Saturday, May 4, 2024

How Do You Get A Uti And Yeast Infection

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UTI & YEAST INFECTIONS | Everything You Should Know

Its Netflix-and-chill time with your beau. Dont forget the popcorn and rom-coms. And definitely dont forget to pack the right sleepwear. Did you know that what seems like a simple choicewhat to wear to bedcan have a big impact on your vaginal health and urinary health? Lets check it outthe Dos and Donts of going to bed!

Should You See A Doctor

Both UTIs and yeast infections should be reviewed and diagnosed by your doctor to prevent them from getting worse. UTIs that are untreated could lead to a more serious kidney infection. Yeast infections may also be something more serious, or the symptoms may actually be from another condition, such as a sexually transmitted infection.

What Are The Causes Of A Uti

A UTI is mainly caused by bacteria, though fungi and viruses can also be the reason. UTIs can be of two typeslower tract infection involving the urethra and bladder, and upper tract infection involving the ureters and the kidneys.

Any factor that can irritate the urinary tract can cause a UTI:

  • Long-term catheter use

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What Increases My Risk Of Getting A Yeast Infection

Certain factors make you more likely to get a vaginal yeast infection.

Certain factors can increase your risk of getting a vaginal yeast infection. Some of those are:

Certain lifestyle risk factors also increase your risk of a vaginal yeast infection, such as:

  • Sitting in a wet bathing suit.
  • Not changing out of sweaty clothes.
  • Wearing scented tampons or using a vaginal deodorant.

Contracting Both A Uti And Yeast Infection

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Some things that can lead to enhanced risk of both a yeast infection and a UTI are:

  • Wearing tight fitting clothes in the vaginal region
  • Wearing panties without a cotton liner
  • Douching, which changes the balance of bacteria in the body
  • Using scented vaginal sprays, bubble baths, pads, or tampons
  • Spending time in hot tubs or taking very hot baths
  • Remaining in wet clothes, such as after a workout or swimming, for long periods of time
  • Taking antibiotics unnecessarily, such as for a viral infection
  • Too much sugar in the diet, since high blood sugar levels promote both irritation in the urinary tract and growth of fungus and bacteria

In order to prevent yeast infections and UTIs, the best things to do are to maintain a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and use proper hygiene.

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How To Speak To Someone With A Chronic Illness

  • Dont solicit medical advice
  • Dont tell someone to look on bright side or that its not that bad
  • If someone vents, vent with them, say in agreement how much that sucks
  • Dont tell someone what they should be doing unless they ask
  • Dont tell someone what beliefs they should have, what they should like, or how they should think
  • Let people finish speaking, hear what they have to say just hearing isnt listening

Thats it for now. Thank you for reading my story!

I know how much infections can disrupt your life and make you feel miserable all the while, causing you physical discomfort with unbearable symptoms.

If you know someone who suffers from UTIs and yeast infections, share this blog with them. Also, share Melissas story.

Can you relate to my story? Leave a comment below or, if it makes you feel more comfortable, send me an email or message on social media .

You can also find me at my blog at

I hope this story was inspiring to you and provided some helpful insight and tips for you to deal with your UTI and yeast infection journey.

Sending you warm vibes of positivity in your healing journey!


What Are The Symptoms Of A Uti

The symptoms of a UTI depend on which part of the urinary system is infected. If the lower tract is infected, then the symptoms often involve abdominal pain, along with frequent, painful urination. Urine from an infected lower tract is typically cloudy, and has a strong odor.

Upper urinary tract infection involves the kidney. It is considered to be more dangerous, as there is a chance for the bacteria to enter the blood. The symptoms of this type of infection include fever, nausea, and chills. However, what most distinguishes this type of infection is pain in the upper back in sides, indicating an infection in one or both kidneys.

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Will A Uti Or Yeast Infection Go Away On Its Own

It can be dangerous to avoid treatment for a UTI or yeast infection. While a very mild UTI or yeast infection can go away on its own, it may worsen if untreated and cause serious complications. For example, an untreated UTI can result in a kidney infection.

If you think you have a UTI or yeast infection, you should contact your doctor. There are effective treatments for both conditions. This includes over-the-counter medications for yeast infections.

What If I Keep Getting Yeast Infections

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors

A yeast infection is considered to be chronic if you get one four or more times within one year. The same things that can contribute to normal yeast infections can also cause them to be chronic taking regular medications, hormone therapy or pregnancy, or having a condition that affects your immune system.

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Do You Have A Urinary Tract Infection Or Yeast Infection

UTI vs yeast infection is a subject that majorities of women have either with each other or with their physician. This is because UTIs and yeast infections can have similar symptoms, but require different treatments.

