Saturday, April 27, 2024

Sinus Infection Post Nasal Drip

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How Long Does A Cough After A Sinus Infection Last

Sore Throat Rinse For Post Nasal Drip To Stop Tonsil Infection

Most coughs after a sinus infection clear up within a couple of weeks as you continue to feel better and your sinus inflammation resolves, but some people can develop a cough that lasts weeks or even months. A chronic cough after sinus infection could indicate chronic sinusitis or chronic post-nasal drip, which can be exacerbated by allergies, asthma, GERD, smoking, and some medications.

If youve been coughing for more than three weeks and your sinus infection has run its course, its time to see the doctor. You may need treatment for underlying conditions such as allergies, asthma, and GERD, and if your symptoms are more severe, your doctor may want to rule out pneumonia.

Symptoms Of A Sinus Infection

Common symptoms of sinus infections may include:

  • Runny nose or cold symptoms that last longer than seven to 10 days
  • Complaints of drip in the throat from the nose
  • Keep chronic diseases under control
  • Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Stay current on your vaccines
  • Wash your hands frequently

Melinda recommends only using reputable resources such as the CDC, OSF HealthCare or your primary care provider anytime you have questions or concerns about an illness.

What Is The Treatment For Lpr/gerd

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Avoid foods that are acidic or contain irritating substances that increase the stomachs production of acid. Foods that are known to promote reflux include: fatty foods, spicy foods, coffee, tea, soda, and other caffeinated beverages, alcohol, chocolates, nuts, citrus fruits and juices, mints, cough drops, breath fresheners, gum, hard candies, and some mouthwashes.
  • Multiple small meals spread throughout the day is preferable to fewer larger meals. Less food in the stomach at a time will lead to less reflux.
  • Try not to eat anything for 3 hours before bedtime because reflux is often worse when we lie down.
  • Weight loss often results in significant reduction of reflux symptoms. Avoid tight fitting clothing.

Raising the head of your bed may also help to counteract the loss of gravity that occurs from lying down.

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Other Causes Of Post Nasal Drip

Other causes of post nasal drip include:

  • Deviated Septum. This condition occurs when the wall between the nostrils is crooked or damaged and can prevent mucus from draining properly. This may result in post nasal drip.
  • Eating spicy foods. Chemicals in many spicy foods irritate the mucus membranes in the mouth, nose, throat and sinuses. This causes increased mucus production.
  • Medications. Certain medications are known to promote excessive mucus production. Mucus-producing medications include birth control pills and some blood pressure medications.
  • Pregnancy. The increased estrogen production of pregnancy triggers an increase in mucus production.
  • Acid reflux. This condition occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. If it irritates the throat or lungs, it can cause extra mucus production.
  • Inflammatory diseases. Chronic bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, and other inflammatory diseases are known to promote excessive mucus production. This is because the lower airways produce extra mucus in response to this inflammation.7
  • Neurological inflammation. The brain is the control center of the body. Consequently, when theres a potential problem with the respiratory system, including the nose and throat, the brain tells the body to produce more mucus to prevent any damage. If this important organ is inflamed, however, the brain can trigger excess mucus production even when theres no real reason to do so.

How Sinus Infections Lead To Nausea

Problem With Vertigo Post Nasal Vision Problems Drip ...

When you have a sinus infection, you also have a post-nasal drip. Sinus drainage nausea happens from this post-nasal drip flowing into your stomach. Nausea can be worse when you have an empty stomach. Unfortunately, post-nasal drip often worsens at times when you have an empty stomach, like in the middle of the night and early morning.

As noted, sinus infections can cause dizziness from ear infections or pressure. This feeling of movement and being off-balance could also make you feel nausea. In fact, another symptom of labyrinthitis, which also causes dizziness, is nausea. Treating the sinus problem will alleviate both dizziness and nausea.

To avoid nausea caused by post-nasal drip, you can gently blow your nose to get some congestion out of your nasal passages. You may also try a sinus rinse with a neti pot.

