Monday, April 29, 2024

How To Tell If Your Wisdom Tooth Is Infected

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How Should I Treat A Tooth Extraction Infection

How To Alleviate Infected Wisdom Tooth

After a patient has a tooth extracted in our dental office, we may prescribe antibiotics, antiseptic mouthwash and recommend other precautions to lower the chance of infection. If your tooth should still become infected, contact our dental office for further directions. A tooth infection does not go away on its own and requires additional care. Some additional steps we may recommend include:

  • We may direct you to rinse your mouth with warm saltwater on a regular basis to lower your discomfort level.
  • Cold compresses may help to alleviate any increased pain or swelling.
  • Our dentist will determine if additional antibiotics or pain management measures are appropriate.
  • Continue to carefully monitor your food and liquid intake so as not to further aggravate the infection.
  • In some cases, we might recommend draining the infection. This is usually based on a visual inspection of your mouth and a full assessment of your symptoms. Draining may help to increase the rate at which any swelling and pain subside.
  • Take the full course of antibiotics we prescribe, even if the infection appears to have diminished. Even though you might be feeling better, it is still possible that you have an infection.

How To Treat A Tooth Infection

If you think you have a tooth infection, see your dentist or doctor immediately. An untreated tooth abscess can result in serious problems and more extensive infection. The longer an infection goes untreated, the more difficult it will be to treat.

A tooth infection can be treated with antibiotics. However, the infected tooth may also need to be removed, or the infection will return. This may require an emergency tooth extraction, as well as antibiotics. In some cases, the tooth can be saved with a root canal procedure. Or, the tooth might also be saved by simply filling a cavity or capping a cracked or chipped tooth.

Your dentist can diagnose a tooth infection and give you the best treatment options. If you notice any of the signs previously mentioned, or if your tooth is cracked, chipped, or weakened, see your dentist as soon as possible. Resolving a tooth infection quickly will keep the problem from getting worse.

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How Is An Impacted Wisdom Tooth Diagnosed

If your wisdom tooth or teeth are affected, then your Walk-In Dental Clinic Near Me would be able to decide by taking an X-ray of your mouth and reviewing your teeth. The x-ray would give you a complete picture of whether your teeth are bones or damaged. In such a case, impacted wisdom teeth, then your dentist would discuss the risks and benefits of impacted wisdom teeth surgery.

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What Types Of Tooth Extraction Infection Can Occur

You may undergo a simple tooth extraction or a surgical tooth extraction.

In a simple extraction, your tooth is clear from other teeth and not anchored to the jawbone. Your dentist can extract and remove the tooth with dental pliers. Theyll perform this procedure when youre under local anesthetic. Since its simpler, complications are rare.

A surgical extraction is much more complicated and can vary from patient to patient. Your dentist will need to cut into the gum, again under local anesthetic .

Once the gum is opened, the tooth may have to be removed in sections from the top, or another incision may be necessary in the side of the gum. This allows your dentist access to the tooths roots for loosening and easier removal. After the tooth is extracted, your dentist will clean the extraction site and stitch it closed.

Tooth extraction is a very common procedure, but for both types of extraction, infection is a possibility.

Simple and surgical tooth extraction rely heavily on a post-procedure blood clot to protect the extraction site. This clot covers exposed bone and nerves and keeps bacteria out. If this blood clot is compromised, an infection may result.

Why Wisdom Teeth Cause Pain


In general, the pain and discomfort associated with wisdom teeth coming in is due to several factors:

  • Impaction. In some cases, the emerging wisdom tooth simply does not have enough space to erupt completely. As a result, the tooth may be placed at odd angles, creating constant pressure against neighboring teeth. This is when the wisdom tooth is considered to be impacted.
  • Partial eruption. In case the tooth is erupted only partially, the bacteria can enter under the gum, causing an infection and stiffness, swelling, and pain. This is the most common cause of wisdom teeth pain.
  • Tumours or cysts. An impacted wisdom tooth can lead to tumours or cysts, which can later lead to the destruction of other healthy teeth and the jawbone if not treated in a timely manner.

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What Are The Top Signs Of Wisdom Tooth Infection

Team Wisdom Teeth

While some patients have wisdom teeth that erupt fully and dont cause any dental problems, many have third molars that are partially or fully impacted. This occurs when the wisdom teeth erupt at an angle or dont have sufficient space to erupt due to crowding. Partially impacted wisdom teeth are prone to infection, or pericoronitis, because their location at the back of the mouth makes them harder to brush and bacteria then gets trapped in the gum tissue surrounding the part of the tooth that has erupted. Here are the most common signs that you might have a wisdom tooth infection.

How Is An Infected Wisdom Tooth Diagnosed

At No Gaps Dental, our dentists diagnose pericoronitis by carefully examining your wisdom teeth and checking for visual signs and symptoms of pericoronitis. In general, this means checking whether the gums are inflamed, red or swollen, or leaking pus. They will also look to see if a gum flap is present in the area.

They may also take an X-ray to determine the alignment of the wisdom teeth and to rule out other possible causes for your discomfort such as tooth decay.

