Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can A Tooth Implant Get Infected

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Diagnosing An Infected Dental Implant

Peri-implantitis – Dental implant infection ©

One of the first things Dr. Kong will do is to take a dental x-ray of the infected dental implant to see if theres any radiographic bone loss. He may also gently probe around the implant to assess the degree of the infection and inflammation. By carefully probing the area, he can hopefully make an early diagnosis of any signs of infection as early detection is key if the implant is to be saved.

Similar to gum disease on a tooth, one of the problems with this condition is that it often doesnt create any pain and as a result, patients are frequently unaware that an implant is infected. Dr. Kong will assess the source of the inflammation as there are many etiology to peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis can be caused by problems such as left over cement stuck on the implant, implants being placed too close to each other or angulation of the implant in the bone, poor oral hygiene, poor bone quality, systemic issues like diabetes, smoking, fracture of the implant and overloading of the implant.

An increasing number of studies report peri-implantitis to affect up to 30% of all implants placed and suggests anaerobic bacteria to be the main culprit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implant Infections

Whether you’re heading into a dental implant procedure or already had one done, it’s helpful to be informed. Now that you know the signs of infection, let’s dive a bit deeper.

Here are some of the most frequent questions that patients ask about implants and infections.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implantsreplace a missing tooth permanently, unlike dentures or bridges.

The dentist first installs a small screw-like structure into your jawbone. This forms the “root” of your new tooth. If you’ve had severe bone loss in your jaw, they may need to perform a bone graft beforehand.

This implant stimulates your bone to regrow, making your new tooth more stable. Once the root has healed, your dentist will attach the top of the implant. The result is a permanent tooth that both looks and feels natural.

Why Do Dental Implant Problems Happen?

There isn’t one singular cause of infection in dental implants, and often, multiple factors combine to make it possible.

Patients who have underlying conditions like diabetes, periodontitis, or cancer are at a higher risk of poor healing. Let your doctor know ahead of time if you have any of these conditions so they can take the appropriate precautions.

Severe bone loss in the jaw can be another cause of problems. This can be due to advanced periodontitis or taking biphosphate medications for cancer or osteoporosis. Bone loss is usually repaired via graft, but it can still increase your chance of complications.

  • Reduce your physical activity

What They Don’t Tell You About Dental Implants

Dental implants are secured permanently to your jawbone hence, they can’t fall off. The Procedure Is Quite Painless- Having titanium on your jawbone sounds painful however, the procedure causes little pain. There is minimal post-operative pain, and you can go back to work in a relatively short time…. read more

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The Causes Of Dental Implant Infection

There isnt one single cause, and often, multiple factors combine to cause a problem. Patients with underlying conditions such as diabetes and periodontitis are at a higher risk of poor healing. The longer it takes to heal, the more opportunities for an infection to take hold. Therefore, if you have any of these conditions, let your dentist know ahead of time so they can take appropriate measures.

Another possible cause is peri-implantitis, an infectious disease that causes inflammation around the surrounding gum and bone of an implant. It can occur without the proper care implants need. In some instances, poor surgical technique is to blame. That is why it is so important to visit an experienced dentist with an impressive track record in dental implant procedures such as Chesterfield Dentistry.

What Are The Alternative Options For Dental Implants

Emergency Dental Implant Treatment » LDN Dental (500+ 5

Same-Day Dental Implants

This is also referred to as immediate load dental implants. It is a process that involves the placement of a temporal crown on the day the dental implant was placed into your jaw by your implantologist.

Mini dental implants

This process is usually carried out to protect the upper or lower denture. They are done for patients who want to undergo traditional implants to place them in a more convenient state.


This alternative dental implant procedure is also referred to as implant support dentures. It is an alternative used to fix the upper or lower set of teeth in place.

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What Antibiotic Is Best For Dental Implant Infection

The most frequent first choice drug was amoxicillin, with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid as second choice. Conclusions: A majority of dentists from different countries do not prescribe systemic antibiotic prophylaxis for dental implant surgery following the available scientific evidence and could be overprescribing…. read more

How Strong Are Dental Implants Compared To Real Teeth

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Due to the nature of the material used for this dental procedure, the dental implants happen to be much stronger than the real teeth. The dental implants are made of titanium one of the hardest material on earth. However, the hardness of the material is not a total guarantee that certain problems wont be encountered with the implants.

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Can A Dental Implants Get Infected Years Later

Dental implants are the only teeth replacement treatments that can stop bone loss. The dental implants in Whitby, ON, are surgically placed on the jawbone to anchor the artificial teeth. This procedure has a success rate, and the implants can last for a lifetime with proper care. However, occasionally, something may go wrong, and you can develop an infection years later.

One of the most common dental implant complications is peri-implantitis, an infection that affects the gum tissue.

