Thursday, July 25, 2024

Oregano Oil Urinary Tract Infection

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Oregano Essential Oil Extraction And Analysis

Best Home Remedy for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Dr. Berg

Cirena provided essential oil from L. berlandieri Schauer and P. longiflora oregano species. Two different L. berlandieri essential oils with different proportion of thymol and carvacrol and one essential oil of P. longiflora were included in the study. The essential oils were analyzed to determine the relative concentration of the active components carvacrol and thymol . Essential oils were analyzed in a GC Perkin Elmer Turbo Mass Gold MS-Auto system XLTM with a splitless injector and 70 eV electronic fragmentation detector, using a TG-5 SiLMS column . Helium was used as the carrier gas, at 1 mL/min flux, and the following conditions were used for analysis: the temperature of the injector was 220 °C the initial oven temperature was 50 °C held for 2 min, followed by a ramp-up of 10 °C/min up to 130 °C, a second ramp-up of 5 °C/min up to 150 °C and a third ramp-up of 30 °C/min up to 190 °C, and held at the final temperature for 3 min. The essential oils were prepared in 200 mg/L solutions using hexane as solvent the volume used for injection was 1 L. The main components thymol and carvacrol were identified by their retention time and the mass profile of the compounds available from the US National Institute of Standard Technology library.

My Pet Had A Severe Urinary Tract Infection

Brand Neutral:Scientific Studies:

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

Late one night I discovered my 10 pound Yorkie dog had a UTI with blood in her urine. She had such urgency that she was squatting to urinate every few minutes.

I made a mixture of 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 5 drops Thieves, 5 drops of Oregano. With an eye dropper I gave her about 1/8 teaspoon, then rubbed Thieves on her front paws and Purification on her back paws and her lower belly, on her ears, then rubbed her body down with what was on my hands.

In 30 minutes she was laying still and slept all through the night. I repeated the same treatment the next day and she showed no signs of the infection. I plan to continue treatment for 5 days.

I am so thankful I had these oils at my fingertips.

How To Use Oregano Oil

Oregano oil extract is widely available in capsule and tablet form. It can be bought from most health food shops or online.

Because the strength of oregano supplements can vary, its important to read the directions on the individual packet for instructions on how to use the product.

Oregano essential oil is also available and can be diluted with a carrier oil and applied topically. Note that no essential oil should be ingested.

Theres no standard effective dose of oregano essential oil. However, its often mixed with around 1 teaspoon of olive oil per drop of oregano essential oil and applied directly to the skin.

Like other essential oils, keep in mind that oregano essential oil should not be consumed orally.

If youre interested in taking oregano oil extract but currently taking prescription medications, make sure to consult your healthcare provider before adding it to your regimen.

In addition, oregano oil extract is not generally recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Oregano oil extract can be purchased in pill or capsule form and taken orally. Oregano essential oil is also available and can be diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the skin.

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What To Do If You Have A Urinary Tract Infection

If you suspect you have a UTI, you should see your physician to confirm whether or not an infection is present. If test results confirm that you have a UTI, your doctor will most likely prescribe you an antibiotic.

There are also many purported home remedies for urinary tract infections on the Internet that may or may not be beneficial. However, regardless of the treatment methods you choose, there are some simple things you can do to help your support your body while it heals from the infection. Some of these include:

  • Drinking plenty of water

Oregano Oil Effectively Inactivated Bacteria In Vitro Irrespective Of Antibiotic Sensitivity

Oregano oil

The MIC values of oregano oil against the 13 bacterial strains are shown in Table 2. Oregano oil showed a significant antibacterial activity over PBS controls against A. baumannii strains of AF0004, AF0005, IQ0012, and IQ0013 and MRSA strains of AF0003 and IQ0211, with the MICs ranging from 0.08 to 0.16 mg/ml. The MICs were significantly lower than those MICs ranging from 0.32 to 0.64 mg/ml against strains of P. aeruginosa and MRSA strains IQ0064, IQ0103, and USA300 . Oregano oil also exhibited similar antibacterial activities against established biofilms formed by the 13 bacterial strains within 1 h, with complete inactivation of the biofilms of A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, and MRSA at the concentrations of 0.3, 1.0, and 0.4 mg/ml, respectively, in good agreement with the MIC values for planktonic bacterial cells . The results clearly suggest that oregano oil can overcome the obstacles of biofilms and kill bacteria within as sufficiently as planktonic bacteria, in contrast to antibiotics that kills bacterial biofilms poorly.

TABLE 2. MIC of the oregano EO and results of antibiotic susceptibility testing for the pathogens.

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Review Of Oil Of Oregano Products: Which One To Buy

1. Food grade.

Make sure to take a food-grade oil of oregano as many of the aromatherapy versions are NOT safe to eat.

2. High Carvacrol content.

Another thing to look for in your oil of oregano is the percentage of carvacrol. While carvacrol is not the only source of oreganos effect, it remains a significant part. There is some controversy over how much is ideal, but generally, the oil should have between 60% to 80% carvacrol.

