Monday, September 9, 2024

How Fast Can A Tooth Infection Spread

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How Long Does It Take For A Tooth Infection To Spread

A Tooth Infection Can Be Deadly â ï¸?Dental Abscess Pus Drainage

Infections can be serious, and it is always important for patients to know when to call their dentist. Infections should always be treated right away to avoid complications, or other issues from developing. If you have a toothache and throbbing pain that does not go away, the infection could spread to other places in the body. At Orange County Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants, we are equipped to handle any dental emergency, and offer flexible hours to accommodate our patients.

Check If You Have A Dental Abscess

Signs of a dental abscess include:

  • intense toothache or pain in your gums
  • redness inside the mouth, or outside the mouth on the face or jaw
  • sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink in the affected area
  • a bad taste in your mouth
  • difficulty opening your mouth and chewing food
  • a swollen face or jaw
  • a high temperature

Symptoms Of A Dental Abscess

Depending on the type of dental abscess and how long it has been progressing, common symptoms may include:

  • Severe toothache and throbbing near the affected tooth that comes and goes spontaneously
  • Pain in the gums, roots of the tooth, or referred pain
  • Painful, swollen lymph nodes in the neck and/or jaw
  • Redness, swelling, and inflammation near the abscess
  • Swollen, inflamed, and shiny gums
  • Pain that worsens when lying down and interrupts sleep
  • Tooth sensitivity to cold, sweet, or hot substances
  • Consistent bad breath, even after brushing or rinsing the mouth
  • A loose tooth or multiple loose teeth near the infection site
  • Severe ear, neck, and/or jaw pain
  • Pain when biting down or chewing
  • Difficulties swallowing and breathing
  • Facial swelling

If the abscess ruptures, you may notice a foul taste and smell in your mouth. You will also feel pain relief in the infected tooth. If this occurs, call your general dentist immediately.

If you experience severe pain and difficulty breathing, call your local emergency department or 9-1-1.


The primary symptom of a dental abscess is severe pain near the infection site. Swelling, redness, and inflammation around the abscess are also common.

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Types Of Tooth Abscess

There are 3 varying types of oral abscess depending upon where they form in the mouth.

  • A gingival abscess This is a gum abscess that forms on the surface of the gum tissue and for most people it resembles a small but visible pimple. If caught early, a gingival dental abscess is easy to treat and recover from.
  • A periodontal tooth abscess occurs deeper in the gum primarily the gum pockets. As there is nowhere for the pus to drain, a periodontal tooth abscess can easily spread to the surrounding tissue and bone.
  • A periapical abscess A periapical tooth abscess works at eroding the protective enamel and softer inner dentin. Once it attacks the dentin it can invade the soft inner pulp where all the nerves for the tooth are located. This can make this type of tooth abscess very painful. More often than not, the only solution is to carry out a root canal to save the tooth.

So now we know what a dental abscess is and where they occur, lets take a closer look at the various tooth abscess stages.

As you can imagine, an abscessed tooth doesnt simply appear overnight. There are clear stages or a series of dental problems that need to align. They are as follows

Symptoms That Indicate A Risk Of Heart Complications

Dental Abscess
  • Fever: In tooth infection, a fever that exceeds 38 degrees means that the immune system has been triggered by a bacterium that has reached the bloodstream. It may indicate a potential risk of heart damage.
  • Shortness of breath, headache, and dizziness: When the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle to keep it pumping, are damaged, the heart will not pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. It is a serious health problem that results in, among other things, shortness of breath and fatigue.
  • Swelling: One of the signs of dental infection is a localized swelling on the gum called a dental abscess. Sometimes the swelling can spread to the surrounding tissue and cause cellulitis. In its diffuse form, it can be life-threatening, damaging the heart, lungs, and brain.
  • Feeling Unwell
  • Increased heart and breathing rate
  • Dehydration and stomach pain

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Tooth Abscess Stage 4 Tooth Loss And More

Usually, by this stage, discomfort or throbbing pain would normally dictate that a dental abscess is present and needs addressing. Therefore, it should be treated before it gets any worse. However, if for some reason the dental abscess is still ignored, the tooth abscess can erode further bone causing tooth loss. Moreover, in those with weakened immune systems, infections can spread and if continually ignored, what started out as an abscessed tooth, can actually become fatal as it spreads to other parts of the body.

What Is A Tooth Infection

An untreated dental cavity, a tooth injury, and prior dental work can result in an infection inside or under your tooth. The pulp is the most affected area of the tooth and is comprised of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues.

When a tooth infection occurs, bacteria has the potential to travel from the tooth to the surrounding tissues and bones. Bacterial infection causes a pocket of pus to form in the center of the tooth, this is called a tooth abscess.

