Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can A Sinus Infection Make Your Teeth Hurt

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Treating Upper Teeth Pain In Houston

Why Do My Teeth Hurt With A Sinus Infection?

Treating upper tooth pain can be a rather simple procedure depending on the extent of the sinus infection. It is always recommended for the affected to seek the help of a doctor immediately.

Sinus congestion associated with tooth pain may require:

  • Routine nasal washes

Decongestants are used to reduce inflammation in the sinus cavity antihistamines are used to treat sinus congestion due to allergies and are commonly combined. Nasal washes are used to cleanse the sinus cavity from impurities and irritants.

If you have upper teeth pain, learn more about whether a sinus infection may be the cause, and what treatment options may be right for your. Our experienced ENT doctor at Houston Sinus & Allergy specializes in sinus treatments, and can provide you with the help you need, so book an assessment today.

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How Do Sinus Infections Differ From Regular Toothaches

Toothaches resulting from dental problems like usually only involve one tooth, whereas you may feel pain across your entire face and in several teeth when you have a sinus toothache. If the pain worsens when bending over or jumping up and lessens when lying down or sitting, you may have a sinus infection.

If you have a toothache and have a fever, lost the ability to smell or taste, a sore throat, feelings of fatigue, bad breath, thick or discolored mucus, ear pain, congestion, post-nasal drip, a hoarse voice, or pressure or pain in your nose, cheekbones, forehead, or the area around your eyes, you also might have a sinus infection.

Your Root Canal May Not Have Been Successful

An infected tooth can actually cause sinusitis because the roots of your upper teeth are very close to your sinuses. If your root canal is not successful and your tooth remains infected, it may cause sinusitis as it gets worse. This is known as âsinusitis of dental origin.â The bacteria may spread from the roots of your upper teeth into your sinuses, causing a sinus infection.

If your tooth continues to hurt and feel uncomfortable after your root canal for more than a day or two and you also notice sinusitis-like symptoms, itâs possible that the treatment was not entirely successful. Root canal re-treatment may be required to remove the remaining infected material from your tooth.

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If Sinus Infections Affect The Sinuses What Do They Have To Do With Our Dental Health

The answer is quite simple. An ailment in one part of the body can easily cause problems in other parts of the body. On top of that, the sinuses and teeth are both located quite close to each other in the head. Luckily, it seems that sinus infections dont cause a myriad of serious dental issues such as cavities or root canals.

However, since sinus infections result in blockages and inflammation of the sinus, they have a tendency to cause pressure buildup in the face. This symptom of sinus infections can often cause discomfort and some dull pain in the upper front teeth. It is usually not a serious or long-term condition as long as you can get your sinus infection treated but it can be somewhat alarming and annoying.

Can Allergies Cause Tinnitus And Hearing Loss

Odontogenic Sinusitis

Can allergies cause tinnitus? Can a sinus infection result in hearing loss? What is the treatment for allergy induced Tinnitus? Do allergies cause a Tinnitus spike among people who are already suffering from Tinnitus? We explore the connection between allergies and tinnitus and also hearing loss, below.

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How Do I Know If I Have Toothache Or Sinus Pain

This pain is usually centralized and felt in a specific tooth. Sinus infection pain is a less intense and less localized feeling that is usually described as more of an aching feeling than a sharp or severe pain. It may also be felt over a wider area, impacting an entire section of the jaw instead of a single tooth.

Toothache Or Sinus Problem

As winter temperatures settle into the Hutchinson area, so does the prevalence of sinus problems or Sinusitis. One of the symptoms of a sinusitis is a toothache. In most instances, these perceived toothaches involve the back teeth. Common tooth symptoms of sinusitis include temperature sensitivity and pain experienced when walking or jumping. Other sinusitis symptoms include pressure, facial pain, headache, stuffy or runny nose, loss of smell, cough, and congestion. If the sinusitis is acute, you may also experience a fever, bad breath, and fatigue. An acute sinusitis may last several weeks while a chronic sinusitis may last a few months.

Why does sinusitis cause toothaches? The floor of the sinuses practically lays across the roots of your upper back teeth. So if you think about any inflammation or pressure building up in those sinus spaces, that pressure will be put on the root tips. The nerves of your teeth exit out those root tips and pressure on those nerves can cause your teeth to become hypersensitive and painful. This is how sinus infections can cause toothaches that really arent tooth in origin.

Children may also develop a sinusitis. Sinus problems in little ones can be caused by allergies, pacifier use, or drinking from a bottle while lying on their back. A childs environment such as being in daycare and catching illnesses from other children or being in the presence of smoke can also lead to a sinusitis in children.

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Heres What To Do If You Have A Toothache

Not sure where you should turn for help? Start with your dentist, Dr. Chang said. Although its possible that your tooth is healthy, its more likely that a dental problem, not a sinus problem, is the cause of your pain. In some cases, it could be both!

