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Can Tooth Pain Cause Sinus Infection

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Can Sinus Infection cause toothache? – Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

Sinusitis can be an extremely painful condition that can develop into a more serious medical issue if left untreated. If youve been suffering from a sinus toothache or sinusitis, seek treatment with the board-certified sinus treatment specialists at Allergy & ENT Associates. Whether your sinus issue is a result of allergies, asthma or structural problems, our sinus treatments can provide relief. Our services include surgical treatments like rhinoplasty, septoplasty and functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Call us at MY-SINUS to schedule your appointment today!

How Do You Relieve Sinus Pressure In Your Teeth

Some individuals will find relief from a sinus infection and tooth pain through home treatments. Common strategies include: using a humidifier and/or neti pot, eating spicy foods, staying hydrated, and careful, limited use of over-the-counter medicine.

But patients who struggle with severe sinus infections, sinus infections that wont go away, and chronic sinus infections may need to take a proactive approach.

How To Treat Tooth Pain Caused By A Blocked Sinus

Have your symptoms lasted more than a week? Are you suffering from severe tooth pain caused by a blocked sinus? If so, it is time to go to see the doctor. You and your doctor can discuss a treatment program. With their help, you can end your sinus infection and ease your toothache.

Your doctor is likely to prescribe you corticosteroid drops or a spray, and/ or an antibiotic. While sometimes these medicines are necessary, they may not ease your symptoms. If your tooth pain persists you should see an ear, nose, and throat specialist. At this point, they may want to discuss your surgical options.

Once you have cured the infection, it is time to start thinking about solving the problem for good.

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How To Identify A Toothache Vs Sinus Pressure

Mouth pain. It not uncommon and many of us have or will likely experience it in some capacity at some point throughout our lives. However, just because youe noticing a degree of oral pain, it important not to self-diagnose or come to a conclusion on your own. Here is where wee going to describe how to identify a toothache versus sinus pressure.

What is a toothache?

Simply put, a toothache can be defined as experiencing pain in or around a tooth. Toothaches can be caused by a variety of dental issues, including: tooth decay, an abscess, cracked or damaged teeth, a loose or broken filling, grinding your teeth, or an infection.

How do I know if I have a toothache?

If you have a toothache, you may be experiencing symptoms like: sharp or throbbing pain in a localized area in your mouth, swelling, a fever or headache, or a foul taste/smell from the infected tooth. If there is swelling, youl want to schedule an appointment with your dentist ASAP. Additionally if the pain is severe if you start to develop pain in your ear, head or when opening your mouth or if youe having difficulty swallowing or breathing,youl want to contact your dentist to help remedy the problem as soon as possible.

How will my toothache be treated?

How can I prevent a toothache?

What is sinus pressure?

But why do my teeth ache when I have a sinus infection?

How do I know if I have sinusitis?

Toothache Or Sinus Problem

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As winter temperatures settle into the Hutchinson area, so does the prevalence of sinus problems or Sinusitis. One of the symptoms of a sinusitis is a toothache. In most instances, these perceived toothaches involve the back teeth. Common tooth symptoms of sinusitis include temperature sensitivity and pain experienced when walking or jumping. Other sinusitis symptoms include pressure, facial pain, headache, stuffy or runny nose, loss of smell, cough, and congestion. If the sinusitis is acute, you may also experience a fever, bad breath, and fatigue. An acute sinusitis may last several weeks while a chronic sinusitis may last a few months.

Why does sinusitis cause toothaches? The floor of the sinuses practically lays across the roots of your upper back teeth. So if you think about any inflammation or pressure building up in those sinus spaces, that pressure will be put on the root tips. The nerves of your teeth exit out those root tips and pressure on those nerves can cause your teeth to become hypersensitive and painful. This is how sinus infections can cause toothaches that really arent tooth in origin.

Children may also develop a sinusitis. Sinus problems in little ones can be caused by allergies, pacifier use, or drinking from a bottle while lying on their back. A childs environment such as being in daycare and catching illnesses from other children or being in the presence of smoke can also lead to a sinusitis in children.

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Toothaches Caused By Sinus Problems

Due to the proximity of the roots of the upper posterior molars and the floor of the sinus, infections of the sinus can cause tooth pain. Conversely, an infected tooth can cause an infection in the sinus.

If one tooth is very tender, if that tooth has had a history of decay, large restorations, or trauma, if swelling is present, if the tooth is hyperreactive to heat, then there is a good chance that you need to see us at 209 NYC Dental.

If the pain is spread over several back teeth or present on both sides, if you had an upper respiratory infection recently or suffer from allergies, then there is a good chance that your problem is coming from your sinus. Sinusitis is best treated by your physician.