Once our dentists have diagnosed pericoronitis, a treatment plan will be tailored to your individual needs.

An infected wisdom tooth can be difficult to treat if there is a gum flap present since the problem wont go away until the tooth breaks through or the tissue or tooth is removed.

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Preventing A Wisdom Tooth Infection

Because wisdom tooth infections can happen from the way that the wisdom teeth break through the gums and the position of the teeth, its difficult to prevent a wisdom tooth infection. But getting regular dental cleanings and routine care can help prevent infections. If you are having trouble flossing and brushing your wisdom teeth, talk to your dentist about having them removed. For some people that are prone to infection, it might be safer to remove them than to continue to risk infections when you cant clean the area.

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You can become infected with gum disease if your wisdom teeth and gums are infected. It is common for wisdom teeth to become impacted, meaning they do not grow It is normal to experience mild discomfort or sensitivity after getting a temporary crown, but there are numerous reasons why this can happen.

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Your Gums Are Inflamed

While a wisdom tooth infection is technically separate from gum infection, it is possible for both to occur at the same time. This is because bacteria from a tooth infection can spread to the gum, which can cause it to become inflamed. If your gums are inflamed, they will most likely become red, swollen, and painful to touch.

Wisdom Teeth Removal In Kelmscott

If you need to see a dentist in Kelmscott about wisdom tooth pain or something else thats causing pain, contact our team at Kelmscott Dental. Our experienced dentists will discuss your symptoms, examine your mouth and recommend suitable treatment options.

Call us today on or book online. We also welcome patients from Armadale, Gosnells and all nearby suburbs.

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What Causes Wisdom Tooth Infections

Because of their location in the far back of your mouth, wisdom teeth can be hard to see and difficult to keep clean. This can provide an opportunity for infection.

Wisdom tooth infections can begin in various ways:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth are difficult to clean. This allows bacteria to fester and accumulate.
  • Pericoronitis occurs when the soft tissue surrounding a partially erupted wisdom tooth becomes infected.
  • Periodontitis occurs when the gum tissue around a fully erupted tooth becomes infected, causing bone and tissue loss.
  • A cavity in the wisdom tooth may cause an infection.

All of these causes create easy places for bacteria to accumulate.

Pericoronitis is an especially common complication of impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth. The gingival tissue around the tooth forms a flap or protrusion that can collect bacteria.

As many as 1 in 4 people with impacted but otherwise asymptomatic wisdom teeth may have some form of gum disease.1 The number of wisdom teeth that become infected, however, may be lower.

How To Treat Periocoronitis

Wisdom Teeth Removal [Infographic]

If you are in pain, you will need to check in with your dentist. Its important not to ignore pain since its your bodys attempt to draw your attention to a problem. The sooner you have the problem evaluated, the better the chance for a simple, complete solution. You may need a long-term treatment plan to determine if your wisdom tooth will need to be extracted. Sometimes, the tooth will be fine if the excess gum flap is removed. This procedure, whether done by laser or more traditional methods, is called an operculectomy. Infections in the gums and tooth can spread to the jaw, or in very rare cases, the bloodstream, so its important to take this seriously.

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Swollen Or Painful Gums

Sometimes the infection starts with the wisdom tooth but enters the gum around the tooth. An infected gum will likely be swollen, red, and very painful if you press on it or touch it with your finger or a toothbrush.¹ It may also be swollen because there is an abscess filled with pus but that is for a dentist to determine.

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Extraction Cost

Simple extraction of a wisdom tooth can cost as little as $99 per tooth. The cost of wisdom teeth that are impacted can cost between $230 and $340 and even more. Because costs vary in different areas of the country, contact your dentist or oral surgeon for their charges. Also, check with both your dental insurance carrier and medical insurance provider. One or the other type of insurance may cover a portion of the cost of wisdom teeth removal.

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What Happens During Wisdom Teeth Removal

Before your wisdom teeth are pulled, the teeth and the surrounding tissue will be numbed with a local anesthetic the same type used to numb a tooth prior to having a cavity filled. In addition to the local anesthetic to numb the pain, you and your dentist or oral surgeon may decide that a sedative is desired to control any anxiety. Sedating medications that could be selected include: nitrous oxide , an oral sedative , or an intravenous sedative . If nitrous oxide is given, you will be able to drive yourself home. If any of the other medications is selected, you will need someone to drive you both to and from the appointment.

How We Treat Infected Wisdom Teeth

Infections after Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you have an infected wisdom tooth, its important to get prompt treatment. The infection from your wisdom tooth can spread throughout the mouth and even to other areas of the body via the bloodstream, which can be quite serious and may even require hospitalization.

The first step in treating an infected wisdom tooth is cleaning the area around the tooth to remove bacteria and plaque. Dr. Sreeni will prescribe a course of oral antibiotics to get the infection under control. Once you no longer have an active infection, the wisdom tooth can be surgically extracted to prevent future infection and other dental issues.

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Information On Infections After A Tooth Extraction

Are you wondering what the chances of infection are after a tooth extraction? If you are getting ready to have a tooth extracted, rest assured that the chances of infection are low. That is if you carefully follow all of the post-operative instructions your dentist gives to you.

