Thursday, July 25, 2024

Infection Control And Medical Asepsis

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Educating The Client And Staff Regarding Infection And Infection Control Measures


As with other education, registered nurses assess the educational needs of both staff and clients, they plan educational activities to meet these assessed needs, they provide the education and they also evaluate the outcomes of these educational activities in terms of their effectiveness.

The assessment of these needs can be direct or indirect. For example, a registered nurse may directly observe improper handwashing being done by another staff member and they can indirectly assess educational needs when they collect, aggregate, and analyze data relating to the frequency of infections.

Some of these educational needs are within the cognitive domain of learning and others are within the psychomotor domain of learning. For example, a client may indicate that they have a cognitive learning need when they ask why they are isolated into a private room and a visitor may indicate that they have a psychomotor learning need when you observe the discarding of their gown and mask outside of the client room.

Once educational needs are assessed, educational activities are planned and implemented in order to meet these needs.

Some of the content that is typically presented to clients and staff members and according to their level of understanding can include:

  • The chain of infection
  • Special transmission-based precautions and practices
  • The handling and disposal of biohazardous waste
  • Immunity and immunization schedules

Clinical And Operative Data

No technical problems or violations of asepsis were recorded during endoscopic procedures. In all patients belonging to groups and , retrograde ureteropyelography performed at the start of the procedure showed bilateral ureteral obstruction with various degrees of excretory system dilatation. During the study period, no patient reported fever or flank pain. Urine culture was negative in all cases. In one patient in group and two patients in group , frequency/urgency symptoms were recorded. The patients were successfully treated with anti-muscarinics until the removal of the stents. Stents were removed without technical difficulties in all cases.

No technical problems occurred during the endoscopic procedures on the two patients with chronic unilateral obstruction and ). In these cases, ureteropyelography showed ureteral obstruction with severe excretory system dilatation. During the study period, no fever, flank pain or urinary symptoms were recorded and urine culture was negative in both cases.


Environmental Infection Prevention And Control

Policies and procedures for routine cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces should be included as part of the infection prevention plan. Cleaning removes large numbers of microorganisms from surfaces and should always precede disinfection. Disinfection is generally a less lethal process of microbial inactivation that eliminates virtually all recognized pathogenic microorganisms but not necessarily all microbial forms .

Additional guidance for the cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfacesincluding for cleaning blood or body substance spillsis available in the Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities and the Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities .

  • Establish policies and procedures for routine cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in dental health care settings.
  • a. Use surface barriers to protect clinical contact surfaces, particularly those that are difficult to clean and change surface barriers between patients.

    b. Clean and disinfect clinical contact surfaces that are not barrier-protected with an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant after each patient. Use an intermediate-level disinfectant if visibly contaminated with blood.

  • Select EPA-registered disinfectants or detergents / disinfectants with label claims for use in health care settings.
  • Follow manufacturer instructions for use of cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants .
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    Patient And Equipment Preparation

    Healthcare professionals must thoroughly prepare both the patient and the equipment before a medical procedure takes place.

    Aseptic preparation may involve:

    • disinfecting a patients skin using antiseptic wipes
    • sterilizing equipment and instruments before a procedure
    • keeping sterilized instruments inside plastic wrappers to prevent contamination before use

    Aseptic Technique Vs Clean Technique

    Evaluating Dental Asepsis Programs

    Aseptic technique and clean technique are two closely related healthcare practices that both aim to keep people safe from infection. The aim of using aseptic technique is to eliminate germs, which are disease-causing microorganisms. Clean technique focuses on reducing the number of microorganisms in general.

    Healthcare professionals learn both aseptic and clean techniques and use them in different situations. They will use aseptic technique during surgical operations or when inserting a foreign object, such as a catheter, into a persons body.

    Clean technique is often sufficient for long-term care, in-home care, and some outpatient clinical settings. Healthcare professionals use clean technique for people who are not at high risk of infection. For example, they may use clean technique when changing the dressing on a wound that is healing.

    Some examples of clean technique practices include thorough handwashing, wearing gloves, and maintaining a clean environment or work area.