Use caution when rinsing with neti pots. While the Food and Drug Administration notes that sinus rinse products are safe when used and cleaned properly, some people make mistakes during use. If using untreated tap water, you risk a parasitic infection. Follow these recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control for treating water to use in a neti pot:

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What Helps Soothe An Irritated Throat From Post

The best way to combat a sore throat caused by post-nasal drip is to attack the source by treating the post-nasal drip itself. In addition to the solutions mentioned above, you can also:

  • Take advantage of gravity by keeping your head elevated so mucus will drain from your nasal passages. For example, try sleeping on two pillows instead of one.
  • Inhale steam to thin mucus and moisten your nose and throat, all of which will make it easier to drain. Yep, were giving you permission to take a long, hot shower.
  • Use a nasal rinse product like a Neti pot or squeeze bottle
  • Try saline or steroid nasal sprays

Signs Of A Sinus Infection Getting Better

When youre suffering from a sinus infection, the pain, pressure, and nasal congestion can make the days feel long. Fortunately, for most patients, infections clear up in a week or so.

You may use some over-the-counter remedies to help relieve symptoms, such as saline spray, a neti pot, nasal steroid spray, or decongestant medication, but some good signs your sinus infection is getting better include:

  • Increased energy
  • No fever
  • No more facial pain or pressure

Remember rest and hydration are always key to kicking a sinus infection. But despite these improvements, you may still experience a lingering cough.

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And What Is A Sore Throat

A sore throat is most commonly caused by a viral infection, like the cold or the flu, or a bacterial infection, like strep.

The treatment often depends on the cause. For example, sore throats from colds and flus often go away on their ownthough you may want to try different medications and home remedies to relieve the pain until it doeswhile sore throats from a bacterial infection require antibiotics.

Prescription Status And Restrictions

Sinus infection dry cough post nasal drip solutionâ?¤ð?â?¤

In most states, Sudafed is available over the counter . However, some locations in the United States require a prescription. The states of Oregon and Mississippi, as well as some cities in Missouri and Tennessee, all require a prescription for Sudafed.

The reason for these prescription requirements is that PSE, the main ingredient in Sudafed, is used to make illegal methamphetamine. Also called crystal meth, methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug. These requirements help prevent people from buying Sudafed to make this drug.

Efforts to prevent people from using PSE to make methamphetamine also restrict the sale of Sudafed. A piece of legislation called the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act was passed in 2006. It requires you to present a photo ID to buy products that contain pseudoephedrine. It also limits the amount of these products you can buy.

In addition, it requires pharmacies to sell any products that contain PSE behind the counter. That means you cant buy Sudafed on the shelf at your local drugstore like other OTC medications. You have to get Sudafed from the pharmacy. You also have to show your photo ID to the pharmacist, who is required to track your purchases of products that contain PSE.

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Development Of A Chronic Condition

Mucus overproduction and poor drainage can be part of a cycle of ongoing respiratory infections, a condition calledsinusitis. Postnasal drip might not contribute directly to sinusitis, but it can be a constant companion until the sinusitis is effectively treated.

Contact Alexis Furze, MD when your postnasal drip lasts more than 10 days. Call the office directly to book an appointment to find the relief you need now.

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How Sinus Infections Can Lead To Dizziness

Sinus infections happen when your sinus passages have inflammation and congestion. These factors contribute to pressure and sinus headaches. This inflammation or blockage may also affect your ears, resulting in dizziness from pressure or an infection.

Sinus problems may also contribute to ear infections that could cause dizziness or lightheadedness. For instance, middle ear infections may result from allergies or blockage of the Eustachian tubes, which can also cause sinusitis. Middle ear infections may cause a discharge from your ears in some cases.

If your sinus issues affect your inner ears, you could experience labyrinthitis. In addition to dizziness, you may also experience nausea and vomiting from this condition.