If undecided come to 209 NYC Dental and allow us to make a proper diagnosis

Can A Sinus Infection Cause Jaw Pain On One Side

It is a common condition that affects the sinuses. On one side of the jaw, there is more inflammation in the nasal cavity, which is known as sinusitis. Colds and allergies are the most common causes of sinusitis. In addition to causing inflammation in the cavities that surround your cheeks, the condition can also cause pain on either side of your jaw.

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How To Avoid A Sinus Infection After Tooth Extraction

After your extraction, the dentist will typically alert you if they see the potential for a problem to occur that would result in a hole between your mouth and sinuses. As a precaution, avoid forcibly blowing your nose so you dont open a connection after your tooth extraction. If you blow your nose and feel air escape in the mouth, you know theres a connection. If a hole opens up, it may have to be surgically closed.

Sinus problems can cause dental pain and dental problems can cause sinus pain. There are a lot of nerves in the same area, and they present with many of the same symptoms. Whether you suspect a dental or sinus issue is at the root of your discomfort, an ENT will be able to help you move forward on your road to recovery.

What Is A Dental Abscess

Sinus tooth pain relief | Common symptoms of a sinus infection

A tooth abscess is a bubble of pus thats caused by a bacterial infection. It may be located at the root of the tooth or on the gums near the affected tooth. It is usually due to an untreated cavity or injury.

In some cases, Dr. Holtzman can treat the issue with a root canal or other procedures, but at other times, such as in the case of a fracture, a dental extraction may be necessary.

The abscess may burst on its own, providing some temporary relief, but eventually it will return. If this cycle continues for too long, it may lead to various health complications. Bacterial infections in your mouth may lead to infections in your blood stream, endanger your bone health, and eventually put your heart at risk. The fluid found in the abscesses has been linked with harmful buildup in the arteries.

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Signs A Sinus Infection Might Be Causing Your Toothache

People with sinus disease can commonly have tooth pain, said Eugene Chang, MD, an otolaryngologist at BannerUniversity Medical Center Tucson Campus.

Look for these telltale signs that a sinus problem may be driving your pain:

  • You have other sinus symptoms besides a toothache.Isolated tooth pain by itself without other sinus symptoms is usually not related to sinus disease, Dr. Chang said. Sinus symptoms could be a runny or stuffy nose, facial pressure, colored nasal discharge, headache, post-nasal drip, cough, sore throat, or a change in your sense of smell.
  • Your toothache is in the back of your upper teeth. Your cheek sinuses, also called maxillary sinuses, contact the roots of your upper molars. So, youre more likely to notice a sinus-related toothache there. Toothaches in your bottom teeth or front teeth are less likely to be sinus related.

When To See Your Dentist

Not all toothaches become serious health concerns. But if youre experiencing a toothache, its best to get treatment before it gets worse.

  • fever
  • red gums
  • pain when chewing or biting

If you have a broken tooth or if a tooth comes out, see your dentist right away.

While youre waiting to see the dentist, you might find relief by:

  • avoiding hot or cold drinks and food
  • avoiding chewing on the side of the tooth ache
  • eating only cool, soft foods

Youre at risk of tooth infection if you dont have good dental hygiene. Take good care of your teeth by:

If untreated, a tooth infection could potentially travel to other areas of your body, resulting in a potentially life-threatening infection. Signs of a tooth infection spreading to the body may include:

  • fever
  • increased breathing rate
  • stomach pain

Last medically reviewed on May 28, 2019

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Will Sinuses Make Your Teeth Hurt

It is possible to have a toothache caused by a sinus infection . It is fairly common for sinus conditions to cause pain in the upper back teeth. There are two empty spaces in your skull called sinuses, which connect to your nasal cavity. In the case of sinusitis, the tissues in these spaces become inflamed, which can cause pain in the patient.

Is Your Sinus Infection Really A Tooth Infection

How Are Sinus Infections Related To Toothache? : Dental ...

This time of year, many people develop sinus infections as a side effect of colds or flus. Often, they will pass without much special care. However, some persist, lasting for weeks or increasing in intensity, which can drive you to a doctor. Sometimes, this will help, but other times it doesnt. If typical treatments arent helping with your sinus infection, it might be time to consider that your infection might not be a sinus infection after all. It could be an infected tooth, which requires special care to treat.

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You Experience Stomach Pain

You should call your doctor if you, your child, or your infant has a high fever. A high fever is defined as:

  • adults: 103°F or higher
  • children: 102.2°F or higher
  • infants 3 months and older: 102°F or higher
  • infants younger than 3 months: 100.4°F or higher

Get immediate medical attention if the fever is accompanied by:

A tooth becomes infected when bacteria gets into the tooth through a chip, crack, or cavity. Your risk factor for a tooth infection increases if you have:

  • poor dental hygiene, including not brushing your teeth 2 times a day and not flossing
  • a high sugar diet, including eating sweets and drinking soda
  • dry mouth, which is often caused by aging or as a side effect of certain medications

Can A Sinus Infection Be Caused By A Tooth

Sinus infections arent fun for anybody. They bring a host of unpleasant symptoms, and are one of the most common infections a person can get. Sometimes we can deal with it on our own, if its more serious, we need antibiotic intervention. Sinuses are finicky, and they can flare up due to allergies, weather changes, and toothaches?