    Clean technique uses non-touch practices. Non-touch practices prohibit healthcare professionals from touching key parts of objects, such as syringe tips and the inside of sterile dressings, even when they are wearing gloves.

    The medical community defines clean technique as a modified form of aseptic technique, as maintaining proper hygiene and a clean environment will help achieve asepsis.

    According to the U.S. Joint Commission, there are several different aspects of aseptic technique practices:

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    Assessing The Client Care Area For Sources Of Infection

    Throughout the delivery of patient care, nurses must constantly and continuously monitor and surveil the patent care environment for possible and likely sources of infection. Like all other safety concerns, nurses must report and correct all sources of infection in the patient care area. Health care-acquired infections are costly and highly concerning events.

    Technically speaking, healthcare-acquired infections are those infections that were contracted after the first health care contact or admission. Health care-acquired infections, sadly, are primarily passed along with the hands of the health care provider, therefore, proper handwashing is one of the primary things that the entire health care team can do to prevent them.

    Some of the risk factors that impact on the frequency and occurrence of healthcare-acquired infections include immunosuppression, the close living quarters that clients and residents share, the prolonged state of illness that many patients have, surgeries, and some of the treatments that clients get such as the placement of an indwelling urinary catheter, chemotherapy, or the placement of an intubation tube.

    The most commonly occurring pathogenic microorganisms that lead to healthcare-acquired infections are E.coli, staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, candida albicans, and enterococcus. The primary locations of these healthcare-acquired infections are surgical wounds, the urinary tract, the respiratory tract, and the bloodstream.

    Aseptic Failure Of Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty

    Aseptic failure of TKA can be caused by several factors, including component loosening, polyethylene wear with osteolysis, ligamentous laxity, periprosthetic fracture, arthrofibrosis, and patellofemoral complications. To date, tibial component loosening has been more common than femoral component loosening. It has been associated with malalignment of the limb, ligamentous laxity, duration of implantation, patients with high activity demands, polyethylene wear, and excessive component constraint.

    Polyethylene wear can cause failure of TKA by contributing to loosening and osteolysis or more rarely by catastrophic failure through polyethylene fracture. The factors responsible for polyethylene wear are discussed in the earlier section on polyethylene issues. Rarely, worn modular polyethylene inserts may be exchanged as an isolated procedure, provided that the remaining components are well fixed and well aligned.

    Instability is an increasingly frequent cause of TKA failure that requires revision . The main causes of instability are ligamentous imbalance and incompetence, malalignment and late ligamentous incompetence, deficient extensormechanism, inadequate prosthetic design, and surgical error. Besides physical examination, stress radiographs can be used to document less severe instabilities.

    G. Dock Dockery, in, 2012

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    Standard Precautions Transmission Based Surgical Asepsis: Nclex

    In this section of the NCLEX-RN examination, you will be expected to demonstrate your knowledge and skills standard precautions, transmission-based, and surgical asepsis in order to:

    • Assess client care area for sources of infection
    • Understand communicable diseases and the modes of organism transmission
    • Apply principles of infection control
    • Use an appropriate technique to set up a sterile field/maintain asepsis
    • Follow correct policy and procedures when reporting a client with a communicable disease
    • Educate client and staff regarding infection control measures
    • Utilize appropriate precautions for immunocompromised clients
    • Evaluate infection control precautions implemented by staff members
    • Evaluate whether the aseptic technique is performed correctly

    Some of the commonly used terms and terminology associated with infection control include those relating to the chain of infection, the modes of transmission of infectious microorganisms, asepsis, types of infection, and personal protective equipment. Read more about cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization.

    • The chain of infection includes the infectious microorganism, the reservoir or location where the pathogen lives, the port of exit from the reservoir, the mode of transmission from the reservoir, the portal of entry into the person, or host.
    • Vector-borne transmission is defined as the transmission of a pathogen from an animal or insect to a human being.