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Sinus Infection Treatment At Kaplan Sinus Relief

Post-nasal drip cough treatment can be short term as your sinus infection improves. But for chronic coughing caused by post-nasal drip, balloon sinuplasty can help provide relief. Kaplan Sinus Relief provides this minimally invasive balloon sinuplasty procedure, which takes less than 21 minutes and can offer long-term relief from chronic post-nasal drip and cough.

Balloon sinuplasty involves inserting a tiny balloon into the nasal cavity and inflating it partially, enlarging the nasal and sinus cavities to allow for proper drainage, relieving coughs caused by post-nasal drip.

To learn more about chronic cough relief, call 713-766-1818 or schedule an appointment today.

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Can You Have A Cough After A Sinus Infection


You may notice that even after the core symptoms are gone, you still have a cough after a sinus infection clears up. Thats most likely because there is still lingering inflammation in your sinuses causing post-nasal drip the backed-up drainage that runs down the back of your throat, often prompting a natural coughing reflex to clear your airway.

When sinuses are just doing their everyday job, they produce mucus to help protect your system from dust, allergens, and pollutants but that mucus has to drain to keep irritants out. Sinus infections occur when that drainage gets blocked, causing mucus to back up and become more susceptible to bacteria or viruses.

Discover why you may have a cough after a sinus infection and learn what remedies are available.

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What Are The Different Types Of Sinuses Near The Nose And Eyes

The paranasal sinuses are located in your head near your nose and eyes. They are named after the bones that provide their structure.

  • The ethmoidal sinuses are located between your eyes.
  • The maxillary sinuses are located below your eyes.
  • The sphenoidal sinuses are located behind your eyes.
  • The frontal sinuses are located above your eyes.

The biggest sinus cavity is the maxillary cavity, and it is one of the cavities that most often becomes infected.

There are different types of sinusitis:

  • Acute bacterial sinusitis: This term refers to a sudden onset of cold symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and facial pain that does not go away after 10 days, or symptoms that seem to improve but then return and are worse than the initial symptoms . It responds well to antibiotics and decongestants.
  • Chronic sinusitis: This term refers to a condition defined by nasal congestion, drainage, facial pain/pressure, and decreased sense of smell for at least 12 weeks.
  • Subacute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms last four to twelve weeks.
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis: This term is used when the symptoms come back four or more times in one year and last less than two weeks each time.

To Truly Get Rid Of Post

Post-nasal drip is one of those health issues that can be filed under livable, but completely annoying. After all, regularly swallowing, clearing your throat, and even gagging on mucus in the back of your throat isnt exactly the stuff dreams are made of.

Youve probably dealt with post-nasal drip in varying degrees your whole life. But even though you can probably ID the symptoms as soon as it ramps up, you may have some questions about what, exactly, is going on in your throat. Below, doctors dish on everything you should know, including how to stop post-nasal drip ASAP.

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When Should I Go See The Doctor About A Sinus Infection

It is pretty easy to care for most sinus conditions on your own. However, if you continue to have symptoms that concern you or if your infections continue to happen, your primary care doctor might suggest you see a specialist. This could also happen if your CT scan shows something that does not look right.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Sinusitis, or swelling of the tissues of the sinus cavities, is a common condition with many causes, including viruses and bacteria, nasal polyps or allergies. Signs and symptoms may including facial pressure, fever and tiredness. You can treat symptoms at home by resting, taking over-the-counter products and increasing your fluid intake. Make sure you contact your healthcare provider if symptoms do not improve, if sinusitis happens often or if you have any symptom that worries you.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 06/04/2020.


How Should I Treat My Sore Throat

What causes chronic Postnasal drip? – Dr. P Harihara Murthy

How you treat your sore throat symptoms will depend on whats causing them. There is some overlap with how to manage a sore throat caused by post-nasal drip and one not caused by post-nasal drip. In both cases, you should avoid pollution and irritants , gargle with warm water and salt, and use a humidifier and/or HEPA filter.

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Upper Airway Cough Syndrome

Upper airway cough syndrome is treated with first-generation antihistamines and medicines taken as tablets. A response to treatment helps confirm the diagnosis. Decongestants should only be used for a short time.

