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Urgent Care For Skin Infection

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Urgent Care For Skin Infections And Rashes

What’s Going Around – skin infections

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and keeping it healthy should be a top priority. But skin infections, rashes or irritation are unfortunately common. Skin irritation can have many underlying causes, so it is important to work with an experienced provider to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Where Should You Go To Determine If Your Rash Needs Treatment

When you have a skin rash, you want to start the healing process as soon as possible. Your primary care physician may not be able to see you right away, and only in very rare cases would the emergency room be the right choice for a rash. FastMed offers you the ideal solution.

At FastMed, our care providers are experienced in diagnosing and treating many of the above rashes and other common varieties, all without an appointment. We are open seven days a week, 365 days a year. You do not have to spend time worrying about a rash. FastMed will take care of it for you.

* The content presented on this page is not intended to diagnose health problems or take the place of professional medical care.

Your Rash Sparks A Sudden Spreading Of Bruise

The cause of this alarming outbreak might be a symptom of vasculitis. Vasculitis is rare with fewer than 200,000 diagnosed cases per year in the US. It causes your vessel walls to thicken and narrow, limiting vital blood supply to your organs and tissues. There is no cure but treatment is available following a medical diagnoses. Lab tests or imaging are required to diagnose vasculitis.

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How To Identify Skin Infections

Skin infections may be present on the skin as a rash, sore, or blister. They can be the result of a bacteria, virus, or fungi coming in contact with a cut or open wound. Symptoms vary, depending on the type of skin infection. However, they all typically include redness and a rash that may be accompanied by itching, pain, and tenderness.

Some other common signs include:

Optimizing Antibiotic Treatment Of Skin Infections In Pediatric Emergency And Urgent Care Centers

The seriousness of skin infections &  kids


Susan May Wiltrakis, Preeti Jaggi, Lydia Lu, Shabnam Jain Optimizing Antibiotic Treatment of Skin Infections in Pediatric Emergency and Urgent Care Centers. Pediatrics October 2022 150 : e2021053197. 10.1542/peds.2021-053197

The objective was to optimize antibiotic choice and duration for uncomplicated skin/soft tissue infections discharged from pediatric emergency departments and urgent cares .

Pediatric patients aged 0 to 18 years discharged from 3 pediatric EDs and 8 UCs with a diagnosis of uncomplicated SSTIs were included. Optimal treatment was defined as 5 days of cephalexin for nonpurulent SSTIs and 7 days of clindamycin or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole for purulent SSTIs. Exclusion criteria included erysipelas, folliculitis, felon, impetigo, lymphangitis, paronychia, perianal abscess, phlegmon, preseptal or orbital cellulitis, and cephalosporin allergy. Baseline data were collected from January 2018 to June 2019. Quality improvement interventions began July 2019 with a revised SSTI guideline, discharge order set, and maintenance of certification QI project. MOC participants received 3 education sessions, monthly group feedback, and individual scorecards. Balancing measures included return visits within 10 days requiring escalation of care. Data were monitored through March 2021.

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Identifying And Treating Superficial Fungal Infections In The Urgent Care Setting

Urgent message: Rashes often lead patients to seek relief in the urgent care center. The ability to differentiate among common, superficial fungal infections and to select the most appropriate treatment or refer is an important skill to master.

Kosta G. Skandamis, MD and George Skandamis, MDIntroduction Superficial fungal infections are among the most common skin conditions seen in the urgent care setting. Dermatophytes are the most common type of fungi that infect and survive on dead keratin , but certainly not the only type the clinician is likely to be presented with. Candidiasis, primarily due to Candida albicans, affects not only mucous membranes, but also skin . Finally, tinea versicolor (also known as pityriasis versicolor or, more colloquially, as yeast infection(is caused by the lipophilic yeast Pityrosporum, also known as Malassezia furfur.

In this article, we will review common causative organisms and discuss presenting characteristics, differential diagnosis, and available treatments.

Overview: Dermatophyte Infections Three types of dermatophytes account for the majority of superficial fungal infections:

Dermatophytes can be classified according to the place of origin , according to the tissue mainly involved , or by body region affected .

It is not uncommon for dermatophyte infections to affect healthy individuals, but immunocompromised patients are particularly susceptible.

Skin Conditions That Need Urgent Care

The skin is the largest organ of our bodies and acts as the primary combat zone when it comes to warding off pathogens from outside.

The skin is only millimeters thick, even at its densest part. Yet those few millimeters of thickness are robust enough to protect our bodies against external aggressors. When this protective layer is compromised in any way, it can lead to skin conditions that need urgent care.

Our skin is amazing! Its our outer layer, protecting us from disease and acting as an excellent indicator of our inner health. Pale skin can be a warning sign of anemia, while yellow skin is a symptom of jaundice.

Unfortunately, skin conditions such as rashes, breakouts, itchy bumps, and blisters are often overlooked as minor complaints. Although these conditions can cause discomfort and embarrassment for patients, they are often written off by health care professionals as unimportant.