Treating Dental Implant Infections

Peri-Implantitis (Infected Dental Implant Treatment Options)

The best way to address dental implant infections is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Thus, you should be diligent about oral hygiene. Be sure to diligently follow your dentists post-operative instructions after your placement surgery. If you have already had your dental implants for some time, you must continue to protect them via thorough oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing are both essential. You can also reduce your risk of infection by avoiding the use of tobacco and carefully managing any diseases you might have that affect your immune system, such as diabetes.

But what if, despite your efforts at prevention, you end up with an infection around one of your implants? If the infection is not serious, adjustments to your oral hygiene routine, along with antibiotic treatment, may be all that is necessary. However, if damage to the bone has already occurred, you may need to visit a specialist for interventive care. It might be necessary to remove the implant, fight the infection with antibiotics, allow the area to heal, and then replace the implant.

Are you thinking about getting dental implants? There is no need to be overly afraid that you will suffer from an infection and subsequent dental implant failure. However, you must be aware of the possibility so you can take proper measures to protect your restored teeth from complications.

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Tips For Preventing Peri

The best way to prevent peri-implantitis in the early months of recovery is to follow all of your post-op instructions to the letter. Be sure to be attentive when it comes to oral hygiene and proper dental care. Avoid smoking and tobacco products as these can increase your risk of infection, and attend all followup visits with your oral surgeon and routine checkups with your dentist.

How Does Lapip Infected Implant Treatment Work

Dental implants have significantly changed the way smile restoration is performed in recent years, but they arent without complications and risks. When peri-implantitis occurs, the first step is administering antibiotics, but if Dr. Samadian determines your infection needs more intervention, he recommendsLAPIP infected implant treatment.

The PerioLase® laser targets the bacteria that leads to periodontal disease and peri-implantitis without affecting harming your healing soft tissues. The lasers energy removes all traces of the bacteria, diseased tissues, any harmful proteins that promote infection growth, and titanium corrosive elements that may be present. LAPIP also stimulates gum tissue regeneration and helps any bone lost to the infection grow back. LAPIP can be effective in just 1-2 treatments, rather than multiple, more painful procedures or surgery.

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Ways To Identify A Dental Implant Infection

These things are amazing! You think when you get your first dental implant. A few months later, you start to notice that theyve become infected and stained.

It should be no surprise that dental implants, like real teeth, need to be taken care of. In this article we share 4 things you need to know about dental implant infections. We also share some tips on how to prevent and address these infections.

Failure To Follow Your Doctors Instructions


Your activities and habits have an impact, too. Its imperative that you follow your surgeons post-surgery instructions to lower the risk of complications. You may be instructed to eat soft foods until the implant site heals, practice good oral hygiene, and avoid hard candy.

Dental implant surgery can be an immediate success, with complications not developing until years later.

Here are some long-term complications of a dental implant:

  • Nerve or tissue damage may occur when a surgeon places an implant too close to a nerve. Signs of damage include numbness or tingling in the tongue, lips, gums, or face.
  • Foreign body rejection doesnt occur often, but can happen. This is when the body rejects an implant. Signs of rejection include increased pain at the implant site, swelling, fever, and chills.
  • A dental implant placed in the upper jaw may protrude into the sinus cavity.
  • Injury to the area surrounding a dental implant may loosen the implant, resulting in failure.

To minimize the likelihood of long-term problems, continue to practice good hygiene and keep your mouth, implants, and gums healthy. Brush and floss at least twice a day, rinse your mouth with mouthwash, and see a dentist for routine checkups.

If you have early or late-stage dental implant failure, signs of a complication include:

  • difficulty chewing
  • loosening of an implant or a replaced tooth
  • severe pain or discomfort

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Prevention Of Dental Implant Infections

The following instructions can help to prevent the development of a dental implant infection:

  • Pre-emptive prescription of antibiotics for some days prior to surgery can help reduce infection risk.
  • Sterile environment during the implant surgery is necessary for avoiding surgery infections.
  • After surgery, most dentists will prescribe antibiotics and recommend the use of an antibacterial mouthwash.
  • Patients must maintain proper daily oral hygiene in combination with preventive visits to the dentist and periodic dental cleanings.
  • Smoking should be avoided because it delays healing and increases the risk of infections.
  • For patients of high risk groups, the dentist may recommend periodic x-rays to help diagnose and treat any problem of implant infection as soon as possible.

Can An Infected Implant Be Saved

There are several ways that your dentist can treat an infected implant. The method will depend on the intensity and location of the implant.