With a dental exam and dental x-rays, your dentist can figure out if your problem stems from your tooth. If its a tooth-related problem your dentist can recommend a treatment plan:

  • For tooth decay, you may need a filling, crown, root canal, or replacement tooth.
  • For gum disease, you may need oral hygiene improvements, special dental cleanings, or medication.

And if your dentist doesnt spot a problem, you can follow up with your primary care provider or ear, nose, and throat specialist.

Can A Toothache From A Sinus Infection Indicate A Dental Issue

Can Sinus Infection cause toothache? – Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

If you pay attention to your oral hygiene, you know that unexpected dental pain usually means its time to make a dentist appointment. However, a sinus infection is one of those rare cases where it may not be obvious whether you should see a dentist or not. How can you tell if tooth pain is caused by a sinus infection, a cavity, or both?

In order to decide whether to see the dentist or not, its important to pay attention to the symptoms youre experiencing. For example, if you have a severe cold accompanied by jaw pain but both resolve themselves within a matter of days, you probably dont need to worry about contacting your dentist. However, if your dental pain remains long after you recover from your sinus infection, its a good idea to make an appointment sooner rather than later.

Its also important to note that dental symptoms can be caused by sinus infections, but persistent sinusitis can also be caused by dental issues. If you have unexplained aches in your teeth, unresolved sinus issues could be at play, and vice versa. If you have frequent sinus infections, let your dentist know. They may request an x-ray in order to look for dental issues that could be caused by your sinuses. Theyll also be able to check for gum disease, cavities, and other problems that could be making the issue worse. If they are unable to find a connection, they may refer you to a sinus specialist for further investigation.


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Get Sinus Relief From Allergy & Ent Associates In Houston Tx

Sinusitis can be an extremely painful condition that can develop into a more serious medical issue if left untreated. If youve been suffering from a sinus toothache or sinusitis, seek treatment with the board-certified sinus treatment specialists at Allergy & ENT Associates. Whether your sinus issue is a result of allergies, asthma or structural problems, our sinus treatments can provide relief. Our services include surgical treatments like rhinoplasty, septoplasty and functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Call us at MY-SINUS to schedule your appointment today!

Natural Remedies For Sinusitis

Its normal to want to treat the current sinus infection quickly. That said, it is a good idea to get to the root of the problem. Treating your chronic nasal congestion can end your toothaches for good. This will let you get back to your normal life.

Once you treat the tooth pain, you can tackle your underlying problem. Here are some natural remedies for sinusitis:

  • Flush your sinuses. Use a neti pot or a saline solution to flush your sinuses. This will also keep them moist.
  • Do not over-use nasal sprays. Over the counter, nasal sprays are habit forming and can cause more problems than they solve.
  • Try a bromelain supplement. Bromelain is an ingredient in pineapple stems and can help reduce swelling in the body. Check with your doctor before taking this supplement.
  • Steam your face. Hot steam can really moisten your sinuses and loosen mucus. Try a hot shower or a steam tent.
  • Drink a lot of water. Staying hydrated is key when it comes to a natural remedy for sinusitis.
  • Spicy foods. Chili peppers, mustard, and horseradish can all help clear your sinuses.
  • Try a humidifier. This will keep the air in your home moist and easy to breathe.

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Is It Sinus Or Tooth Pain

Its springthat beautiful time of year when everything is in bloom. But for allergy sufferers, spring may forecast a season of struggle and discomfort. Spring allergens can cause nasal inflammation and lead to sinus infections.

What does all of this have to do with your teeth? Plenty. On top of everything else a sinus infection brings, it can also cause tooth pain. How do you know if the pain youre feeling is from a sinus infection or a tooth that needs attention? Read on to find out.

Can A Sinus Infection Cause Jaw Pain And Ear Pain

Dental sinusitis, the symptoms and treatment

Not only can these two problems mimic each other, but they can actually compound each other, making symptoms like ear pain, jaw soreness, and headaches much worse. This means that someone with a sinus problem and TMD together will likely have more intense symptoms, especially if they dont get a full diagnosis of both issues.

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Sinus Infection Complications Affecting The Brain

An even more rare, and more serious, complication of sinus infection would be the infection spreading to the brain. The brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier, whose function is to separate circulating blood from the brain and the fluid of the central nervous system. Its very difficult for sinus infection to be able to cross this border, despite the proximity of the sinuses to the brain.

The blood-brain barrier is semipermeable, however, and it is possible on rare occasions for an infection to get through from the sinuses to the brain. If a sinus infection spreads to the brain, it can be a life-threatening condition, leading to swelling of the brain, meningitis, or brain abscess.

Symptoms might include:

  • Severe headache, and
  • Swelling in the face.

Most of these symptoms would require an emergency visit to the doctor, even without an association with a sinus infection.