3. Low thymol content.

Also, be aware that high levels of thymol are toxic. Make sure that your oil has low amounts of thymol, at doses higher than 5% can cause neurological side effects.

4. Made in Greece.

Oregano is grown throughout the world, but high-quality Oregano oil generally comes from the Mediterranean region, especially Greece.

Generally, studies have tested the Greek wild oregano . There are many other varieties of oregano, however, the scientists consistently choose Greek Oregano Oil for their experiments.

It can take fifty pounds of oregano leaves to extract a meaningful amount of the oil with its infection-fighting compounds, thats why its quite pricey.

The following two options check off all three parameters: food-grade, high Carvacrol, made in Greece:

Remember that pure essential oil of oregano is potent and can burn the skin or mucous membranes, so never take it undiluted.

Eucalyptus Oil For Uti

The beneficial antibacterial efficacy of the eucalyptus oil is quite profound. It not just helps get rid of the infections it is also quite beneficial in preventing further proliferation of the condition to much worse. It is quite essential to understand the kind of bacteria causing the condition, only then it does become easier to fight off the infection.

Studies have shown that eucalyptus oil has profound impacts in slowing or eradicating the growth of the E. coli, Listeria innocua, S. aureus and other forms of parasites and pathogens that often inflict negative impacts on the body.

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Always Research Uti Natural Remedies Before You Try Them

While we are firm believers in a holistic approach to health, there are a number of reasons a scattered approach to UTI home remedies is unlikely to be effective

  • Most UTI home remedies are not supported by scientific evidence
  • The lack of research around home remedies means dosage information is inadequate
  • Those remedies that have been studied often target a specific organism one that may not be the cause of your UTI
  • The quality of many supplements is questionable, and thorough research is required before selecting an option.
  • Learn more about the science behind other natural UTI remedies when you register for our product education series.

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Examination

    Oregano Oil for Upper Respiratory Infections, Cold + Cough, Strep Throat and More!

    The potential effect of carvacrol on the cell morphology of E. coli was determined with the help of SEM . In brief, bacterial cells were incubated with or without carvacrol for 1 h, washed three times using PBS , and then centrifuged at 4,000 rpm. The obtained pellet was suspended in PBS, and a thin smear was prepared on a glass slide, which was further fixed in glutaraldehyde for 2 h. After fixation, a dehydration step was performed using an increasing order of ethanol ranging from 50 to 100%, after which the cells were dried with liquid CO2. The dried cells were coated with gold in a sputter coater, and samples were observed under a scanning electron microscope .

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    Homeopathic Remedies For Bladder Infections

    1. Cantharis : When the person experiences an acute pain due to the bladder infection along with a sudden urge to urinate but not able to urinate, this remedy is used.

    2. Pulsatilla : This remedy is helpful when there is frequent pain along with a sudden urge to urinate and the bladder infection commence after getting the feet cold and wet.

    3. Nux vomica : This remedy can be taken when there is a frequent urge to urinate and the urge never get fully satisfied, even after urination.

    4. Sarsaparilla : This remedy is recommended when the person feels a burning pain while urinating, due to a bladder infection.

    Home Remedies For A Uti 10 Treatments I Tried Updated

    Are home remedies for UTIs fact or fiction?

    I recently had a UTI and didnt want to take unnecessary antibiotics.

    Wondering if there was any truth to home remedies, I did some Internet research.

    What follows is my own experience with 10 different home remedy treatments to see if I could cure my UTI without antibiotics.

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    Is Oregano Oil Good For Uti

    It is always a good idea to use herbal remedies instead of going for strong antibiotics. The two key ingredients carvacrol and thymol make oregano oil the most powerful herb in fighting infections like UTI. Both these ingredients are phenols which have numerous health benefits.

    Both carvacrol and thymol are a powerhouse of energy when it comes to fighting against infections. They have the ability to kill bacteria, fungi, and virus causing ulcers, pneumonia, gastric cancer, and UTI. These compounds also help in developing immunity by fighting against parasites present in the intestines. When compared to other essential oils available, oregano oil always comes first because of its strong antibacterial, antioxidant and antiviral properties.

    Plug In Home Remedies For Uti And See What Comes Up

    Pin by Olga Przychocki on Essential oils

    Holy Moly, yall.

    There was so much information about what folks were doing to treat their UTIs at home that it took me a full day to sort through the remedies.

    In the end, I made a list of 10 tactics that I would try in my quest to avoid antibiotics.

    These 10 were the methods that were the most widely written about, so I felt a bit comforted knowing it wasnt that one person, doused in essential oils, wearing a wreath of garlic, trying to convince me to not take evil antibiotics .

    Lets get to it.

    NOTE: I am linking the products I used below, for those interested.

    ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links at no cost to you.~

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    Interfase Plus And Biofilm Defense

    This is why the use of biofilm disruptors can be helpful for preventing the recurrence of chronic UTIs. The biofilm disruptors that I recommend to my patients are InterFase Plus from Klaire Labs or Biofilm Defense from Kirkman. These contain specialized enzymes to disrupt the biofilm matrix embedding potential of pathogens, and dissolve the sugar and fibrin components of most pathogenic biofilms. By destroying the biofilms, the recurrence of UTIs despite proper hygiene can be reduced.