    The Abcs Of Infection Control

    Asepsis and Chain of Infection 29 recorded

    Practicing aseptic technique, good body hygiene and developing a caringattitude comprise the ABCs of infection control. In this article, we willdiscuss the three major components of Asepsis — handwashing,disinfection and sterilization — Body Hygiene — personal hygiene anddress code — and a Caring Attitude — a good sense of right and wrongessential to the practice of the ABCs of infection control. The ABCs ofinfection control are fundamental in preventing adverse events.

    Infectious diseases may become a major health hazard to healthcare workersand patients. Knowing the hazards and following established guidelines andpolicies can reduce your and the patient’s risk of transmission of infection.Safety guidelines are established for a reason — to protect you, the employeeand the patient. Even though at times some policies may seem to take too muchtime, if you consider the risks of not following these guidelines, you willrealize the importance of the measures to help protect you and provide a safeand healthy workplace.


    The first letter in our ABCs of infection control is “A”, orasepsis. Practicing asepsis is a vital part of infection control practices.Handwashing, disinfection and sterilization are key parts of asepsis.

    There Are Many Levels of Asepsis

    Disinfection: Removal of most pathogens by the use of friction and a use of a disinfectant.

    • Clean high-touch items with a disinfectant frequently .
    • Sterile items should remain sterile protect the sterile field.

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    Aseptic Technique At Home

    While your home isnt likely a surgery center, there may be a time when you or a loved one need aseptic technique. For example, you may need to change a dressing on a wound, and that requires a sterile dressing.

    Note: Proper aseptic techniques require training. Before you need to change the dressing at home, a healthcare specialist should demonstrate the techniques and have you practice them. To change a sterile dressing, a person needs sterile gloves and a special dressing change kit or supplies.

    Sterilization And Disinfection Of Patient

    Instrument processing requires multiple steps using specialized equipment. Each dental practice should have policies and procedures in place for containing, transporting, and handling instruments and equipment that may be contaminated with blood or body fluids. Manufacturers instructions for reprocessing reusable dental instruments and equipment should be readily availableideally in or near the reprocessing area. Most single-use devices are labeled by the manufacturer for only a single use and do not have reprocessing instructions. Use single-use devices for one patient only and dispose of appropriately.

    Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of dental equipment should be assigned to DHCP with training in the required reprocessing steps to ensure reprocessing results in a device that can be safely used for patient care. Training should also include the appropriate use of PPE necessary for safe handling of contaminated equipment.Patient-care items are categorized as critical, semicritical, or noncritical, depending on the potential risk for infection associated with their intended use.

    • Noncritical patient-care items are those that only contact intact skin. These items pose the least risk of transmission of infection. In the majority of cases, cleaning, or if visibly soiled, cleaning followed by disinfection with an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant is adequate. Protecting these surfaces with disposable barriers might be a preferred alternative.

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    Special Transmission Precautions And Isolation

    Contact precautions prevent direct and indirect contact transmissions of infectious pathogens like those found in infected wounds, infectious diarrhea, and infections such as herpes simplex droplet precautions are used to prevent the transmission of pathogens that are transmitted with a cough or sneeze, therefore, face masks are indicated for these precautions and airborne precautions are used for airborne transmission microbes like tuberculosis which requires a negative pressure private room and a HEPA mask.

    Amputation Of The Prepuce

    31 Infection Control and Asepsis

    Amputation of the prepuce requires less stringent asepsis than that needed for resection and anastomosis and can be used as a prophylactic procedure to prevent preputial prolapse and to correct chronic preputial prolapse. The preferred technique is to place the bull in right lateral recumbency under moderate tranquilization or general anesthesia. The preputial hairs are clipped and the skin of the sheath shaved approximately 10 cm proximal to the orifice. The prepuce and sheath are prepared for surgery. The largest-diameter plastic tube that will fit is placed within the lumen of the prolapsed prepuce to the depth of the fornix. A 16-gauge, 4- to 6-inch needle is passed through the healthy preputial tissue proximal to the prolapse, to retain the tube in position. A tourniquet is tied around the prepuce proximal to the portion to be amputated. If necessary, 2% lidocaine is infiltrated around the prepuce just distal to the tourniquet.