As such, it is paramount to understand the difference between them. The fact is that most women experience a yeast infection or/and urinary tract infections at some point during their lifetime. It is advisable to see a doctor if you think you have either one of these virginal infections.

The Difference Between Urinary Tract Infection And Yeats Infection

1. Yeast Infection

Its symptoms include:

Pain when urinating

Pain during sex


Yeast infections are easy to treat however, it is important to see your doctor the moment you think you have an infection.

Statistics On Yeast Infection

According to the National Women Health Associations report, mentioned that women and girls of all ages can get a virginal yeast infection. It continued to say that three out of four women would have a yeast infection at some point in their life. Again, almost half of women have two or more infections. Vaginal yeast infections are rare before puberty and after menopause.

2. UTI

Its symptoms include:

Intense and frequent urge to urinate

Pain when urinating

Burning feeling and itchiness

The urine may look cloudy, dark or bloody and at times have a foul smell

Statistics On UTI


Yeast Infection Treatment: How To Treat Yeast Infection

If you want to know how to treat a yeast infection naturally, you cant go wrong with probiotics.

These are important ingredients in many treatments because they can help to restore the natural balance of bacteria in your body.

Probiotics are the good bacteria we all need to maintain good health and many of us suffer from a lack of these in our bodies.

Once you take probiotics, you will be able to treat the problem in a more complete way than you could without them.

Knowing how to treat a yeast infection naturally begins with knowing what to avoid.

You should avoid eating a lot of sugar and processed foods because these foods feed the bad bacteria, which in turn encourages the growth of yeast.

Also, if you notice that any of the signs of infection appear during times of high stress.

Then you may need to take some sort of antibiotic or prescription drugs to get rid of it.

To learn how to treat yeast infection naturally, you have to find something that has been proven to be a successful cure for yeast infections.

Fortunately, this is a relatively simple process.

You will want to look for treatments that work by killing the yeast before it even gets a chance to grow and cause an infection.

Natural supplementsare the best way to learn how to treat yeast infection.

There are many products available that can help you get rid of your problems once and for all.

However, dont worry that most of them are so ineffective because you have many options.

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Can A Yeast Infection Cause Uti Symptoms

Yeast infections are caused by the presence of yeast in the body. This happens when the balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria in the digestive tract is disrupted. In other words, when the normal flora good bacteria in the gut gets depleted, the yeast takes over. Yeast infections are usually treated with antibiotics. However, if you are pregnant, you should avoid taking antibiotics because they could harm the baby.

You can reduce your risk of developing urinary tract infections with these steps.

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Urinate when you first get the urge. Holding urine can increases bacteria growth in your bladder.
  • After sex, urinate and drink a glass of water to help flush bacteria that may have been pushed into the urethra during intercourse
  • Avoid genital cleansing products such as douches and deodorants. These remove your bodys natural protective secretions and oils
  • Take showers instead of baths
  • Wear cotton underwear

What Is A Yeast Infection

UTI vs Vaginal Infections

Different parts of your body, including your mouth, moist parts of your skin, and your digestive tract, contain a natural balance of yeast, candida albicans , and bacteria. Most of the time, this balance remains in check, with the good bacteria in your body keeping your candida levels under control. But when the balance of candida, yeast, and bacteria are off, candida can overgrow in these areas and cause a yeast infection to occur. If left untreated a yeast infection could take up to two weeks to go away and may end up returning.

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Utis And Yeast Infections Who Is Susceptible And Why

You should know about these facts if you are going to buy over the counter yeast infection treatment drugs or seek a natural cure for your problem.

Yeast infections and UTIs.

UTIs are caused by a number of factors,

Urinary tract infections are a common part of the natural process of life.

Who is susceptible and why?

In general, women are more prone to UTIs and yeast infections because their bodies process and build up bacteria, which is not good for your health.

But they arent the only ones to be affected by these conditions.

Men and people who take antibiotics are also susceptible.

Who is not? Anyone can be at risk, as long as their immune system isnt strong enough to fight off the infection.

Why are some people more likely to get UTIs?

First, women are at greater risk because their bodies naturally absorb more and are more likely to develop bacteria that cause the condition.

Women often seek treatment for infections that have gone untreated, so this is a common reason.

Those who drink alcohol or take antibiotics, take medications that contain corticosteroids or suffer from diabetes, Lupus, or other health problems are also at greater risk.

Who is susceptible and why?

Men are also prone to yeast infections, and both male and female anatomy may contribute to an infection.

The urinary tract is made up of many anatomical structures, and not all of them are the same for everyone.

Men and women may experience urinary tract infections differently.

Who is not?

Whats The Difference Between A Yeast Infection And A Uti

While some of the symptoms between a TI and a yeast infection are similar, they are two distinct conditions. A UTI occurs when bacteria invade the urinary tract, causing pain when urinating, feeling a frequent need to urinate, and foul-smelling urine. UTIs may also lead to fever, lower back pain, and even nausea or vomiting when serious.