Talk to your doctor if you are constantly clearing your throat or have an irritating cough. Finding out the cause of your symptoms and treating the cause should make you feel a lot more comfortable.

What Are The Treatment Options

Diagnosing post-nasal drip may include a detailed ear, nose, and throat exam, endoscopy , or X-rays. Post-nasal drip can be difficult to cure, and treatment varies according to the cause:

Related Conditions

Several other conditions may feel like post-nasal drip but are swallowing problems caused by a backup of solids or liquids in the throat. Conditions that may be related to post-nasal drip include:

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How Can Postnasal Drip Be Treated

Treatment options for postnasal drip will depend on the cause. Often the problem will clear up by itself without the need for medical treatment. Antihistamines and decongestants may be helpful in cases involving a viral infection, sinusitis or allergies, although decongestants are only suitable for short-term relief. Allergic symptoms can also be relieved using nasal sprays and steroid medications.

You can also use a humidifier or vaporiser to moisturise the air or try inhaling steam from a bowl or pan of hot water . By propping up your pillows to raise your head when sleeping at night, the mucus is less likely to sit in the back of your throat and cause further irritation.

To reduce postnasal drip triggered by allergies:

  • Consider using anti-allergy covers to protect your pillows and mattress
  • Wash all sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases and mattress covers in hot water
  • Dust and vacuum often, using HEPA air filters in your vacuum cleaner

If the mucus has an unpleasant or unusual smell, you develop a fever or wheezing or if the symptoms last for more than 10 days, seek medical advice to rule out other causes such as a bacterial infection. Seek prompt medical advice if there is any blood within the mucus.

What Are Other Options For The Treatment Of Rhinitis And Post

13 Signs You

Treatment can also be directed toward specific causes of rhinitis and post-nasal drip as outlined below.

Treatment of infection

The most common nasal infection is a viral infection known as “the common cold.” The virus causes swelling of the nasal membranes and production of thick clear mucus. Symptoms usually last several days. If “a cold” goes on for many days and is associated with yellow or green drainage, a secondary bacterial infection is suspected. Very few patients with a common cold from a virus will go on to have acute bacterial rhinosinusitis from sinus blockage and impaired sinus function. Sinus blockage can lead to acute sinusitis or chronic sinusitis , which can be characterized by nasal congestion, thick mucus, and facial or dental pain. From 4 to 12 weeks, the symptoms are classified as subacute sinusitis or recurrent acute sinusitis.

Symptomatic treatment often involves pain relief, decongestants, mucous thinning medications, saline rinses, and antihistamine therapy.

Reflux Medications

For rhinitis that is a result of acid reflux disease, antacids can help to neutralize acid contents, whereas other medications such as cimetidine , famotidine , omeprazole , esomeprazole can decrease stomach acid production. Non-pharmacological treatments include avoiding late evening meals and snacks and eliminating alcohol and caffeine. Elevating the head of the bed may help decrease reflux during sleep.


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Quick Dose: Is Post Nasal Drip Contagious

The lining of your throat and nasal passage produces mucus. This is your immune system’s first line of defense. It traps intruders like bacteria and viruses in a thick, wet substance.

When you produce normal amounts of mucus, you do not notice it dripping down the back of your throat and into your stomach. When you produce more mucus, if the mucus is thicker than normal, or if your throat is more sensitive, you may feel the mucus as it trickles down the back of your throat.

And no, it is not always contagious.

Increased post nasal drip can be caused by many things including allergies, pregnancy, certain medications like some birth control and blood pressure medications, cold weather, dry air, foods and fumes from smoke or cleaning products, inhaled irritants, inflammation in the nose and sinuses, and acid reflux.

But, post nasal drip can also be a symptom of infections, such as influenza, the common cold, or other sinus infections. In these cases, it is not the post nasal drip itself that is contagious. Rather, it is the infection causing the post nasal drip that can be contagious.

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