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How Is A Tooth Infection Treated

Treatment options for a tooth infection include:

  • Drainage. A dentist will make a small incision in your gums to drain the abscess. However, this is typically used as a temporary measure, and further treatments are often needed.
  • Root canal. During a root canal, the infected pulp is removed from the tooth. The inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and filled. A crown is then placed to help restore the tooth.
  • Tooth extraction. In situations when an infected tooth cannot be saved through a root canal, it may be extracted instead.
  • Antibiotics.Antibiotics are drugs that can kill bacteria. Theyre sometimes used to treat tooth infections. Depending on the severity of your infection, you may receive oral antibiotics or intravenous antibiotics. Your tooth will also need a root canal or extraction along with the antibiotics.

What Happens If The Infection Spreads

TOOTH ABSCESS dental infection – PHLEGMON symptoms and treatment ©

There is little chance that a tooth infection will spread to other parts of the body. Patients that have any of the below symptoms should call our office right away. Infections that spread can be life threatening and should be taken seriously.

  • Swelling around the face or mouth

Pain that does not subside

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Get Care For Your Tooth Infection With Flossy

Tooth infections occur when the underlying pulp of a tooth becomes exposed to bacteria. While it takes a long time for a tooth infection to become fatal, itâs possible for a tooth infection to develop into sepsis if left untreated.

Typically, this process takes a few months. And even though it may feel like your pain subsides when the abscess bursts, donât be fooled. This is actually the moment where itâs increasingly important to seek dental treatment.

The problem is that a root canal procedure costs nearly $1,400 without insurance, which is inaccessible for many. Getting dental care you need shouldnât mean the difference between life and death.

Itâs time for a change.

Flossy uses a pay-as-you-go model where you only pay for the services you receive. No deductibles, no monthly premiums, and no membership fees. Itâs just transparent pricing you can trust.

No insurance? No problem. Book an appointment with top dentists in your area and get up to 50% off your next service.

When To See A Doctor

A person should see their dentist at the first sign of a tooth infection. Early treatment will help prevent the infection from spreading into other tissues.

A tooth infection that has spread is a medical emergency. Such infections can quickly become widespread and severe. Systemic infections can be life threatening.

A person should contact a dentist for an emergency appointment as soon as possible. If there are no dentists available, a person should visit the emergency department of their nearest hospital.

A dentist or doctor will provide treatments to target the infection and stop it from spreading further.

The type of treatment that a person receives for a tooth infection will depend on several factors, including:

  • the initial location of the abscess
  • whether, and to what extent, the infection has spread
  • the extent of the immune systems reaction to the infection

Possible treatments for a tooth infection include those below.

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Dental Abscess That Causes Facial Swelling

If you leave the gum boil untreated, that small swelling can spread to the rest of your face. What this looks like is a very swollen face and is extremely painful because it can swell to the size of a golf ball or even baseball. All of that swelling is expanding and stretching out your face and that causes a lot of pain. The swollen areas will even feel warm to the touch because there is a very big active infection going on.

It will disrupt the quality of your life rendering you unable to ignore the problem. At this point in time, the tooth infection can still be treated by one of our dentists in long island city by draining the abscess and treating the infected tooth. This is considered emergency dentistry.

This is the last stage that we can help you with because with swelling this severe, you have at most just a few days before it can potentially kill you. It could progress very quickly from here to the next stage so you should run and not walk to the nearest dental office or urgent care center.

Signs And Symptoms That A Tooth Infection Is Spreading

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While it is rare for a tooth infection or tooth abscess to spread to other parts of your body, it can happen. And, if it does happen, the consequences can be quite severe. If you suspect that a tooth infection spread, you do not want to put off seeing your dentist , call for dental treatment as soon as possible. Here are some signs and symptoms to watch out for, that may indicate the dental infection has spread

-swelling to the face, neck or cheeks

-pain in your mouth and tongue

-nausea and vomiting

-itching sensation on your skin

-high fever

-double vision, or loss of vision

-drooping eyelids

-rapid pulse rates and lightheadedness

-your breathing rate increases to over 25 breaths per minute

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What Are The Signs Of An Abscess

Often, the first sign youll see of a dental abscess is severe, lasting pain coming from a part of your mouth. You might also develop a fever, sleeplessness, problems chewing or swallowing, and become sensitive to hot or cold food and drinks.

Your gums could turn red and inflamed, swell up or develop a small, red, painful bump near the abscessed tooth. Sudden bad breath, a bitter taste in your mouth, or swelling of your face or jaw are also signs you need to get urgent medical care.

Can Tooth Infections Be Treated

The good news is that there are several methods for treating a tooth infection that can help to prevent infection from occurring.

While dental fillings are preferred to help correct cavities or small instances of tooth decay, it is typically not possible once an infection has occurred. At this point, the two main options are either root canal or extraction.