  • Use of antibiotics.
  • Dental surgery. This method may be used if the infection is under the gum line or further down the bone.
  • Application of laser rays. Laser treatment has made good name in the industry over the years as it is non-surgical.
  • Introduction of mechanical debridement. This will be done to remove pus from the infected spot if the spot is big.
  • Bone regeneration. If the bone loss is significant, new bone may be regenerated to fill the gap. In this case, the implant will be removed to begin the bone grafting process.

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What To Do If You Suspect That You Might Have A Dental Implant Infection

If you suspect that you have an infected dental implant infection, its very important to seek the help of a dentist. The infection will not get any better by waiting and seeing if it will go away. Instead, youll need to see a dentist as soon as you suspect an infection. Keep in mind that with regular visits to the dentist, you can prevent having a dental implant infection since the dentist would identify the infection before it fully develops.

At Hendersonville Family Dental, we can provide you with the dental care that you need. Our dental office recognizes the importance of a well-trained dental team and staff. Thats why our dentists are knowledgeable, empathetic, and great with our patients.

Remember, getting the help you need is just a call away. Set up an appointment with us today so that you have beautiful and healthy teeth.

Infection Can Put Dental Implants At Risk

Dental implant infection: how and why does peri-implantitis happen?

If you suffer from an infection after undergoing surgery for dental implants, that can put the entire treatment at risk. The infection can lead to slower healing and poor healing, not to mention potential problems with the implant fusing with the tissues of the mouth.

This problem can happen in the months following oral surgery or years down the road as a result of gum disease and advanced tooth decay. Whatever the case may be, this puts your dental implants and general wellness at risk.

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What Are The Signs Of Dental Implant Infection

Dental implants have an impressive success rate of more than 95% and are designed to last a lifetime. But that doesnt mean problems dont occur. Implants cannot suffer from tooth decay, but they can get infected just like natural teeth. Our mouths provide a hospitable environment for many different types of germs, and some will exploit any situation that allows them to grow unchecked. In other words, an infection. The condition can be serious, but it doesnt necessarily mean you will lose your implant.

Although the risk of dental implant infection is low, its good to know what to look out for, just in case. Here are some of the signs that may indicate a dental implant is infected:

Pain when you chew: Some post-operative discomfort and pain are normal after any invasive dental procedure. Typically, dentists will suggest over-the-counter pain relief medicine, which should work. If the pain lasts for several days and interferes with your chewing, there could be an infection.

The implant feels loose: Dental implants are screwed directly into the bone in your jaw and should never come loose. Once implanted, they should remain stable for the rest of your life. If theyre loose and feel like they might fall out, something must have gone wrong. Therefore, you may need another procedure to fix the problem.

How To Clean Around Your Dental Implants

You have invested a lot of money and usually some pain in getting your dental implants, so it makes good sense to take care of them! After all, you would not let your brand name new Porsche simply sit in the driveway and never ever tidy it or service it!

  • So it truly does pay you to invest a little time in keeping your implants. Thankfully, the procedures are pretty much similar to caring for natural teeth, and you can check out everything about what you should do at a page I have actually written on cleaning your teeth correclty. Just click this link How to treat gum disease.
  • Im NOT saying you have gum disease, but if you dont follow my advice on that page of my website, then you probably will get gum disease around your implants. An expensive and painful mistake!

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Find Relief From Your Dental Implant Problems

Dental implants are an important procedure for many patients. They solve a variety of common problems and can make lives much more comfortable.

When they work how they are supposed to and healing is successful, a patient can expect it to be a long-term solution.

But on the occasions when there are dental implant problems years later, the patient will need to see a dentist quickly. The new dentist will be able to fix the problem and give the patient more relief.

What Are The Signs That The Tooth Implant Is Infected


If your implant is infected, you can experience bad breath. This is caused by low-quality implants that emit a bad smell and taste. You can also have pus or bleeding around the area of the implant. You may notice gum bleeding after brushing, which is often an indication of gum disease.

Other symptoms that you may experience include pain, difficulty chewing, red, swollen gums, and loose implant. If you have these symptoms, accompanied by fever, visit a dental office in Whitby, ON, for assistance.

These implant infection symptoms are mild and can be reversed if caught early. However, if not treated on time, it could progress to a severe stage and lead to implant loss.

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Implant Infection: Complications Of Infected Dental Implant

Dental implants are effective way to replace your missing or severely decayed teeth. Implants, while artificial, should be maintained along with your natural teeth. Some people tend to be more susceptible to problems or complications with their dental implants. Peri-implantitis is an infection that hurts gums, bones and other tissues surrounding dental implants. It is very similar to gum disease. Severity can range from minor inflammation of the gums to severe degradation of the teeth and jaw. If left untreated, this often leads to patients losing their dental implants and developing other serious dental problems.

While there are risks associated with dental implants, they tend to be rare and minor. If youre wondering if dental implants are a good option for you, discuss it with your dentist.

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