Tooth extraction is a standard dental procedure, with two of the more common reasons for extracting a tooth being related to severe tooth decay and tooth trauma. When a tooth is pulled it leaves a hole where the tooth used to be, which needs to clot to prevent an infection. The clot acts as a barrier to any outside elements that can cause potential infections. If for some reason the clot is not able to form, then the area is going to become prone to getting an infection.

How does the infection after a tooth extraction start?

A mouth infection can start when bacteria are allowed to enter the space where the tooth used to be. The infection begins once the bacteria gets into the bloodstream. It is crucial that all dental patients follow their dentistâs post-op instructions very carefully to avoid infection. It is vital to keep the area clean of debris and is essential for preventing future infection.

Signs of infection after extraction

When a tooth has been extracted, it is normal for the area to remain red and swollen for up to 48 hours. A little bit of bleeding is also normal and usually stops within eight hours of having the procedure done.

The bleeding continues for more than 24 hours.

How To Tell If Your Wisdom Teeth Stitches Are Infected

You may be wondering if your wisdom teeth stitches are infected or not. Here are a couple of signs that may indicate that they could be infected:

  • Presence of purulence

  • Area looks reddish

  • Inflamed and swollen

If you see pus, then it is a definitive sign that it is infected. The other three symptoms and signs may indicate that it could be but not necessarily.

You can just be on the lookout for any pus. Its a white fluid so its hard to miss. The area may still be slightly oozing blood which is red and that is normal. It is when you see the color white mixed in that you should be concerned.

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Can Stitches Get Infected After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Any object which is constantly exposed to the oral environment, which contains a lot of bacteria can get infected and stitches are no exception. The two primary ways that you can get infected wisdom teeth stitches are from insufficient oral hygiene and also from residual infection.

Insufficient oral hygiene:

After the wisdom tooth removal even with stitches in place, there will still be a residual hole in the gums. That means it is quite easy for a lot of food and debris to get stuck in the hole and infect the stitches.

Therefore if you dont keep the entire area clean, it can and will get infected. We understand that the area is tender and sore after the procedure but it does not mean that you should avoid cleaning it. If you avoid it completely, that is how it can potentially get an infection.

The best way to keep the stitches clean is to rinse vigorously with salt water after every meal. That should be sufficient to prevent food from getting lodged into the socket.

Residual infection:

Sometimes the wisdom teeth stitches could get infected because of a residual infection from the extraction site. What we mean is that usually the infection should clear because the source of it stems from the wisdom tooth. By removing the third molar, the infection should be gone.

Taking Precautions Ensures Normal Healing

Special problems of impacted wisdom teeth

When you opt for extraction, dentists talk to you about the necessary steps you must take so that healing progresses normally. For instance, you must stop smoking for proper blood circulation. You should also eat a nutritious diet and fuel your body with the essential nutrients. In case youre taking chemotherapy, the doctor may advise that you delay oral surgery. Thats because the medications can cause a weakened immunity and raise your chances of developing wisdom tooth infection.

Wisdom teeth infection symptoms can be severe and cause extreme discomfort. It is advisable that you avoid the possibility and take care of the third molars beforehand. If you need to get an extraction, schedule the appointment before you develop major problems. Rest assured that in the hands of an expert dentist, the procedure can be done with only a rare chance of complications.

Would you like more information about how to take care of your wisdom teeth? Or, you may need advice because of existing pain. Contact us at Macleod Trail Dental, our clinic in Calgary and request an appointment with Dr. Jennifer Silver. She will make the best recommendations on a practical course of action. Use the Contact Us page to add your contact details, and well get back to you. We also welcome queries over the phone. Our associates are happy to assist you. Call this number: 253-1248 by clicking on it.


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In Some Cases Patients Might Also Experience An Ear Infection After Extraction

How to know if a wisdom tooth is infected. You need to immediately seek your dentists help at the first sign of any of the tooth extraction infection symptoms. These should not be taken lightly as they may escalate to other dental. After the dental surgery, there are a few things to expect.

A wisdom tooth that doesnât entirely come in can become infected, causing a condition known as pericoronitis. You have a high temperature within the week following the procedure. This includes pain and discomfort in the area, as well as the surrounding muscles such as the jaw, neck, and throat.

People normally have four wisdom teeth, according to the better health channel, with one tooth on the top and bottom of each side of the mouth 1. The wisdom teeth, and the gums surrounding your wisdom teeth, can become infected. Wisdom tooth pain may also be caused by decay, so look for an obvious hole.

Like any other wound in the body, the hole where a wisdom tooth was extracted can become infected. In fact, having an infected wisdom tooth is a common symptom associated with impacted wisdom teeth. Dentists diagnose pericoronitis by carefully examining your wisdom teeth and checking for visual signs and symptoms of pericoronitis.

For very rare cases, a deep neck infection in the cervical vertebrae may occur after tooth extraction. How is an infected wisdom tooth diagnosed? What to expect after wisdom tooth removal or a dental surgery.

Pain in or around the tooth.

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