While yeast infections also can cause pain when urinating, youll also likely feel itchiness and swelling around your vaginal area too, and instead of foul-smelling urine, you might experience an odorless white discharge.

Although the two are unrelated, sometimes, treatment for a UTI, which often involves taking antibiotics, may actually lead to a yeast infection, since antibiotics can kill off the good bacteria that keep yeast growth in control.

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Who Can Get Yeast Infections

Some people may be more prone to yeast infections. Using certain medications, having diabetes, being pregnant, or having a lowered immune system can make a person more likely to get a yeast infection.

People who wear tight-fitting clothing are also more likely to experience yeast infections since it creates a warm, moist environment that allows the growth of yeast and bacteria to thrive.

How To Get Rid Of A Yeast Infection

How To Know If You Have Yeast Infection

If youre a woman, youve got a pretty good chance of experiencing a yeast infection at some point in your lifetime. Vaginal yeast infection, or candidiasis, is a very common condition and can cause skin rashes, itchiness and irritation, and strange-looking discharges. It can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable condition to have, but luckily, its very treatable and typically goes away in just a few days with medications. Knowing the symptoms and what to look for are important to be able to diagnose and treat them quickly. Below are answers to some common questions about yeast infections.

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Vaginal Yeast Infection

There are several tell-tale signs of a vaginal yeast infection. These symptoms can include:

  • A thick, white vaginal discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese.
  • Small cuts or tiny cracks in the skin of your vulva because of fragile skin in the area.
  • A burning feeling when you pee.

In some cases, another symptom of a vaginal yeast infection can be pain during sex.

Symptoms of a yeast infection are similar to the symptoms people feel when they have a sexually transmitted infection or other vaginal infection. Contact your healthcare provider if you have any of these symptoms so they can examine you.

Video 6 Transcript: Uti And Bv Yeast Infection And Other Risk Factors

Melissa: Maybe you can talk a little bit about breaking the cycle of a UTI, followed by antibiotics, followed by a yeast infection, followed by a UTI again. People just get stuck in this cycle and dont know how to treat what, and if they can ever break it.

Dr. Hlavinka: Thats a very good question and one for whom I find a very frequent source of referrals from all sorts of female health care providers.

And its because no one really wants to take the trouble to break that cycle. No one wants to take the trouble to just put the brakes on and see where you are. Stop everything and be able to kind of dial back and see what you really need.

And even in a young woman, particularly young women on oral contraceptives. We spoke about that last time the impact of the anti-estrogenic effects of oral contraceptives. Even in young women on oral contraceptives, many times you may have to do a vaginal estrogen supplementation.

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How Long Does Each Infection Last

The severity of the infection and the treatment method determine how long both a yeast infection and a UTI lasts. A UTI generally goes away 1-2 days after starting antibiotics. A complicated UTI, on the other hand, can take several days to weeks to fully treat. Similarly, a mild yeast infection can go away after a few days.

Yeast Infection Diagnosis: How Is Yeast Infection Diagnosed

Bacterial vaginosis, Yeast Infections and UTIs

The most important thing to do when having a yeast infection is to make sure that you get the yeast infection diagnosis from a professional, instead of going to a homeopathic practitioner.

While homeopathic practitioners may treat yeast infections as effectively as other practitioners.

They tend to not be as diligent in their research, and will not always make sure that the diagnosis is correct.

There are some things that you can do if you have a yeast infection diagnosis that will help you avoid mistakes and get the proper treatment.

You should understand how a yeast infection diagnosis is done.

And what kind of tests will be conducted, before treating yourself?

Understanding how is yeast infection diagnosed is very important.

As it helps you understand why your infection has not cleared up or why you are still suffering from it.

One way to learn about how is yeast infection diagnosed is to contact your doctor.

Your doctor will have a lab that performs the testing for you.

And he will be able to give you a good answer to how is yeast infection diagnosed.

Another thing you can do to help with how is yeast infection diagnosed is to use a variety of methods in your search for a cure.

You should be sure to make use of several methods in your quest for finding the cure for your infection.

Your doctor may recommend one method of treatment or another.

And you should try to determine which method may be the best possible cure for your infection.

How is a yeast infection diagnosed?

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What About Treatment

Treatment options, of course, are always personal and as always, absolutely consult a healthcare professional!

That being said, drinking a lot of water, taking a probiotic, and limiting stress tend to work wonders for both. UTIs are most often treated with a round of antibiotics as well, while there are some topical preventative aids that help keep yeast infections at bay our personal favorite is the LadySuite Probiotic Refresher Cleanser.

Oh, and sadly, avoiding sex for the time being, at least can hurry the healing process along.

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