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Coconut Oil For Tooth Infection

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Coconut Oil And Sea Salt For Improved Oral Health

Oil Pulling from a Dentist’s Perspective

Dr. Niloufar Molayem is a well-respected holistic dentist in Pasadena, CA, who has gained a reputation for protecting the overall health of her patients, without the use of dental procedures that employ toxic materials. Contact Dr. Molayem for a consultation or to learn more here.

Living a holistic lifestyle doesnt always mean buying everything that has an organic seal on it. Often, I come across products labeled as organic or holistic that list ingredients that are not meant to optimize health and, on the contrary, have the opposite effect. Sometimes, what you have at home in your kitchen cabinet is all you need.

My practice philosophy is founded on long term care for my patients. This means giving constant education about gum disease, as the health of the gums is the foundation of oral health. Nowadays, the vast majority of the population suffers from either gingivitis or periodontal gum disease. Whichever category you fall under, and even if you are one of the lucky ones who maintains healthy gums, you should add two things to your bathroom routine that are probably in your kitchen cabinetcoconut oil and sea salt.

Improve Your Oral Health With Coconut Oil

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27 May, 2022

Coconut oil is a natural product with several uses. Some people have even cataloged it as a superfood because it contains antioxidants and several nutrients that benefit your health in different areas such as oral health.

This product has been used for some time as a side treatment, since its considered to have the potential to care for teeth and gums and prevent and treat some problems, such as cavities, dental infections, and gingivitis.

Benefits Of Oil Pulling Plus How To Do It

Oil pulling is an ancient practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth to remove bacteria and promote oral hygiene.

It is often associated with Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system from India.

Studies suggest that oil pulling can kill bacteria in the mouth and improve dental health. Some alternative medicine practitioners also claim that it can help treat several diseases .

While its not entirely clear how oil pulling works, its claimed to pull bacteria from the mouth. It may also help by moisturizing your gums and increasing saliva production, which can reduce bacteria .

Some types of oil also contain properties that can naturally reduce inflammation and bacteria to promote oral health .

However, research on oil pulling is limited, and there is much debate over how beneficial it really is.

This article looks at some of the science-backed benefits of oil pulling and then explains how to do it in order to maximize benefit.

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Coconut Oil: Home Remedy For Dog Tooth Infections

One of the best home remedies to prevent tooth decay as well as bring relief to a dogâs tooth infection comes in the form of coconut oil. Besides being anti-inflammatory to help reduce pain, it is also antimicrobial to get rid of problem-causing bacteria and it also helps to harden tooth enamel.

What to do:

  • Simply dip a fine bristled toothbrush in coconut oil and gently brush your dogâs teeth.
  • You can also mix 1 part baking soda and 1 part coconut oil to make more of a paste.
  • Add a little powdered cinnamon to give it a little boost if you like.
  • Brush your dogâs teeth a minimum of 3 to 4 times weekly, but daily will offer the best results.

Tea Tree Oil With Oregano Oil

By Using Coconut Oil You Will Be Able To Reverse Cavities &  Heal ...

Process 1:

  • Mix 3 drops of tea tree oil with ½ teaspoon of oregano oil and 1 teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Use fingertips to apply to infected areas.
  • Leave on few minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Repeat at least twice a day.

Process 2:

  • Mix 2 3 drops each of tea tree oil, cinnamon oil, peppermint oil, oregano oil and lemon oil in 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil.
  • Pour in a bottle and apply on the yeast infected area.
  • Leave for few minutes and then wipe with clean soft cloth.
  • Follow method regularly.

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Is Coconut Oil Effective For Cleaning Dogs’ Teeth

For at least 4,000 years, many have viewed coconut oil to be a superfood amongst superfoods. It has been used for everything from skin care and wound healing, and of course as a staple in many foods worldwide. However, this is just the beginning of coconut oils many beneficial applications.

Coconut oil is one of the most bioavailable sources of energy for dogs, and coconut oil has many scientifically proven benefits for dogs including mental clarity, improved cognition and more. But can it also be effective for cleaning dogs teeth?

It is theorized that coconut oil contains organic material that can quickly kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. But why?

This article explains the latest research on coconut oil, and how it can affect a dogs overall dental health and teeth.

It May Prevent Bad Breath

Halitosis, better known as bad breath, is a common oral health issue. While certain medical conditions and medications can exacerbate bad breath, up to 85% of bad breath is caused from poor oral hygiene and oral health .

Gingivitis, tooth decay, film on the tongue, food debris, and a build up of bacteria can lead to the unpleasant mouth odor .

If you struggle with bad breath, oil pulling with coconut oil may help. Coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties that may rid the mouth of odor-causing bacteria. Whats more, it may help to reduce build-up of food debris on the teeth, inner cheeks, and tongue .

A randomized pilot trial observed a significant reduction in organoleptic breath assessment and self-reported breath scores after oil pulling with sesame oil. Coconut oil contains similar saponification and antimicrobial properties to sesame oil, which may lead to similar results (

That said, randomized controlled trials specifically on coconut oil are needed.


