon juice: Dip a few slices of cucumber in lemon juice for a few hours before applying to your face for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Potatoes: chop a medium size potato into thin slices and place the slices over the swollen cheek. Allow it to stay for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat it up to 2 or 3 times daily.
    • Dandelion: The roots of dandelion have anti-inflammatory properties and so, can be helpful in controlling swelling, though scientific support for the claim is still limited. 1 or 2 teaspoons of 1:5 root tinctures should be taken.
    • Reduce salt intake: Since sodium is known to retain fluid in the body, cutting down on salt intake will help in reducing facial swelling or cheek swelling as the case may be.

    What To Do If You Think You Have An Abscess

    Large right facial swelling due to upper 5th tooth infection ...

    While waiting to see the dentist, the discomfort can sometimes be eased by rinsing with a salt water solution and using over-the-counter pain relief medication: you can read about how to use pain medications here. If pain is severe, consult with your GP or pharmacist about alternatives. Your GP may prescribe antibiotics, which will most likely provide some relief within 48 hours of the first dose.

    You can also try cold compresses on the outside of the cheek to help reduce swelling.

    It is important to continue brushing and flossing teeth to help get rid of any bacteria and plaque which can contribute to the problem. It is also advisable to avoid alcohol and tobacco substances. You may find its difficult to eat due to the discomfort. Its important to keep well-hydrated and as well-nourished as possible, so soft or liquid foods, such as soups, may be your best choice.

    Corinna Dental Group will always give priority appointments to patients in pain. Please go to our page on Emergency Appointments to learn more.

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    What Causes Dental Abscesses

    Your mouth is full of bacteria, which form a sticky film on your teeth called plaque.

    If you do not keep your teeth clean, acids produced by the bacteria in plaque can damage your teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay or gum disease.

    The following can increase your chances of developing a dental abscess:

    • poor oral hygiene plaque can build-up on your teeth if you do not floss and brush your teeth regularly
    • consuming lots of sugary or starchy food and drink these can encourage the growth of bacteria in plaque and may lead to decay that can result in an abscess
    • an injury or previous surgery to your teeth or gums bacteria can get into any damaged parts of the teeth or gums
    • having a weakened immune system this includes people with certain underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, and those having treatment, including steroid medication or chemotherapy

    Mumps Infection And Swollen Parotid Glands

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    At times, cheek swelling may be related to a condition such as mumps , otherwise known as epidemic parotitis. Beside possible swollen cheek and neck area, this viral infection has other symptoms such a few days of fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness, and loss of appetite, and is followed by swelling of salivary glands i.e. one or both the parotid glands will be swollen. Mumps symptoms will occur after 16-18 days of exposure and they might last up to 7-10 days.

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