Sinus Vs Regular Toothache

Many symptoms of a regular toothache are similar to those of a sinus toothache. However, sinus tooth pain is primarily felt in the upper molars, affecting several teeth instead of only one. If youre having pain in these teeth, and its coupled with some of the symptoms listed below, its likely that your toothache is due to a sinus infection. You may also feel a bit under the weather or have a fever.

A toothache caused by dental concerns will likely be the only source of pain, and it could be more intense and focused. Pain from a sinus toothache will intensify with certain types of movement. Jumping up or bending over may make the pain worse. This is because the sinus pressure shifts as you move and is felt more in your teeth. The pain may subside when youre sitting or lying down.

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Lower Jaw Pain: Causes And Home Treatment Tips

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Do you experience a popping or a dull ache along your jawline when you yawn or chew food? You could have an issue with your temporomandibular joint, sometimes referred to as the TMJ. There are several causes of jaw pain, and pain in lower jaw and teeth can be associated with an injury, dental problems, and even the serious health issue of a heart attack. TMJ lower jaw pain, or with lower jaw pain right side, should be taken seriously and may be treated with a few simple home remedies.

The jawbone can be referred to as the mandible, and forms the jaw joint with the maxilla bone, which is just above the mouth. This is how we are able to open and close our mouth. Damage to any of the bones, tendons, or muscles of the joint region can result in various symptoms, depending on the cause.

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Can A Sinus Infection Make Your Teeth Hurt

How to Treat a Sinus Toothache

Its hard to imagine a way to get sick thats less pleasant than a sinus infection. When youre suffering from a sinus infection, you have to deal with all the usual suspects: a throat ache, a stuffy nose, a foggy head, and general aches and exhaustion. However, did you know that a sinus infection can come with other less-common symptoms as well? For example, some people who have recurrent sinus infections complain about aches in their jaw and teeth. Is this a new dental problem, or just one more downside to having a bad cold or two? Can a sinus infection make your teeth hurt?

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What Should Monrovia Patients Do

If you suspect you might have a sinus infection, especially one severe enough to cause tooth pain, you need to see your doctor. Depending on the severity of the pain you may choose to ask for an expedited appointment. Either way, its important to be seen. You may find temporary relief with over-the-counter meds, but a sinus infection requires antibiotics.

Taking Care of Tooth Pain

In the meantime, if your tooth pain is causing you discomfort, there are some important steps that you should take:

  • Make an appointment with to ensure that your tooth pain is originating in your sinuses and that it isnt a dental issue.
  • As with any time that mucus is an issue, be sure to up your fluid intake drinking plenty of water, or clear fluids will help thin the mucus out. This will help with unblocking your nasal passages.
  • Inhaling steam can help to help break down the mucus, and there are a couple of different ways to do this. You can either purchase a facial steaming unit from your local drugstore or take a hot shower several times daily.
  • If the blockage is bothering you when you lie down to sleep, be sure to use a humidifier in your room to ensure adequate moisture in the air.
  • And of course, remember that looking after your sinus infection will take care of your tooth pain as well.

Suffering from tooth pain due to a sinus infection is uncomfortable, so be sure to contact Monrovia dentist, Dr. Q for fast advice if youre having issues.

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Do You Have Sinus Pressure Or A Toothache

Home » Blog » Do You Have Sinus Pressure or a Toothache?

Nobody wants a toothache! If your teeth start hurting, you might start worrying that you have cavities, gum disease, or need a root canal. However, tooth pain can also be caused by sinus infections. So how do you know if the pain is from sinus pressure or a toothache? Should you go see your doctor or your dentist?

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What Are Sinus Infections

Your sinus cavities are located behind your cheekbones, eyes, and forehead. These air-filled spaces are responsible for producing mucus that drains into your nasal cavity, moistening and warming incoming air, and preventing dust or debris from entering your lungs.

Most of the time, you wont even notice your sinuses. However, when you have a sinus infection , the tissue lining your sinus cavities becomes blocked by fluid, which can cause congestion and painful pressure. Common causes of sinusitis include allergies, respiratory infections, the common cold, fungal infections, structural abnormalities, and exposure to pollutants, chemical irritants, or changes in air pressure or temperature.

Since our sinuses share a space with the roots of our upper teeth, swollen sinuses put painful pressure on nerves connected to your teeth, causing toothaches.

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Can Sinus Infection Cause a Toothache?

The nerves that innervate the upper and lower jaw are branched, so if enough sinus pressure builds near these nerves it is possible that the jaw could be affected by sinus congestion. Sleep disturbances from trouble breathing can also cause some patients to grind and clench their teeth throughout the night. This can also cause lower jaw discomfort or a toothache. Usually the type of discomfort patients experience is more of a dull and ongoing ache, and not a sharp or intense discomfort. Our emergency dental clinic in Lincoln, NE can help you identify and treat the causes of your tooth discomfort.

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