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Can A Toothache Cause Sinus Pain

We wake up after a sleepless night with a headache and pain across the top of our faces. We feel a little dizzy. When we go to brush our teeth the upper back teeth are tender to the touch. The brushing itself sounds loud and discomforting. Whats going on? Is this a monumental toothache? Or is it something else?

If the discomfort radiates to more than one tooth or is present on both sides of your mouth the chances are that the primary cause of your toothache is not from the tooth itself. It is from your sinus. Inflammation and infection of the sinus is called sinusitis.

The swelling of the lining of the sinus along with mucus production can place pressure on the tips of the roots on our posterior teeth. These roots are in close proximity to the bottom floor of the sinus. This pressure can cause a lot of pain.

How Can Seasonal Colds Or Allergies Cause A Toothache

Tooth infection or sinus infection?

The winter season is the most common time of year for colds and nasal congestion. Some patients even suffer from allergies during these cold months. Most patients are prepared for the cold symptoms they get every year, but a few may have the unpleasant surprise of a toothache. How is this possible?

When a patient catches a cold, bacteria and fluid from the nose can flow into the hollow space behind the nose known as the maxillary sinus. This increase in fluid leads to extreme pressure and inflammation in the maxillary sinus. As we age, our sinuses grow and can sometimes push against the roots of our upper back teeth. Each tooth has nerves that go into the tooth through the tip of the root. When our maxillary sinus becomes affected by colds or sinus infections, the bottom lining expands and puts pressure on the top back teeth, resulting in a toothache.

These toothaches are intense, continuous, and in the upper back teeth. Sometimes the toothache will be on one side and sometimes it may be on both. It is also possible for a toothache to jump to the lower teeth. This is typically seen when a toothache lasts more than two-three days. This discomfort is also continuous and is known as referred pain. The referred pain goes away with cold symptoms and toothache.

Allergies and Sharp Toothache? Tips on helping you to feel better.Dr. Kathryn Alderman

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How Can You Tell If You Have A Toothache Because Of Your Sinus Infection And Not For Another Reason

Outside of noticing sinus tooth pain on one side or both sides after the onset of a sinus infection, one telltale way to learn whether or not your tooth pain is caused by a sinus infection is to see if the pain increases when you bend over and/or move your head quickly. And just like your sinuses get worse at night, sinus-related tooth pain also becomes worse when the sun goes down.

If your tooth pain increases with these movements and under these circumstances, sinus issues are likely causing your tooth pain.

What Helps Tooth Pain Caused By Sinus Infection

The key to completely resolving tooth pain from sinus infection is to clear up the sinus infection. Once the inflammation of your maxillary sinuses goes down, the pressure on the nerves to the maxillary teeth should subside as well, ending the sinus-related toothache. In the meantime, pain relief measures used to manage the pressure from your sinus infection may also help with the discomfort, including the use of:

  • Over-the-counter pain relief medications,
  • Nasal sprays, and
  • Over-the-counter decongestants.

If your sinus infection is actually caused by a dental issue, only resolving the dental issue will resolve your sinus pain and toothache long-term.

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What Should Monrovia Patients Do

If you suspect you might have a sinus infection, especially one severe enough to cause tooth pain, you need to see your doctor. Depending on the severity of the pain you may choose to ask for an expedited appointment. Either way, its important to be seen. You may find temporary relief with over-the-counter meds, but a sinus infection requires antibiotics.

Taking Care of Tooth Pain

In the meantime, if your tooth pain is causing you discomfort, there are some important steps that you should take:

  • Make an appointment with to ensure that your tooth pain is originating in your sinuses and that it isnt a dental issue.
  • As with any time that mucus is an issue, be sure to up your fluid intake drinking plenty of water, or clear fluids will help thin the mucus out. This will help with unblocking your nasal passages.
  • Inhaling steam can help to help break down the mucus, and there are a couple of different ways to do this. You can either purchase a facial steaming unit from your local drugstore or take a hot shower several times daily.
  • If the blockage is bothering you when you lie down to sleep, be sure to use a humidifier in your room to ensure adequate moisture in the air.
  • And of course, remember that looking after your sinus infection will take care of your tooth pain as well.

Suffering from tooth pain due to a sinus infection is uncomfortable, so be sure to contact Monrovia dentist, Dr. Q for fast advice if youre having issues.

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