    Joanna Gaines, C. Virginia Lee, in, 2019

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    Water Safety Group: An Integrated Or Multi

    Lindsay and Holy identify what healthcare professionals should know regarding the formation, development and control of bacterial biofilms in healthcare water systems and contamination surface reservoirs in the clinical setting. Weber et al. and others identify also the importance of integrating understanding of waterborne pathogen reservoirs in patient to patient and healthcare worker/clinical environment frequently touched by healthcare staff and patient vulnerable site, medical devices contamination .

    Integrating understanding of contamination of the patient environment and organism epidemiology, and clinical risk patterns and infection outcomes is critical in the battle of microbial safety and to direct effective infection risk assessment, prevention and implement risk control. This requires a suitable environment fit for ICU specialist unit care delivery and implementation of clinical best practice and engineering effective water system management, water quality monitoring as described in HTM 01-04 and DH and governance also to comply with current UK âHygiene Codeâ requirements for infection prevention programs .

    These 12 HII tools support correct application adherence of asepsis, antisepsis and patient hygiene with correct disposal of water used for patient hygiene, e.g. not in CWHBs and patient safety in the following regard:

    The Pathogen’s Incubation And Latent Periods

    The incubation period is the duration of time between the entry of the pathogenic organism into the body upon initial exposure until the signs and symptoms of the infection begin. Pathogens establish themselves in their new environment, they grow, they proliferate and go to their target area during the incubation period of time. All pathogenic microorganisms have incubation periods. Some incubation period is quite long and extended, as is the case with HIV, and others, such as influenza, have a brief incubation period.

    Incubation periods vary among pathogenic microorganisms and also among clients. For example, some of the factors that can impact on the duration of the incubation period include the client’s physiological state and their level of susceptibility, the microorganism’s portal of entry, the dose of the infectious agent, and the speed at which the microorganism replicates. Incubation periods are typically shorter among infants and children and longer among the members of the adult population.

    In contrast to incubation periods, which mark the time from initial exposure to signs and symptoms, the latent period of time for pathogenic microorganisms is the period of time between infection and infectiousness, which is the time at which transmission to others is possible.

    When the body’s defenses against infection are not sufficient to combat it, infections occur. The signs and symptoms of infection, generally speaking, are local and also systemic.

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    Idiopathic Facial Aseptic Granuloma

    Thirty cases of idiopathic facial aseptic granuloma, an unusual condition also termedpyodermite froide du visage, were originally reported from a single center in France.269,270 A number of additional cases have since been published, including cases from Italy, Spain, and the United States,271â274 and now the number of published cases totals more than 50.275â278 The disorder occurs in young children. The children present with one or several acquired painless nodules on the face, lasting for at least 1 month. There is no response to antibiotics, and no infectious agent has been identified. It has been suggested that the disease might belong to the spectrum of childhood rosacea.270 A granulomatous response to an embryological residue has also been considered.270 The putative association with rosacea has been based on both the microscopic features and the frequent association with conjunctivitis and chalazia.271,272 Ultrasound has been diagnostically useful in a number of cases.276 Spontaneous resolution is the rule.275


    The lesions are composed of perifollicular granulomas consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes, epithelioid cells, some neutrophils, and numerous foreign body giant cells.271 In one case, the granulomas developed around a nonruptured epidermoid cyst.270 Foreign body giant cells would be unusual as the predominant feature in rosacea accordingly, this etiological theory seems unlikely.

    F. CAUDA, … C. FIORI, in, 2009

    Using Aseptic Technique At Home

    Infection Prevention and Asepsis

    The proper execution of aseptic technique requires training. If a person needs to use aseptic technique at home, a trained healthcare professional can demonstrate the proper practices to them.

    Anyone performing aseptic techniques at home will need to have sterile gloves and special dressing kits at hand.

    While aseptic technique requires proper training and the use of specialist equipment, clean technique is much easier to achieve at home. Clean technique involves thoroughly washing the hands, wearing gloves, and maintaining a clean environment.

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