Coconut oils antibacterial properties may reduce harmful mouth bacteria that lead to tooth decay, plaque buildup, and bad breath. However, more research is needed.

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Cure Dog Tooth Infections With Goldenseal

Another popular herb used in a number of home remedies is also effective for relieving your dogâs tooth infection. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of goldenseal make it perfect for reducing inflammation and getting rid of the infection. Caution must be taken with pregnant or nursing dogs when using this herb.

What to do:

  • Place ½ tsp of goldenseal root powder in a cup and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it.
  • Mix together well, cover and allow it to cool for an hour.
  • Strain the liquid and use a syringe to squirt the liquid between your dogâs teeth.
  • Follow-up by rinsing with plain water in the same manner.

Is Coconut Oil Pulling Beneficial Or Dangerous

Coconut Oil Pulling (Detoxifies, Whitens Teeth, Kills Bacteria) – Dr Alan Mandell, D.C.

If youre into anything natural, youve probably heard about a popular dental trend referred to as oil pulling or coconut pulling. The idea behind the benefits of oil pulling is that youre creating an environment with natural antibacterial properties to help combat gum disease, bad breath, and even tooth decay. And while it might seem safe, there are also some well-known coconut oil pulling dangers that you need to be aware of.

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When To See A Medical Provider

While these home remedies can help with tooth infection pain, theyre not treatments that will cure an infection on their own.

Dentists are the healthcare professionals that will give you the appropriate treatment for your painful dental condition.

Keep in mind that dental abscesses can cause significant health problems, especially if left untreated. However, they may not need you to visit an emergency room.

If you think you have an infection in your tooth, seek medical or dental careor chat with a K doctorright away to find out whats going on.

Your doctor will first ask you questions about your symptoms. They will check for symptoms of a tooth abscess before prescribing medications for you. Along with treating your infection, your provider can also help with pain relief. This is an effective way of treating the condition.

You should also consult with a medical provider if your tooth issue is currently being treated with antibiotics, but symptoms arent resolving or if theyre getting worse.

And if you have symptoms including fever, sore throat, severe discomfort, chills, respiratory problems, confusion, or fast heart rate accompanied by a tooth infection, book an appointment with your medical provider to get the best treatment.

These signs could indicate a spreading infection or even sepsis, a potentially fatal complication that occurs when bacteria enter a persons bloodstream. However, the goal of treatment is to ensure you get a full recovery.

Cure Dog Tooth Infections With Ceylon Cinnamon

There are a ton of great properties to help with dog tooth infections present in Ceylon cinnamon, making it an excellent home remedy to keep on hand. It is a mild anesthetic that also helps to dissolve food particles stuck between teeth. Ceylon cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic to boot.

What to do:

  • You can mix 1/8 tsp per day for small dogs, ¼ tsp per day for medium dogs, and ½ tsp per day of Ceylon cinnamon for larger dogs in their food.
  • Ceylon cinnamon essential oil can be substituted for powdered cinnamon at the dosage of 2 drops, 4 drops and 6 drops respectively.
  • You can also mix Ceylon cinnamon into baking powder for brushing.

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How Dental Insurance Can Help

Dental emergencies happen. Even if you are practicing good dental hygiene and you take care of your teeth, you can still end up with an infected tooth that needs to be dealt with right away. Dental insurance can help cover the costs of things like X-rays, exams, and other treatments, as well as more expensive care like root canals.

This is not dental care advice and should not be substituted for regular consultation with your dentist. If you have any concerns about your dental health, please contact your dentist’s office.

Does Coconut Oil Pulling Actually Work


As of yet, there is not any firm, extensive evidence to show that there are significant benefits of oil pulling. Especially given the amount of time it takes up in your day compared to other alternatives.

What weve found in dentistry is that oil pulling can actually predispose some people to additional dental problems rather than make their mouths healthier. Mostly because theyre seriously straining their TMJ to rinse coconut oil for 20 minutes at a time, and/or they trust that the coconut pulling is some type of a replacement for traditional brushing and flossing.

Yes, there is some extremely limited research on oil pulling with coconut oil. But its only enough to mildly suggest that there could be potential benefits. It isnt enough for dental experts or the American Dental Association to identify the known oral health benefits of regular oil pulling or professionally endorse it to dental patients.

Remember, even rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash doesnt physically remove sticky plaque and tartar on teeth, between them, or under the gums. Only brushing and flossing can remove non-calcified buildup. Rinsing with mouthwash just helps lift away the looser, leftover bacteria and food debris we shouldnt expect anything different from coconut pulling.

We also dont have any evidence yet that there are any properties inside coconut oil that remineralize enamel.

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How To Improve Oral Health With Coconut Oil

I recommend using a technique called oil pulling, which basically means swishing the oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes.

Each morning, take a tablespoon of coconut oil, put it in your mouth, and swish for 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure you push the oil through the spaces in your teeth to cover all of the surfaces.

Once you finish swishing, spit the coconut oil into a trash can or toilet. Dont spit it into your sink because the oil can cause clogs.

Finally, brush your teeth to enjoy a clean, fresh feeling.