So you may be wondering, can I go to urgent care for dermatology?

The answer is yes skin conditions can present as medical emergencies requiring urgent care.

What dermatological conditions can be taken to urgent care? What are the symptoms and complaints? And how can you manage your skin issue until you can get to an urgent care center?

Read on to learn about urgent and non-urgent skin conditions so you can take care of yourself and your loved ones before you reach an urgent care center.

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How To Treat A Rash

The proper rash treatment depends on the cause of the rash. Heat rashes will go away on their own, provided loose and light clothing is worn in hot weather. For other common rashes, there are many over-the-counter skin rash treatments. Common ointments include hydrocortisone and calamine lotion. Those can be found at the pharmacy. Allergic rashes, such as hives or poison ivy, may require the use of an oral antihistamine.

Rashes from insect bites may require special care and attention. The rash itself may not be serious, but other bite symptoms can be. In addition, bug bites may be a sign that your house is infested by insects. If you think you have been bitten by an insect, and you have symptoms such as a headache, a fever, or body aches, seek medical care at FastMed.

Skin rashes from illnesses can only be diagnosed by a qualified medical professional. Many skin rashes may be a sign of a serious condition. In addition, your healthcare provider should be able to recommend effective treatments and, if necessary, prescribe medications.

Rashes From Poison Ivy Oak Or Sumac

Bacterial Skin Infections

These three plants found in nature contain urushiol oil, a substance that often triggers an allergy rash. These rashes present with itchy, large raised bumps, or blisters called vesicles. Each can require medical intervention if they cover extensive areas of the skin, or sensitive areas like the mouth or eyes. Poison sumac is usually the most severe. When you need care for a rash from poison ivy, oak, or poison sumac, visit FastMed.

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What Is The Cause

Skin infections can happen for a number of reasons. The most common of these are:

  • Bacterial infection occurs when bacteria enter the body through a break in the skin from a scratch or a cut.
  • Viral infection occurs commonly from these three viruses: human papillomavirus, herpes virus, and poxvirus .
  • Fungal infection occurs commonly as a result of a lifestyle that creates warm and moist environments for fungi to grow on the body. For example athletes foot.
  • Parasitic infections occur as a result of tiny insects or microorganisms laying eggs on or under the skin.

You may have an increased risk of contracting a skin infection if you have a compromised immune system.

What Is A Skin Infection

A skin infection, on the other hand, is when germs like bacteria, viruses, or fungi infect your skin. Infections can be due to the following:

  • A parasite has invaded your skin
  • You have broken skin due to a cut, a fresh tattoo or piercing, or a puncture

Signs of a skin infection can be any of the following:

  • Fluid is leaking out of the injured skin
  • There is a yellowish crust on the area
  • Sores or blisters appear
  • There is pain or swelling that gets worse after a few days
  • You are suffering from a fever
  • Your wound has not healed even after ten days

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When To Go To Urgent Care For Skin Infections

When to go to Urgent Care for Skin Infections

Skin infections are more common than you might think, and many can be easily treated by a visit to urgent care. If you or someone in your family has a skin infection, see a doctor right away although some of these problems are minor and can clear up on their own, others require immediate medical attention. Fortunately, many skin infections that appear at home can be treated with an antibiotic cream that you pick up at your local pharmacy. However, if symptoms worsen or fail to improve after three days of treatment with over-the-counter medication , its time to make an appointment with urgent care and let them figure out whats wrong.

If your skin infection does not improve or gets worse after three days of home treatment, visit your doctor. While some may seem harmless , a staph or strep infection can spread rapidly and cause sepsis, which is a life-threatening condition. You should also head to urgent care if you see symptoms of cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection that can be difficult to treat at home. Cellulitis affects your lymph nodes and spreads very quickly in people with diabetes or weak immune systems. If it worsens after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment, it could lead to blood poisoning.

First Aid Handbook: Staph Infection

Skin infection prevention

Infections, unfortunately, come in all types, severities, and strains. One of the most commonly found infections is from the staphylococcus bacteria, which can be the cause of a staph infection. While these bacteria can be harmless, they can also cause major issues if left unchecked. Our team at Integrity Urgent Care can help identify staph infections and provide you with a treatment plan to keep it in check.

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Can You Go To Urgent Care For Skin Problems

Dermatologists are doctors that specialize in conditions affecting the skin. If you develop a rash, sores, or other issues with your skin, they can diagnose and treat them.

However, if you have concerns about a skin issue when a dermatologist isnt available evenings or weekends, for example urgent care centers typically are open during those times. Can urgent care treat skin infections? Yes, the clinicians at an urgent care center can diagnose and treat common skin problems.

And if necessary, they can refer you to a dermatologist for additional evaluation and care or as a follow-up to the treatment they provide.

Your Rash Is Not Getting Any Better

If your rash is not clearing up it could be a sign of infection. Sometimes a rash starts off as benign but then a secondary infection develops and causes issues that require medical attention. Some common symptoms of infected rashes include: warmth, pain and yellow or green discharge that appears cloudy and has a foul odor.