    May Help Lower Cholesterol

    Studies have shown that oregano oil may help lower cholesterol.

    In one study, 48 people with mildly high cholesterol were given diet and lifestyle advice to help lower their cholesterol. Thirty-two participants were also given 0.85 ounces of oregano distilled in water after each meal.

    After 3 months, those given the oregano distillate had lower LDL cholesterol and higher HDL cholesterol, compared with those who were just given diet and lifestyle advice .

    Carvacrol, the main compound in oregano oil, has also been shown to help lower cholesterol in mice that were fed a high fat diet over 10 weeks.

    The mice given carvacrol alongside the high fat diet had significantly lower cholesterol at the end of the 10 weeks, compared with those that were just given a high fat diet .

    The cholesterol-lowering effect of oregano oil is thought to be the result of the phenols carvacrol and thymol .


    Studies have shown that oregano may help lower cholesterol in people and mice with high cholesterol. This is thought to be the result of the compounds carvacrol and thymol.

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    Determination Of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration

    The isolated strain was stored at 70 °C until use E. coli was grown in Martin broth modified and adjusted with medium to match the 0.5 McFarland standard . The MICs of OEO, defined as the lowest concentration that completely inhibited visible bacterial growth after 14 h, and antibiotics were examined by broth dilution method in 96-well, microtitre plates. The MICs of the agents sarafloxacin, levofloxacin, polymycin, lincomycin, amoxicillin, ceftiofur, ceftriaxone, maquindox, florfenicol, doxycycline, and kanamycin against the isolated strain were determined by the twofold dilution method, and the results were interpreted in accordance with the recommendations of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory standards . Escherichia coli strain ATCC 25922 was used as quality control in MIC determination.

    Organisms were measured by twofold dilutions of OEO samples with Martin broth modified solutions containing 0.5% Tween-80 to enhance oil solubility. The concentration of essential oil in the medium ranged from 0.5% to 0.0039% . All determinations were performed in triplicate. If MIC values were different, the trial was repeated until the values were the same. In this way, the result is certain. Two growth controls consisting of Martin broth modified medium and Martin broth modified with 1.0% Tween-80 were added to ascertain that these vehicles did not affect bacterial growth.

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    Oregano Oil As An Alternative To Antibiotics For Infections:

    Benefits and Uses of Oil of Oregano

    Traditionally, antibiotics have been the go-to treatment for any infection. Often, non-specific, full-spectrum antibiotics have been overprescribed leading to antibiotic resistance . Antibiotics also destroy the good as well as bad bacteria in our gut leading to further health complications such as candida overgrowth. It is becoming increasingly important to look to natural treatments for infection.

    Tiny quantities of carvacrol, a naturally occurring compound in oregano, were found to be a more effective antimicrobial agent than 18 pharmaceutical drugs, investigators found.

    The University of the West of England researchers, working with partners in India, said carvacrol, which contains potent anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, has a range of medicinal uses. It can sterilise septic water, eradicate giardia, treat fungal infections such as candida and is considered a natural rival to pharmaceutical antibiotics such as streptomycin and penicillin in its ability to eliminate microbes. At SGS tests found that Himalayan oregano oil was more effective at eradicating Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus than 18antibiotics. Preliminary research into the oil found that tiny doses are capable of wiping out fungi and bacteria, including MRSA.

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    Usage And Dosage Reminders

    The dosage of oregano oil for people hasnt been studied in depth. However, manufacturers recommend doses based on the amount of phenols and thymol in the oil.

    It is important not to exceed the recommended dosage or use oregano oil in any form, including on the skin, for several weeks. A little goes a long way when applying oregano essential oil. One to two drops of diluted oil may seem insignificant, but in excess, you may experience adverse reactions.

    So Much Of What I Read Led Me To Believe Two Things About Utis In Men:

    #1: Men dont suffer from UTIs as much as women, based on their anatomy.

    Longer urethas mean its easier to flush out bacteria when urinating.

    #2: When men do contract a UTI, they tend to be whats called a complicated infection.

    There is a need to be observant and prudent in treatment.

    Id be interested to know if any guys reading this have tried any of these home remedies and what they discovered.

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    Ii Therapeutic Dosage *

    For optimal results, oil of oregano can be taken simultaneously: both orally and externally , that is applied directly to the unbroken skin.

    When used topically, and in order to reduce the possibility of allergic reaction, rash and avoid resistance, oregano oil can be applied on your soles for the minimum of 7 consecutive days in the following way:

    • In the morning: massage 3-5 drops into the sole of yourleft foot
    • In the afternoon: massage 3-5 drops into the sole of yourright foot
    • At your bedtime:massage 3-5 drops directly over yourbladder, just above the pubic bone.

    Please note that regardless of why you are taking oil of oregano, make sure you take at least a week-long break for every two consecutive weeks of its daily use. In short, cycle off one week every two weeks of use.

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