A root canal procedure involves removing the infected pulp from the root of a tooth. Then, a dental filling is used to restore the integrity of the tooth. This is preferred instead of extraction as it can preserve the existing tooth.

However, if an infection is too hard to repair, a dentist may need to extract it. Even with extraction, dental implants, dentures, bridges, and veneers can help to restore the appearance of your mouth so that it looks good as new.

If a tooth infection worsens to such an extent that septic shock occurs, sepsis can be treated as long as you seek care immediately. Antibiotic medications are administered right away in addition to the use of intravenous fluids. If necessary, vasopressors can constrict the blood vessels to increase blood pressure if it remains low even after receiving treatment.

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How Common Is Death From A Tooth Infection

The death rates from a tooth infection were approximately 10-40% in the pre-antibiotic era. After the discovery of penicillin, the fatality rate has drastically improved. There aren’t a lot of studies covering the prevalence of death from a tooth infection but from what we can find, the rate was about 0.9% in a study of 297 patients that had deep head and neck space infections.

Even if the chances for survival have drastically improved since the middle ages, our LIC dentists still would not recommend letting an abscess grow into a Ludwig’s angina because that can seriously ruin a few weeks of your life.

Symptoms Of A Tooth Infection Spreading To The Rest Of The Body

Dentist reveals – How To Tell If You Have Chronic Tooth Infection

Did you know that you can die from a toothache? That’s a sobering thought.

Most of the time toothaches are caused by infections that are merely painful inconveniences. But if the infection worsens and spreads to the rest of the body, it can be serious. For a small number of people, it’s even deadly.

To avoid this happening to you, you can simply learn the symptoms of a tooth infection spreading to the body. Then you’ll know when to seek immediate medical attention for your annoying toothache.

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Loss Of Infected Tooth

Leaving an abscessed tooth without treatment can cause it to become weak, and you will eventually lose it. But if a tooth infection is treated early, you can get a root canal procedure and a crown to save it.

In severe cases, tooth replacements using dental implants are going to be necessary if you wish to restore normal oral function.

However, an implant can only be supported once the infection has been eliminated from the surrounding area.

Can A Tooth Infection Spread: When To Need A Doctor

The truth is, not all tooth infection needs a doctors appointment, your dentist can easily address your concerns if your infection or tooth decay gets diagnosed early. Of course, as we always say, prevention is better than cure. Having your regular dental appointment lets your dentist monitor your dental cavity and see any signs of developing risks become problems even happen.

However, if you have been dealing with a stubborn tooth infection and you suddenly feel the following symptoms, it would be best to consult a doctor immediately:

  • Severe swelling

If any of these symptoms surface during your tooth infection battle, do not hesitate to get immediate medical help as this may signal severe and systemic issues.

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How Do You Tell If A Tooth Infection Is Killing You

When the swelling from the tooth infection spreads down towards your throat thus effectively closing off your airway space rendering you unable to breathe, you’ll know that the tooth infection is trying to kill you. Although you may be unconscious at this point. What this looks like is very severe swelling that involves your throat. The swelling will be so big that your face will look disfigured and deformed looking.

Do not be mistaken because a tooth infection with this amount of swelling is a real medical emergency and it IS life threatening. Don’t walk to the nearest hospital, run to the nearest one or call 911 for assistance.

Dehydration And Stomach Pain

5 Scary Symptoms of Tooth Infection Spreading To the Body

You may notice that you don’t have to pee very much. And when you do, your urine is a darker color than normal. This means that you’re getting dehydrated and moving into the second stage of sepsis.

You may also begin to experience stomach pain and even diarrhea and vomiting. Both of these symptoms will speed your rate of dehydration and cause even more severe problems.

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Tooth Infection Spread To The Jawbone: What You Need To Know

If you are experiencing pain in your jaw, it is essential to visit a dentist as soon as possible. A tooth infection can spread from the tooth to the jaw bone and, if left untreated, can cause serious health problems. In this blog post, we will discuss the symptoms of tooth infection spread to the jaw bone and what you can do to treat it.

How Long Does A Tooth Infection Last Without Treatment

Tooth infection left untreated can lead to severe complications, including spreading the infection and dental abscess. It is essential to see a dentist or doctor as soon as possible if you think you have an infection from tooth decay. Treatment for a tooth infection usually includes antibiotics and pain relievers. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

If you have an infected tooth, dont wait to see a dentist. Tooth infections can quickly become severe and cause permanent damage.

Antibiotic treatment for a tooth infection may include:




Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve pain caused by a tooth infection. Surgery

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the infected tooth or surrounding tissue. If the infection has spread to the jawbone, a piece of bone may need to be removed. Tooth extraction is a standard surgical procedure used to draw an infected tooth. After the tooth is removed, the area will be cleaned and stitched closed.

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