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How To Get Relief From Skin Rashes

If your skin rash is moderately itchy or painful, you can apply over-the-counter antiseptics and ointments to help reduce discomfort. Its important to note that a lot of people are allergic to bacitracin and neomycin, two ingredients commonly found in topical ointments. Signs of an allergic reaction include if your rash becomes itchier or blisters after you apply the ointment.

-If your rash was caused by contact dermatitis, such as poison ivy, try using calamine lotion to find some relief.

-For more severe itching, apply hydrocortisone cream as many as 4 times a day until itching ceases.

-An oral antihistamine can help reduce itching.

-Apply coconut oil or tea tree oil for a more natural solution.

When To See A Doctor

Cellulitis The Urgency Room an educational care video

While some staph infections, like a minor bout with food poisoning, may pass without the need to see a medical professional, even a skin infection needs the help of our Integrity Urgent Care team. If you have blisters or an area of red-irritated skin, we need to check the severity of the infection. Additionally, if you have a fever, we will want to monitor you and your other symptoms. If multiple members of your family are showing similar symptoms, they should come in as well.

If you suspect you have a staph infection, come to one of our clinics to begin treatment and to feel relief from what is probably a painful issue. Our medical team can accept walk-ins and have you in and out in a timely manner, allowing you to return to your normal life. If you have questions about insurance or payment, contact us today.

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What Your Urgent Care Doctor Can Do For Skin Infections And Abscesses

Your urgent care doctor will examine your skin infection or abscess. If you have an abscess, your doctor will also need to incise and drain your abscess in the office. This process is much less painful than allowing it to happen naturally, and the pus must leave your body.

If you get antibiotic treatment early enough, you can avoid drainage. If you suspect that you have a skin infection or an abscess, do not delay treatment.

Table 2 Pharmacotherapy For Bdtc And Gptc

Dose* Repeat at four weeks if needed Only oral agent approved for children < 2 years CBC, complete blood count LFT, liver function test *Variations on doing regimens exist in the literature.

Prevention Examine school and home contacts to identify asymptomatic carriers. Carriers should be treated with selenium sulfide shampoo or with an oral antifungal agent. Children under treatment can return to school.

Tinea Corporis Tinea corporis refers to dermatophyte infections of the trunk, legs, arms, and neck , most commonly due to Trubrum. It affects all ages and can be transmitted by autoinoculation form other parts of the body, but also from close contact with animals or contaminated soil.

TC is more common in tropical and subtropical regions. It appears clinically as multiple, bright, mildly pruritic or asymptomatic sharply marginated, scaly plaques, with or without vesicles at the margin . These plaques enlarge peripherally with central clearing and production of concentric rings. Allergic contact dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and granuloma annulare all can mimic TC. Tinea contact gladiatorum affects athletes who have skin-to-skin contact, and is caused primarily by Ttonsurans. In such case, the athlete should abstain from contact sports for 10 to 15 days.

Differential diagnosis involves intertrigo, erythrasma, pityriasis versicolor, and psoriasis. Diagnosis is achieved by direct visualization of hyphae under the microscope or by cultures .

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But What If Im Not Ready To Go To The Doctor Just Yet

Take a photo of your rash every single day. This gives you a great reference tool in order to decide if your rash is getting better, worse or staying the same. You can also show this to a doctor if you do decide to visit urgent care. This offers a beneficial look at how your rash has progressed and may aid in your diagnosis.

Poison Ivy Oak And Sumac: Is There A Difference

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Poison ivy and poison sumac are typically found in the Midwest and Eastern states, while poison oak is usually found in the Western states.

The three plants have different characteristics, but they all have one thing in common: urushiol. Its the oil in the plants that causes that itchy rash you expect to develop if you come in contact with poison ivy, oak, or sumac.

Often, the itchy rash, which can turn into painful blisters, doesn’t start to develop until one to two days after encountering the plant. Typically, the rash lasts one to two weeks and is not contagious. However, the oil can stick to clothing and objects, potentially causing another rash if these items are not washed properly after exposure.

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When Urgent Care May Be Right For You

  • When Urgent Care May Be Right for You
  • skin infections
  • sprains and strains

If you have been seen at an urgent care facility, you should communicate with your own primary care provider about the outcome so they are aware of the diagnosis and treatment and can record that in your personal medical records.

  • deep cuts or bleeding that wont stop
  • large bone fractures
  • suspected stroke or heart attack
  • difficulty breathing

Skin Infection And Rash Symptoms

Your skin is in constant contact with the outside world, which means it is constantly prone to rashes, infections and irritation. Common symptoms of skin problems can include:

  • Blisters, bumps, or boils
  • Reactions to medications, personal care products or detergents, or vaccines

The best way to figure out the cause of your skin infection or rash is to have it evaluated by a healthcare provider, especially if its not clearing up on its own within 2-3 days.

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