As An Ingredient In Personal Care Products

Many personal care products use coconut oil as an ingredient to add smoothness to the texture of the product and to make it easier to spread, Goldstein says.

It may be preferable to use coconut oil extracts over plain oil, especially if breakouts are a concern or you have naturally oily skin.

Try to use a product that uses an extract over plain oil, Goldstein said.

Speaking about a product she helped develop, Goldstein said, Like other products that use coconut oil extract, The Daily by GETMr. is a suitable option that moisturizes skin without leading to breakouts.

Patel adds that brands like Kopari and Sol de Janeiro, which makes the Brazilian Bum Bum line, have successfully created products that contain good blends of coconut oil.

In general, you can follow these steps to use coconut oil as a moisturizer:

  • After bathing, pat your skin down with a towel until its moist, not wet.
  • Add coconut oil to your palms and rub together to warm.
  • Spread a thin layer of oil over your skin in a circulation motion.
  • Avoid your face, chest, back, and any other areas prone to acne.
  • Also avoid areas with a lot of hair.
  • Add more oil as needed.
  • Alternatively, you can massage your body with oil and then wash off the excess.

    Since the need for moisturizing varies from person to person, Goldstein says using coconut oil is a unique experience to everyone.

    • potential infection, known as folliculitis
    • allergic reaction

    Coconut oil is considered to be comedogenic, which means it can clog pores.

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    Why Would Coconut Oil Work For A Toothache

    A common source of tooth pain is caused by an overabundance of bacteria in the form of plaque attached to your teeth. Over time the plaque will harden and calcify into tartar. Both tartar and plaque when not removed will cause chronic inflammation with your gums, which may result in pain.

    Since coconut oil is usually used as a mouth rinse via oil pulling, it has the ability to reduce the inflammation. It does so not only by physically removing the bacteria but also creating an inhospitable environment for them.

    Physically removing bacteria by oil pulling

    When you pull with coconut oil, you are essentially “pulling” the bacteria out of your mouth. Therefore it is technically true that the pulling effect works on bacteria since it does reduce the amount of them after using it.

    However, that is not to say that rinsing with water or any other mouthwash won’t give the same effect. All types of mouth rinses have the ability to physically remove bacteria and plaque if you rinse vigorously.

    In regards to the oil pulling, there is one thing that we do want to point out and that is the alleged effect of pulling toxins out of the rest of your body. This ancient ayurvedic practice alleges that the mouth is connected to various organs in your body and by rinsing, you can remove toxins from the rest of your body.

    Creating an inhospitable environment for bacteria

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    How to Cure Cavities Naturally | Coconut Oil Swishing

    Saltwater rinse

    A saltwater rinse will kill off some of the bacteria in your mouth and irrigate your mouth. It can rinse some of the debris out of your mouth and if you have an abscess it can help break up the pus surrounding the tooth. You can use regular table salt and warm tap water to make a basic saltwater rinse.

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    Will They Pull A Tooth In The Emergency Room

    Walk-ins to an emergency room would be given antibiotics or pain medication and told to contact their dentist. Not only can they not pull teeth in an emergency room, it is illegal for anyone other than a dentist to perform an emergency tooth extraction, emergency root canal or any other dental care.

    Historical Evidence Of Holistic Toothache Remedies

    Botanical oils work wonders in dentistry and have so for many years, dating back to African, Greek and Roman cultures. You will often hear your grandmother suggesting that you should use mint or clove oil when you experience a toothache.

    The essence of various plants and herbs have been used for thousands of years in order to combat real pain. We have forgotten so much.

    These oils are some of the best home remedies for tooth and gum pain. Essential oils contain magnesium oxide and eugenol. Some of the latest botanical oils also contain zinc oxide.

    These elements create a temporary filling cement to reduce the pain in your mouth. Practitioners have been recommending these oils for centuries. They work excellently after periodontal and root canal therapy.

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    Boosts Elasticity And Moisture

    According to a 2020 review, virgin coconut oil containing solid lipid particles increased skin hydration by 24.8 percent and skin elasticity by 2.6 percent over 28 days compared with body lotion that didnt contain coconut oil.

    Clinical studies have revealed that VCO is effective and safe to use as a moisturizer and can improve skin hydration and accelerate healing in the skin, noted the review.

    Does Oregano Oil Work For Infections

    10 Home Remedies for Gum Infections

    Oregano oil is extracted from the leaves of the same plant and has been used in holistic medicine for centuries to combat various illnesses. Even to this day, many people are still using it. It naturally has a bitter taste when taken alone.

    Studies have shown that the oregano oil does have many beneficial properties.

    • Antibacterial. A very powerful bacterial growth inhibitor. It is also effective against antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.

    • Anti-inflammatory. Can inhibit inflammatory biomarkers on the skin.

    • Fights acne. Due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it may reduce the acne blisters.

    So apparently this essential oil does work for infections. In fact, one of the studies show that it can be effective against strains of bacteria that are antibiotic resistant. In modern times, there are a lot of bacteria that are resistant towards antibiotics so it could be a problem.

    We’ve established that the essential oil can work but we need to be clear about what type of tooth infection it can work on because the answer would be that it depends.

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